Lord Mountbatten Meets with Indian PartiesMountbatten, as Viceroy of India, meets with various Indian leaders to devise a plan to partition India into two nations
Japanese Triptych Woodblock Cherry Blossom entertainmentA wonderful Triptych Ukiyo-e print for the master Kunisada Utagawa (1786-1864) started his career as the chief pupil of the head of the Utagawa school
Smiling clown in overalls and bow tie holding a bunch of helium baloons, front view
Man, early 30s, wearing party clothes, fashion shot
A yellow and a black pencil crossing out the letterings Familien, Hartz IV and Rente, German for families, Hartz IV, a German unemployment benefit, and pension
Chain of black and yellow paper clips dissolving where they are joined, symbolic image for problems of the black yellow coalition
Fireworks at the Hausherrenfest festival in Radolfzell on Lake Constance, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe