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Police Officer Collection

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Leopold & Loeb In Prison

Leopold & Loeb In Prison
(Original Caption) 1924-Leopold & Loeb murder case: Richard Loeb (l) and Nathan Leopold Jr. in prison, 1924, for the murder of Robert Franks in Chicago. Photograph

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: FDR Speaks at World's Fair

FDR Speaks at World's Fair
Pres Roosevelt at New York world fair

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Firemen Aim Hoses at Civil Rights Protest

Firemen Aim Hoses at Civil Rights Protest
Although a group of 2, 000 African American protesters have been given permission to hold a civil rights rally near the Birmingham jail

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Glamorgan Colliery

Glamorgan Colliery
Police guarding the Glamorgan Colliery during the strikes and riots in the coalmining town of Tonypandy, in the Welsh Rhondda, November 1910

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Smiling Man Police Uniform Policeman Policemen Officer

Smiling Man Police Uniform Policeman Policemen Officer
UNITED STATES - Circa 1960s: Smiling Man Police Uniform Policeman Policemen Officer

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: New York Crowds

New York Crowds
Crowds passing the bronze statue of Atlas in front of the Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue, New York City, circa 1950. The Gotham Hosiery store is in the background

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman Arresting a Hobo on Mulberry Street

Policeman Arresting a Hobo on Mulberry Street
1897-New York, NY-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Arrest of a hobo at Mulberry Bend

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: New York City Police

New York City Police officers pose in front of the 20th Precinct Station

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Bread Line During Depression

Bread Line During Depression
(Original Caption) Unemployed men on bread line during the Depression. B/W photograph, undated

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Cartoon of World Powers Policing Greece

Cartoon of World Powers Policing Greece
(Original Caption) 1897: A political cartoon satirizing the trouble that the world's powers (England, Austria, Russia, Germany, Italy, and France), are having in dealing with Greece

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Fire and Police Forces Training for Air Raids

Fire and Police Forces Training for Air Raids
Policemen and firefighters from New Jersey train with gas masks during a practice fire. They are training to fight fires caused by possible Axis air raids

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: London Policeman

London Policeman
(Original Caption) London, England: Photograph of a London policeman, standing in courtyard full length, holding gloves

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policemen in Motorcycle Sidecar with Rifle

Policemen in Motorcycle Sidecar with Rifle
(Original Caption) New York

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Assault Victim Surrounded by Mob

Assault Victim Surrounded by Mob
A crowd surrounds an African American assault victim who sits on the street next to a police officer after being hit

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Boston Police Force

Boston Police Force
Boston's new police forces mobilize in preparation for the May Day riots

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Engraving of Police Charging a Crowd in St. Petersburg, Russia

Engraving of Police Charging a Crowd in St. Petersburg, Russia
1905-St. Petersburg, Russia-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Russian Revolution, 1905, Police charging into the crowd during the Petersburg upheaval--an unsuccessful attempt to tumble the Romanov Dynasty

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Crowd of Students Being Controlled by Police

Crowd of Students Being Controlled by Police
(Original Caption) Some of the 400 rioting students at the United States Naval Base in Sasebo, 620 miles Southwest of Tokyo, are herded together by helmeted riot policemen

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Harry K. Thaw Leaving Courthouse

Harry K. Thaw Leaving Courthouse
Wealthy accused murderer Harry K. Thaw is led from the courthouse after a day of testimony in his trial for the murder of architect Stanford White

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Woman Being Led Away During Anti German Riots

Woman Being Led Away During Anti German Riots

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: 19th-Century Print of a Draft Rioters Protesting in the Street

19th-Century Print of a Draft Rioters Protesting in the Street
The event took place during the New York Draft Riots which happened in July of 1863

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Can The Law Reach Him? The Dwarf and the Thief by Thomas Nast

Can The Law Reach Him? The Dwarf and the Thief by Thomas Nast
A Harper's Weekly political cartoon of Boss Tweed, who ruled Tammany Hall, the Democratic political machine in New York City

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Burt Reynolds and Catherine Deneuve in Hustle

Burt Reynolds and Catherine Deneuve in Hustle
(Original Caption) Burt Reynolds and Catherine Deneuve in a scene from the movie: "Hustle." February 1975

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Whiskey Ring Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast

Whiskey Ring Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast
A political cartoon on the Whiskey Ring scandal that occured during President Grant's second term

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Print Depicting a Policeman Arresting a Prostitute

Print Depicting a Policeman Arresting a Prostitute
(Original Caption) Prostitutes: Policeman raiding a house of ill repute. Woodcut, 1887

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Engraving of the Haymarket Riot in Chicago

Engraving of the Haymarket Riot in Chicago
Haymarket Riot. The anarchist labour troubles in Chicago, Illinois. A police patrol wagon attacked by a mob 12, 000 rioters, May 3, 1886. Engraving

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Protester Being Taken into Custody

Protester Being Taken into Custody
(Original Caption) With a policeman on each arm, a woman demonstrator is led away from a street skirmish between police and marchers protesting integration at Central High School

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: New York Officials Riding Subway

New York Officials Riding Subway
Financiers, city officials, and policemen ride New York City's first subway on October 27, 1904 at City Hall station

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: London Police Officers Arresting Suffragist

London Police Officers Arresting Suffragist
(Original Caption) Arrest of a London suffragette by two police bobbies. Photograph ca. 1905. BPA2# 5477

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman On Horse Clears Sidewalk

Policeman On Horse Clears Sidewalk
(Original Caption) 1907-New York, NY: Lower East Side. Policeman clears sidewalk. Sunday. 1907

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Newport Police Officers

Newport Police Officers

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Officers with Police Dogs

Police Officers with Police Dogs
(Original Caption) Four police officers with dogs on leash. Undated photograph

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Keystone Kops on Patrol

Keystone Kops on Patrol
The Keystone Kops series, starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle and Mabel Normand, was tops among silent-screen comedies of the 1910s and 20s

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Registering And Fingerprinting Enemy Aliens During World War I

Registering And Fingerprinting Enemy Aliens During World War I
A police officer fingerprints a European enemy alien visitor to New York during World War I

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police and Firefighters Spraying Kelly's Army

Police and Firefighters Spraying Kelly's Army
Police officers and firefighters of Sacramento drive away members of Kelly's Army, unemployed men who were camping out

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Assassin Arrested

Assassin Arrested
After swallowing a cyanide pill which only made him sick, Gavrilo Princip was dragged from an angry crowd and arrested for shooting Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Emmeline Pankhurst Carried by Officer

Emmeline Pankhurst Carried by Officer
Emmeline Pankhurst is led away by a policeman after leading a group of suffragettes in an attempt to present a petition to the King at Buckingham Palace

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Arresting Killer of Archduke Ferdinand

Arresting Killer of Archduke Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, on June 28, 1914. This act set into motion the events that directly lead to World War I

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Preparing for Demonstrations

Police Preparing for Demonstrations
(Original Caption) Night of July 11, 1914...Following negatives made at I.W.W. memorial services to bomb explosion victims, Union Square, July 11th

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Alleged Murderer Frank Holt and His Captors

Alleged Murderer Frank Holt and His Captors
Constable McCahill, Frank Holt and Theodore Campbell, who helped McCahill arrest Holt

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Crowd of People Waiting for Seats to Baseball Game

Crowd of People Waiting for Seats to Baseball Game
A crowd waits for bleacher seats at the Baker Bowl for the Chicago White Soxs first game of the 1915 season in Philadelphia

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policemen in Auto Await Riot Call During Strike

Policemen in Auto Await Riot Call During Strike

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman Clearing City Hall Park

Policeman Clearing City Hall Park
(Original Caption) 6/16/1917-New York, NY-5, 000 WOMEN IN CITY HALL REGISTRY RIOT

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Suffragists in Custody of Police

Suffragists in Custody of Police
(Original Caption) 6/26/1917-Miss Katherine Morey, suffragette of Boston, Massachusetts, on the way to police station with Washington policeman

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Sheep Grazing on White House Lawn

Sheep Grazing on White House Lawn
(Original Caption) 5/4/1918-Washington, DC: Sheep Grazing on the Whit House Lawn

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: First Woman to Register for the Vote

First Woman to Register for the Vote
(Original Caption) 5/25/1918-Mrs. Anne J. Curry who was the first woman to sign her name on register sheets. Register sheets. Registration day

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policemen on Guard with Weapons

Policemen on Guard with Weapons
(Original Caption) German police behind barricades against the "Spartakists."

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Mounted Police Escorting Man on Street

Mounted Police Escorting Man on Street
Mounted police round up African Americans and escort them to a safety zone during the Chicago Race Riot of 1919

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Man Moving Belongings

Man Moving Belongings
An African American man moves his belongings to a safety zone under police protection during the Chicago Race Riot of 1919

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Colored Resident Moving Belongings

Colored Resident Moving Belongings
Police officers oversee a Black resident of the South Side of Chicago, moving shortly after the riots of 1919. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Black Residents Moving Belongings

Black Residents Moving Belongings
A police officer provides protection to Black residents of the South Side of Chicago, moving shortly after the riots of 1919

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman Talking to Soldier on Horse

Policeman Talking to Soldier on Horse
(Original Caption) 9/1919-Boston, Massachusetts: One of the few policemen (only 427 out of 1, 544), who remain on duty during the Boston police strike

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Group of Picketers Confronting Men

Group of Picketers Confronting Men
(Original Caption) 9/24/1919-Gary, IN- Pickets on duty in the vicinity of the steel mill. The policeman is an interested spectator

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Load Van with Communist Literature

Police Load Van with Communist Literature
(Original Caption) 11/11/1919-Boston, MA-: Photo shows officers and clerks loading a police ambulance with Red literature seized at Communist headquarters in Cambridge

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Dispensing of Wine During Prohibition

Dispensing of Wine During Prohibition
(Original Caption) Pouring a cask of wine into the New York City sewer, are workers following police orders during the prohibition era

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Exterior View of an Entrance to Tombs Prison

Exterior View of an Entrance to Tombs Prison
A view of Tombs Prison, opened in 1902

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman Reads Proclamation on Wall

Policeman Reads Proclamation on Wall
(Original Caption) 1920- Berlin, Germany- A German policeman reading a proclamation posted in Berlin calling on the people's accordance with the terms of the Peace Treaty

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Bolsheviks Parading in Costume

Bolsheviks Parading in Costume
(Original Caption) Paris: Bolshevik Demonstration In Paris

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police and Crowd Watching Men Remove Wine Barrel

Police and Crowd Watching Men Remove Wine Barrel
(Original Caption) 4/27/1921-New York, NY- Seizure of wine on a court warrant at 38 Cherry Street. Shows officials taking barrels from the cellar

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Officers in Motorcycle and Sidecar

Police Officers in Motorcycle and Sidecar
Two police officers take off in their motorcycle and sidecar

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Women in Bathing Suits Being Arrested

Women in Bathing Suits Being Arrested
(Original Caption) Bathing beauties being arrested for defying a Chicago edict banning abbreviated bathing suits on beaches

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Discovering Body of Bobby Franks

Police Discovering Body of Bobby Franks
(Original Caption) Beneath this culvert at 121st Street and Pennsylvania tracks was found the body of Robert Franks, 13, son of Jacob Franks, millionaire, of 5052 Ellis Avenue, Chicago

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Prohibition Authorities with Captured Still in New York City

Prohibition Authorities with Captured Still in New York City
(Original Caption) Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith with a still they captured in a cellar at 284 Barret Street. Einstein is shown front row, second from left; Smith is on the far right

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman, Student Look @ Eclipse

Policeman, Student Look @ Eclipse
(Original Caption) 1/24/1925-The town policeman viewing the eclipse with one of the students of Wesleyan University

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Bomb Explosion Imperils 40 in Tenement

Bomb Explosion Imperils 40 in Tenement
With a blast that threw the neighborhood into a panic a time bomb exploded early Monday, August 3, in the hallway of a four story dwelling in Brooklyn, New York

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Alcohol Raid On A Speakeasy

Alcohol Raid On A Speakeasy
(Original Caption) Alcohol (booze) raid on a speakeasy. 1926

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Striking Textile Workers Fleeing Police

Striking Textile Workers Fleeing Police
(Original Caption) 4/8/1926-Passaic, NJ- Children are trampled down, men and women injured, as enraged police charge the strikers picket line at the Gera Mills in Passaic

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Detectives with Suspect's Weapons

Detectives with Suspect's Weapons
(Original Caption) Illinois: Arsenal Taken In Cicero, Illinois Raid. Police Lt. Charles Egan (left) and Capt. John Norton, both of the Chicago Police, with confiscated weapons

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Robert M. Woodward Questioning Women

Robert M. Woodward Questioning Women
Assistant state attorney Robert Woodward (center) questions Bessie Krzyzak (seated)

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Funeral Procession of Harry Houdini

Funeral Procession of Harry Houdini

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Actress Texas Guinan Being Arrested

Actress Texas Guinan Being Arrested
(Original Caption) Texas Guinan about to step into paddy wagon

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: John the Barber's Subway Shop Bombed

John the Barber's Subway Shop Bombed
Plice are investigating the bombin late Saturday, March 24th, of John the Barber's Basement Shop, near the uptown entrance of the I.R.T

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policemen Destroying Whiskey Stills

Policemen Destroying Whiskey Stills
(Original Caption) Lt. Daniel Lynch, Lt. Sid Sullivan, and Sgt. Wm. Shakst in a "booze raid."

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Policeman On Armored Motorcycle

Policeman On Armored Motorcycle
(Original Caption) 5/22/28-Chicago, Illinois: Police officer E. McNall on armored motorcyle

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Police Outside Stock Exchange in 1929

Police Outside Stock Exchange in 1929
Wall Street crash, 1929

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Central Park Casino

Central Park Casino

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Physician Inoculating People for Smallpox

Physician Inoculating People for Smallpox
(Original Caption) Middleboro, Mass.: Smallpox. Rush For Small Pox Inoculation. Dr. W. F. Frever, inoculating some of the townspeople in this town hall as smallpox preventative

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: German Police Checking Communist Near Protest Scene

German Police Checking Communist Near Protest Scene
(Original Caption) The three day riots that followed the customary demonstration by Communists in Berlin, on May Day, took a toll of thirty lives

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Gangster Al Capone Escorted to Jail

Gangster Al Capone Escorted to Jail
Mafia leader Al Capone and his bodyguard Frank Cline hide their faces as they are escorted by police detectives Creedon

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Arabs Questioned by British Police in Palestine

Arabs Questioned by British Police in Palestine
(Original Caption) 9/23/29-Palestine: A group of Arabs being questioned at police headquarters in Palestine, following their arrest for looting and violence

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Gangster Al Capone Leaving Court House

Gangster Al Capone Leaving Court House
Chicago gang leader Al Capone, (in doorway) leaving municipal court following Judge Walsh's dismissal of his petition for a parole

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: People Gathering in Front of the New York Stock Exchange

People Gathering in Front of the New York Stock Exchange
(Original Caption) New York, New York: Wall Street financial stability of the U.S. was toppling for a few minutes on Oct

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Bombing at the Home of Joseph Falzone

Bombing at the Home of Joseph Falzone
Mary Falzone, 15, Philip Falzone, 13, and Rose Falzone, 11 were killed in the bombing of the Joseph Falzone home

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: India Policemen with Disorderly Salt Riot Crowd

India Policemen with Disorderly Salt Riot Crowd
(Original Caption) Calcutta, India: Salt Riots. Native Indians Arrest Rioting Countrymen. Native police busily at work combatting the riots which broke out when nationalists reified the salt laws

Background imagePolice Officer Collection: Nite Club Bombed in New York

Nite Club Bombed in New York
A homemade bomb placed on window sill of the Simplon Club in New York City, rocked Midtown Manhattan on July 12th

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