Women in Bathing Suits Being Arrested(Original Caption) Bathing beauties being arrested for defying a Chicago edict banning abbreviated bathing suits on beaches
Men Directing VanMen direct a U.S. Marshals van, loaded with prisoners, out of a Federal Court garage
Police Arrest Still Operators(Original Caption) 10/3/1934-New York, NY: Raiders seize illegal still
Keystone Kops Riding Patrol Wagons in Keystone HotelThe Keystone Kops pile into a patrol wagon and motorcycle with side car in the 1935 film Keystone Hotel
Police Car Outside Strip ClubPolicemen and police car stationed outside of a strip club. According to the club owner, twenty policemen and detectives check out the club at night
Police raid "massage" establishment for second timeWomen found in an "Institute of Massage" during a raid on the establishment hide their faces in the back of a police wagon as they wait to be taken to a police station
Women in Fur Coats in Police Van(Original Caption) 3/17/1943-New York, New York-Nothing less than minks and silver fox in this police wagon. Luxury-coated women were rounded up on vice charges in a swanky Midtown apartment
Black Woman Being Helped into Truck by PolicePolice officers help suspects into a truck after a night of rioting in Harlem. The riot was started by a white police officer shooting and wounding a black military police officer
Young Black Man in Police CustodyA black youth is escorted out of a police car, one of 360 held in connection with looting and rioting in Harlem on August 2, 1943. Where the top hat came from is unclear
Cross-dressing Man Arrested for Robbery11/26/1943-New York, NY: The plan of Thomas Gill, 25, of Brooklyn, to stage a hold up while wearing women's clothing, ends in a ride in the patrol wagon
Sinatra Fans at Paramount Theater, Manhattan(Original Caption) 10/12/1944-New York, NY: Taking advantage of the holiday, about ten thousand of the bobby sox worshippers of Frank (the Voice) Sinatra, fortified with boxes of fruit
Film Stars Protesting Against Congressional HearingProminent motion picture stars, lead by Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart, cross a Washington, DC street to protest hearings by the House Committee on Un-American Activities
Women Peace Campaigners Being ArrestedPolice officers arrest a group of women protesting against nuclear missiles at the Greenham Common Air Base in England. | Location: Greenham Common Air Base, England, UK
Riot Police in ManilaSoldiers and riot police blocks the foot of Mendiola bridgewith coils of barbed-wires, water canons and fire trucks to prevent about 30
Richard Ramirez Entering Police VanRichard Ramirez (R) accused of being the Los Angeles area "Night Stalker" murderer and allegedly slaying 16 people, leaves court after being charged with the murder of a 65 year old man
Defendant at Scene of Murder(Original Caption) March 4, 1988- New York: Murder defendant Robert Chambers ducks under a police line in Central Park near the place he admits killing Jennifer Levin
Serial Killer Richard Ramirez in Police VanRichard Ramirez, accused of being the Los Angeles area serial killer called the "Night Stalker", looks out the window of a police van
Delivering Captured Arms at Police Headquarters Newspaper Illustration
Convicted Communists in Police VanFive of the twelve Communists convicted of advocating the overthrow of the government, being returned to their jail cells. Pictured (L-R) are: Benjamin Davis, Jr
Convicted Communists in Police VehicleSix of the twelve Communists convicted of advocating the overthrow of the government, being returned to their jail cells
Communist Leaders Leaving Police Van(Original Caption) 10/21/1949-New York, NY: Henry Winston, 35, (Forground) organization Secretary of the U.S
Alger Hiss Bound for Jail in Federal Van(Original Caption) 3/22/1951-New York, NY - Alger Hiss, former State Department official convicted of perjury in connection with the transmission of government secrets to a Red courier
Policemen in Patrol Car(Original Caption) 4/1951: Policemen seated in patrol car. BPA2 #3977
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg sitting in a police van after being convicted of espionage
Arrested Protester Entering Patrol WagonOne of more than 35 protesters arrested at a sit-in at the segregated lunch counter in Thalhimer's (the largest department store in Richmond, Virginia) is led away by police to a patrol wagon
Officers Detaining Unidentified Man(Original Caption) May 14, 1960 - San Francisco: Unidentified demonstrator is escorted to patrol wagon after he became obnoxious and obstructed traffic outside City Hall where nearly 1
African American College Student Being Escorted off CampusGeorgia University student Charlayne Hunter holds a small Madonna statue to her lips as she waits to leave the Myers Hall dorm on the campus
Freedom Riders Taken Into Police Custody(Original Caption) 5/29/1961-Jackson, MS: Negro "freedom riders" are escorted from a white waiting room (shown in rear) into a waiting police van May 28th, after their arrest
Policemen Taking a Demonstrator into Custody(Original Caption) Birmingham, Alabama: Two policemen held a demonstrator in a firm grip while a third policeman unlocks a paddy wagon after a brief tussle here 9/4 at Graymont High School
Mothers Protest Against Integration(Original Caption) 10/1/1963-New York, NY: Arrest ends school sit-in Strong objection is voiced by three mothers and a grandmother after their arrest for trespassing
Civil Rights Protesters Arrested In Tn(Original Caption) 5/7/1964-Nashville, TN: Part of some 36 demonstrators are loaded into a police paddy wagon after they refused to leave the front of a segregated restuarant
African Americans Demonstrators in Police WagonA deputy with a billy club sits guard at rear of a paddy wagon holding 30 African American integration demonstrators who were arrested at the Monson Motor Lodge. Rev
Road Block of State Troopers(Original Caption) A solid block of Alabama State Troopers and their cars stand by for the announced march of civil rights demonstrators in Selma, Alabama
Demonstrator Blocks Water Cannon(Original Caption) 4/13/1968-Frankfurt, Germany- A demonstrator uses his hands to try and block a stream from a police water cannon outside the Alex Springer publishing house plant here April 12
Ambulance Leaving Scene of Brutal Hanafi MurdersA police ambulance leaves a house in Northwest Washington, DC where seven persons were found murdered
Stuntman Jumping a Speedboat over CarsStunt performer Jerry Comeaux jumps a Glaston GT-50 speedboat over police officers and their squads as part of an escape scene from the James Bond film Live and Let Die
Serial Killer Arrives at Court(Original Caption) 2/21/1978-Los Angeles, California-: Patrick Wayne Kearney (L), the confessed "Thrashing Killer
Cancer Victim Terry Fox on His Cross Canada RunTerry Fox, age 22, is running coast-to-coast across Canada on an artificial limb, after losing his right leg to cancer three years ago, in an effort to raise money to fight the killer disease
Cancer Victim Terry Fox Running on the HighwayTerry Fox, age 22, is running coast-to-coast across Canada on an artificial limb, after losing his right leg to cancer three years ago, in an effort to raise money to fight the killer disease
Murder Victim Loaded Into Ambulance(Original Caption) Atlanta