Cartoon steam train emerging from tunnel, smiling face at front of locomotive
Santa Claus hand puppet carrying a sack
Selection of wrapped and unwrapped presents
Santa Claus walking with sack flung over his shoulder, side view
Red Christmas stocking filled with presents
Teddy bear stepping out of red Christmas stocking
Toy train moving along circular track passing under snowy mountain tunnels
Piggy bank, side view
Santa Claus hand puppet, and bird and snowman finger puppets
Santa Claus with a long wish list
Elf cutting up a piece of paper
Present with tree pattern wrapping paper and pink bow at the top
Plane in red wrapping paper, tied with yellow ribbon, card attached
Illustration in light green, table decorated for birthday party with wrapped presents, pointy hat, cake, candles, plates and cups, balloons and a line of triangular flags in background
Christmas gifts
Golden bows
Christmassy bath additive
Bath additive
Shopping trolley full of presents
Christmas packages, Christmas gifts, Christmas envelopes
Christmas tree and giftsUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Christmas tree surrounded by presents. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)