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Princess Collection

Background imagePrincess Collection: Cupid & Psyche

Cupid & Psyche
circa 1890: Psyche, a beautiful princess in Roman mythology, with her lover Cupid, the god of love. Psyche was made immortal by Jupiter, king of the gods

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly and Alfred Hitchcock

Grace Kelly and Alfred Hitchcock on the set of To Catch A Thief

Background imagePrincess Collection: Dame Margot Fonteyn in Swan Lake

Dame Margot Fonteyn in Swan Lake
The Royal Ballet Company's Prima Ballerina Dame Margot Fonteyn as Princess Odette in Swan Lake. Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Flying Boat

Princess Flying Boat
19th August 1952: Holidaymakers at Cowe, Isle of Wight, watching the launching of a 140 ton Saunders-Roe Princess flying boat prior to flight trials

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Sea Monster

The Sea Monster
Vintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing The Sea Monster, 1498

Background imagePrincess Collection: Damsel in distress

Damsel in distress
Vintage engraving by Dore from 1879 showing a knight riding a Griffin saving a damsel from a sea monster

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Victoria, Painted Portrait

Princess Victoria, Painted Portrait
(Original Caption) Portrait of Princess Victoria and her dog Dash. Engraving by James Bromley after a painting by Sir George Hayter, 1835

Background imagePrincess Collection: Queen Victoria with Husband Prince Albert and Children Outdoors

Queen Victoria with Husband Prince Albert and Children Outdoors

Background imagePrincess Collection: Empress Frederick and Queen Victoria Mourning Frederick's Death

Empress Frederick and Queen Victoria Mourning Frederick's Death
England: Queen Victoria and her oldest daughter, The Empress Frederick of Germany, as they mourned from the death of Emperor Frederick

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princesses Cecile and Victoria

Princesses Cecile and Victoria
(Original Caption) Austria: The crown Princess Cecile, Colonel of the King Ferdinand III Dragoons and Princess Victoria Louise

Background imagePrincess Collection: Prince/Princess Of Monaco, Others

Prince/Princess Of Monaco, Others
(Original Caption) Close-up of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace in Palma, Majorca

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly Wearing Floral Dress

Grace Kelly Wearing Floral Dress
(Original Caption) Grace Kelly poses in the Schwarzenbach silk dinner dress she wore on her first date with Prince Rainier III of Monaco, now her fiance

Background imagePrincess Collection: Sinatra And Grace Kelly Rehearse Song

Sinatra And Grace Kelly Rehearse Song
(Original Caption) FIRST PICTURE.... of Grace Kelly back at work. The soon-to-be Princess of Monaco is pictured as she prepares for her role in "High Society" at MGM

Background imagePrincess Collection: Lola Boyle the Riveter

Lola Boyle the Riveter
Mrs. Lola Boyle uses a riveter at her job at Brewster Aeronautical Corporation in Newark, New Jersey

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Juliana Of Holland

Princess Juliana Of Holland
(Original Caption) Princess Juliana Holland - with mother Queen Wilhelmina and two of her children. UPI color slide

Background imagePrincess Collection: Portrait Of Maharani Of Kuch Bahar

Portrait Of Maharani Of Kuch Bahar
(Original Caption) Waist-up portrait of the Maharani of Kuch Behar in traditional dress. Undated photograph

Background imagePrincess Collection: Queen Juliana with Dauhgters and Prince

Queen Juliana with Dauhgters and Prince
(Original Caption) 11/7/1950-Utrecht, Netherlands- A charming study of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands with her four daughters and her consort, Prince Bernhard

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly Seated On Couch In Evening G

Grace Kelly Seated On Couch In Evening G
(Original Caption) Grace Kelly in home, seated on couch in an evening gown

Background imagePrincess Collection: Etching of Pocahontas

Etching of Pocahontas
1616-Pocahantas (C.1595-1617) Matoaka (Indain name), American Indian princess, born near Jamestown, VA. daughter of Powhatan. Etching 1616

Background imagePrincess Collection: Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children

Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children
(Original Caption) King Amenophis and his family under sun's rays. Analter piece from a temple in El-Armarna

Background imagePrincess Collection: Engraving of Constellation Andromeda

Engraving of Constellation Andromeda
(Original Caption) 1621-Engraving by Jacob de Gheyn showing the stellar constellation Andromeda. The princess is displayed half nude, chained to rocks

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Flying Trunk by Carl Offterdinger

The Flying Trunk by Carl Offterdinger
A scene from the fairy tale "The Flying Trunk" by Hans Christian Andersen

Background imagePrincess Collection: Dairy Scene From Ancient Egypt

Dairy Scene From Ancient Egypt
(Original Caption) Dairy scene from ancient Egypt. Man milking cow while calf is fastened to left fore leg. Egyptian relief from the tomb of princess Kewitt

Background imagePrincess Collection: Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II

Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II
(Original Caption) Catherine of Braganza (1638-1705), Queen of Charles II. Painting attributed to Simon Verelst

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Winsors and the Romanovs

The Winsors and the Romanovs
Three generations and two royal families sit for a portrait during Cowes Week on the Isle of Wight in 1909

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Winsors and the Romanovs

The Winsors and the Romanovs
Three generations and two royal families sit for a portrait during Cowes Week on the Isle of Wight in 1909

Background imagePrincess Collection: Czar Nicholas II and His Children

Czar Nicholas II and His Children
(Original Caption) Czar Nicholas II (1868-1918) poses with all five of his children. From left to right are: Maria, Olga Tatiana, Alexis, the Czar, and Anastasia, a very close and happy family

Background imagePrincess Collection: Czar Nicholas II with his Family

Czar Nicholas II with his Family
(Original Caption) Portrait of Czar Nicholas II and his family: Empress Alexandra, Prince Alexis, and the princesses Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga, and Maria. Photograph, 1916

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Mary of England

Princess Mary of England
(Original Caption) 8/9/1915-Princess Mary of England, shown seated on chair

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Mary with Viscount Lascelles and Party

Princess Mary with Viscount Lascelles and Party
(Original Caption) The Royal Wedding. The bridal group at Buckingham Palace. Sitting left to right are, Lady Mary Cambridge, Princess Maude, Lady Rachael Cavendish, Lady M. Thynne

Background imagePrincess Collection: Children of the Eighth Maharajah of Gwalior

Children of the Eighth Maharajah of Gwalior
(Original Caption) Children Of Maharajah Of Gwalior Named after British Royalty

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Josephine Tchernitschew

Princess Josephine Tchernitschew
(Original Caption) Stowaway Princess Admitted To Country

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Marguerite Fahmy

Princess Marguerite Fahmy
Princess Marie Marguerite Fahmy, French wife of late Prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey of Egypt. She has been charged with his murder

Background imagePrincess Collection: Royal Wedding Group Portrait

Royal Wedding Group Portrait
(Original Caption) 5/3/1923- Photo shows the Royal Wedding group, with the Duke of York and his bride in the center. At the left are Lady Mary Cambridge, Lady Mary Thynne, the Hon

Background imagePrincess Collection: Gloria Swanson in Her Love Story

Gloria Swanson in Her Love Story
Gloria Swanson, as Princess Marie, wears a wedding gown with a vast train, in the1924 film Her Love Story

Background imagePrincess Collection: Japanese Crowd of Children with Flags

Japanese Crowd of Children with Flags
(Original Caption) 2/20/1924-Tokyo, Japan-THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE WEDDING, TOKYO

Background imagePrincess Collection: Portrait of Russian Princesses

Portrait of Russian Princesses
(Original Caption) Princess Nina Mdivani, 22, the daughter of a former aide-de-camp of the late Emperor Nicholas of Russia, became the bride of Charles Henry Huberick in the American church at Paris

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Ex-Kaiser Celebrated His Birthday

The Ex-Kaiser Celebrated His Birthday
(Original Caption) 2/7/26-Doorn, Holland: The ex-kaiser of Germany recently celebrated his sixty-sixth birthday at his castle at Doorn, Holland with his wife and her children in the quietest fashion

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Rigo Performing Manual Labor

Princess Rigo Performing Manual Labor
(Original Caption) 4/5/26: A far cry from affluence

Background imagePrincess Collection: Woman Holding Long Cigarette Holder

Woman Holding Long Cigarette Holder
Nadeja De Braganza, daughter of Princess Miguel De Braganza, smokes a cigarette from a long cigarette holder while standing near parked cars. June 15, 1929

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret with Governess

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret with Governess
Princess Elizabeth (C) and her younger sister Princess Margaret of Great Britain play in a miniature automobile while their governess, Marion Crawford, keeps an eye on them

Background imagePrincess Collection: The Duchess Of York With Daughter

The Duchess Of York With Daughter
(Original Caption) 1930-London, England: The Duchess of York, now the Queen Mother Elizabeth, is shown with her infant daughter, Princess Margaret Rose, in this file photo taken in 1930

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess and Family Arriving for Wedding

Princess and Family Arriving for Wedding
(Original Caption) 6/23/1933-Paris, France- Barbara Hutton, American Heiress who recently wed Prince Alexis Mdivani in paris

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Hahaop Moraqua Displays NRA Basket

Princess Hahaop Moraqua Displays NRA Basket
Princess Hahaop Moraqua of the Klamath displays the basket she wove for President Franklin Roosevelt bearing the symbol of the National Recovery Administration

Background imagePrincess Collection: Young Princesses and Their Mother

Young Princesses and Their Mother
(Original Caption) Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, of England, with their mother, the Duchess of York, pictured arriving at the Royal Box at the Albert hall, London, England, recently

Background imagePrincess Collection: Royal Family After Coronation of George VI

Royal Family After Coronation of George VI
The newly coronated King George VI and his family greet their subjects from a balcony of Buckingham Palace

Background imagePrincess Collection: King George VI and Family in Royal Regalia

King George VI and Family in Royal Regalia
The crowned King George VI and Queen Elizabeth with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly with Sister Lizanne

Grace Kelly with Sister Lizanne
(Original Caption) 1938: Portrait of Grace Kelly (1929-1982) at age 9. Photograph, from INP print file

Background imagePrincess Collection: Queen Elizabeth and Daughters Watching Woman at Spinning Wheel

Queen Elizabeth and Daughters Watching Woman at Spinning Wheel
(Original Caption) Queen, Princesses at Empire Exposition

Background imagePrincess Collection: Shirley Temple in The Little Princess

Shirley Temple in The Little Princess
Shirley Temple appears in a regal costume as Sara Crewe in the Little Princess, her first technicolor picture

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Paley Posed in Houte Couture

Princess Paley Posed in Houte Couture
(Original Caption) 12/19/1939-New York, New York Mrs. John C

Background imagePrincess Collection: British Royal Family At Windsor Castle

British Royal Family At Windsor Castle
(Original Caption) 5/2/1940-Berkshire

Background imagePrincess Collection: Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour and Bing Crosby

Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour and Bing Crosby
Scene from the 1942 film Road to Morocco

Background imagePrincess Collection: King Boris III with His Family

King Boris III with His Family
Bulgarian King Boris III with his family; son Prince Simon II, daughter Princess Marie, and wife Queen Joanna (l-r)

Background imagePrincess Collection: Lola Boyle the Riveter

Lola Boyle the Riveter
Mrs. Lola Boyle uses a riveter at her job at Brewster Aeronautical Corporation in Newark, New Jersey

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Elizabeth In Sea Ranger Uniform

Princess Elizabeth In Sea Ranger Uniform
(Original Caption) 1944-London, England: Portrait of Princess Elizabeth wearing her Sea Rangers uniform

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Margaret Rose of England

Princess Margaret Rose of England
(Original Caption) Princess Margaret Rose of England, is shown here seated and wearing a formal evening dress with sequence butterflies around the shoulder, and holding two pink roses

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Margaret Rose Wearing Girl Guides Uniform

Princess Margaret Rose Wearing Girl Guides Uniform
(Original Caption) Princess Margaret Rose wears a uniform of the Girl Guides, an organization in which she is very active, in this photo. The princess will be fourteen years old in August

Background imagePrincess Collection: Queen Elizabeth with Daughters

Queen Elizabeth with Daughters
(Original Caption) 3/1944: Queen Elizabeth and daughters Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. Photograph. BPA 2 #5805

Background imagePrincess Collection: Crowds of People Standing on Ship Deck

Crowds of People Standing on Ship Deck
(Original Caption) This view, taken from a Coast Guard helicopter, shows every available inch of deck space jammed with servicemen returning from Europe aboard the mighty 84, 000 ton Queen Elizabeth

Background imagePrincess Collection: Pamela Churchill with Princess Matchabelli

Pamela Churchill with Princess Matchabelli
(Original Caption) 10/29/1946-New York, New York-Mrs. Pamela Churchill (left) former daughter-in-law of Winston Churchill, and Princess Margarita Matchabelli, as they arrived at New York from London

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly as a Young Woman

Grace Kelly as a Young Woman
(Original Caption) Recognize this famous star? A teenage model in 1947, later, the movies beckoned and the lovely Philadelphia girl soared to stardom

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Margaret Rose Playing Tag with Sailors

Princess Margaret Rose Playing Tag with Sailors
Princess Margaret Rose eludes a midshipman while playing a game of tag aboard the HMS Vanguard

Background imagePrincess Collection: Sailors Hazing Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

Sailors Hazing Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret
(Original Caption) Princesses become "Shellbacks" on crossing the line

Background imagePrincess Collection: Royalty Of Greece In Auto During Parade

Royalty Of Greece In Auto During Parade
(Original Caption) 4/1/47-Athens, Greece: Greece's 56-year-old King George II died suddenly on April 1st, a short six months after resuming his shaky throne

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip
Princess Elizabeth stands with fiancee Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, Prince of Greece and Denmark

Background imagePrincess Collection: English Royal Party Waving to Crowds

English Royal Party Waving to Crowds
(Original Caption) 11/20/1947-London, England- The Royal Party waving to the crowds on the balcony of the palace

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Diana and Prince Charles Acknowledging Crowd

Princess Diana and Prince Charles Acknowledging Crowd
(Original Caption) New Brunswick, Canada: Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana wave to a crowd that have gathered to see them as they leave a church service in New Brunswick

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Diana Wearing a Hat

Princess Diana Wearing a Hat
Diana, Princess of Wales, wears an outfit in the colors of Canada during a state visit to Edmonton, Alberta, with her husband

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Diana Meeting Duran Duran Members

Princess Diana Meeting Duran Duran Members
(Original Caption) 7/20/1983-London: Princess Diana of Wales shakes hands with John Taylor of the Duran Duran pop group 7/20

Background imagePrincess Collection: Prince Charles and Diana With Newborn Son

Prince Charles and Diana With Newborn Son
Charles and Diana, Prince and Princess of Wales, with their newborn second son Henry Charles Albert David

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Diana Leaves Hospital with Henry

Princess Diana Leaves Hospital with Henry
(Original Caption) 9/16/1984-London, England: Princess Diana of England leaves the hospital holding her newborn son, Prince Henry

Background imagePrincess Collection: Princess Diana Waving Farewell

Princess Diana Waving Farewell
Princess Diana waves farewell as she and Prince Charles board a plane at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. | Location: Prince Georges, Maryland

Background imagePrincess Collection: Formal Portrait Of Queen Maud Of Norway

Formal Portrait Of Queen Maud Of Norway
(Original Caption) Formal portrait of the Princess of Denmark, later Queen Maud of Norway, consort ot King Haakon VII. Undated photograph

Background imagePrincess Collection: Kirsten Flagstad and Lauritz Melchior on Stage

Kirsten Flagstad and Lauritz Melchior on Stage
(Original Caption) Kirstin Flagstad with Lauritz Melchior in Richard Wagner's opera "Tristan and Isolde." Stage photograph, undated. BPA2# 3476

Background imagePrincess Collection: Portrait Of Princess Helena

Portrait Of Princess Helena
(Original Caption) Full length portrait of the Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria. Born in 1846. Photograph, ca. 1865

Background imagePrincess Collection: Grace Kelly Poses With Poodle; Fur Coat

Grace Kelly Poses With Poodle; Fur Coat
(Original Caption) 1/7/1956-New York, NY: Grace Kelly poses with her French poodle "Oliver" before boarding the train for the West Coast at Grand Central Station

Background imagePrincess Collection: Aladdin Received the Princess Book Illustration

Aladdin Received the Princess Book Illustration

Background imagePrincess Collection: 'Princess' Cigar Box W/ Woman & Flowers

"Princess" Cigar Box W/ Woman & Flowers
(Original Caption) Cigar box cover illustration: "Princess" Color lithograph with 3/4 view of unidentified woman, with floral embellishment. Prices printed below. Copyright 1895

Background imagePrincess Collection: Portrait of Princess Pocahontas

Portrait of Princess Pocahontas
(Original Caption) Pocahontas (1595-1617), American Indian princess - Daughter of Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan Indians of Virginia

Background imagePrincess Collection: Pocahontas Saving Captain John Smith

Pocahontas Saving Captain John Smith
(Original Caption) Pocahontas saving the life of Capt. John Smith. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers. Johnson, Fry & Co. Publishers, New York

Background imagePrincess Collection: Illustration Of Pocahontas

Illustration Of Pocahontas
(Original Caption) Pocahontas (1595-1617), American Indian princess, daughter of Powhatan, married John Rolfe, colonist. Head and shoulders portrait, ca. 1616. Illustration

Background imagePrincess Collection: Mezzotint After Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with Five of Their Children by Frederick Winterhalter

Mezzotint After Queen Victoria and Prince Albert with Five of Their Children by Frederick Winterhalter
(Original Caption) 1848- Queen Victoria and Albert with the Royal Family. Mezzotint after a painting by F. Winterhalter. Undated illustration

Background imagePrincess Collection: Political Cartoon of Queen Victoria Panhandling

Political Cartoon of Queen Victoria Panhandling
Political cartoon by Frederick Opper from Puck magazine showing Queen Victoria and her family panhandling from John Bull on the steps of Buckingham Palace

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