Firemen Aim Hoses at Civil Rights ProtestAlthough a group of 2, 000 African American protesters have been given permission to hold a civil rights rally near the Birmingham jail
White Women Protesting DesegregationMrs. Lee Hooks and other white housewives demonstrate against planned desegregation at William Franz Elementary School in New Orleans
Demonstrators Throwing Eggs at Limousine(Original Caption) Berkeley, California: Student demonstrator, holding spare ammunition in his let hand
Peace Demonstrators and Military Police at ProtestPeace protesters taunt a line of soldiers with the military police during an anti-Vietnam War protest outside the Pentagon in Washington DC
Suffragettes Marching with Signs(Original Caption) New York: New York Society Woman Suffragettes as sandwich men advertise a mass meeting to be addressed by the Governor of the Suffrage states. Photograph
Smoky Street with Citizens and Officials on Opposing Sides(Original Caption) New York: The Draft Riots In New York. The Battle In Second Avenue
Child Textile Workers Holding Protest Signs During Strike(Original Caption) Philadelphia: Juvenile textile workers on strike in Philadelphia
Mahatma Gandhi with Granddaughter Before Assassination(Original Caption) Mahatma Gandhi and his granddaughter on whose hands he fell unconscious when shot
Suffragette Inez Milholland in Suffrage Parade(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Suffragette Inez Milholland in Suffrage Parade
Mrs. Sarojini Naida Aiding in Salt Protest(Original Caption) Mrs. sarajini Naida, aide to Mahatma Ghandhi carried on his work and was photographed shortly before she was arrested for landing a demonstration of disobedience by gathering salt
Walter Reuther Leading Protesters(Original Caption) United Auto Workers Union President Walter Reuther (right and holding sign)
National Guard Confronting DemonstratorsThe National Guard disperses demonstrators who vowed to shut down the town's business community after their demands to the University of California were rejected
Crowd on Street in Korea With Signs(Original Caption) Photo shows crowds on the street in Korea, waiting for Lyndon Baines Johnson's arrival. They hold various signs that appear to indicate a friendly atmosphere
Jehovah's WitnessesMan protesting outside of a business owned by a Jehovah's Witness
Citizens Attacking Soldiers on HorsebackProtests in Schleswig, Holstein, prior to German-Danish War. | Location: Schleswig, Germany
James A. Pike Appearing Angry While Speaking(Original Caption) James A. Pike is shown, the unarmed clergy and Christian legend, to join members seeking to register Negroes to vote
Boston Tea Party by John AndrewAmerican colonists cheer as demonstrators dressed as Indians throw tea from British ships
Large Crowd of Basque Protesters at Gates of Building(Original Caption
People Picketing at the Waldorf Astoria(Original Caption) :Looking Down on Picket Parade at Waldorf
Protester Being Taken into Custody(Original Caption) With a policeman on each arm, a woman demonstrator is led away from a street skirmish between police and marchers protesting integration at Central High School
Student Being Interrogated at University(Original Caption
Protesters Standing in Street(Original Caption) A battered bus stands in as a police paddy wagon to carry off banner-waving Communists in Calcutta
Female Protesters Advance Toward GM Plant2/2/1937-Flint, MI-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Women and children, related to the General Motors Strikers
Suffragettes Before Hike to Washington, D.C
Protesters Demonstrating to Save the West VillageA crowd gathers on a New York street to demonstrate in protest of urban renewal plans, wearing pins that read "Save the West Village"
Print of Students Demonstrating in St. PetersburgAfter students in St. Petersburg protest in 1902, police closed the university and sent many demonstrators to Siberia
Suffragettes in Sandwich BoardsWomen advertising a conference to be attended by governors of suffrage states
Russian Revolutionaries on ParadeMilitary revolutionaries in Russia parade down a street in a car with a banner
Suffragette Protest in Greenwich VillageSuffragettes displaying banners at Washington Mews in Greenwich Village, New York City, ca. 1912
Militia Keeping Strikers Away from Mills(Original Caption) Lawrence, MA: Strikes. Militia keeping strikers away from mills to prevent violence. Photograph 1912.BPA2# 2798
Suffragettes Riding atop Vehicle(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Suffragists Posing with Signs
Suffragette Parade near CapitolWashington, DC.: Women Activists, the Suffragettes shown parading down street with musical accompaniment
Suffragettes and Supporters TogetherSuffragettes and supporters marching
Emmeline Pankhurst Carried by OfficerEmmeline Pankhurst is led away by a policeman after leading a group of suffragettes in an attempt to present a petition to the King at Buckingham Palace
Boston SuffragistsA group of suffragists in Boston carry a "Suffrage Melting Pot". They are, from left to right, Josephine Slack, Inez Kjellstrom, Marian Ferguson, Sue Fitzgerald, and Mary Carson
Large Crowd with Signs(Original Caption) Juvenile police of New York's East Side Protective Association parade on February 12th, in interest of mother's pension bill
Bolsheviks Rally Around Triumphal Arch(Original Caption) A crowd of Russian revolutionists gathered around the famous Narva Triumphal Arch in Petrograd
Women Protesting U.S. Involvement in World War IRose Cohn, journalist Dorothy Day and Charlotte Margolies wearing sashes stating "Keep Out of War" in protest to U.S. involvement in World War I
Suffragette Frances E. Fitch with Recruitment Posters(Original Caption) Suffragettes Aid Recruiters To Enlist Men for the Navy. Photo shows: Miss Frances E
Funeral Procession for Czarist Russia(Original Caption) Symbolic of the old regime are these old chains carried in the funeral processions
Policeman Clearing City Hall Park(Original Caption) 6/16/1917-New York, NY-5, 000 WOMEN IN CITY HALL REGISTRY RIOT
Suffragettes Posing with Banner(Original Caption) These two suffragettes carried their banner to a White House gate on June 22, 1917. The message indicts Woodrow Wilson, but he later came out in favor of the Nineteenth Amendment
Revolutionaries with Red Flag(Original Caption) The Red Flag is seen here, as it is unfurled in Moscow
Red Cross Nurses Parading with Flags(Original Caption) Paris, France: A group of Red Cross Nurses headed by the late Colonel Julia Stimson, Army Nurse Corps, during a parade in Paris, France
Parade in Silent Protest in Harlem(Original Caption) 1919-New York, NY: A parade in silent protest (Anti-Lynching) in Harlem
Striking Telephone Operators Posing While on Picket Duty(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Steel Strikers with Strike Notices
Gandhi Addressing His Countrymen(Original Caption) Mahatma Gandhi, India's late famed Hindu leader, is shown addressing an outdoor meeting of his countrymen in May, 1919, in Calcutta
View of Soldiers and Citizen as Victim of Unrest(Original Caption) Photo shows a man shot by Soldiers of the State, and a rifle guard being restored to consciousness by noncombatants on a Vienna Street
Actors Strike
Actors Strike(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Striking Actors Equity Member with Picket Sign Under Umbrella(Original Caption)
Bolshevists and German Troops(Original Caption) Riga: Women Of Riga Nationalized By The Bolsheviki Rescued By The Germans
Striking Tenants Outside Their Building9/1919- New York, NY- ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Striking tenants outside their Harlem building
People Striking Against Taxes(Original Caption) Tax Strike in Paris
Anti-Prohibition DemonstrationProtesters carrying signs about the negative effects of prohibition on international trade, returning soldiers and morals
Demonstration Concerning Sacco And Vanze(Original Caption) New York, NY: Sacco and Vanzetti case: Demonstration at Union Square, 1920's. Photograph
Suffragettes Carrying Banners at Republican Convention Hall
Communist Demonstrators Protesting Child LaborWomen and children carrying signs which protest child labor and low wages
German Workers Carry Uncle Sam(Original Caption) A group of German workers offer their opinions of American capitalists with this scene as a part of their May Day Celebration in Berlin
NYC Citizens Protesting Fare Hikes(Original Caption) A hundred prominent citizens of New York City headed by Mayor Hylan and Senator Hiram W
Sir Edward Carson Standing Near Flag Pole with Demonstrators(Original Caption) Sir Edward Carson, with hat in hand, is shown in a Hyde Park demonstration during Ulster crisis
Jewish Protest in Petrograd Cemetery(Original Caption) Jews of Petrograd hold a demonstration meeting in a cemetery protesting against the use of tombstones for building purposes
Miners Trial(Original Caption) Scene at opening of miners trial
Black Protesters Of Lynching Carry Banne(Original Caption) 6/24/1922-Washington, DC: Some of the more than 3, 000 negroes, carrying signs urging control and halting of lynching of negroes
Detectives with Chained suspects(Original Caption) West Virginia: More Mine Prisoners arrested. Here is a group of prisoners taken after the pitched battle that raged about the Richmond Mining Co. Plant at Cliftonville, W. Va
Gandhi Followers Incite Uprisings(Original Caption) Gandhi Followers Still Active in Indian Revolutions
Fascists Burning Socialist Literature(Original Caption) March On Rome. Fascist troops burn Socialist literature following entry into Rome
Women Protesting with Large Sign(Original Caption) Women picket in front of the White House urging President Harding to free prisoners sentenced for their political beliefs
Homeowner Pointing to Anti-Japanese SignIn 1923, the Hollywood Association started a campaign to expel the Japanese from their community. Hollywood resident, Mrs. B. G. Miller, points to an anti-Japanese sign on her house
Soldiers on Horseback Monitoring Massive CrowdsGerman troops march here into Dresden to suppress Communist inspired riots
Greek Rally Goers with Large Posters of Their New Leaders(Original Caption) Greece: Photo shows leaders in the great demonstration marking the proclamation of the Greek Republic
Portrait of British Labor Union Leaders(Original Caption) British Labor Strike Averted. London...Left to right above are shown Dan Milford, Ernest Bevin, A.G. Walkden, M.R. Bromley and A.H
Irish Protesters Carrying Signs in Street(Original Caption) Boston: Irish Zealots Decry Mulcahy
Irish Protesters with Signs(Original Caption) Boston: Irish Zealots Decry Mulcahy
Chinese Mayor Speaking to Citizen Unrest(Original Caption) Canton, China: Chinese Radicals Renew War For Independence
Men Participating in a Protest(Original Caption) England is at present being troubled by the Communists and in the photo is shown an English mob outside the Bow Street police station waving the Red flag
Tenant Rally with Banners at City Hall(Original Caption) New York: Tenants Storm Hearing To Fight Rent Law Repeal
Bulgarians Protest Greek Invasion 1925
Striking Textile Workers Fleeing Police(Original Caption) 4/8/1926-Passaic, NJ- Children are trampled down, men and women injured, as enraged police charge the strikers picket line at the Gera Mills in Passaic
Riot Police Arrest Demonstrator on Street(Original Caption) 6/18/1926-Shanghai, China- The arrest of one of the May Day rioters