Womens Vote1853: A cartoon about the effects of giving women the vote with the ladies candidate being a dashing young man and the mens just the opposite
Demosthenes ( 385-322 B.C), by E.Benjamin Andrews, Pres t of Brown University
Daniel O Connell (1775 - 1847)
Regency period gentleman making a speechA Regency period gentleman up on his hind legs making a speech during a meal. From the prominence of the tankard, glass and decanter, it would appear that he is in high spirits
Regency period man making a speechA man wearing Regency style clothing and sporting a quiff making a speech after a harvest supper
Demonstration for Lincoln in Park Row, NYC, 1860Illustration of people marching in a large demonstration in support of Republican presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in Park Row, lower Manhattan, New York City, 1860
Illustration Of Tippecanoe Procession, MD, 1840Illustration depicting the Tippecanoe procession in support of Whig party presidential candidate William H. Harrison, Baltimore, Maryland, 1840. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)
Roman literatureillustration of a Tullius Cicero, Horatius flaccus, Terentius Afer, Virgilius maro, plinius Secund, Titus Livius
Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder- also known as the Censor - (234-149BC)Illustration of a Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder- also known as the Censor - (234-149BC
Marc Antony delivering the funeral oration over the dead body of Julius CaesarIllustration of Marc Antony delivering the funeral oration over the dead body of Julius Caesar
MARCUS TULLIUS speech to the people of RomeMARCUS TULLIUS the Roman writer, statesman and orator delivering a speech to the people of Rome
Alcibiades (probably 451-404 BC), Athenian statesmanillustration of a Alcibiades (probably 451-404 BC), Athenian statesman
Demosthenes (384 BC-322 BC) Greek statesmanIllustration of a Demosthenes (384 BC-322 BC) Greek statesman
Cicero engraving 1894Great Men and Famous Women
Demosthenes engraving 1894Great Men and Famous Women
Aeschines (389-314 BC). Greek statesman, one of the 10 Attic OratorsIllustration of a Aeschines (389-314 BC). Greek statesman, one of the 10 Attic Orators
Illustration, man holding clipboard and speaking into loudspeaker, side view
Marcus Tullius Cicero, a politician, scholar, lawyer, and writer, addressing group of men
Hoover Tunes Incirca 1928: Herbert Hoover (1874 - 1964), Republican Party candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America, listening to a one valve radio set
Illustration of Republican National Convention, Chicago, IL, 1884Illustration of delegates celebrating the nomination of James G. Blaine as presidential candidate during the Republican National Convention, Chicago, Illinois, June 1884
Aeschinescirca 1850: A bust of ancient Athenian orator and statesman Aeschines (389 - 314 BC). The inscription reads Aeschines Atrometou Athenaios, Aeschines of Athens, son of Atrometos