This Is What God Gives Us Poster by A. Hendee(Original Caption) World War I food administration poster urging people to eat vegetables
Boy (6-7 years) carrying pumpkin in field. August 05, 1925
Group of children (4-12 years) by fence, holding pumpkins. August 05, 1925(Original Caption) 08/05/1925-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: The Halloween. Image shows children playing with pumpkins on a farm
Vintage photograph showing, Boy (8-9) Carving Jack-O-lantern(Original Caption) 10/24/1926-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: GETTING READY FOR HALLOWE'EN GHOSTS! Nothing like preparedness, especially when it comes to getting ready for the Hallowe'en celebration
Boy and Girl Carrying Corn and Pumpkins(Original Caption) Photo shows a boy and a girl carrying pumpkins and corn through a corn field. Models: Patricia Waldron and Albert Leidtha. Ca. 1930s-1940s
Lana Turner and Friends Drinking from a Pumpkin(Original Caption) Actress Celebrates "Discovery" At Soda Fountain. Anne Shirley (Mrs. John Payne), Carol Stone, Rosina Lawrence, Lana Turner, Vicki Lester and Natalie Draper (Mrs)
Pumpkin with Microfilms at Farm(Original Caption) 12/4/48-Westminster, MD- A bunch of microfilms, found in the hollowed-out pumpkin (right) on a Maryland farm
Reporter Points To Microfilm Pumpkin(Original Caption) 12/5/1948-Westminster, MD: A reporter points out a hollowed-out pumpkin in which microfilm of top secret war documents were found
Boys Posing with Jack-O-Lantern(Original Caption) Two young boys pose behind a glowing jack-o-lantern. Undated photograph
Boy Holding Jack-o'-lantern(Original Caption) Portrait of a young boy peering into the open top of a glowing jack-o-lantern. Undated photograph
Child In A Pumpkin Farm(Original Caption) My daughter Suzee Ross, at a pumpkin farm near Big Flats, NY. Undated Photograph from the Gendreau Collection
Girls Seated At A Fireplace On Halloween(Original Caption) U.S. Holidays - Halloween: watching the logs pop. Picture shows a group of children gathered around the fireplace. Photo, ca. 1900
Postcard For Thanksgiving W/Turkey(Original Caption) Postcard reads "Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving." Undated, illustration
Teenagers Lighting Jack-O'-Lantern Candle(Original Caption) A teenage boy and girl light a candle inside a jack-o'-lantern. Undated photograph, circa 1950's
Boy with Jack-o-Lantern on Halloween(Original Caption) 10/29/1951-New York, New York- Robert Chiarello, 4 1/2
Miami Local Wearing a Halloween Costume(Original Caption) 10/26/1953-Miami, FL- Down the Florida way, where ther's never frost on the pumpkin, Rhoda Wetz has to use her imagination to make a fitting costume for Halloween
Little Goblins Around a Jack-O-Lantern(Original Caption) 10/30/1953-Chicago, IL- weaving a special Halloween spell by the light of a grinning pumpkin, three five-year-olds goblins do their part to make it a spooky holiday
Small Child Stares In To Head Of Pumpkin(Original Caption) 9/28/1955-New York, NY: Jack O Lantern pumpkin is explored by Jerry Hay, as youngsters in Beth Israel hospital enjoy party sponsored by federation of Jewish Philanthophies
Baby Frightened by Pumpkin(Original Caption) 10/30/1960-Lincoln, NE- "Come'on, take that mean ole thing away, " cries 6 mo
Twin red haired girls bobbing for apples at party. (Photo by HUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Twin red haired girls bobbing for apples at party
Father loading apples into trunk of car at country market, son and daughter lookingUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Father loading apples into trunk of car at country market, son and daughter looking on, holding pumpkins
Three People Holding Hands Dresed in Halloween Costumes and Holding PumpkinsMandy Pritty, dv1233005
Various ornamental gourds in a basket, Bavaria, Germany
Fresh orange mini pumpkins and big pumpkins
Different varieties of pumpkins, squashes and gourds -Cucurbita pepo-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Gourd cucumber melon illustration 1851The Natural History of the Sacred Scriptures, and Guide to General Zoology By W.I. Bicknell London and New York - John Tallis and Company 1851
Domestic fowls engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Flower vase engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Vegetable garden engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
American farm yard engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Domestic fowls engraving 1872Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Vegetables engraving 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897
PumpkinAntique illustration of a pumpkin
Selection of vegetables
Woman with pie looking at child holding halloween pumpkin, smiling
Various ornamental pumpkins (Cucurbita)
Ornamental pumpkins (Cucurbita)
Pumpkin cream soup with croutons
Halloween pumpkin with carved face
Cut open squash of the Blue Hungarian, Bleu dHongrie variety
Pyramid of pumpkins
Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- on pumpkin flower, Hokkaido, Japan, Asien
Cucurbit -Cucurbita moschata-, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Mini yellow Petit Pan squashes
Fresh whole pumpkins and squashes
Pumpkins in the field at harvest time, Granby, Eastern Townships, Quebec Province, Canada
Pumpkins and squashes at the autumn market, Granby, Eastern Townships, Quebec Province, Canada
Pumpkins, squashes and gourds at the autumn market, Granby, Eastern Townships, Quebec Province, Canada
Delicata pumpkins -Cucurbita-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Carnival F1, squash -Cucurbita-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Pumpkins -Curcurbita-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Japanese Hokkaido pumpkins -Cucurbita maxima-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Pumpkins -Cucurbita-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Bottle gourds, opo squashes or long melons -Lagenaria siceraria-, calabash, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Pumpkin flower and Pumpkin -Cucurbita maxima-, Europe
Different types of squash on a pile, Bergisches Land, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Harvested pumpkins in a pumpkin field with fluffy clouds
Pumpkin in a garden
Various pumpkins, Austria
Pumpkins, Austria
Hokkaido squash, half
Pumpkin Visitorcirca 1865: A white caped figure wearing a haloween pumpkin mask taking two people by surprise in their kitchen
Board decorated with pumpkins on farm, (B&W)
Pumpkins on field, (B&W)
R-100 Airship First Public View29th November 1929: The first public view of the completed R100 airship in a hangar at Howden, Yorkshire. (Photo by S. R. Gaiger/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Germany, Monastic Island of ReichenauGermany, Baden-WAOErttemberg, Lake Constance, Monastic Island of Reichenau, Church of St George, UNESCO World Heritage
Wire Hair TerrierUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Portrait Of A Dog, A Wire Hair Terrier Sitting By Pumpkin And Looking At Camera, Making Eye Contact And Looking Cute Outdoors In The Autumn. (Photo by H)
Thanksgiving PreparationsIllustration of preparing the Thanksgiving meal circa 1882. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)