Be yourself gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background
Trust your journey gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background
Forever young gold foil messageForever young gold foil glitter quote saying on a plain white background
All you need is love gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background
Smile gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote on a plain white background
Victorian satirical cartoon, He shall have little for his painsVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on the Art Dealer. He shall have little for his pains, Who makes his living by his brains
If music be the food of love, play onFamous Love Quote from Twelfth Night - Act 1, Scene 1, William Shakespeare
Victorian satirical cartoon, Drunk man in a bar, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on attractiveness of wealth, 19th Century. A wreck at the bar
Victorian satirical cartoon, Death and inheritance, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on death and inheritance, 19th Century. The End of Life, Beginneth strfe
Victorian satirical cartoon, Depression hiding behind a smiling maskVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on Depression hiding behind a smiling mask, 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, The pursuit of pleasure, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on old age, 19th Century. The pursuit of pleasure. Old rich men chasing after a beautful young woman
Victorian satirical cartoon, Author and the PublisherVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on the Author and the Publisher. Fat and greedy Publisher eating the brains of a staving author
Victorian satirical cartoon, Brothers of the Brush, Artist and cleanersVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on the Brothers of the Brush. The Artist, shoeshine, street cleaner and chimney sweep all living in poverty
Victorian satire, rich landlord evicting poor tenantsVintage engraving of a Victorian satire, rich landlord harassing poor tenants, 19th Century. Thou pauper pay me that thou owest. Or out upon the world thou goest
Victorian satire, Principle and InterestVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Principle and Interest. Clergyman tempted by the devil with power and money
Home Is Where The Heart IsPhoto Alphabet Letters Spelled Out Saying Home Is Where The Heart Is. Square Size
Victorian satirical cartoon, Multum in parvo, Much in littleVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon, Multum in parvo, Much in little, 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, doctines of the churchVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon on doctines of the church. 19th Century
Youth and age, burn the candle at both endsVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon youth and age. 19th Century. Youth burn the candle at both ends, whilst old age struggles to keep to flames alight
Follow your heart gold foil messageFollow your heart gold foil glitter quote saying on a plain white background
Make it happen gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background
Hello Speech Bubble QuotationHello on white quote bubble with quote symbols
Victorian satire on old age, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on old age, 19th Century. You call him fast ! That may be so: His progress seems uncommonly slow
Victorian satire on motherhood and childcare, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire motherhood and childcare, 19th Century. The Burden of a song
Victorian satirical cartoon, the problem with shot cutsVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on the problem with shot cuts, 19th Century. Short cuts will often lead astray: The Royal roads the surest way
Victorian satirical cartoon, Masking Depression with HumorVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on Masking Depression with Humor, 19th Century. The merry Fool, in motley at the Fair, May hide in jest and laughter, his despair
Victorian satire on Blind Self Importance, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on Blind Self Importance, 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon on the Bar of JusticeVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on the Bar of Justice
Victorian satirical cartoon Half hours with the best authorsVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon Half hours with the best authors. Senior man sleeping by a pile of old boring books
Victorian satire, In Life, Neglect, In Death RespectVintage engraving of a Victorian satire, In Life, Neglect, In Death Respect
Victorian satire, Dog chasing its tailVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Dog chasing its tail, 19th Century
Victorian satire, old gossip, vile Rumor swellsVintage engraving of Victorian satire, old gossip, vile Rumor swells. With sland rous breath vile Rumour swrlls, Each trivial tale the tattler tells
Victorian satire, Old married couple at Home and AbroadVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Old married couple at Home and Abroad, 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, on toiling and workingVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon, on toiling and working, 19th Century. Toiling, moiling, early and late; We learn to labour, but not to wait
Hic tantum quies est, This is only retirementVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon hic tantum quies est (This is only retirement). 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, Merit and InfluenceVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon on Merit and Influence
Victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monkVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk. 19th Century. The Lord is my shepherd - I shall not want
But first coffee gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background
Victorian satire on temptation, overindulgence and greed, 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on temptation, overindulgence and greed, 19th Century. We soon forget our present gain, And sigh for what we can t obtain
Victorian satirical cartoon, on Pleasure and WoeVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on Pleasure and Woe, 19th Century. Pleasure and Woe, Together they go, Hand in hand, like sister and brother, We never have one without having the other
Ingot is my trust, Satire on value on gold and moneyVintage engraving of a Ingot is my trust, Satire on value on gold and money
Victorian satirical cartoon on the Art DealerVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on the Art Dealer
Victorian satirical cartoon, pennys mightier than the swordVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon. Why should we spurn the misers hoard, Or lightly from us riches fling? The pennys mightier than the sword, and Little earning is a dangerous thing
Victorian satirical cartoon, Society Poets full of Hot AirVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on Society Poets full of Hot Air
Victorian satirical cartoon on excess of wealthVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon on excess of wealth
Victorian satire, The Past and the FutureVintage engraving of Victorian satire, The Past and the Future. The Past, with backward tearful gaze. The Future, peering in advance, Still counting on another chance
Victorian satire, the old pilgrim left behindVintage engraving of Victorian satire, the old pilgrim left behind. What ho! Good people, wait for me; Shew deference to the CHurch, The World moves now so fast, alack - it leaves me in the lurch
Victorian satire, I be left to pine on human charityVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Charity. Ere I be left to pine on human charity
Victorian satire, Fame comes, Alas, Too late to save. And blows her trumpet at the grave
Victorian satire, Gladiator against the false worldVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Gladiator against the false world
Victorian satire, bear the world upon your shoulder ?Vintage engraving of Victorian satire, bear the world upon your shoulder ?
Victorian satire, Though States and Empires be o erthrownVintage engraving of Victorian satire, Though States and Empires be o erthrown, and Kingdoms crumble down; We care not while we proudly own A sovereign and a Crown !
Victorian satirical cartoon, on faith and the itchVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon, on faith and the itch, 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, listening to the advice of friendsVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon, listening to the advice of friends, 19th Century. Advice in trouble, is the aid
Victorian satirical cartoon, Living on hope aloneVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon Living on hope alone. Tis not a mummy, nor a piece of rope; It is a youth who tried to live on hope
The bad are oft amoung the goodVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon The bad are oft amoung the good, All are ot monks who wear a hood. 19th Century
Victorian satirical cartoon, wealth and transportVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon Church and state. 19th Century. In the sweet days of yore, when diviniity rode, On his mission of love, an ass he bestrode
Victorian satirical cartoon, Church and stateVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon Church and state. 19th Century. The smallest contribution thanfully received
See the world gold foil messageGold foil glitter inspirational quote saying on a plain white background