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Radio Collection

Background imageRadio Collection: View over the Berlin Wall in 1985

View over the Berlin Wall in 1985, towards the TV Tower at Alexanderplatz in East Berlin, at night, Berlin, Germany, Europe

Background imageRadio Collection: American Soldiers Listening to Radio on President Roosevelt's Passing

American Soldiers Listening to Radio on President Roosevelt's Passing
(Original Caption) Germany: As GI's Heard Tragic News....these men of the U.S

Background imageRadio Collection: Rin Tin Tin

Rin Tin Tin, the German Shepherd dog who featured in film, radio and television productions, circa 1928. This portrait was released as publicity for the film, Land of the Silver Fox

Background imageRadio Collection: Woman lying on towel poolside listening to radio with antenna up

Woman lying on towel poolside listening to radio with antenna up
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Woman lying on towel poolside listening to radio with antenna up

Background imageRadio Collection: Radio Executive David Sarnoff as a Young Newspaper Boy

Radio Executive David Sarnoff as a Young Newspaper Boy
(Original Caption) USA: David Sarnoff when he was delivering newspapers and working as a messenger boy 62 years ago. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageRadio Collection: Portrait of Ronal Reagan as Radio Star

Portrait of Ronal Reagan as Radio Star
(Original Caption) Ronald Reagan. Photograph of the famous movie star when he was a radio star. Undated

Background imageRadio Collection: Irving Langmuir With A Radio Tube

Irving Langmuir With A Radio Tube
(Original Caption) Dr. Irving Langmuir is shown with a radio tube that may mean Atlantic phoning. he is holding one of his 20 kilowatt tubes, and a peant (?) tube

Background imageRadio Collection: Miss Helen Keller With Her Radio

Miss Helen Keller With Her Radio
(Original Caption) Miss Helen Keller started a campaign today to give radio sets to poor blind children of the city

Background imageRadio Collection: People Married Over Radio, Behind Microphone

People Married Over Radio, Behind Microphone
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Married over the radio- Left of the mike is Mrs. Goldberg formerly Esther Gilbert

Background imageRadio Collection: Joseph P. Kennedy Relaxing In Florida

Joseph P. Kennedy Relaxing In Florida
(Original Caption) Palm Beach, FL: From the scrapbook of the Kennedy family: Photo shows; Joseph P. Kennedy, when he was Ambassador to the court of St. Jameson

Background imageRadio Collection: Herbert Hoover Listening to Radio

Herbert Hoover Listening to Radio
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover listens to a radio in his office. He had it installed to hear the returns of the Republican National Convention in Kansas City

Background imageRadio Collection: Irish President De Valera in Radio Station

Irish President De Valera in Radio Station

Background imageRadio Collection: Battery Operated Radio Of The 1930'S

Battery Operated Radio Of The 1930'S
(Original Caption) A battery operated radio of the 1930's. Photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Radio

Boston and Worcester railroad which ran between Boston and Albany. Part of the Mason shops are in background

Background imageRadio Collection: Early Radio Announcer At Microphone

Early Radio Announcer At Microphone
(Original Caption) Old time radio announcer in front of microphone, Louis Mann (1865-1931). Undated b/w photo

Background imageRadio Collection: Robert H Jackson At Nurnberg Trials

Robert H Jackson At Nurnberg Trials
(Original Caption) Nurnberg, Germany: Nurnberg Trials, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, forground. Undated

Background imageRadio Collection: Women Working In Radio Station

Women Working In Radio Station
(Original Caption) Students (early radio hams) at the Radcliffe College Radio Station plugging in on Chicago from newly established radio station in the 1920's. Photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Men Who Played Radio'S 'Amos N Andy'

Men Who Played Radio'S "Amos N Andy"
(Original Caption) Pals for 23 years-Freeman Gosden (l) and Charles Correll, first met in North Carolina in 1919, when both were assigned to direct an Elks Club Minstrel Show

Background imageRadio Collection: Interior Of Home With Early Radio

Interior Of Home With Early Radio
(Original Caption) Interiors of the 1920's showing early model radio. (Atwater Kent)

Background imageRadio Collection: Early Radio with Antenna

Early Radio with Antenna
(Original Caption) An early radio set. Undated photograph. BPA2# 3970

Background imageRadio Collection: Guglielmo Marconi at His Desk

Guglielmo Marconi at His Desk
(Original Caption) 1903-Photograph shows Guglielmo Marconi at his desk at the time of his first wireless experiments

Background imageRadio Collection: Men Providing Sound Effects

Men Providing Sound Effects
(Original Caption) The cast of Gang Busters including the late Frank Lovejoy gathered around the mike. Two sound men firing safety pistols for on-the-air broadcast

Background imageRadio Collection: Howard Walter Florey Reading Off Papers

Howard Walter Florey Reading Off Papers
(Original Caption) Dr. H.W. Florey along with Fleming, co-discoverer of penicillin

Background imageRadio Collection: Living Room W/Radio Set W/Fireplace

Living Room W/Radio Set W/Fireplace
(Original Caption) A radio set in a living room near the fireplace. Ca. 1930-1940

Background imageRadio Collection: Table Radio Placed Next To Vase

Table Radio Placed Next To Vase
(Original Caption) A table radio placed next to a vase with flowers in a home. Ca. 1950-1960

Background imageRadio Collection: Guglielmo Marconi Reading Aboard Yacht

Guglielmo Marconi Reading Aboard Yacht
(Original Caption) Senator Marconi, the world famous wireless inventor, is at present at Cowes on his famous wireless experimental yacht Electra. Photo shows Senator Marconi reading on board his yacht

Background imageRadio Collection: Milton Berle Makes Amusing Faces

Milton Berle Makes Amusing Faces
(Original Caption) Radio and television comedian Milton Berle gives a series of funny faces in this composite photo. Undated composite photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Radio Broadcasting Station

Radio Broadcasting Station
The radio broadcast station from which music will be distributed free throughout thousands of square miles

Background imageRadio Collection: Portrait of Flyers

Portrait of Flyers
(Original Caption) Photo shows Dr. James H. Kimball broadcasting over the radio as left to right Colonel Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, Clarence Chamberlin, Ruth Elder and William Brady look on

Background imageRadio Collection: Cecil B. DeMille Standing at Microphone

Cecil B. DeMille Standing at Microphone
(Original Caption) Cecil B

Background imageRadio Collection: Newscasters In Studio;Cronkite, Traub, Sev

Newscasters In Studio;Cronkite, Traub, Sev
(Original Caption) Famous Radio and TV newscasters: Cronkite, Traub and Severeid. Undated photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Frank Sinatra Conducting With Cigarette

Frank Sinatra Conducting With Cigarette
(Original Caption) A young Frank Sinatra clowning as conductor at CBS rehersal with cigarette. Photograph ca. 1944

Background imageRadio Collection: Professor E. E. Branly; Waist Up

Professor E. E. Branly; Waist Up
(Original Caption) Professor Branly---Edouard-Eugene Branly, 1844-1940. French physicist. Inventor, 1890 of Coherer, primitive form of radio detector that made wireless telegraphy possible. Undaetd

Background imageRadio Collection: Stromberg Carlson Radio

Stromberg Carlson Radio
(Original Caption) Undated publicity photo of a Stromberg-Carlson radio. BPA2 #5946

Background imageRadio Collection: Studs Terkel Smoking a Cigar

Studs Terkel Smoking a Cigar
Pulitzer-prize winning author and radio talk show host Studs Terkel walks down the street in Chicago, smoking a cigar

Background imageRadio Collection: Eddie Cantor with Al Jolson and Joe Penner

Eddie Cantor with Al Jolson and Joe Penner
(Original Caption) An unusual candid camera shot of three outstanding CBS comedians, Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson and Joe Penner recently as they clowned before the microphone

Background imageRadio Collection: Walter Winchell Reporting

Walter Winchell Reporting
(Original Caption) Walter Winchell (1897-1972), newspaper columnist and radio reporter at microphone

Background imageRadio Collection: Newsman Broadcasting At Wqxr

Newsman Broadcasting At Wqxr
(Original Caption) New York, NY: General view of the interior of the broadcasting room of WQXR, the New York Times Station broadcasting the news and news commentator. Undated photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Jack Benny at Microphone

Jack Benny at Microphone
Undated photograph of radio personality Jack Benny (1894-1974) in front of a CBS microphone

Background imageRadio Collection: Portrait of Gabriel Heatter

Portrait of Gabriel Heatter
(Original Caption) Gabriel Heatter's success as a Mutual network commentator stems from his ability to translate news of the hour into easily digested reports

Background imageRadio Collection: 104-Year-Old Woman Next to Radio

104-Year-Old Woman Next to Radio
(Original Caption) Believed to be the oldest citizen in Berlin, Miss Berta Ganzlin is shown in her home on her 104th birthday

Background imageRadio Collection: Cecil B. DeMille and Walter Winchell During Radio Performance

Cecil B. DeMille and Walter Winchell During Radio Performance
(Original Caption) Radio is a serious business judging by Cecil B

Background imageRadio Collection: Anne Morrow Lindbergh Speaking

Anne Morrow Lindbergh Speaking
Anne Morrow Lindbergh is asking for donations for the "Relief in Europe" fund on Christmas Eve

Background imageRadio Collection: Dr. Alexanderson and Associates Watching Demonstration

Dr. Alexanderson and Associates Watching Demonstration

Background imageRadio Collection: Broadcaster Cecil Brown

Broadcaster Cecil Brown
(Original Caption) Cecil Brown

Background imageRadio Collection: Orson Welles

Orson Welles Broadcasting on CBS ca. 1938

Background imageRadio Collection: Girl and Doll Listening to Radio

Girl and Doll Listening to Radio
(Original Caption) Young girl sitting with her doll near the radio. Undated photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Girl and Doll Listening to Radio

Girl and Doll Listening to Radio
(Original Caption) Young girl sitting with her doll near the radio. Undated photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: D.W. Griffith Speaking into NBC Microphone

D.W. Griffith Speaking into NBC Microphone
(Original Caption) D.W. Griffith, early genius of Hollywood and creator of many important phases of modern screen techniques, now devotes his voice and directing skill to "D.W

Background imageRadio Collection: Clark Gable Reads Into Nbc Radio Mic

Clark Gable Reads Into Nbc Radio Mic
(Original Caption) A waist-up portrait of actor Clark Gable as he reads into a NBC radio microphone. Filed: 12/1946

Background imageRadio Collection: Open and Closed View of a Portable Radio

Open and Closed View of a Portable Radio
(Original Caption) This is an open and closed view of a new portable radio about to be placed in production by the Edward F. Cavanaugh Corp

Background imageRadio Collection: Lech Walesa Listening to Radio

Lech Walesa Listening to Radio
Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa sits at home and listens to the radio with Rev. Henryk Jankowski and others

Background imageRadio Collection: John Daly Making an Announcement

John Daly Making an Announcement

Background imageRadio Collection: Portrait of Radio Personality Barry Gray

Portrait of Radio Personality Barry Gray

Background imageRadio Collection: Kate Smith Holding Onto A Microphone

Kate Smith Holding Onto A Microphone
(Original Caption) Portrait of Kate Smith (1909-1986), American singer popular on radio during the 1930s and 1940s. Photograph shows her holding CBS microphone

Background imageRadio Collection: Glenn Miller And His Orchestra Perform

Glenn Miller And His Orchestra Perform
(Original Caption) Bandleader Glenn Miller and his orchestra perform for the Chesterfield Radio Show, circa 1940-41

Background imageRadio Collection: Duke Ellington in Radio Station with Records

Duke Ellington in Radio Station with Records
(Original Caption) Duke Ellington (1889-1974), bandleader, composer and arranger, has his hands full as he tries role of disc jockey. Photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: People In Studio Making Radio About Fami

People In Studio Making Radio About Fami
(Original Caption) Typical radio studio of the 1920's: The Little House Family being dramatized by Betty Garde, Kenneth Daigneau and real life twins Bill and Bobbie Mauch. Photo

Background imageRadio Collection: Betty Hanson Murder Case

Betty Hanson Murder Case
(Original Caption) Betty Hanson, Victim

Background imageRadio Collection: Inventor Guglielmo Marconi next to His Radio

Inventor Guglielmo Marconi next to His Radio
(Original Caption) Newfoundland: Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), in Newfoundland in 1901, with the instrument with which he received first message across the Atlantic

Background imageRadio Collection: Couple Dancing to Radio

Couple Dancing to Radio
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS:Young couple dancing to the sound of early radio. Photograph, 1920's

Background imageRadio Collection: Irving Selzer and His Cafe Boulevard Orchestra

Irving Selzer and His Cafe Boulevard Orchestra
Irving Selzer and his Cafe Boulevard Orchestra playing for a radio broadcast on Newark, New Jersey station WJZ

Background imageRadio Collection: Father Coughlin Denouncing Hugh Johnson on Radio

Father Coughlin Denouncing Hugh Johnson on Radio
Father Charles E. Coughlin criticizes former head of the National Recovery Administration, Hugh S. Johnson, during a radio broadcast

Background imageRadio Collection: President Roosevelt Sitting with Microphones

President Roosevelt Sitting with Microphones
President Roosevelt sits among radio microphones at a table in preparation for a broadcast

Background imageRadio Collection: Couple Listening to Radio

Couple Listening to Radio

Background imageRadio Collection: Radio Developer Reginald Fessenden Testing His Invention

Radio Developer Reginald Fessenden Testing His Invention
Reginald Fessenden demonstrated that sound - not simply Morse code - could be transmitted over radio, leading the way for radio broadcasting

Background imageRadio Collection: Lee Deforest Holding Audio Tube

Lee Deforest Holding Audio Tube
(Original Caption) DeForest, Lee: Demonstrating his audio and oscillating tube. Photo O. L. Shider form Triangle

Background imageRadio Collection: Nikola Tesla In His Laboratory

Nikola Tesla In His Laboratory
Serbian-American inventor and discoverer of magnetic field rotations leading to the use of alternating-currents in electrical machinery and the induction coil known as the "Tesla coil."

Background imageRadio Collection: David Sarnoff Traveling While Working as Wireless Operator

David Sarnoff Traveling While Working as Wireless Operator
(Original Caption) On the S. S. Beothic, in 1911, David Sarnoff was the wireless operator on a sealing expedition to the Arctic. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageRadio Collection: Soldiers Inside New Army Radio Tractor

Soldiers Inside New Army Radio Tractor
(Original Caption) New auto radio truck and crew, ready for the field

Background imageRadio Collection: Early Ham Radio Operators

Early Ham Radio Operators
(Original Caption) 1919-Early radio ham operators trying to make contact with other members of the fraternity

Background imageRadio Collection: General View Of Perforating Machines

General View Of Perforating Machines
(Original Caption) 1/27/1919-Washington, DC: General view of the perferating room at the Navy Dept. Four perferating machinesareone wire each known as a channel

Background imageRadio Collection: Men Working At Radio Transmitter

Men Working At Radio Transmitter
(Original Caption) 1/27/1919-The transmitter is part of the Multiplex radio outfit which sends the message as perferated on the tape

Background imageRadio Collection: Early Radio Ham Operator Wearing Headpho

Early Radio Ham Operator Wearing Headpho
(Original Caption) 2/12/1919: Ham operator, James Henry Rogers, in the early era of radio. He is at the controls wearing a pair of headphones

Background imageRadio Collection: Dr. Frank Conrad's First Broadcasting Station

Dr. Frank Conrad's First Broadcasting Station
Philadelphia, PA: Dr. Frank Conrad's first broadcasting station. Pittsburg, PA. Undated photograph, circa 1920

Background imageRadio Collection: Lucie Rosen Playing Theremin Instrument for NBC Radio

Lucie Rosen Playing Theremin Instrument for NBC Radio
(Original Caption) Young woman playing the theremin

Background imageRadio Collection: Woman Playing Piano for Radio Broadcast

Woman Playing Piano for Radio Broadcast
(Original Caption) Early Westinghouse Radio Station, Pittsburgh, KYW. Somewhat crowded quarters. Photo ca. 1920. Undated photograph

Background imageRadio Collection: Harry Langdon Sitting By Radio

Harry Langdon Sitting By Radio
(Original Caption) ca. 1920-Hollywood, CA: Here's how Hollywood watched the World Series. The width of a continent doesn't mean anything any more

Background imageRadio Collection: Display of Early Heterodyne Radiola

Display of Early Heterodyne Radiola
(Original Caption) USA: Super Heterodyne Radio - RCA Radiola, 1920s

Background imageRadio Collection: Ladies Practicing Polka Dance

Ladies Practicing Polka Dance
Ladies in long dresses practice polka steps by a radio

Background imageRadio Collection: Sound Effects Men

Sound Effects Men
(Original Caption) CBS Radio soundmen with engineer provide background realism via gong, pistol, and lip microphone, 1920's. Parks Johnson (lt), Warren Hull (rt)

Background imageRadio Collection: KDKA's First Radio Broadcast

KDKA's First Radio Broadcast

Background imageRadio Collection: Radio Broadcasters During Harding and Cox Election Runoff

Radio Broadcasters During Harding and Cox Election Runoff
(Original Caption) Radio Station KDKA. Broadcasting election results for the Harding-Cox Presidential elections of November 4, 1920

Background imageRadio Collection: Boys Listen To Early Radio

Boys Listen To Early Radio
(Original Caption) 1921-Boys, then as now, were enthusiastic fans. Here a trio listens to an early radio program, 1921

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