Eleanor Roosevelt Reading Foreign Newspapers Added to LibraryEleanor Roosevelt views some of the several hundred foreign language newspapers which she accepted into the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. at His Desk(Original Caption) Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, is shown seated at his desk. Photograph
Rodgers and Hammerstein Composing MusicMusic composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein, II finish work on their latest production, Me and Juliet
Seaside SirensAn engraving entitled Cartoon of the Season: No.7. The Seaside Sirens, depicting two men watching a group of women on a rocky beach, circa 1855
Father Christmas and his ListVintage colour lithograph from 1898 showing Father Christmas and his List of Good Children
Businessman sitting at desk reading papers, secretary taking notesUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Businessman sitting at desk reading papers, secretary taking notes
Janitor sitting, taking a break, reading the Wall Street Journal newspaper, rear viewUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Janitor sitting, taking a break, reading the Wall Street Journal newspaper, rear view
Husband and wife homeowners looking at mortgage and smilingUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Husband and wife homeowners looking at mortgage and smiling
Elderly man, smiling, sitting on front porch step, reading letterUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1940s: Elderly man, smiling, sitting on front porch step, reading letter
Elderly man standing by fence in yard, opening envelope and taking out chequeUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Elderly man standing by fence in yard, opening envelope and taking out cheque
Novelist Frank Norris Reading(Original Caption) Frank Norris, California novelist (1870-1902) author of the unfinished trilogy, Epic of Wheat
Horace Greeley Reading New York Sun Newspaper(Original Caption) Horace Greeley (1811-1872) reading N.Y. Sun
Daguerrotype Of Woman(Original Caption) 1845- This is one of the first known pictures ever taken, a daguerreotype photograph taken of a woman with a checked dress and a book in her hand
Lithograph of Woman Reading With A Servant Following(Original Caption) 1846-"The Pursuit of Knowledge." From the London sketch. Lithograph, Hounsom Byles
Union Officers Outside TentOfficers of the Union Army sit outside a tent reading letters
Abraham Lincoln and SonA relaxed President and his son are immortalized by the camera of Matthew B. Brady. This fatherly shot of Lincoln with his son, Tad, was made in Brady's Washington studio on February 9, 1964
Skeleton Reading at Desk(Original Caption) Posture. Skeleton reading. Meigs desk. B/W photograph, 1870
Woman Using Home Washing MachineWoman using home washing machine and wringer. Lithograph, 1870
Woodcut Audience Listens To Speaker(Original Caption) 1878-Woodcut of businessmen reading the company's annual report at a meeting
Head of the Chinese Christian Community(Original Caption) This is the missionary's right-hand man. He settles local disputes and acts as an official link between his own and other villages
Elizabeth Stanton Reading at Table(Original Caption) Portrait of Elizabeth Stanton (1815-1902). American woman suffrage leader. Undated photograph
Immigrant Family In New Quarters(Original Caption) Immigrant family in new quarters. Mother is seated holding baby on her lap. Undated photograph
Lithograph of a A Colored Preacher by Charles Stanley Reinhart(Original Caption) 1889- "A Colored Preacher." Lithograph, 1889
Drinking CocoaYoung man drinking a cup of cocoa
Mother and Child Reading by Fireplace(Original Caption) Victorian mother with little boy reading in front of fireplace. Photograph, ca. 1890
Chinese Man Being Served(Original Caption) Ya-Chow, China: Natives of the Ya-Chow region (presently Ya-an) in South China. Shown in the undated photograph is Chinese Literati seated, being served a bowl
Grammar School in New York(Original Caption) ca. 1890-New York, NY: Grammar school 55 in NYC first grade class. Note teacher in background. BPA2# 1967
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady StantonAmerican women's rights pioneers, Susan B. Anthony, standing, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, seated, read a letter, circa 1890. (Photo by Bettmann via Getty Images)
Family Relaxing at HomeSelf portrait of photographer, Mr. Neal, and his family in the 1890s. Printed from a cracked glass negative
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady StantonSusan B. Anthony (L) reads a book with Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The two women were leaders of the nineteenth century suffragist and abolitionist movements
Man Reading Newspaper to Cigar Workers(Original Caption) Reader, hired to read to workers in a cigar factory. Undated photograph. BPA2# 5035 GENDREAU COLLECTION
Man Drinking and Smoking(Original Caption) That's living. A day on the seashore in the company of Old Crow Rye. Photograph, 1899. BPA2# 5209
Eugene O'Neill, American Playwright
Representative John Kennedy(Original Caption) Representative John Kennedy D-Mass, with his sister Eunice, 25
Homeless Men Reading NewspaperTwo homeless men read a newspaper on a city park bench, after a snowfall
Group Of Settlers Read Sign(Original Caption) Despair of the French in Louisiana on learning of the cession of this territory to the United states
Husband Looking over Wife's Shoulder(Original Caption) Newlyweds. Young woman looking at a fashion magazine while her husband looks over her shoulder. From a coloured French postal card. Undated
Portrait Of Feminist Margaret Fuller(Original Caption) Portrait of feminist and writer Margaret Fuller (1810-1850). From daguerreotype. Undated
Duke Of Beauford With Palm Reader(Original Caption) Duke of Beauford consults palmitry expert to fortell future
Rabbi Reading the Talmud(Original Caption) Rabbi reading the Talmud. Undated photograph
Giacomo Puchini Checking Score For The Girl of the Golden West(Original Caption) Naples, Italy: Giacomo Puchini checking score during premier of "Girl of the Golden West"
Boyhood of Lincoln by Eastman JohnsonPortrait in oil entitled, Boyhood of Lincoln, depicting a young Abraham Lincoln reading by firelight
An Evening in the Library(Original Caption) Oneida community of Free-Lovers. In the library at night
People Reading War Bullitins At Ny Times(Original Caption) New York, NY: A group of people stand outside of the office building of the New York Times to read the World War II bulletins. Undated photograph circa 1944
Frederick the Great and Voltaire Print
Financier Ivar KreugerIvar Kreuger after World War I devised a plan to boost economy and personal riches by offering low interest loans to citizens for monopoly exchanges within the European market
Ronald & Neil Reagan Reading Script(Original Caption) Warner Bros
Frank and Nancy Sinatra Reading to DaughterFrank and Nancy Sinatra read with their daughter, also named Nancy. The young Nancy later made a name for herself with the song "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'."
Frank Sinatra & Daughter Eating Reading(Original Caption) Frank Sinatra eating breakfast and reading the morning newspaper with his daughter, Nancy. Undated photo
Traditionally-Dressed Teacher In Class(Original Caption) A classroom for girls in a traditional Muslim country. The girls wear white scarves over their heads
Hitchcock Reads Script With L Parsons(Original Caption) 1/11/1947-Louella Parsons gives Alfred Hitchcock a little of his own medicine- suspense -before going on the air (the Parsons program is heard Sundays at 9:15p.m.)
Jehovah's WitnessesJehovah's Witness children reading books outdoors
Tallulah Bankhead In Movie Scene(Original Caption) Tallulah Bankhead in "Tarnished Lady." Undated movie still
Movie Scene Of A Fortune Teller(Original Caption) Movie scene of a fotune telling scene. BPA2# 2922
French Postcard of Woman Reading(Original Caption) A "meditative reader, " French postcard. Undated
Niels Bohr Seated At His Desk(Original Caption) Niels Bohr(1885-1862), Danish physicist. Noble Prize winner, 1922, seated at his desk. Undated photograph
Poster-Covered Morris Column(Original Caption) A "Morris Column" covered with poster advertisements at Place Denfert-Rocheran in Paris. Undated photograph. BPA 2 #32
Ernest Ansermet Seated Reading(Original Caption) Swiss conductor Ernest Ansermet, seated, wearing glasses and reading. Undated photograph
American Supreme Court Justice Felix FrankfurterJustice Felix Frankfurter reads a newspaper. (Photo by Sylvia Salmi/Bettmann via Getty Images)
Shirley Maclaine Reads The Newspaper(Original Caption) Hollywood
The Aesthetic Monkey(Original Caption) "The Aesthetic Monkey": Undated engraving by W.H
Blues Composer W.C. HandyWilliam Christopher Handy (1873-1958), US composer and musician, was the first to identify and publish songs in the blues genre. Some of his best-known tunes are Memphis Blues, St
Frontiersman Reading By Fire; Drawing(Original Caption) Literate Frontiersman: A reading in the Western woods. Drawing by W. Small
President Harding With His Guests(Original Caption) Presidential Outing: President Harding with Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, as his guests stop informally in the woods to read newspapers. Photograph, 1922
Engraving of Pliny the ElderPortrait of Pliny the elder. (23-79 A.D.) Roman author. his " Natural History" in 37 books embraced every kind of information. Woodcut
Bellamy, Dunne, Dale, And Grant In MovieFrom the 1937 film The Awful Truth
Leonard Bernstein Relaxes With A Book(Original Caption) Leonard Bernstein (1918-1993) relaxes with a book and a cigarette in his study. Undated photo
George Eastman Seated In Library(Original Caption) Portrait of George Eastman reading in the library of Eastman House
Erich Kleiber Lokking Over Sheet Music(Original Caption) Erich Kleiber, (1890-1956), Austrian conductor looking over a sheet of music. Half length seated photograph. Undated
Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard Pyle7/9/1776-New York, NY: Reading the Declaration OF Independence before Washington's Army, colored engraving after Howard Pyle
Man Removing His Eyeglasses to Read Posted Sign(Original Caption) This goggle-eyed customer couldn't believe his glasses when he discovered what happened at the Automat, the place where you used to put in a nickel and get a cup of coffee
Mark Twain Reading A Book In Easy Chair(Original Caption) Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) in his later years, reading a book in an easy chair in his Hartford, Conn. home. Undated photograph
Portrait Of Novelist Aldous Huxley(Original Caption) Portrait of novelist and essayist Aldous Huxley with dictionary of Peter Bayle. Photograph, 6/6/57. (UPI)
Don Quixote Reading A Novel/Painting(Original Caption) Painting by Honore Daumier (1808-1879) entitled "Don Quixote Reading a Novel." Undated
Wooded Scene by Claude Monet
Engraving After Reading the Declaration of Independence Before Washington's Army by Howard PyleReading the Declaration of Independence before Washington's Army, New York, July 9, 1776
Illus/T Roosevelt Seated On Ladder Readi(Original Caption) Cartoon shows Teddy Roosevelt sitting on a ladder reading the US Constitution: "With all his faults, we love him -still." --Engraving from The Sun. Undated
Park Restaurant by Auguste MackePark Restaurant (Photo by Auguste Macke/Bettmann/Getty Images)
Portrait of John Keats Reading by Joseph Severn(Original Caption) John Keats. 1795-1821. English poet
Two Little Girls Sitting On A BenchTwo toddler sisters look at a book and hold their dolls on a garden bench
Two Students Reading Outside the High School(Original Caption) Portrait of two high school students, Gloria Price and Harry Mais, seated outside on steps reading. Undated photograph
A Man Seated and Reading the Newspaper(Original Caption) Picture shows a man reading the newspaper while seated in a chair. Undated engraving
Portrait of Benjamin Franklin Reading at His Desk by David Martin(Original Caption) Painting of American statesman and founding father, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), seated at his desk reading papers