Varanus komodoensis, Komodo Dragon, rear view
Eublepharis macularius, Leopard Gecko climbing rock, rear view
Wall Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica), Majorca, Spain, Europe
Furcifer oustaleti, Oustalets Chameleon perched on a tree branch catching a fly by extending out its tongue
Gila Monster lizard (Heloderma suspectum), perched behind a cactus
Giant tortoise (Geochelone gigantea) with hard brown shell
Painted turtle on summer pondnature, animals, reptiles, turtles, painted turtle, Johann Schumacher, 183591107
Painted turtle on logreptiles, turtles, painted turtle, fresh water wetlands, vernal pond, Johann Schumacher, 517606009
Leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, side view
Euoplocephalus hitting a Tyrannosaurus with its tail club
Triceratops, side view
Spinosaurus, side view
Ophiophagus hannah, King Cobra
Slithering grey snake (Serpentes)
Dromaeosaurus, red and black striped dinosaur with strong hind legs, side view
Illustration, American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) with slit-like eyes, side view
Illustration, Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) with its jaws wide open, side view
Illustration, Australian Brown Snake (pseudonaja) slithering, side view
Crocodile (Crocodlylidae), side view
Rattlesnake, mouth wide open, showing fangs and interior of mouth and neck, cross-section
Argentine Black and White Tegu (Tupinambis merianae), Iguazu Falls, Brazil / ArgentinaArgentine Black and White Tegu (Tupinambis merianae), Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina
Greater Roadrunner, Geococcyx californianus, bird eating lizard
American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, eating leg
Nile Crocodile, Crocodlyus niloticus, caring for newly-hatched young, holdling one small hatchling in her mouth, standing guard over hatching eggs, front view
Thorny Devil, Moloch horridus, a spiky lizard
A brown Monitor Lizard with a long tail, side view
Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas, side view
Hylaeosaurus, side view
Parasaurolophus, side view
Pteranodon gliding, side view
Varanus giganteus, Perentie, side view
Naja naja, Indian Cobra
Bothrops atrox, Common Lancehead or Fer-de-lance Snake slithering around green plant
Slithering yellow-brown snake (Serpentes) with two black lines running along body, view from above
Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) with pattern of black oval patches
Illustration, female Crocodile (crocodlylidae) carrying baby Crocodiles in her jaw, side view
Illustration, Komodo Dragon (varanus komodoensis), side view
Illustration, Goulds Monitor or Sand Goanna (Varanus gouldii), side view
Illustration, slithering Carpet Python (morelia spilota)
Illustration, Sea Snake (Hydrophiidae) curling and hissing
Dinosaurs in natural habitat
Lava lizard (Tropidurus torquatus), Iguazu falls, Brazil / ArgentinaLava lizard (Tropidurus torquatus), Iguazu falls, Brazil/Argentina
Cobras in alcohol, energy drink, health drink, Vietnam, Asia
Grass snake (Natrix natrix)
Red-eared Slider Turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans)
Female bridled mabuya (Trachylepis vittata), or bridled skink, climbing a tree. Photographed in Israel in February
Frilled Lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingii, on its hind legs with a large frill around its neck
Parsons Chameleon, Calumma parsonii, side view
Lizard eating a beetle, side view
Pacific Ridley Turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, side view
Shantungosaurus, side view
Maiasaura, side view
Pteranodon, side view
Megalosaurus, side view
Diplodocus, side view
Crocodlyus niloticus, Nile Crocodile carrying its offspring in its mouth
Uromastix acanthinurus, Spiny-tailed Agama, side view
Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Mediterranean Chameleon
Loggerhead Turtle (caretta caretta) swimming, side view
Chinese Alligator (alligator sinensis), side view
Chamaeleon (chamaeleonidae) perched on tree branch, side view
Common Collared Lizard (crotaphytus collaris), elevated view
Flying Tree Snake (Chrysopelea pelias) slithering around a thin branch, side view
Cottonmouth (agkistrodon piscivorus) slithering through undergrowth, side view
Coiling patterned Rattlesnake (crotalus sp. ) poised to attack with open mouthCoiling patterned Rattlesnake (crotalus sp.) poised to attack with open mouth
Protoceratops, dinosaur with forelimbs shorter than hind legs, beak, large ears
Two Barosaurs eating plants, front view
Coiled green snake (Serpentes), high angle view
Slithering brown patterned snake (Serpentes), high angle view
Wood Turtle (Clemmys insculpta) with olive green carapace, black head and spotted red limbs, hight angle view
Illustration, Marine Iguana (amblyrhynchus cristatus), side view
Illustration, Short-tailed Monitor (Varanus brevicauda), emerging from undergound-dwelling hole with insect in its jaws, side view
Illustration, smiling spotted Snake, side view
Illustration, slithering Emerald Tree Boa (corallus caninus), view from above
Illustration, African Mole Snake (Pseudaspis cana) coiling its body tightly around small rodent and trapping it, side view
Illustration, slithering Lebetine Viper (Vipera lebetina), side view
Comical depiction of smiling green and yellow snake, slithering with tongue sticking out, side view
Marine turtle, elevated view
Selection of desert wildlife
Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca)
Madagascar day gecko (Phelsuma madagascariensis), hanging from tree
Green Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae) perched on a branch