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Republican Party Collection

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: agility, animals, balance, ballet, color image, concept, curtain, dancer, dancing

agility, animals, balance, ballet, color image, concept, curtain, dancer, dancing, digital composite, elephant, grace, humor, ideas, indoors, irony, nobody, one animal, performance, performer

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Voting Hands and Ballot Box

Voting Hands and Ballot Box

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Senator David Wilmot

Senator David Wilmot
(Original Caption) David Wilmot (1814-1868) US politician from Pennsylvania. One of the founders of the Republican Party; US Senator 1861-1863

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt with His Family

Franklin Delano Roosevelt with His Family
The Roosevelt family left to right: Elliot, FDR, Franklin Delano, Jr. James, wife Eleanor holding John, and Anna

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt with Her Children Anna, Elliott, Franklin Jr. and John

Eleanor Roosevelt with Her Children Anna, Elliott, Franklin Jr. and John
Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the Democratic Vice presidential nominee, with four of her five children, photographed on July 15, 1920, at the Roosevelt summer home at Campobello Island, New Brunswick

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Republicans Visit Wilson at White House

Republicans Visit Wilson at White House
(Original Caption) 10/27/1920- Washington, DC: Republican advocates of the League of Nations stand before the entrance of the White House after visiting with President Woodrow Wilson

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Roosevelt Family

Roosevelt Family
President Roosevelt with his family

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Herbert Hoover at Republican Convention

Herbert Hoover at Republican Convention
Republican presidential candidate Herbert Hoover gives a speech at the 1928 Republican National Convention at Convention Hall in Kansas City

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Roosevelt Campaigning with Family

Roosevelt Campaigning with Family
7/02/1932-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo shows Governor Roosevelt, Mrs.Roosevelt, John and Elliot about to enter plane to fly to Chicago. The Governor's nephew hands him a telegram

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Franklin Roosevelt and Sons

Franklin Roosevelt and Sons
Franklin Roosevelt and sons on the yacht, Myth

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Roosevelt Family on Amberjack II Schooner

Roosevelt Family on Amberjack II Schooner
(Original Caption) 6/27/1933-Southwest harbor, ME-Following a week's cruise in New England waters on the Amberjack II, President Roosevelt and three of his sons were joined by Mrs

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: FDR at Mt. Rushmore

FDR at Mt. Rushmore
President Franklin Roosevelt talks with Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum during a trip to dedicate the sculpture of Thomas Jefferson. The President's sons, Franklin Jr

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Roosevelt Family on Election Night

Roosevelt Family on Election Night
President Roosevelt celebrates his re-election to the United States presidency with his family. From left to right: Mrs. John Boettiger, John Roosevelt, Mrs

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: GOP Elephant on Hotel Marquee

GOP Elephant on Hotel Marquee
(Original Caption) King for a Day, or a Week. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Thomas Dewey Accepting Nomination

Thomas Dewey Accepting Nomination
(Original Caption) 6/25/1948- Philadelphia, PA: As Dewey accepted GOP nomination. Governor Thomas E

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Pleasant Dreams Of William Hufstedter

Pleasant Dreams Of William Hufstedter
(Original Caption) 6/25/1948- Pleasant dreams of a GOP victory in November may have come with the snooze of Michigan delegate William Hufstader

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Nancy Reagan Waves to Ronald

Nancy Reagan Waves to Ronald
(Original Caption) 8/22/1984-Dallas, TX: After addressing the GOP National Convention 8/22, First Lady Nancy Reagan turns to wave to the president whose image appears on the screen behind the podium

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Senator Barry Goldswater

Senator Barry Goldswater
(Original Caption) 8/22/1984-GOP CONVENTION. Photo shows Senator Barry Goldwater, of Arizona

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: President Reagan and Vice-President Bush With First Ladies at Convention

President Reagan and Vice-President Bush With First Ladies at Convention
President Reagan and Vice-President Bush stand with their wives on a podium, looking at the jubilant crowds at the Republican National Convention of 1984

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: F.D.Roosevelt Family At Country Estate

F.D.Roosevelt Family At Country Estate
(Original Caption) 7/10/1932-Hyde Park, NY- Here is the latest photograph of Governor Franklin D.Roosevelt, Democratic Presidential Candidate

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton

Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton
A portrait of Senator Oliver Hazard Perry Throck Morton, a Republican senator from Indiana in the mid-Nineteenth Century

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Detail of The Third-Term Panic by Thomas Nast

Detail of The Third-Term Panic by Thomas Nast
A detail of a Thomas Nast political cartoon published in Harper's Weekly in 1874. The elephant, labeled "The Republican Vote, " came to symbolize the Republican Party

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Democrats and Republicans Woo Bull Moose

Democrats and Republicans Woo Bull Moose
The Progressive, or Bull Moose, Party organized by the followers of Theodore Roosevelt was wooed by both parties: Wilson's Democrats and Hughes Republicans

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Editorial Cartoon Illustration of Teapot Dome Scandal

Editorial Cartoon Illustration of Teapot Dome Scandal
(Original Caption) Photo shows a cartoon from the "N. Y

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Political Cartoon Mocking High Tariffs

Political Cartoon Mocking High Tariffs
(Original Caption) 4/21/1921-"Cures all the ills of man or beast"-- cartoon shows Old Doctor G.O.P. selling the "high tariff tonic, " as Uncle Sam looks on curiously

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: The Sacred Elephant by Thomas Nast

The Sacred Elephant by Thomas Nast
Political cartoon by Thomas Nast of the Republican Party symbol, published in Harper's Weekly, March 8, 1884

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Energetic Supporters Raise Taft Signs

Energetic Supporters Raise Taft Signs
(Original Caption) 7/5/1952-Chicago, Illinois- A pro-Taft group celebrates the Ohio Senator's Texas delegate victory over General Eisenhower by lofting large signs bearing the name of their man

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: MacArthur Under Bright Light at Convention

MacArthur Under Bright Light at Convention
(Original Caption) 7/7/1952-Chicago, Illinois- Convention Hall: with a brilliant light shining down on him, General Douglas MacArthur, (center, on speaker's platform)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Delegate Calls Thru Rolled Up Paper

Delegate Calls Thru Rolled Up Paper
(Original Caption) 7/7/1952-Chicago, Illinois- Arthur Summerfield, chairman of the Michigan GOP delegation to the National Convention (with "megaphone" to mouth)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Overhead Delegates at GOP Convention Hall

Overhead Delegates at GOP Convention Hall
(Original Caption) 7/8/1952-Chicago, Illinois-: General view of the Republican National Convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Richard Nixon Holding Side of His Face in Tears

Richard Nixon Holding Side of His Face in Tears
(Original Caption) The year is 1952, and Senator Richard M. Nixon of California breaks into tears following a meeting with Dwight D

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Delegates To Gop Convention Listen/Speec

Delegates To Gop Convention Listen/Speec
(Original Caption) 8/20/1956-San Francisco, CA-: Delegates to the GOP Convention listen attentively to the Keynote speech by Gov

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Audience Listens at Opening Day, GOP convention

Audience Listens at Opening Day, GOP convention
(Original Caption) 8/20/1956-San Francisco, CA-: An intent audience on the floor of the San Francisco's Cow Palace listens to opening day speeches at the Republican National Convention August 20th

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Gop Delegates Assemble In Cow Palace

Gop Delegates Assemble In Cow Palace
(Original Caption) 8/20/1956-San Francisco, CA-: Delegates begin to assemble in the Cow Palace here August 20th prior to the opening of the Republican National Convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Delegates Enter Cow Palace Btwn Mounted

Delegates Enter Cow Palace Btwn Mounted
(Original Caption) 8/21/1956-San Francisco, CA-: Delegates, arriving for the third session of the GOP Convention here, August 21st, pass between mounted officers as they enter the Cow Palace

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Gop Convention; Signs For Eisenhower

Gop Convention; Signs For Eisenhower
(Original Caption) 8/22/1956-Cow Place, San Francisco, CA: here's a view of the demonstration that rocked the Cow Palace in San Francisco tonight when Rep

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Joseph Martin Introducing Nixon at GOP Convention

Joseph Martin Introducing Nixon at GOP Convention
(Original Caption) 8/23/1956-San Francisco

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Gen View Speakers &Audience @Convention

Gen View Speakers &Audience @Convention
(Original Caption) 7/19/1960-Chicago, IL- The 103 member GOP platform committee holds its opening session in the Crystal Ballroom of the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel. Charles H. Percy, comm

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Demonstrators Outside 1960 Republican Convention

Demonstrators Outside 1960 Republican Convention
Outside the opening session of the 1960 Republican National Convention, an orderly crowd of demonstrators (including Martin Luther King, Jr)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Nixon Reacting to News of His Nomination

Nixon Reacting to News of His Nomination
(Original Caption) 7/27/1960- Chicago, IL: Vice President Richard Nixon shouts gleefully after he was nominated as the GOP candidate for president here, July 27th

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy Debate

Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy Debate
National debate between Vice President Richard Nixon and Senator John Kennedy

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Nixon And Kennedy in Televised Debate

Nixon And Kennedy in Televised Debate
Vice President Richard Nixon and Senator John F. Kennedy engage in a televised debate, the last in a series of four

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Eisenhower with Congressmen and GOP Members

Eisenhower with Congressmen and GOP Members
(Original Caption) 5/1/1961-Gettysburg, PA- Ex-President Eisenhower enjoys a laugh with some GOP leaders during a meeting. Seated, (left to right) are: Sen

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Waistup Everett Dirksen and Mike Mansfield

Waistup Everett Dirksen and Mike Mansfield
(Original Caption) 1/4/1963-Washington, D.C.-Senate Minority Leader, Everett M

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Senater Goldwater Tries on Glasses

Senater Goldwater Tries on Glasses
Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater tries on a pair of "Go Goldwater" glasses during his appearance at the National Young Republicans Leadership Training School

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: George Romney Waving at Head of Crowd

George Romney Waving at Head of Crowd
(Original Caption) 7/11/1964-San Francisco, CA- Governor George Romney waves happily as he arrives for the GOP convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Convention Delegates Holding Signs Supporting Barry Goldwater

Convention Delegates Holding Signs Supporting Barry Goldwater
(Original Caption) 7/15/1964-San Francisco, California-: Florida and Georgia delegations demonstrate for Barry Goldwater's candidacy after he was nominated for the presidency

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Barry Goldwater and William Miller

Barry Goldwater and William Miller
Senator Barry Goldwater and his running-mate William Miller raise their hands after making their acceptance speeches at the 1964 Republican National Convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Barry Goldwater and William Miller

Barry Goldwater and William Miller
Senator Barry Goldwater and his running-mate William Miller raise their hands after making their acceptance speeches at the 1964 Republican National Convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Barry Goldwater Accepts Republican Nomination

Barry Goldwater Accepts Republican Nomination
Senator Barry Goldwater makes an speech accepting the Republican Party nomination for the Presidency

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Goldwater Kicks Off Campaign

Goldwater Kicks Off Campaign
Senator Barry Goldwater makes a speech in Prescott, Arizona, to kick off his Presidential campaign. His wife, Peggy, stands nearby

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Democratic and Republican Headquarters in St. Louis

Democratic and Republican Headquarters in St. Louis
The Bonhomme Township Democratic Organization and the Robert Snyder election campaign have each rented half of a building in St. Louis

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Gerald Ford and Sen Everett Dirksen Comment

Gerald Ford and Sen Everett Dirksen Comment
(Original Caption) 6/2/1966-Washington, D.C.- GOP congressional leaders, Representative Gerald Ford, (L), and Senator Everett M

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Bob Dole and George Bush

Bob Dole and George Bush
(Original Caption) Washington: George Bush (r), Pres

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: American Republican Symbol of the Elephant

American Republican Symbol of the Elephant
(Original Caption) 1974 - Republican Elephant graphic, the symbol of the Republican Party

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Gerald Ford At Podium

Gerald Ford At Podium
(Original Caption) 10/31/1974-Indianapolis, IND: President Gerald Ford speaks at a $100-a-couple Republican Party Dinner in Indianapolis October 16

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Frank Sinatra Cutting Wedding Cake with His Wife

Frank Sinatra Cutting Wedding Cake with His Wife
(Original Caption) Palm Springs, CA: Frank Sinatra and bride, the former Barbara Marx, who were wed July 11 at the home of Walter Annenberg, former US Ambassador to the Court of St

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Giving a Speech

Ronald Reagan Giving a Speech
(Original Caption) New Holland, Pennsylvania: On the final day of campaigning before the crucial Pennsylvania primary

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Speaking

Ronald Reagan Speaking
(Original Caption) Portland, ORE: Ronald Reagan, appearing at a mock Republican convention held by some 3, 000 high school students here, in addressing the students, that he would keep the U.S

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Shaking Hands with Eager Supporter

Ronald Reagan Shaking Hands with Eager Supporter
(Original Caption) Cincinnati

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan Meeting Lech Walesa's Father

Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan Meeting Lech Walesa's Father
(Original Caption) GOP Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy were greeted by Polish strike leader Lech Walesa's father

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Passing Through Crowd

Ronald Reagan Passing Through Crowd
(Original Caption) Harlingen

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Giving a Speech

Ronald Reagan Giving a Speech
(Original Caption) Van Nuys, California: Ronald Reagan, accusing President Carter of inconsistent policies toward Israel

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Ronald Reagan Voting

Ronald Reagan Voting
(Original Caption) Pacific Palisades, Calif.: Nancy Reagan peeks around the polling booth as Gov. Ronald Reagan cast his vote in the 1980 Presidential election

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: James Lawrence famous American naval officer

James Lawrence famous American naval officer
James Lawrence (1781 - 1813) was an American naval officer. An image of an original engraving from the " National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans" published in 1862

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Abbott Lawrence famous American businessman and politician

Abbott Lawrence famous American businessman and politician
Abbott Lawrence (1792 - 1855) was a prominent American businessman, politician, and philanthropist

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Barry Goldwater Making Acceptance Speech

Barry Goldwater Making Acceptance Speech
(Original Caption) 7/1964-Senator Barry Goldwater is shown making his acceptance speech, the climax of the 1964 GOP Convention

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Elephant Business Meeting

Elephant Business Meeting
Funny image of three elephants having a business meeting over coffee!

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Edward Everett famous American politician

Edward Everett famous American politician
Edward Everett (1794 a 1865) was an American politician, pastor, educator, diplomat, and orator from Massachusetts

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: american flag, animals, campaign, campaigning, color image, cut out, digital composite

american flag, animals, campaign, campaigning, color image, cut out, digital composite, elephant, holding, nobody, on the stump, one animal, patriotism, photography, political party, politician

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: adversity, afraid, american culture, angst, animals, at the edge of, bipartisan, blue sky

adversity, afraid, american culture, angst, animals, at the edge of, bipartisan, blue sky
Elephant and donkey looking over edge of cliff

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: adversary, animals, at the edge of, california, challenge, cliff, cloud, color image

adversary, animals, at the edge of, california, challenge, cliff, cloud, color image
Donkey and elephant separated by gap in cliff

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: american flag, animals, architecture

american flag, animals, architecture, color image, concept, copy space, day, digital composite, election issues, elephant, flag, government, holding, horizontal, ideas, nobody, one animal, outdoors

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Standing, 1864

Illustration of Abraham Lincoln Standing, 1864
Antique illustration of a Abraham Lincoln Standing, 1864. Abraham Lincoln became the United States 16th President in 1861

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Four Courts Attacked

Four Courts Attacked
1922: The Four Courts, the headquarters of the anti-Treaty Republicans is shelled by Free State forces during the Irish Civil War. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Dublin 1922

Dublin 1922
June 1922: Dubliners at Quayside during the Siege of the Four Courts, headquarters of the anti-Treaty Republicans during the Irish Civil War. (Photo by Walshe/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Music Lovers

Music Lovers
1st October 1916: A huge crowd gathers to hear Republican bands playing on the Horse Guards Parade, London. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Shelled Courts

Shelled Courts
1st July 1922: A wrecked Lancia armoured car outside the Four Courts in Dublin, the headquarters of the anti-Treaty Republicans, having been shelled by Free State forces during the Irish Civil War

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Hoover Tunes In

Hoover Tunes In
circa 1928: Herbert Hoover (1874 - 1964), Republican Party candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America, listening to a one valve radio set

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Dublin 1922

Dublin 1922
July 1922: Devastation in Sackville Street, Dublin, after fighting between Free State and Republican Forces during the Irish Civil War. (Photo by Walshe/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Bombed Bridge

Bombed Bridge
July 1922: A bridge in County Leitrim destroyed by Republican forces during the Irish Civil War. (Photo by Crowder/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: Peace Conference

Peace Conference
July 1921: Sinn Feiners cheer the arrival of Irish republican leader Eamon de Valera and the founder of Sinn Fein Arthur Griffith at the Irish Peace Conference in Dublin

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: 1884 Republican National Convention

1884 Republican National Convention
The Republican National Convention taking place at the Exposition Hall, Chicago, 3rd-6th June 1884. The event resulted in the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A

Background imageRepublican Party Collection: 1884 Republican National Convention

1884 Republican National Convention
The Republican National Convention taking place at the Exposition Hall, Chicago, 3rd-6th June 1884. The event resulted in the nomination of James G. Blaine and John A

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