Harlequin Clown
Portrait of Hans Lippershey, Dutch spectacle maker and inventor of the telescope
Engraving of Sir Francis DrakePortrait of Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) English navigator. Engraving
Print of Queen Elizabeth of England After Nicholas HilliardQueen Elizabeth of England, the Ermine portrait in the collection of the Marquess of Salisbury at Hatfield House. Undated
Queen Elizabeth I as Depicted on an English Color Tinted PostcardQueen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) England and Ireland of house of Tudor as captured by an English color tinted postcard
Engraving of Orlando Lasso by C. DebloisOrlando Lasso (1532-1594), Flemish composer. Regarded as the leading composer of the 16th century. Reproduction of an engraving by C
Portrait of Henry HudsonHenry Hudson (d.1611), English navigator, discovered the Hudson River. Undated engraving
The Astrologer EngravingThe astrologer. Undated engraving
Elisabeth of AustriaPortrait of Elisabeth of Austria, wife of Charles IX, King of France painted by Francois Clouet
James Arminius EngravingORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), Dutch clergyman and theologian. Undated engraving
Dr. John Donne EngravingJohn Donne (1573-1631), British Poet. Undated engraving
King James the Ist EngravingORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows King James I (1566-1625), son of Mary Queen of Scots. Undated engraving
Portrait of Dr. William Gilbert Copper Engraving After a Painting by Harding(Original Caption) Dr. William Gilbert. From the original painting in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. *Copper engraving based on a painting by Harding
Portrait of Robert Devereux(Original Caption) Robert Devereux (1567-1601), the Earl of Essex, is shown in a close-up portrait. He was a soldier favorite of Queen Elizabeth. By unknown artist in 1597
Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh and His Son(Original Caption) Sir Walter Raleigh (1554-1618), English courtier, navigator, and historian. With his son
Engraving after a Painting of John Nicot by Hendrick GoltziusPortrait of John Nicot (C.1530-1600), French diplomat and scholar. Ambassador in Portugal (1559-61); introduced use of tobacco from Portugal into France. The term nicotine is derived from his name
Sir Walter Raleigh on Board His Ship Illustration(Original Caption) Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618), English courtier, adventurer, historian, on board his ship. Undated color
Portrait of Michel de Montaigne by Charles Edward WagstaffMichel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592), French essayist and courtier at the court of Charles IX. Engraving by G.E. Wagstaff from an original picture at Paris in the Depot des Archives du Royaumel
Ruff, 19th century illustrationRuff (Calidris pugnax, here as Machetes pugnax), a medium-sized wading bird that breeds in marshes and wet meadows across northern Eurasia
Courtship plumage of birds (sexual dimorphism), Chromolithograph, published in 1897Colorful courtship plumage of various birds (sexual dimorphism)
Ruff -Philomachus pugnax-
Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe
Ruff -Philomachus pugnax-, male wading in shallow water, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe
Ruff -Philomachus pugnax-, male standing on the shore in the grass, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe
Ruff -Philomachus pugnax-, reeve, female standing in shallow water, Burgenland, Austria
Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male in breeding plumage standing on a meadow at the water, Burgenland, Austria