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Sculpture Bust Collection

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Publius Alius Hadrian Roman Emperor

Publius Alius Hadrian Roman Emperor
(Original Caption) Publius Alius Hadrian, Roman Emperor 114-138 A.D. bust from Rome, Vatican Museum. BPA2# 4217

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Italian Republican Leader Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian Republican Leader Giuseppe Mazzini
Giuseppe Mazzini, (1805-1872), founded the organization Young Italy and led the Republican movement for a united Italy

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Portrait Mary F. Barney

Bust Portrait Mary F. Barney
(Original Caption) Bust portrait of Mary F. Barney of Elmira, New York. Photograph from the Tomlinson Studio, Sept. 4th, 1884

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Victorian Couple Alone Knitting

Victorian Couple Alone Knitting
(Original Caption) ca. 1890-Victorin Couple alone

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: American President William McKinley

American President William McKinley
(Original Caption) A bust portrait of William McKinley (1843-1901), the 25th President of the United States (1897-1901)

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Formal Portrait Of Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez

Formal Portrait Of Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez
(Original Caption) Portrait of General Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez, President of the Republic of El Salvador, Central America. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bjornsterne Bjornson Writing At Desk

Bjornsterne Bjornson Writing At Desk
Bjornstjerne Bjornson (1832-1910), Norwegian poet, dramatist, novelist and political leader won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1903

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust of Nero

Bust of Nero
Bust of the Roman Emperor Nero (37-68 A.D.), now on display at a museum. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti by Giorgio Vasari

Tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti by Giorgio Vasari
Located in: Santa Croce, Florence, Italy

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: People Stand Next to Busts

People Stand Next to Busts
(Original Caption) 1949-- Outstanding Negroes honored in an exhibit of their portrait busts. The busts are of l to r: Jackie Robinson, Mary McLeod Bethune and Channing Tobias

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Portrait Bust Of Socrates

Portrait Bust Of Socrates
(Original Caption) Socrates, Greek philosopher. Portrait bust. Photograph. BPA2# 3654

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Phil & Don Everly in Publicity Portrait

Phil & Don Everly in Publicity Portrait
(Original Caption) Publicity portrait of the Everly Brothers with pompadour hairstyles. Don and Phil Everly began recording music together in 1954. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti

Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda in a suit

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Statue Bust Of Marcus Junius Brutus

Statue Bust Of Marcus Junius Brutus
(Original Caption) Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC) Roman politician and conspirator. He headed the conspiracy against Caesar and was one of his assassins

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Front View of Bust of Nefertiti

Front View of Bust of Nefertiti
(Original Caption) Head of Nefertiti. Egyptian sculpture, 18th Dynasty, circa 1340 BCE. Berlin. BPA 2 #4277

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of A Roman Aristocrat'S Hairstyle

Bust Of A Roman Aristocrat'S Hairstyle
(Original Caption) Rome, Italy- Picture shows a woman's hairdo of the Roman aristocracy in the Museo Capitolino. Bust of a woman said the be Julia, the daughter of Titus. BPA2# 4215

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust of Marc Anthony

Bust of Marc Anthony
(Original Caption) Rome: Bust of Marc Anthony in the Museum of the Vatican. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Portrait of Benjamin Franklin Reading at His Desk by David Martin

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin Reading at His Desk by David Martin
(Original Caption) Painting of American statesman and founding father, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), seated at his desk reading papers

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Roman Emperor Nero

Bust Of Roman Emperor Nero
(Original Caption) Bust of the Roman Emperor Nero (37-68 A.D.). The bust is in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. Undated

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Reverend John Wesley

Bust Of Reverend John Wesley
(Original Caption) Photo shows a bust sculpture of the Reverend John Wesley, M.A. the founder of the Methodist branch of Christianity. Undated

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Socrates

Bust Of Socrates
(Original Caption) Socrates: (470?-399 B.C.), Greek philosopher. Head and shoulders bust. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Hannibal In Naples Museum

Bust Of Hannibal In Naples Museum
(Original Caption) 1st Century BC-Head and shoulders bust sculpture of Hannibal (247-182 BCE), the great military leader from Carthage. Naples Museum. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Dr. John Donne Engraving

Dr. John Donne Engraving
John Donne (1573-1631), British Poet. Undated engraving

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Lithograph of Benito Juarez Bust Wearing Bow Tie

Lithograph of Benito Juarez Bust Wearing Bow Tie
(Original Caption) Ca. 1857-1872-Portrait of Benito Pablo Juarez (1806-1872), revolutionary, anti colonialist fighter, and President of Mexico from 1857-1865 and again from 1867-1872

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Portrait Rutherford B. Hayes

Bust Portrait Rutherford B. Hayes
(Original Caption) A bust portrait of Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822-1893), the 19th President of the United States (1877-1881). Filed 4/21/1934

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust=Style Painting Of George Washington

Bust=Style Painting Of George Washington
(Original Caption) A painting by Gilbert Stuart of George Washington (1732-1799), first President of the United States from 1789-1797. Full Length

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Portrait Of Emperor Theodosius Ii

Portrait Of Emperor Theodosius Ii
(Original Caption) Picture shows Theodosius II (401-450), Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, (408-450). (In 395, the Roman Empire split and the Eastern part became known as the Byzantine Empire)

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Imperial Roman Bust of Emperor Caracalla

Imperial Roman Bust of Emperor Caracalla

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Men Working on the Face of Jefferson at Mount Rushmore Memorial by Gutzon Borglum

Men Working on the Face of Jefferson at Mount Rushmore Memorial by Gutzon Borglum
Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota: Working on the head of Jefferson: The man in the foreground is on Lincoln's head. Undated photograph, ca. 1940s

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Engraving Of King George Iii Of England

Engraving Of King George Iii Of England
(Original Caption) Portrait of King George III of England and Ireland (1760-1820) and of Hanover (1815-1820). his Governmental policies fed American colonial discontent leading to the Revolution

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Sculpture of Ikhnaton, also Known as Amenhotep IV

Bust Sculpture of Ikhnaton, also Known as Amenhotep IV
(Original Caption) King Ikhnaton also known as Amenhotep IV, famed Egyptian Emperor ca. 1350 B.C. Sculpture

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Julius Caesar

Bust Of Julius Caesar
(Original Caption) Bust of Julius Caesar, National Museum in Naples. BPA2# 4214

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Voltaire

Bust Of Voltaire
(Original Caption) Bust of Voltaire (1694-1778), by Houdon

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti

Limestone Bust of Queen Nefertiti
(Original Caption) Sculptural bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Ikhnaton IV of Egypt

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: O. Henry

O. Henry
(Original Caption) 1904: Portrait of O. Henry (William Sydney Porter, 1862-1910), American short story writer

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Portrait of President Juan Vicente Gomez

Portrait of President Juan Vicente Gomez
(Original Caption) 11/24/1928-The above photo shows General Juan Vicente Gomez, President of Venezuela

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Professor Robert M. Yerkes

Professor Robert M. Yerkes
(Original Caption) 11/4/1929-New Haven, CT-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Photo of Prof. Robert M. Yerkes of Yale University, who will be in charge of the staff of scientists soon to leave for Florida

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Abraham Lincoln from Mount Rushmore Memorial

Abraham Lincoln from Mount Rushmore Memorial
Gutzon Borglum works on the eye of Abraham Lincoln during the construction of the Mount Rushmore Memorial

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: View of Mount Rushmore in Progress

View of Mount Rushmore in Progress
Mt. Rushmore, SD: The Head of Washington, Jefferson and the beginning of Lincoln as seen from the cable

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Revolutionists Drag Bust of Hipolito Irigoyen

Revolutionists Drag Bust of Hipolito Irigoyen
(Original Caption) 9/17/1930-Buenos Aires, Argentina-Aroused by the course of Argentina's "peaceful revolution, " this band of revolutionists drag a statue of the deposed president

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Franz Boas

Franz Boas
Anthropologist and professor Franz Boas was the author of numerous scholarly works on aspects of anthropology

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard
Publicity photograph for Carole Lombard's 1936 film My Man Godfrey

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: FDR at Mt. Rushmore

FDR at Mt. Rushmore
President Franklin Roosevelt talks with Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum during a trip to dedicate the sculpture of Thomas Jefferson. The President's sons, Franklin Jr

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy
(Original Caption) Publicity handout of movie actor Spencer Tracy. Filed: 1937

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer as a young man.poses casually in a t-shirt

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Smiling Man Wearing Suit

Smiling Man Wearing Suit
(Original Caption) A bust portrait of a smiling man, James B. Stuart, in a business suit and tie. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Smiling Man in Suit and Tie

Smiling Man in Suit and Tie
(Original Caption) Model John McGuire smiles as he strikes a jaunty pose in this bust portrait in which he wears a business suit and tie. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Elderly Man Wearing Hat

Elderly Man Wearing Hat
(Original Caption) A fashionable older man, G. W. Ansbacet, models for a bust portrait. He leans back and adopts a casual posture. His three-piece suit and matching hat complement his goatee

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Smiling Woman

Smiling Woman
(Original Caption) A formal bust portrait of smiling Wilma Wallace. Ca. 1945-1960

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Hirohito and MacArthur Meet in the US Embassy in Tokyo

Hirohito and MacArthur Meet in the US Embassy in Tokyo
US General Douglas MacArthur stands next to Japanese Emperor Hirohito in the US Embassy in Tokyo. General MacArthur became responsible for supervising Japan after WWII

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Roman Orator Cicero

Bust Of Roman Orator Cicero
(Original Caption) Bust of Cicero (106-43 B.C.), Roman orator and statesman. Head and shoulders bust from Museo Capitolino in Rome. BPA2# 3517

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Elie Wiesel Speaking About Bitburg

Elie Wiesel Speaking About Bitburg
(Original Caption) 4/19/1985- Washington, DC: Elie Wiesel, the literary conscience of the Jewish Holocaust

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Kennedys Applauding Writer Milosz

Kennedys Applauding Writer Milosz
Members of the Kennedy family, including Ethel and Edward, applaud as writer Czeslaw Milosz accepts the Robert F

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Joseph Alois Schumpeter
(Original Caption) Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), Czech-born economist and professor at Harvard University. His theories on the development of capitalism made him famous Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Will Rogers

Will Rogers
American humorist Will Rogers in a dress shirt

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Charles Martin Hall

Charles Martin Hall
Young American chemist Charles Martin Hall in a suit. On February 23, 1886, Hall invented an inexpensive process for making aluminum

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust of Augustus

Bust of Augustus
Bust of Julius Caesar Born 100BC-died 44BC Roman general and Statesman. (Undated Photo)

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust of Prehistoric Man

Bust of Prehistoric Man
(Original Caption) Prehistoric Man. Neanderthal man-head. Modeled on the restored head of La Chapelle-aux-Saints. Restored by J.H. McGregor

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Sculpture of Sophocles

Bust Sculpture of Sophocles

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Leonard System of Refrigeration Print Advertisement

Leonard System of Refrigeration Print Advertisement

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: L. E. Cates Surrounded by Wax Heads

L. E. Cates Surrounded by Wax Heads
(Original Caption) Los Angeles, California: Wax faces. Making Faces For A Living. L. E

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Smiling Man in Suit and Tie

Smiling Man in Suit and Tie
(Original Caption) A bust portrait of a smiling man, John McGuire, dressed in a business suit and tie and wearing slick-backed hair. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Man Scratching His Head

Man Scratching His Head
(Original Caption) Jack McGraw, in a suit, scratches his head quizzically. Undated photograph

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Constantine The Great Colossal

Bust Of Constantine The Great Colossal
(Original Caption) : Constantine the Great Colossal (306-337 A.D.) Bust. Rome Conservatoren palast

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Portrait Of Dr. Juan Sacasa

Portrait Of Dr. Juan Sacasa
(Original Caption) Dr

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Print Depicting Edmond Halley

Print Depicting Edmond Halley
Edmund Halley, (1656-1742), an English Astronomer, is shown in an oval portrait

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Hand-Colored Engraving of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz by Benjamin Holl

Hand-Colored Engraving of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz by Benjamin Holl
Hand-tinted color engraving of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz by B. Holl

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Ovid Roman Roman Poet Engraving Of Bust

Ovid Roman Roman Poet Engraving Of Bust
(Original Caption) Ovid: (43 BC-17 AD) Roman Poet. Profile engraving of bust

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Illus.; Bust Of James Watt

Illus.; Bust Of James Watt
(Original Caption) Illustration of a bust of James Watt, inventor of the Watt Steam Engine. Undated

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Engraving of a Bust of Pericles

Engraving of a Bust of Pericles
Bust of Pericles (Ca. 495-429 B.C.), Athenian statesman. Undated engraving. BPA2# 2272

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Thomas Jefferson Head/Shoulders Portrait

Thomas Jefferson Head/Shoulders Portrait
(Original Caption) Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), third President of the United States. Engraved by W. Hell, from a print by A. Desnoyers. Undated illustration

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Engraving of a Head of Socrates

Engraving of a Head of Socrates
Engraving depicting the head of Socrates (c. 470-399 B.C.), Greek philosopher. Undated illustration

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin

Bust Portrait of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
(Original Caption) Lithograph of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin (1759-1797), from a painting by Opie. The early feminist wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Women" in 1792

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Illustration of a Bust of Cornelius Tacitus

Illustration of a Bust of Cornelius Tacitus
(Original Caption) Cornelius Tacitus: (55 - 117 A.D.), Roman historian. Undated illustration of sculpture

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Profile Engraving David R. Atchinson

Profile Engraving David R. Atchinson
(Original Caption) Profile portrait of David R. Atchinson, the senator who was President of the United States for a day, March 4, 1849. Undated engraving

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Of Baron Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Bust Of Baron Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(Original Caption) Bust portrait of Baron Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, German philosopher and mathematician (1646-1716)

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Head/Shoulders William Shakespeare

Head/Shoulders William Shakespeare
(Original Caption) Head and shoulder portrait of English playwright, William Shakespeare (1564-1616). Undated illustration

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Illustration Of Eleuthere Irenee Du Pont

Illustration Of Eleuthere Irenee Du Pont
(Original Caption) Illustration of Eleuthere Irenee Du Pont (1771-1834), French industrialist who settled in Wilmington, DE. Established gunpowder mills, the beginning of the DuPont de Nemours & Co

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Engraving of a Bust of Horace by Gimber

Engraving of a Bust of Horace by Gimber

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Profile Portrait of Moliere

Profile Portrait of Moliere
(Original Caption) Profile portrait of French playwright Jean Baptiste Moliere (1622-1673). Drawn and engraved by Aug. S. Aubin after a bust done by Houdon

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Illustration Of Millard Fillmore

Bust Illustration Of Millard Fillmore
(Original Caption) A bust illustration of Millard Fillmore (1800-1874), the 13th President of the United States (1850-1853). Originally a Whig, he later campaigned for the Know-Nothing movement

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Bust Shot Of George Washington

Bust Shot Of George Washington
(Original Caption) A screened image from a painting of George Washington (1732-1799), first President of the United States. Undated illustration

Background imageSculpture Bust Collection: Illustration Of Bust Of Marie Antoinette

Illustration Of Bust Of Marie Antoinette
(Original Caption) An illustration of a bust of Marie Antoinette labeled: "Marie Antoinette -- Queen of France, Archduchess of Austria, " (in French)

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