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Seattle Collection

Background imageSeattle Collection: Seattle Space Needle at sunset

Seattle Space Needle at sunset

Background imageSeattle Collection: Wall Street Publisher and Wife Seattle a Visit

Wall Street Publisher and Wife Seattle a Visit
Hugh Bancroft with Mrs. Bancroft, arrived in Seattle recently, for a visit. Both are enthusiastic about Seattle, and the Puget Region. Mr

Background imageSeattle Collection: International Fountain at Night

International Fountain at Night
(Original Caption) International Fountain. Space Needle in background. The lighted windows are in the National Guard Armory which is being turned into a food circus

Background imageSeattle Collection: University of Washington Rowing Crew

University of Washington Rowing Crew
Washington University Rowing Crew (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageSeattle Collection: Roosevelt Family Celebrating Christmas

Roosevelt Family Celebrating Christmas
Eleanor Roosevelt enjoys Christmas with her daughter Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, grandson Curtis Dall, and granddaughter Anna Dall in Seattle, Washington, USA

Background imageSeattle Collection: William Howard Taft and Others at Ceremonies for Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition

William Howard Taft and Others at Ceremonies for Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition
(Original Caption) Jovial and popular, President William Howard Taft went to Seattle in 1909 to open the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition--and here's the picture of the ceremonies

Background imageSeattle Collection: Striking Workers Walk by Covered Trucks

Striking Workers Walk by Covered Trucks
(Original Caption) 2/13/1919-Seattle, Washington-A general view of the Seattle strike

Background imageSeattle Collection: Pete Desjardine Diving

Pete Desjardine Diving
Pete Desjardine diving at the National A.A.U. Meet, Seattle. Desjardine was an Olympic silver medalist in 1924, and then a gold medalist in 1928, both for diving

Background imageSeattle Collection: Refugee Children Waving American Flags

Refugee Children Waving American Flags
(Original Caption) Polish kiddies, forced to feel the Red hordes which recently menaced their homes, arrived recently at Seattle, Washington, aboard the Fushima Maru

Background imageSeattle Collection: Preparing for Arctic Expedition

Preparing for Arctic Expedition
(Original Caption) Amundsen Preparing for Arctic Expedition. Capt. Roald Amundsen, the noted arctic explorer is at Seattle, Wash. loading the ship Maud for the long trip to the Arctic regions

Background imageSeattle Collection: Polar Expedition Mascot

Polar Expedition Mascot
(Original Caption) Amundsen Preparing for Arctic Expedition

Background imageSeattle Collection: Roald Amundsen and Mrs. H.H. Hammer Waving

Roald Amundsen and Mrs. H.H. Hammer Waving
(Original Caption) At the left, Captain Roald Amundsen, who is leading a polar expedition to the North Pole; at the right is Mrs. H.H. Hammer, wife of Amundsen's business manager

Background imageSeattle Collection: Roald Amundsen's Ship Leaving Harbor

Roald Amundsen's Ship Leaving Harbor
(Original Caption) Amundsen's polar expedition leaves Seattle...The ship Maud sailing out of Seattle Harbor

Background imageSeattle Collection: Crew of Maud Waving

Crew of Maud Waving
(Original Caption) Amundsen's polar expedition leaves Seattle...Members of the crew of the Maud

Background imageSeattle Collection: People Clearing Roads

People Clearing Roads
(Original Caption) Ranier National Park Opens with Fun Making. A view of the many folk that aided in the opening of Ranier National Park, near Seattle, Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Louis Hart of Washington Hit with Snow

Louis Hart of Washington Hit with Snow
(Original Caption) Ranier National Park Opens with Snow Battle. Gov. Louis F

Background imageSeattle Collection: Governor Louis F. Hart Clearing the Roads

Governor Louis F. Hart Clearing the Roads
(Original Caption) Ranier National Park Opens with Fun Making. Gov. Louis F

Background imageSeattle Collection: Three hundred Russian refugees land at Seattle, Washington

Three hundred Russian refugees land at Seattle, Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Overview of Harbor and Architecture of Seattle

Overview of Harbor and Architecture of Seattle
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Business district and harbor

Background imageSeattle Collection: Girl Climbs Giant Sunflower Plant

Girl Climbs Giant Sunflower Plant
(Original Caption) 9/11/1923-Seattle, WA: Girl climbing sunflower plant like Jack and his beanstalk

Background imageSeattle Collection: Aerial View of Parade

Aerial View of Parade
(Original Caption) Thousands View Templar Parade. Another view of the parade. The parade coming down the avenue through the arch. In the foreground is the L. C. Smith building

Background imageSeattle Collection: Aerial View of Parade

Aerial View of Parade
(Original Caption) Parade at Seattle, Washington. 1925

Background imageSeattle Collection: Little Boy and Grandfather on Bicycles

Little Boy and Grandfather on Bicycles
(Original Caption) 4/30/25-Seattle, Washington: Little Johnny Jones, seen here astride his modern bicycle, wonders how George Mather gets up on his old fashioned high wheeled cycle

Background imageSeattle Collection: Johnny Weismuller Winning Swim Race

Johnny Weismuller Winning Swim Race
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Photo shows Johnny Weismuller, the Illinois Athletic Club crack swimmer, winning the 880-yard free-style event with hardly any effort

Background imageSeattle Collection: Swimmer Surfacing In Water

Swimmer Surfacing In Water
(Original Caption) Youth Who Defeated Two Champs. Seattle, Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Robert Skelton Winning Breast Stroke Event

Robert Skelton Winning Breast Stroke Event
Robert Skelton, here winning the 410-yard breast stroke in Seattle Washington on August 4, 1925, was a gold-medalist in the 1924 Olympics 200-meter breast stroke event

Background imageSeattle Collection: Woman Doing Dance with Hoop

Woman Doing Dance with Hoop
(Original Caption) 8/14/1925-Seattle, WA- One of the features of the Dennishawn dancers now in tour is the dance with the large hoop, performed by Miss Doris Humphrey

Background imageSeattle Collection: Policeman Riding on Roller Skates

Policeman Riding on Roller Skates
(Original Caption) Seattle, Wash.: Photo shows patrolman James Moore, who pounds or should we say rolls a beat in the outlying districts of Seattle, practicing up on roller skates

Background imageSeattle Collection: Profile Portrait of Chief Two Guns White Calf

Profile Portrait of Chief Two Guns White Calf
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: The Best Known Indian In The World

Background imageSeattle Collection: Boy Listening To Radio, Reeling In Trout

Boy Listening To Radio, Reeling In Trout
(Original Caption) 11/13/1925-Jackie Coogan, rather than meditative when indulging in piscatorial sport, during his sojurn in the Coogan hunting lodge in the Sierras, prefers the company of a radio

Background imageSeattle Collection: Female Engineering Student with Machinery

Female Engineering Student with Machinery
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Studies Mining To Help Her Country

Background imageSeattle Collection: Native American Representatives with Native Artist at Work

Native American Representatives with Native Artist at Work
(Original Caption) Photo shows Miss Jessie Jim, an Indian representative, holding her mascot, who is to accompany her to that city

Background imageSeattle Collection: Knute Rockne Playing Golf

Knute Rockne Playing Golf
(Original Caption) On recent visit to Seattle, coach of the Notre Dame University, partook in round of golf at the Broadmore course, with Enoch Bashay

Background imageSeattle Collection: Dr. Will A. Durant and Wife Posing Before Leaving for Trip

Dr. Will A. Durant and Wife Posing Before Leaving for Trip
(Original Caption) On a world trip that will take them through the Orient and across Siberia to Moscow, Dr. Will A. Durant, the noted author and lecturer, with Mrs

Background imageSeattle Collection: FDR in Motorcade

FDR in Motorcade
(Original Caption) Thousands Greet Roosevelt in Seattle. Seattle, Washington: Waving his hat to the cheering throngs, Governor Franklin D

Background imageSeattle Collection: Boeing Assembly Floor

Boeing Assembly Floor
(Original Caption) Ready for Their Wings

Background imageSeattle Collection: Workers and Airplanes in Interior of Boeing Plant

Workers and Airplanes in Interior of Boeing Plant
(Original Caption) Seattle, WA.: Full Speed Ahead

Background imageSeattle Collection: Exterior of Art Museum

Exterior of Art Museum
(Original Caption) Seattle: Seattle's New Art Center. Nearing completion is Seattle's new $250, 000 Art Museum which will house the collections and exhibits of the Seattle Art Institute

Background imageSeattle Collection: University of Washington Rowing Team

University of Washington Rowing Team
Coach Al Ulbrickson, rowing coach of the University of Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Plane Underneath Huge Dirigible in Flight

Plane Underneath Huge Dirigible in Flight
(Original Caption) A demonstration of aerial precision is given here as this plane is launched form her mother ship

Background imageSeattle Collection: Man Trying to Find Clogged Storm Drain

Man Trying to Find Clogged Storm Drain
(Original Caption) A Seattle street department employee wades through water more than knee deep to find the mouth to the storm drain that had become clogged, causing a small lake of water and snow

Background imageSeattle Collection: Portrait of Aimee Semple McPherson

Portrait of Aimee Semple McPherson
(Original Caption) Stopping in Seattle only long enough to be vaccinated and to have a tooth filled, Aimee Semple McPherson, noted Four Square Gospel leader

Background imageSeattle Collection: Loretta Young and Clark Gable at Lunch

Loretta Young and Clark Gable at Lunch
Clark Gable and Loretta Young eat lunch together in Seattle on February 7, 1935. The actors are filming Call of the Wild in nearby Mount Baker

Background imageSeattle Collection: How to Keep from Growing Old

How to Keep from Growing Old
Henry Roland, 41, who makes his living as a professional stunt man and "human fly" also climbs buildings for fun

Background imageSeattle Collection: Jim Braddock Fights Exhibition Bout in Seattle

Jim Braddock Fights Exhibition Bout in Seattle
Jim Braddock, heavyweight champion, pictured in a striking action pose, during his recent visit to Seattle, Wash

Background imageSeattle Collection: Reservoir Workers

Reservoir Workers
(Original Caption) Grading and leveling Maple Leaf Reservoir, a WPA project

Background imageSeattle Collection: University of Washington Rowing Team

University of Washington Rowing Team
Here are the Senior Varsity Oarsmen of the University of Washington (Seattle)

Background imageSeattle Collection: Prize Playwrite Can't Fold Kimono

Prize Playwrite Can't Fold Kimono
Elmer Rice of New York who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1929 for his "Street Scene

Background imageSeattle Collection: Night Construction At Grand Coulee Dam

Night Construction At Grand Coulee Dam
(Original Caption) Night and day work goes forward at Grand Coulee dam, where in the Columbia River of eastern Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Abe Krems Standing at Blackboard

Abe Krems Standing at Blackboard
(Original Caption) 6/17/1937-Seattle, WA- Portrait of Abe Krems, the youngest graduate in the 1937 class at the University of Washington. Krems, 17, was graduated, cum laude, on June 14

Background imageSeattle Collection: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Visiting Family

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Visiting Family
(Original Caption) Visiting the home of his son-in-law and his daughter, Mr. and Mrs

Background imageSeattle Collection: Bomb Plotters Code

Bomb Plotters Code
(Original Caption) This code, thought to be one used in an alleged plot to blow up the Japanese liner Hiye Maru, in Seattle, Washington harbor

Background imageSeattle Collection: Sick's Seattle Stadium - Fans Leave Inaugural Game

Sick's Seattle Stadium - Fans Leave Inaugural Game
Although the Seattle Rainiers were defeated 3 to 1 by the Portland Beavers, it was a big day for the 13, 500 fans on hand to dedicate this city's new $350, 000 baseball stadium

Background imageSeattle Collection: Jim Moran on Trip to Sell an Icebox to an Eskimo

Jim Moran on Trip to Sell an Icebox to an Eskimo
Publicist and salesman Jim Moran during a publicity stunt for General Electric where he flew to Alaska and sold an Icebox to an Eskimo

Background imageSeattle Collection: Seattle Protest Against Japanese

Seattle Protest Against Japanese
A group of demonstrators protest against the Japanese invasion of China in Seattle during a visit by a Japanese "good will" airplane

Background imageSeattle Collection: Jackie Robinson Running with Football

Jackie Robinson Running with Football
(Original Caption) John Robinson (#28)

Background imageSeattle Collection: Factory Where Plane Engines Being Made

Factory Where Plane Engines Being Made
(Original Caption) 11/28/1940-Seattle, WA: Big bombers for Britain are shown being built at the Boeing plant in Seattle

Background imageSeattle Collection: Congregation of Japanese for United States

Congregation of Japanese for United States
(Original Caption) Thirteen hundred Seattle Japanese, standing massed in the auditorium of their newly dedicated Buddhist church

Background imageSeattle Collection: View of Giant Table Map Used for Aerial Defense

View of Giant Table Map Used for Aerial Defense
(Original Caption) This is the giant table map that plays a vital part in Pacific Northwest aerial defense

Background imageSeattle Collection: Soldier Guards Boeing

Soldier Guards Boeing
(Original Caption) This regular soldier does guard duty outside the Boeing Aircraft plant at Seattle. He bars entrance to all those without special passes. He looks as though he means business

Background imageSeattle Collection: US School Kids Practice Air Raid Drill

US School Kids Practice Air Raid Drill

Background imageSeattle Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Talking with Young American Japanese

Eleanor Roosevelt Talking with Young American Japanese
(Original Caption) Four youthful Japanese leaders in the Japanese American Defense Committee of Tacoma, Washington, confer here with Mrs. F. D. (Eleanor) Roosevelt

Background imageSeattle Collection: Soldiers Surrounding Military Gun

Soldiers Surrounding Military Gun
(Original Caption) Hundreds of antiaircraft guns have been moved into Seattle and the Pacific Northwest during the past week to protect the city and vicinity from air raids

Background imageSeattle Collection: Airplanes at Boeing Factory

Airplanes at Boeing Factory
(Original Caption) Photo shows aircraft in the process of being made at the Boeing plant in Seattle, Washington

Background imageSeattle Collection: Japanese Evacuee With Her Children

Japanese Evacuee With Her Children
(Original Caption) 3/31/42-Seattle

Background imageSeattle Collection: Japanese Evacuees Boarding Special Train

Japanese Evacuees Boarding Special Train
(Original Caption) 3/31/42-Seattle, Washington: Japanese evacuees, ferried to Seattle from Bainbridge Island, are shown boarding, under army guard, the special train which took them to California

Background imageSeattle Collection: Japanese Being Evacuated

Japanese Being Evacuated
(Original Caption) First Seattle Jap Evacuees Leave For Puyallup

Background imageSeattle Collection: Store Clerk Kneels Wearing Legstick

Store Clerk Kneels Wearing Legstick
(Original Caption) 5/11/1942-Seattle, WA- Estimated to be spending one-third of their clothes budget for stockings alone, working girls have been worries about the rising cost of hose

Background imageSeattle Collection: Seattle Detectives Investingating Ring

Seattle Detectives Investingating Ring
(Original Caption) 5/28/42-Seattle, Washington: Here are some of scores of automobiles stolen by a nationwide $1, 000, 000 auto theft ring, 25 of which were recovered in Seattle

Background imageSeattle Collection: Children in Classroom Seated and Laughing

Children in Classroom Seated and Laughing
(Original Caption) 12/26/1942-Seattle, WA- Watching a group of juvenile cooks at the front of the room

Background imageSeattle Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Visiting Injured Navy Man

Eleanor Roosevelt Visiting Injured Navy Man
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Mrs. FDR Learns about Knots. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt pauses at the bed of J. W

Background imageSeattle Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Awarding the Soldier's Medal

Eleanor Roosevelt Awarding the Soldier's Medal
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt pins the Soldier's Medal on Private Sam Morris at a ceremony in Seattle in April 1943

Background imageSeattle Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Pinning Medal on Soldier

Eleanor Roosevelt Pinning Medal on Soldier
(Original Caption) First Lady Decorates Hero. Seattle, Washington: Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is shown as she pinned the soldiers medal on Pvt

Background imageSeattle Collection: Helen Keller Feeling a B-17

Helen Keller Feeling a B-17
(Original Caption) 9/4/1943-Seattle, WA- Her burning desire to "see" a flying fortress was realized in Seattle recently when Helen Keller, famed blind authoress

Background imageSeattle Collection: Woman Operating a Lathe

Woman Operating a Lathe
(Original Caption) Miss. Eleanor N. Sigo, one of nearly 200 Indians who work at the Puget Sound Navy Yard, is shown on the job as a lathe operator

Background imageSeattle Collection: Crowd with Election Bet Winner Carrying Sign

Crowd with Election Bet Winner Carrying Sign
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Winner And Loser

Background imageSeattle Collection: J. Dempsey Gives Commander Punching Tips

J. Dempsey Gives Commander Punching Tips
(Original Caption) 6/5/1945-Seattle, WA- RM 2/c Wayne Abercrombie (l), Coast Guardsman of Wenatchee, WA, second place Golden Gloves winner in 1933, gets a few pointers on punching from Comdr

Background imageSeattle Collection: James Doolittle Seated in Cockpit

James Doolittle Seated in Cockpit
(Original Caption) 6/14/1945-Seattle, WA- Lt. General, James H

Background imageSeattle Collection: Toddler Making Ice Cream Soda

Toddler Making Ice Cream Soda
(Original Caption) 7/21/1945-Seattle, WA- Little David Guy Myers, 3-yr-old great grandson of G.O

Background imageSeattle Collection: Sailors Reading About Japanese Surrender

Sailors Reading About Japanese Surrender
(Original Caption) Headlines proclaiming Japans readiness to accept surrender terms bring wide grins to the faces of these seven sailors, reading the good news in a Seattle newspaper

Background imageSeattle Collection: Young Toddler with Her Toy Boat in Bathtub

Young Toddler with Her Toy Boat in Bathtub
(Original Caption) Seattle, Washington: Bath Tub Navy. All the grown-ups are making big preparations for Navy Day, so little Sharon staples goes ahead with her private plans

Background imageSeattle Collection: Buses Sitting in Yard During Strike

Buses Sitting in Yard During Strike
(Original Caption) Seattle's only public transit system rolled to a stop causing a reported 50% business slump, cut in school attendance and added slow-up for returning veterans

Background imageSeattle Collection: Woman Trying to Hitchhike During Bus Strike

Woman Trying to Hitchhike During Bus Strike
(Original Caption) In the cold

Background imageSeattle Collection: Workers Loading Delivery Truck with Newspapers

Workers Loading Delivery Truck with Newspapers
(Original Caption) After 56 days of silence

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