Victorian church warden lighting fire on Christmas EveVintage engraving of from the childrens story of The Robins Christmas Eve, 19th Century
Winston Churchill Visiting Coventry(Original Caption) Winston Churchill visiting Coventry Cathedral after the blitz
President Lyndon Johnson Playing Golf with Dwight D. Eisenhower(Original Caption) PALM SPRINGS, CALIF.-2/21/68-: The golfer is none other than President Johnson who spent some time on the green here with former President Dwight D. Eisenhower
tree, one person, clouds, clear sky, landscape, Caucasian ethnicity, moss, fortressBallynacarriga Castle; County Cork Ireland
Portrait of Stephen H. LongStephen Long explored the Rocky Mountains
Portrait of Charles DarwinAn 1869 portrait of Charles Darwin, the British naturalist whose theory of natural selection fundamentally altered the world's opinions about the evolution of living things
John Bridgeman Behind Sioux DelegationMembers of the Red Cloud delegation, left to right: Red Dog, Little Wound, John Bridgeman (interpreter), Red Cloud, American Horse, and Red Shirt. Oglala Sioux Photograph before 1876
Ralph Waldo Emerson(Original Caption) Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American essayist and poet. Head and shoulders photograph, ca. 1870s
Thomas Edison and His Phonograph(Original Caption) Thomas Edison and his phonograph in an undated photograph
Inventor Karl Benz Sitting on Benz MotorwagenInventor Karl Benz seated on the 1885 Benz Motorwagen. The motorwagen was the first motor vehicle ever to be sold to the public
Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot(Original Caption) 1890-Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), French doctor; neurologist. Photo by Nadar
Typical American FamilyPicture shows an American family with two generations. They are posing for a portrait; two are seated and three are standing. Undated photo circa 1890s
Geronimo Holding Rifle(Original Caption) Geronimo (1829-1900), American Apache chieftain. He is kneeling and holding a rifle. Colored
Portrait Of Andrew Carnegie(Original Caption) 1896- Portrait of Andrew Carnegie, 3/4 length, leaning on the back of a chair. BPA2# 5152
Jacques Cousteau Wearing Diving GearOceanographer Jacques Cousteau and colleagues prepare for a dive wearing wet suits and scuba gear
Winston Churchill Making Victory Sign(Original Caption) Sir Winston Churchill makes the Victory Sign as he greets well-wishers from his automobile. Photograph
Henri Matisse Working On Paper Cut-out(Original Caption) Henri Matisse working on paper cut out. Undated photo
Alexander Fleming at Microscope(Original Caption) Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), discoverer of penicillin, at a microscope in his laboratory at St. Mary's Hospital, London. Half-length profile, portrait seated
Author Helen Keller and Inventor Alexander Graham BellWriter Helen Keller and inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell using the manual alphabet of the deaf and blind. Bell did extensive research on methods of teaching the deaf to speak
Baseball Greats During National Anthem at Yankee StadiumJoe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Casey Stengel (left to right) salute the flag during the National Anthem played before the annual old-timers game at Yankee Stadium July 10
Aldo Moro Consoling Earthquake Victims(Original Caption) Italian Aldo Moro (left) flanked by an unidentified man wearing glasses, talks to Gibellina residents January 19th during a tour of earthquake-racked Sicily
American Supreme Court Justice Felix FrankfurterJustice Felix Frankfurter reads a newspaper. (Photo by Sylvia Salmi/Bettmann via Getty Images)
American Poet Wallace StevensProminent American poet Wallace Stevens, recipient of the 1955 Pulitzer Prize for his Collected Poems. (Photo by Sylvia Salmi/Bettmann via Getty Images)
Justice Tom C. Clark(Original Caption) Supreme Court Justice Tom C
Alexander FlemingDr. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
German Physicist Albert EinsteinPortrait of Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German physicist
Albert Einstein Seated And Smiling(Original Caption) Albert Einstein (1879-1955), theoretical physicist. Undated photograph
12 Honorary Degrees Conferred(Original Caption) Honorary degrees conferred upon 12 men by the president James B. Conant of Harvard. Left to Right: Norman G. Davis, Wiliam Allen White, Albert Einstein, Pres. Conant, Henry A
Carry NationTemperance supporter Carry Nation speaks out against alcohol holding a Bible and a hatchet. Nation was famous for taking a hatchet to bar fixtures and stock
Physicist Albert EinsteinDr. Albert Einstein is shown seated inside by the window, writing
Portrait of Karl MarxKarl Marx (1818-1883), German political philosopher, author of Das Kapital
Thomas Edison and Irving Langmuir with Vacuum Tubes(Original Caption) Thomas Edison (L) and Dr. Irving Langmuir (C) are shown here discussing the vacuum tube at the General Electric Research Laboratory. Undated photograph
William Jennings Bryan Giving Speech(Original Caption) William Jennings Bryan; (1860-1925) Democratic Presidential nominee, well-known for his eloquent political oratory, delivering a campaign speech. Photograph, ca. 1910. BPA2# 3511
Industrialist Andrew Carnegie(Original Caption) New York, New York: Picture shows industrialist Andrew Carnegie standing on the steps of his estate wearing a suit and waving his hat. Undated photo circa 1910s
Thomas Edison and Son in AutomobileThomas Edison gets a lift from his son, Thomas Edison Jr. in an electric automobile
Attorney Clarence Darrow
Sir Hugh and Lady Bell
Thomas Edison in his Laboratory(Original Caption) Portrait of inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931), in his laboratory
Industrialist Andrew Carnegie Waiting to Testify at HearingIndustrialist Andrew Carnegie waiting to be called to the witness stand during a hearing of the Federal Industrial Relations Commission
American Ambassador James W. Gerard Leaving for His Post in Germany
General Pershing Lands in FranceGeneral Pershing lands in France as Commander of the A.E.F. The French officer behind General Pershing is General Peletier, the civilian to the left is Monsieur Rene Besnard
President Woodrow Wilson in the Oval OfficePortrait of Woodrow Wilson seated at his White House desk in 1919. He is turned toward the camera, holding a pen in hand
Members of Versailles ConferenceMembers of the Versailles Conference (L-R): Vittorio Emanuelle Orlando, Italy; David Lloyd-George, Great Britain; Georges Clemenceau, France; and Woodrow Wilson, US
President Wilson and George Creel at Train Station(Original Caption) 1/2/1919-President Wilson and George Creel, Committee on Public Information leave Royal Train at Station in Alps for exercise. Taken on way to Rome, Italy
Boxer Jack Dempsey with Mother and FatherHeavyweight boxer Jack Dempsey with his mother Mary Celia Smoot and father Hyrum Dempsey
Albert Einstein (1879-1955), American theoretical physicist and winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics
Inventor George Eastman(Original Caption) George Eastman in 1921. Portrait by his friend and colleague, N.E. Luboshez, F.R.P.S
Delegations Waiting to Meet President(Original Caption) Women ask the President to call Disarmament conference
Justices of the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice William H. Taft
William Nelson Cromwell Tips Hat(Original Caption) 5/25/1923-New York, New York-Mr. William Nelson Cromwell, New York lawyer and philanthropist, returning from Paris where he dedicated the founding of a new museum
King Hussein Caliph of Turkey Leaving Royal PalaceHashimite King Hussein ibn Ali, Caliph al-Islam, King of the Hijaz, Commander of the Faithful, Grand Sharif and Amir of Mecca leaving his palace in Amman in the Hijaz Kingdom
Alice Rhinelander with her Mother and FatherAlice Rhinelander poses with her mother and father during the annulment trail of her marriage to Leonard "Kip" Rhinelander
Inventor Thomas EdisonThomas Edison (1847-1931), was a prolific inventor who was issued over 1, 000 patents over his lifetime
European Delegates in London During Locarno Pact Signing(Original Caption) 12/9/1925-London, England: Mr. Austin Chamberlain met the German and Belgian delegates who arrived at London at Victoria Station for the signing of the Locarno Pact
President and Mrs. Coolidge with Andrew MellonPresident and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge with Andrew Mellon and others on the White House lawn
Andrew Carnegie II Learning to Play GolfAndrew Carnegie II and George Crocket learning how to play golf from local golf pro Wilfred Reid in St. Augustine, Florida
Henry Ford with Prize Oxen in Snow Storm(Original Caption) 1/9/1926- Sudbury, MA- This photo was taken of Henry Ford at the Wayside Inn, Sudbury, MA during blinding showstorm on January 9th, as he posed with two of his prize oxen
Indian Poet and Divine in LondonRabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet and divine is now on a visit to London and other parts of England. This exclusive photo shows the world-famous Tagore on the terrace of his hotel in London
Sir Rabindranath Tagore(Original Caption) India: This is the most striking photo ever taken of the great poet and philosopher of India, Sir Rabindranath Tagore. He has won the Nobel Prize for his works
John D. Rockefeller Sr.meeting some young Floridians to whom he gave some of his thrift dimes. The oil king is having a vacation at his summer home at Ormond Beach
Physicist A.A. Michelson in Laboratory(Original Caption) 1/6/1928: The late Prof. Albert A. Michelson, great American physicist who developed an ingenious method for measuring the diameter of stars
Ambassador Andrew Mellon(Original Caption) Above photo shows Andrew Mellon, former Secretary of the Treasury, now Ambassador to England, for your use with Washington wire news
George Eastman of Eastman Kodak CompanyInventor and businessman George Eastman, of the Eastman Kodak Company and a member of the Edison Scholarship Advisory Board
Sir Alexander Fleming(Original Caption) Sir Alexander Fleming, celebrated English physician who discovered penicillin
Alexander Fleming Working in Laboratory(Original Caption) Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) Scottish bacteriologist, working in his laboratory on the development of penicillin. Undated photograph, circa 1929
Hoovers Joining Nation's Triibute to EdisonLeft to right, Henry Ford, President Hoover, Thomas Edison, Mrs. Hoover, and Mrs
Sigmund Freud In Home Office At DeskSigmund Freud, 1856-1939, Austrian psychiatrist, in the office of his Vienna home looking at a manuscript
English Physicist Joseph John ThomsonSir Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) English physicist. Photo. Undated
Arturo Toscanini Conducting Orchestra(Original Caption) Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957), Italian conductor, is shown conducting the NBC symphony orchestra during a radio concert in the 1930s. Undated photograph
California Scientists Meeting Einstein(Original Caption) 01/16/1931-Pasadena, CA: A group of distinguished American scientists with Professor Albert Einstein whom they greeted here recently. Left to Right are Dr. M. L. Humason, Ed. P
Portrait of Albert Einstein with Other Noted Scientists(Original Caption) "Throw all the relativity theories into the waste basket, if you will, and Dr
William Butler Yeats Arriving in New York(Original Caption) 10/26/1932-New York, NY - William Butler Yeats, Irish poet, statesman and dramatist, shown as he arrived at New York, Oct. 26, on the S. S. Europa
Sir Harry Lauder and Niece(Original Caption) Scottish Comedian in West
J.P. MorganThis famous picture was taken back in 1933 when Mr. Morgan was testifying before a Senate investigating committee
John Pierpont Morgan Speaking with LawyerJohn Pierpont Morgan Jr. New York financier and banker, receives some whispered advice from his attorney, John W
M.J. and O.P. Van SweringenM.J. Van Sweringen (left) and his brother, O.P. Van Sweringen, Cleveland railroad magnates, are seen here as they arrived at the Senate Office in Washington, D.C
Four Nobel Prize WinnersSinclair Lewis, Frank Kellogg, Albert Einstein, and Irving Langmuir stand together at the Hotel Roosevelt on December 18, 1933
Orville Wright Examining Model of Boeing AirplaneThe inventor compares a modern Boeing airplane to one of the planes that he and his late brother Wilbur invented
Serial Killer Albert Fish on TrialChild killer and cannibal Albert Fish is led into homicide court by detective William King, who captured Fish after a six year search
Ford Automobile Founder Henry FordFord Motor Company founder and entrepreneur Henry Ford
Dennis Chavez Seated at Desk(Original Caption) Dennis Chavez, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, who has been appointed to succeed the late Senator Bronson Cutting as Senator from New Mexico, is pictured at his desk in Washington
Dennis Chavez at Work in His OfficeSenator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico reads papers in his office
President sees his ball team lose a gameHis daughter, Mrs
English Judges in Wigs