Halvor Ekeren Explaining a Contest Score Board(Original Caption) The first winner of the Little Yuma contest, First Lieut. Halvor M. Ekeren of Minnesota (left) explains to the United Press correspondent Al Kaff before the score board
Lionel Rose Embracing his Boxing Gloves(Original Caption) Jubilant Australian Lionel Rose embraces the gloves that won him the world bantamweight title here, February 27th
Japanese Funeral Carriage Being Pulled(Original Caption) Tokyo: Catafalque. Photo shows a close up daylight view of the Catafalque which carried the body of the Emperor
Japanese Funeral Musicians(Original Caption) Tokyo: Funeral. Photo shows the Gong and drum bearers in the funeral procession of the Japanese Emperor. These men beat a steady dirge on the drums during the march
Funeral Procession of Japanese Emperor(Original Caption) Tokyo: Funeral... Photo shows bearers of the Sacred Sun Flag and the Sacred Moon Flag, marching the process from Asakawa Station to the Mausoleum. The Sun Flat is on the right
View of Marching Women(Original Caption) Part of the 10, 000 women who marched in the May Day parade. The women are employed in the spinning mills
Chokei Okabe and Son in Tokyo Office(Original Caption) 1928- Tokyo, Japan- Chokei Okabe, who, it is reported, may be the first Japanese Minister to Canada, is here seen with his son in his office in Tokyo. Mr
Japanese Woman Wearing a Bunkin-Takashimada Headdress(Original Caption) 6/14/1928- Coiffures among our eastern sisters
Horse and Carriage Procession for Emperor Hirohito(Original Caption) Kyoto, Japan: Hirohito Crowned New Emperor. With regal pomp and ceremonies in Kyoto, Japan, a few days ago, the new Emperor
Evangeline Booth of the Salvation ArmyEvangeline Booth, fourth general of the Salvation Army and daughter of the founder, William Booth
Japanese Leaders Hamaguchi and TanakaYuko Hamaguchi, leader of the Japanese opposition party Minseito, and the Japanese Prime Minister Baron Giichi Tanaka
Yuko Hamaguchi Lounging at Table(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: An Intimate Portrait Of Japan's Premier
Yuko Hamaguchi Posing Besides Statue(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: Premier Yuko Hamaguchi of Japan standing beside a wooden sculpture of himself, presented to him by young men of the Fukishima prefecture
Hamaguchi Being Carried by Colleagues After Assassination Attempt(Original Caption) Photo shows Premier Hamaguchi of Japan being supported by colleagues just after a would-be assassin's bullets had pierced his stomach and left him seriously injured
Japanese Police Drag Off Premier Hamaguchi's Would-Be Assassin(Original Caption) This remarkable photo of infuriated Japanese crowds and a Tokyo policeman dragging the would-be assassin of Premier Hamaguchi
Japanese Leader Yuko Hamaguchi Being Rescued(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: Photo shows the Premier of Japan, Yuko "Lion" Hamaguchi being carried from the Tokyo station platform, Nov
Workers, Police Work On Ruined Buildings(Original Caption) 12/13/30-Mishima, Japan- Workemen attempting to salvage some of the wreckage which was left in the trail of the disastrous earthquake of Nov. 26th
Tsuyoshi Inukai at Podium(Original Caption) Japan:: Tsuyoshi Inukai, leader of the Seiyukai opposition party when he delivered a speech at the general meeting of the party
Yuko Hamaguchi and Wife at Hospital(Original Caption) Japan: Yuko or Osachi Hamaguchi, 1870-1931, Japanese Premier--the first picture of him taken since the recent attempt on his life by a would-be-assassin
Princess Kikuko Asaka Leaving Her Residence(Original Caption) Japanese Royalty to Wed
May Day Labor Rally in Tokyo(Original Caption) 5/16/1931-Tokyo, Japan-A scene at a meeting in Tokyo on May Day, which preceeded the longest labor parade ever held in Japan
Men And Woman Seated, Surrounded By Geish(Original Caption) 6/25/1931-Tokyo, Japan-Photo shows Dr.Bascom Johnson of the U.S
Charles Lindbergh Standing on Wing of His Lockheed SiriusCharles Lindbergh stands on the wing of his Lockheed Sirius following his landing in Kasumigaura, northeast of Tokyo
Charles Lindbergh with Jiro Minami and W Cameron Forbes(Original Caption) Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, General Jiro Minami, the Japanese Minister of War, and the American Ambassador W. Cameron Forbes, seated at the Ministry of War in Tokyo
Charles Lindbergh and Wife Receiving Medals(Original Caption) Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh receive medals of honor at a ceremony at the offices of the Imperial Aviation Society in Tokyo, to commemorate their America-Japan flight
Charles Lindbergh and His Wife Wearing Medals(Original Caption) Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh after receiving the medals of honor at the offices of the Imperial Aviation Society
Tsuyoshi Inukai and Baron Riejiro Wakatsuki Posing(Original Caption) Japan: Two Japanese presented a United Japanese front at Geneva-Tokyo, Japan; Baron Riejiro Wakatsuki, left, head of the government, calls on the leader of the opposition
Hirohito Viewing Rock ExhibitWhile visiting Tokyo's Uyeno Academy in 1931, Emperor Hirohito, a keen amateur scientist, views a museum exhibit of rocks and minerals
Dramatic Scene on Tokyo Railway Platform(Original Caption) 12/6/1931-Tokyo, Japan- A dramatic scene on the railway platform at Tokyo, when a train, laden with hundreds of Japanese soldiers passed through, en route to Manchuria
Warmongers Capturing Pei Tai Ying(Original Caption) Pei Tai Yin, Manchuria: Jap Cavalrymen. When Japanese Cavalrymen Took Pei Tai Ying
Reijiro Wakatsuki and Tsuyoshi Inukai(Original Caption) 1/3/1932-Tokyo, Japan- Baron Reijiro Wakatsuki (L) who recently resigned as Premier of Japan, shown with is successor, Tsuyoshio As Inukai, when they met in Tokyo
Family of Japan's Premier(Original Caption) 1/9/1932-Tokyo, Japan- Three generations of the family of Premier Inukai of Japan are shown in this recent photograph. Left to right: Mrs. Chiyoko Inukai; Mrs. Nakako Inukai; Mr
Japanese Premier Tsuyoshi Inukai and Escorts in Doorway(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: Inukai Group. Japanese Premier Offers His Resignation...Following Attempt On Life Of Emperor
Henry Pu-Yi Ruler Of Manchuria(Original Caption) 3/24/1932-Japan: Surrrounded by dignataries, Henry Pu-Yi, former boy emperor of Japan, is seen seated at Changchun
Premier Tsuyoshi Inukai and Family(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: Assassinated Premier Of Japan And Family
Late Premier Ki Inukai at Ceremony(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: One Of Last Public Appearances Of Slain Premier--- The late Ki Inuaki, slain Premier of Japan, as he appeared at one of the last public ceremonies of his career
Chaplin Brothers with Kabuki Theater Actor(Original Caption) Chaplin group. The Chaplin brothers with famous Japanese host
Charlie Chaplin Speaking with Makoto Saito(Original Caption) The Premiere of Clowns...And the Premier of Japan
Portrait of Geishas(Original Caption) Chaplin and Geisha Girls. Charlie Chaplin Invites Them to Hollywood...They Accept. Tokyo, Japan: These pretty geisha girls have reason to smile
Emperor Hirohito's Daughters(Original Caption) The Three Daughters of Japan's Emperor and Empress. Tokyo, Japan. Recent photo of the three young daughters of Emperor Hirohito and Empress Nagako Kuni
Kiyoshi Akita Receiving Throat Treatment(Original Caption) Kiyoshi Akita, Speaker of the House of Representatives, probably did too much speaking
Group Singing Japanese National Anthem(Original Caption) Japan in League withdrawal meet. Japanese withdrawal from the League of Nations was firmly favored at this mass meeting in Hibiya Auditorium of Tokyo
Imperial Japanese Army Reserves Cheering(Original Caption) Japanese Approve League Stand
Yasuya Uchida Toasting with Representative(Original Caption) Toasting the Manchukuo Republic on First Anniversary. Tokyo, Japan: Count Yasuya Uchida, foreign minister of Japan, and Mr
Author George Bernard Shaw Visiting General Sadao Araki(Original Caption) Tokyo, Japan: Man And Superman
Japan Withdraws from League of NationsPrime Minister Viscount Makoto Saito announces the Japan is withdrawing from the League of Nations, after the recognition of the Japanese puppet-state of Manchukuo by the Japanese
The Marconis At Japanese Honor Dinner(Original Caption) 12/6/1933-Tokyo, Japan: With many prominent persons attending, Senator Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, world-famed inventor of the wireless, and Signora Marconi
View of Railway Bridge in Japan(Original Caption) The Sungari bridge linking the Harbin-Lafa railway and the Hulin-Haikun Railway which has been completed recently
Red Cross Workers Preparing Toy Collection for Disbursement(Original Caption) Tokyo
Japanese Servicemen Marching Through Tokyo(Original Caption) 3/5/1934-Tokyo, Japan: On last February 11, Japan celebrated the 2594th birthday anniversary of the empire
Workers Wearing Gas Masks(Original Caption) When a Nation is War-Minded. Tokyo, Japan: Evidently, Japan wants to be prepared for every contingency that can be brought about by war
People Wearing Gas Masks(Original Caption) Preparing for a Theoretical Air Gas Attack
Babe Ruth Being Greeted by Geisha Girls(Original Caption) Yokohoma, Japan: Geisha Girls Become Babe Ruth Fans
Interior View of Opening Ceremony of the Sixty Sixth Session of Imperial Diet(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Portrait of Admiral Yeisuke Yamamoto(Original Caption) Emperor invited naval officers to luncheon...Admiral Yeisuke Yamamoto, Naval councillor, who had been on the special naval inspection to the 3rd Squadron, and his followers
Robert Cliffton Wearing Ceremonial Buddhist Robes(Original Caption) Robert Cliffton, of San Francisco, who recently was inducted in to the Buddhist priesthood, is pictured in ceremonial robes, at Tokyo
Keisuke Okada Addressing Japanese Legislature(Original Caption) Premier Admiral Keisuke Okada, pictured as he addressed the House of Peers, during a session of the body in Tokyo is shown
Japanese Leaders Conferring Together(Original Caption) Having led their party in approving the 1935 Budget, thereby averting a crisis in the present session of the Japanese Diet, Dr
Sankichi Takahashi Holding His Grandson(Original Caption) Vice Admiral Sankichi Takahashi shown at his residence Shiba, Tokyo with his favorite grandson. The Admiral is commander of the joint Japanese fleet
Jimmy Foxx Dancing With a Girl(Original Caption) Jimmy Foxx, Athletics star slugger, just returned from a trip to the Orient with the All-Star American League team, brought back this picture
Japanese Girl Military Group Honoring Crown Prince(Original Caption) All Japanese organizations feted the first birthday of the baby Crown Prince of Japan, and the Showa branch of the Young Women's Patriotic Association was no exception
Interior View of the Tokyo Stock Exchange(Original Caption) The scene within the Tokyo Stock Exchange building at the first session of operation
View of Japanese Imperial Palace(Original Caption) The Akasaka Imperial detached Palace of Tokyo
Two Emperors Review Troops In Japan(Original Caption) 4/9/1935-Tokyo, Japan: The two Emperors of the Orient ride together
Japanese and Philippino Leaders Conference(Original Caption) 9/19/1935-Tokyo, Japan- As a result of a meeting of two famous party leaders shown above
Portrait of Travelling Group in Japan(Original Caption) Clad in traditional travel costume of the Yedo period, and wearing the "Sugegasa, " or rain straw hats
Sakura Regiment During Revolt(Original Caption) 1936-Tokyo, Japan- The Sakura Regiment arriving at Ryozoku Station, during the revolt in 1936
Attempted Military Coup In Tokyo(Original Caption) 2/1936-Tokyo, Japan-This remarkable picture shows an incident of the military coup of February 26 and 27, during a few hours halt of the revolt
Japanese Soldiers Marching By Tramtracks(Original Caption) 2/27/1936-Tokyo, Japan-The Imperial bodyguard moving to Army Hall to protect staff officers quartered there from the bloody coup of February 26th
Charlie Chaplin Posing with Paulette and Mrs. Goddard(Original Caption) Preface to Marriage. Yokohama, Japan: Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, (center), his leading lady, and her mother, Mrs
Premier Hirota Japanese Foreign Minister(Original Caption) 3/25/1936-Japan- Koki Hirota, new Japanese Premier and Foreign Minister, smiles cheerfully after formation of the new cabinet designe to rule the Nipponese political situation
Japanese Troops Taking Oath(Original Caption) Troops Who Led Revolt Take Oath of Loyalty
Japanese General Kawamura Reviewing Troops(Original Caption) Crack Jap Division Leaves For Manchuria
Premier Koki Hirota Speaking(Original Caption) Revealing Japan's Policies. Premier Koki Hirota of Japan during his speech on administrative policy before the House of Peers in Tokyo
Hachiro Arita Speaking(Original Caption) Reporting to Japanese House. Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita as he spoke tot he Japanese House of Representatives in Tokyo
Japanese Girls March with Gas Masks(Original Caption) 7/16/1936-Tokyo, Japan-One of the features of recent air defense maneuvers in Tokyo was a parade of gas-masked girl students of the Girls Higher School of Tokyo
View Of Tokyo Station(Original Caption) 10/22/36-Tokyo, Japan: Here is a view of Tokyo Station, main terminal for the city, and resumably a choice target for American bombers
Formally Dressed Japanese Couple(Original Caption) Manchukuon Prince Weds Japanese Girl
Portrait of Prince Fumimaro Konoye(Original Caption) Prince Fuimaro Konye was the second youngest man to receive the command to form a Cabinet. He was 45, but Prince Hirobumi Ito who headed the first cabinet was only 43
Lantern Parade in Tokyo(Original Caption) Stream of Fire Celebrates Fall of Flaming Nanking
General Hajime Sugiyama Saluting(Original Caption) War Minister at Japanese Celebration of Nanking's Fall
Soldiers in Training Exercises(Original Caption) 2/25/38: Japanese soldiers are pictured doing exercises to keep themselves physically fit - the better to fight the Chinese
View of Kiyomizu Temple(Original Caption) The Pilgrims are shown entering the Temple after they have climbed the hill which leads to it. The Temple graces the crest of a hill in the center of Kyoto
Agricultural Students Going to Fields(Original Caption) 9/7/1938-Tokyo, Japan: Forming a picure worthy of a Millet with surrealistic tendencies, these Japanese girl students of agriculture school near Tokyo