Illustration of barnacle, horseshoe crab, shrimp, and crab
Crayfish engraving 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
Common prawn engraving 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
Shrimp crustacean 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
Crayfish engraving 1894Corso Elementare di Scienze Naturali
Fish development history chromolithograph 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897
Marine lifeAntique engraving illustration of a Marine life
Illustration of of boy kneeling on rock looking through underwater viewer at shrimp and snails on seabed
Illustration of Painted Prawn (Alope spinifrons) carrying piece of starfish, Cowrie (Cypraea) snail on harp coral
Illustration of young mantis shrimp and barnacle
Folly DollyAnother day in Paradise at Folly Beach
Sharps shrimp -Rhynocrangon sharpi, Ortmann-, Japan Sea, Far East, Primorsky Krai, Russian Federation
Sharps Shrimp -Rhynocrangon sharpi-, Sea of Japan, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Ghost Shrimps -Caprella linearis-, White Sea, Karelia, Russia