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Signing Collection

Background imageSigning Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Signing the Emergency Banking Act

Franklin Roosevelt Signing the Emergency Banking Act

Background imageSigning Collection: Jimmy Carter Signing Railroad Bill

Jimmy Carter Signing Railroad Bill
(Original Caption) 10/14/1980-Washington, DC- President Carter signs a bill wich deregulates the nation's railroads

Background imageSigning Collection: Sherman And Sioux Sign Treaty, 1868

Sherman And Sioux Sign Treaty, 1868
(Original Caption) Fort Laramie, WY: The signing of a treaty between William T. Sherman and the Sioux in a tent. Alexander Gardner photo, 1868

Background imageSigning Collection: New Arrivals Line Up For Paper Signing

New Arrivals Line Up For Paper Signing
(Original Caption) Ellis Island: New arrivals line up to have their papers examined. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2515

Background imageSigning Collection: Mckinley Watching Signing Of Peace

Mckinley Watching Signing Of Peace
(Original Caption) McKinley watching the signing of the Peace Protocol. Spanish-American War 1898. Photograph

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of the Mayflower Compact

Signing of the Mayflower Compact
The signing of the Mayflower Compact by passengers on board the Mayflower in November 1620. The sitters include John Carver, John Alden, Myles Standish, John Howland and William Bradford

Background imageSigning Collection: Jack Johnson Among Varied Boxing Promote

Jack Johnson Among Varied Boxing Promote
(Original Caption) Manager George Little and Jack Johnson close deal for big fight with various promoters, managers and fighters. Jim Jeffries seated at right. Photograph

Background imageSigning Collection: Foreign Ministers Seated After Pact Sign

Foreign Ministers Seated After Pact Sign

Background imageSigning Collection: President Franklin D. Roosevelt Signing Resolution

President Franklin D. Roosevelt Signing Resolution
President Roosevelt signs the declaration of war against Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor

Background imageSigning Collection: Jackie Robinson Signing Contract

Jackie Robinson Signing Contract
Jackie Robinson, first African-American to play in the Major Leagues signs his 1949 contract as Branch Rickey (right), Brooklyn Dodgers President, and manager Burt Shotton look

Background imageSigning Collection: Babe Ruth Signing Baseball Bats For Military

Babe Ruth Signing Baseball Bats For Military
(Original Caption) Babe Ruth (1895-1948), the "Sultan of Swing" signs baseball bats for the U. S. military. Undated photograph

Background imageSigning Collection: Johnny Carson Signing Contract

Johnny Carson Signing Contract
(Original Caption) Johnny Carson (l) signs his new contract with the National Broadcasting Company for "The Tonight Show, Starring Johnny Carson, " which will begin on Monday, Oct

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of the United States Constitution

Signing of the United States Constitution
(Original Caption) The signing of the United States Constitution in 1787. Undated painting by Stearns

Background imageSigning Collection: Detail of American Signatories from Declaration of Independence

Detail of American Signatories from Declaration of Independence
"Declaration of Independence" - detail of the painting by John Trumbell. Undated color slide

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing Of Declaration/Independence;Engr

Signing Of Declaration/Independence;Engr
(Original Caption) Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Engraving by Theodore Philibrown. Undated, ca 1770s

Background imageSigning Collection: Artwork Based After The Signing of the Alaska Treaty of Cessation

Artwork Based After The Signing of the Alaska Treaty of Cessation
Those shown at the signing of the Alaska Treaty of Cessation are (left to right) are Robert S. Chew (Chief Clerk), William H

Background imageSigning Collection: Declaration of Independence, 4 July, 1776 by John Trumbull

Declaration of Independence, 4 July, 1776 by John Trumbull
Painting by John Trumbull depicting the signing of the Declaration of Independence

Background imageSigning Collection: The Bargain. Drinkers W/Liquor Dealer

The Bargain. Drinkers W/Liquor Dealer
(Original Caption) Temperance: Making the Bargain. Drinkers signing their doom with liquor dealer. Woodcut, ca. 1820

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of Russo-Teuton Peace Pact

Signing of Russo-Teuton Peace Pact
(Original Caption) 1/1918- Brest-Litovsk- Signing of the Russo-Teuton Peace Parley at Brest Litovsk

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of Armistice After World War I

Signing of Armistice After World War I
(Original Caption) 1918-Versailles, France: Signing the Armistice at Versailles after World War I. Photograph

Background imageSigning Collection: First Woman to Register for the Vote

First Woman to Register for the Vote
(Original Caption) 5/25/1918-Mrs. Anne J. Curry who was the first woman to sign her name on register sheets. Register sheets. Registration day

Background imageSigning Collection: Baseball Player Ty Cobb Signing Contract with Detroit Tigers

Baseball Player Ty Cobb Signing Contract with Detroit Tigers

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
(Original Caption) 1919-Versailles, France- Painting shows the signing the Peace Traety of Versailles in the Hall of Mirrors

Background imageSigning Collection: Stars Signing United Artists Contracts

Stars Signing United Artists Contracts
(L-R) Hollywood stars D.W. Griffith, Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, and Douglas Fairbanks at a United Artists contract signing

Background imageSigning Collection: Marshall Signs Suffrage Resolution

Marshall Signs Suffrage Resolution
Vice President Thomas Marshall signing the suffrage resolution which has just been passed by the Senate, June 4, 1919; at left is Helen Gardner, and to her right is Mrs Maud Wood Parks

Background imageSigning Collection: Georges Clemenceau Signing Treaty of Versailles

Georges Clemenceau Signing Treaty of Versailles
(Original Caption) 6/28/1919-The historic scene in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, on June 28, 1919, five years to a day since the assassination of Ferdinand at Sarajevo, as Georges Clemenceau

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of Treaty of Versallies

Signing of Treaty of Versallies
(Original Caption) 1918. General view of the signing of the Peace Treaty ending World War I, held in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, France. BPA2# 5541

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of the Treaty of Sevres

Signing of the Treaty of Sevres
(Original Caption) 8/23/1920-Sevres, France: Signing the Turkish Treaty with the Allies- Photo shows Haki Pacha signing

Background imageSigning Collection: Baseball Team Representatives Watch Judge Landis Signing Contract

Baseball Team Representatives Watch Judge Landis Signing Contract
(Original Caption) 13/13/1920- Judge Landis signs the contract as baseball commissioner. Left to right: Phil Ball, St

Background imageSigning Collection: New Yorkers Signing Income Tax Blanks

New Yorkers Signing Income Tax Blanks
(Original Caption) 4/15/1921- New York, NY: Photo shows the signing of the income tax blanks in the Equitable Building, NYC

Background imageSigning Collection: Sarraut Signing Armrament Treaty @ Confe

Sarraut Signing Armrament Treaty @ Confe
(Original Caption) 1922-M. Sarraut, of France, siging the treaty at the Armament Conference in Washington. Filed 2/7/22

Background imageSigning Collection: President Harding Signing Clapper-Volstead Act

President Harding Signing Clapper-Volstead Act
President Warren Harding is surrounded by lawmakers as he signs the 1922 Clapper-Volsted act

Background imageSigning Collection: Grover Cleveland Alexander Signing Petition

Grover Cleveland Alexander Signing Petition
(Original Caption) Ballplayers sign soldier bonus petition. Grover Cleveland Alexander, star twirler of the Chicago Cubs, signing the soldiers bonus petition

Background imageSigning Collection: Charles Atlas, Strongman

Charles Atlas, Strongman

Background imageSigning Collection: Signatories of the Locarno Peace Pact

Signatories of the Locarno Peace Pact
(Original Caption) 1925-London, England- This exclusive photo shows the signatories of the great Locarno Peace Pact after the signing

Background imageSigning Collection: Chancellor Luther Signing Treaty

Chancellor Luther Signing Treaty
(Original Caption) London, England: Photo shows Chancellor Luther of Germany affixing his signature to the Locarno Treaty assuring peace to all the principal countries of Europe

Background imageSigning Collection: Delegates Signing the Locarno Treaty

Delegates Signing the Locarno Treaty
(Original Caption) 12/1/1925- Locarno, Switzerland: Signing of the Locarno Treaty by the world powers, including delegates from the countries of Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain and Italy

Background imageSigning Collection: Red Grange Signing Contract

Red Grange Signing Contract
(Original Caption) Signing contract, while Mrs. Lee Kuegel, Mrs. Shallenberger and Mrs. Frank Yombrino witnessed the signing

Background imageSigning Collection: European Delegates in London During Locarno Pact Signing

European Delegates in London During Locarno Pact Signing
(Original Caption) 12/9/1925-London, England: Mr. Austin Chamberlain met the German and Belgian delegates who arrived at London at Victoria Station for the signing of the Locarno Pact

Background imageSigning Collection: Leaders Signing the Lacarno Treaty

Leaders Signing the Lacarno Treaty
(Original Caption) 12/9/1925-London, England- Picture shows a general view o the members signing and attending the Lacarno Treaty after World War I

Background imageSigning Collection: Harry Thaw and Gordon Dorrance with Contract

Harry Thaw and Gordon Dorrance with Contract
(Original Caption) 6/16/1926- Philadelphia, PA- Photo shows Harry K. Thaw looking on while Publisher Capt

Background imageSigning Collection: Jack Dempsey, T.Rickard, Others Signing Contract

Jack Dempsey, T.Rickard, Others Signing Contract
(Original Caption) 1927-New York, NY- Singing up for their bout at the Yankee Stadium on July 21, left to right, standing: Arthur F

Background imageSigning Collection: Ty Cobb Signing Ball For Woman

Ty Cobb Signing Ball For Woman
(Original Caption) 1927-Sarasota, FL: En route to Fort Meyers

Background imageSigning Collection: President Coolidge and Secretary of State

President Coolidge and Secretary of State
(Original Caption) 1928-Washington

Background imageSigning Collection: President Coolidge Signs Kellogg-Briand Pact

President Coolidge Signs Kellogg-Briand Pact
(Original Caption) 8/27/1928-Washington, DC: President Calvin Coolidge signs the Kellogg-Briand Pact in his office. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg is seated to the left of the President

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of Kellogg-Briand Pact

Signing of Kellogg-Briand Pact
(Original Caption) 9/4/1928 Paris, France: Peace signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact at the Palais D'Orsay in Paris, France

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing Kellogg-Briand Pact in Palace

Signing Kellogg-Briand Pact in Palace
(Original Caption) 9/4/1928, Paris France: Signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact in the Palais D'Orsay

Background imageSigning Collection: Gasparri and Mussolini at Lateran Palace

Gasparri and Mussolini at Lateran Palace
2/20/1929-Rome, Italy- Cardinal 2/20/1929-Rome

Background imageSigning Collection: Mussolini Reads Pact to Vatican Officials

Mussolini Reads Pact to Vatican Officials
(Original Caption) 2/20/1929-Rome, Italy: Premier Mussolini, right, is shown reading the pact to Cardinal Gaspari, Secretary to the Pope and other Vatican officials, after the official signing

Background imageSigning Collection: Crowd In Square Wearing Hats

Crowd In Square Wearing Hats
(Original Caption) 2/20/1929-Scenes of the signing of the peace treaty between the Italian Government and the church. Crowd with hats in square with statue

Background imageSigning Collection: Square; Crowd Of People With Hats

Square; Crowd Of People With Hats
(Original Caption) 2/20/1929-Scenes of the signing of the peace treaty between the Italian Government and the Church. (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageSigning Collection: Max Schmeling, Jack Dempsey, Others;Signin

Max Schmeling, Jack Dempsey, Others;Signin
(Original Caption) 3/25/1929-New York, NY- Left to right: Jack Dempsey, Arthur Bulow, the original and only manager recognized by New York State Boxing Commission for Max Scmheling, and Hurbert J

Background imageSigning Collection: Laura Ingalls Wilder Signing Book

Laura Ingalls Wilder Signing Book
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Picture shows author Laura Ingalls Wilder, of the "Little House" books, published by Harper & Brothers, autographing a book as she is on in years. Photo ca. 1950s

Background imageSigning Collection: Herbert Hoover Signing Legislation

Herbert Hoover Signing Legislation
President Herbert Hoover signs the Farm Appropriation Bill

Background imageSigning Collection: President Hoover at Treaty Signing

President Hoover at Treaty Signing
(Original Caption) 1930-Washington

Background imageSigning Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Signing a Document

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Signing a Document
Franklin D. Roosevelt. Profile at desk signing a document. Undated photo

Background imageSigning Collection: Adolescent Signing For A Western Union Telegram

Adolescent Signing For A Western Union Telegram
(Original Caption) Teenager Maxine Maddox signs for a telegram that Western Union messenger Stanley G. Roseboom has delivered to her door. Photo circa 1950

Background imageSigning Collection: Man Signing Piece of Paper

Man Signing Piece of Paper
(Original Caption) Buying an Automobile: Photo shows a man signing a piece of paper in a automobile dealership. Ca. 1940s

Background imageSigning Collection: Man Signing Paper in Process

Man Signing Paper in Process
(Original Caption) Buying an Automobile: Photo shows a man signing a paper in the process of buying an automoibile. Ca. 1940s

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing of War Reparations Agreement

Signing of War Reparations Agreement
(Original Caption) 1/30/1930- The Hague- Signing of the Reparations agreement at Le Hague

Background imageSigning Collection: Henry L. Stimson Signing Naval Pact

Henry L. Stimson Signing Naval Pact
(Original Caption) 4/29/1930- Secretary of State Henry Lewis Stimson signs the London Naval Pact for the United States

Background imageSigning Collection: Babe Ruth Signing Clarence Darrow'S Ball

Babe Ruth Signing Clarence Darrow'S Ball
(Original Caption) 1931-Clarence Darrow watching Babe Ruth affix his signature on a baseball. Filed 1931

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing the Lausanne Pact

Signing the Lausanne Pact
(Original Caption) 7/16/1932- Lausanne, Switzerland- The Lausanne pact slowed post war history of Europe. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain (left foreground) signs

Background imageSigning Collection: Cedric Gibbons & Delores Del Rio

Cedric Gibbons & Delores Del Rio
(Original Caption) 11/08/1932. Film celebrities who attended the Mayfair Club banquet at the Biltmore Hotel, November 5th. Cedric Gibbons and Dolores Del Rio

Background imageSigning Collection: President-Elect Guest of National Press Club

President-Elect Guest of National Press Club
President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt (left) and John N. Garner, Vice President-elect, sign the register at the National Press Club where they were guests while in Washington D.C. on Nov

Background imageSigning Collection: Neville Chamberlain Signing Treaty

Neville Chamberlain Signing Treaty
(Original Caption) 12/16/1932-Ottawa, Canada- The British Imperial Conference in Ottawa, Canada, was one of the most important happenings in years, as far as world trade is concerned

Background imageSigning Collection: W.C. Fields in International House

W.C. Fields in International House
(Original Caption) W. C. Fields signing a guest register in a movie still from International House, 1933

Background imageSigning Collection: D.W. Griffith Reviewing a Contract

D.W. Griffith Reviewing a Contract
Film maker D.W. Griffith reviews the contract of actress Mary Pickford, her first with United Artists

Background imageSigning Collection: Handshake;P.Carnera, J.Sharkey, J.Johnston

Handshake;P.Carnera, J.Sharkey, J.Johnston
(Original Caption) 5/12/1933-New York, NY- Jimmy Johnson, center, the promoter, fondly holds the hands of Jack Sharkey, left, world's heavyweight champion and Primo Carnera (r) the challenger

Background imageSigning Collection: President Roosevelt Signing Home Owners Loan Act

President Roosevelt Signing Home Owners Loan Act
(Original Caption) 6/13/1933-Washington, DC- President Roosevelt today signed the "Home Owners Loan Act of 1933

Background imageSigning Collection: Roosevelt Signing Glass-Steagall Act

Roosevelt Signing Glass-Steagall Act
(Original Caption) 6/16/1933-Washington, DC- President Roosevelt affixes his signature to the Glass-Steagall bank reform--deposit insurance measure

Background imageSigning Collection: President Roosevelt Signs Railroad Bill

President Roosevelt Signs Railroad Bill
(Original Caption) 6/16/1933-Washington, DC- President Roosevelt affixes his signature to the Railroad Bill

Background imageSigning Collection: Roosevelt Signing National Recovery Act

Roosevelt Signing National Recovery Act
(Original Caption) 6/16/1933-Washington, DC- President Roosevelt affixes his signature to the Industrial Control-Public Works bill, otherwise known as the National Recovery Act

Background imageSigning Collection: Mussolini Signing Four Power Pact

Mussolini Signing Four Power Pact
(Original Caption) 7/25/1933-Rome, Italy- The Four Power Pact between Italy, Great Britain

Background imageSigning Collection: Babe Ruth Signing Baseball Contract

Babe Ruth Signing Baseball Contract
Babe Ruth signs a new one-year contract with the New York Yankees as Col. Jacob Ruppert, brewer and team owner, watches. It would be the last year Ruth played for the Yankees

Background imageSigning Collection: FDR Signs Gold Bill

FDR Signs Gold Bill
01/30/1934-Washington D.C.: THE PRESIDENT SIGNS THE GOLD BILL."This is the nicest birthday present I ever had, "remarks Pres. Franklin D

Background imageSigning Collection: Hands in the New Deal

Hands in the New Deal
These are the hands which guide the New Deal. Powerful hands of a big man

Background imageSigning Collection: Shirley Temple Signs Hollywood Contract

Shirley Temple Signs Hollywood Contract
Little Shirley Temple, five-year-old film actress, is to receive $1, 000 a week for the next seven years. A contract signed by the child's parents and Fox films calls for that salary

Background imageSigning Collection: France and Germany Sign Commerce Treaty

France and Germany Sign Commerce Treaty
(Original Caption) 12/12/1934- Paris, France- After long negotiations France and Germany reach a commercial accord which was signed recently in the French Foreign Office at the Quai D'Orsay

Background imageSigning Collection: Birth Control League

Birth Control League
(Original Caption) 1/17/1935-Chicago, IL- Officers of the American Birth Control League at their fourteenth annual meeting. Left to right (seated): Mrs. Benjamin Carpenter, Chicago President; Mrs

Background imageSigning Collection: President Roosevelt and Henry Wallace

President Roosevelt and Henry Wallace
President Roosevelt and Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace sign a bill

Background imageSigning Collection: Signing Of Treaty

Signing Of Treaty
(Original Caption) 6/21/1935-Paraguay- Signing articles of a truce with Bolivia that ended the war that has raged on the Gran Chaco for 3 yrs

Background imageSigning Collection: Harold Ickes Signs the Flathead Indian Constitution

Harold Ickes Signs the Flathead Indian Constitution
Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, signs the Flathead Indian Constitution as John Collier, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Chief Carlo, and other Flathead tribal elders look on

Background imageSigning Collection: President Getulio Vargas Signs Peace Treaty with Argentina

President Getulio Vargas Signs Peace Treaty with Argentina
(Original Caption) 5/25/1936-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Ratified by the Brazilian Congress

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