Cross-section diagram of human mouth and jaw
Diagram of the human spine, side view
Knee injectionAn anterior stylized view of the right knee bones within a red skin. A syringe is superimposed injecting into the knee joint
Human skull, artworkHuman skull, computer artwork
Human skull in sections, artworkHuman skull in sections, computer artwork
Arm flexing bicep with arm bones and bicep revealed
Human skeleton showing all the joints in walking position
Man balancing on one foot, kneeling, other foot stretched out, hand behind back, other hand touching outstretched leg, illustration of his muscles and skeleton overlaid on body
Human bone, cross section diagram of Femur showing osteon, veins, marrow
Diagram of upper and lower teeth of a baby
Illustration, ball and socket joint, arrows indicating possible directions of movement
Illustration, ellipsoidal joint, arrows indicating possible directions of movement
Illustration, hinge joint, arrows indicating possible directions of movement
Illustration, saddle joint, arrows indicating possible directions of movement
Head bent backwards with bones and relevant neck muscle revealed
Foot flexed with bones and relevant muscle revealed
Cross-section diagram of a human long bone
Diagram of a human thoracic vertebrae including the intervertebral disk, vertebral process and ligaments
Diagram showing bones inside human leg, leaping forward
Illustration, pivot joint, arrows indicating possible directions of movement
Section diagram depicting the human vertebral column, spinal nerve, spinal cord and vertebra of the delicate spina
Cross-section diagram of tooth