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Slave Collection

Background imageSlave Collection: Cartoon Depicting Slave, Master On Porch

Cartoon Depicting Slave, Master On Porch
(Original Caption) 1824-The great labor question from a southern point of view. Engraving, 1824

Background imageSlave Collection: The Resurrection Of Henry Box Brown

The Resurrection Of Henry Box Brown
Henry Box Brown emerges from a three-foot box after mailing himself to the Anti-Slavery office in Philadelphia to escape from slavery in Richmond, Virginia, 24th March 1849

Background imageSlave Collection: Nineteenth-Century Print of Slave Labor In Brazil

Nineteenth-Century Print of Slave Labor In Brazil
(Original Caption) Brazil: Ca. 1850- Slave labor in Brazil

Background imageSlave Collection: Police Take Fugitive Slave To Boat

Police Take Fugitive Slave To Boat
(Original Caption) Boston, MA- Boston police and night watch conveying the Fugitive Slave Act, Thomas Sims, to the vessel which took him to Savannah, GA. 1851 ORIGINAL CAPTION

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Auction

Slave Auction
(Original Caption) Slave auction at Richmond, VA. 1856

Background imageSlave Collection: Group of Slaves Outside Cabin

Group of Slaves Outside Cabin
(Original Caption) A group of slaves outside their log cabin lodging. Undated photograph

Background imageSlave Collection: Union Officers in Camp

Union Officers in Camp
(Original Caption) 3/21/1942-Union officers and Camp servants during the Civil War

Background imageSlave Collection: Fugitive Slaves Ford Rappahannock River

Fugitive Slaves Ford Rappahannock River
8/1962-Virginia-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Fugitive Negroes fording the Rappahannock River

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Child Adopted By Brooklyn Matron

Slave Child Adopted By Brooklyn Matron
(Original Caption) Slave child adopted by Brooklyn matron and baptized in Henry Ward Beecher Plymouth Church, a bastion of abolitionist sentiment. Photo ca. 1863

Background imageSlave Collection: Painting Of Rural South Family

Painting Of Rural South Family
(Original Caption) Origina Caption Reads: Slave cottage in the deep South. Painting on wood by W. Walker, ca. 1865

Background imageSlave Collection: Enslaved Family In Cotton Field near Savannah

Enslaved Family In Cotton Field near Savannah
Eight children stand near an adult man and woman in a cotton field with large baskets of cotton before them, near Savannah, Georgia, part of a stereograph by Pierre Havens, circa 1880

Background imageSlave Collection: Before And After Civil War

Before And After Civil War
(Original Caption) The changing South; "Before the War and since the War." One side of the image shows slave supervisor with bloodhounds comandeering a band of negroes

Background imageSlave Collection: Harriet Tubman With Family, Friends, & Neighbors

Harriet Tubman With Family, Friends, & Neighbors
Portrait of American abolitionist Harriet Tubman (c1822 - 1913) (left) as she poses with her family, friends, and neighbors on her porch, Auburn, New York, mid to late 1880s

Background imageSlave Collection: Freed Slaves Harvesting Peanuts

Freed Slaves Harvesting Peanuts
(Original Caption) VA-Freed slave peanut pickers, Virginia. Photograph, ca. late 1890's

Background imageSlave Collection: Freed Slaves at Almshouse

Freed Slaves at Almshouse
(Original Caption) A group of former slaves at a county Almshouse

Background imageSlave Collection: George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver
African American botanist born of slave parents, looking at flowers. Painting by Betsy Graves

Background imageSlave Collection: General View Exterior of Slave Market

General View Exterior of Slave Market
(Original Caption) Atlanta, Georgia-The slave market in Atlanta, GA, during the Civil War. Ca. 1860-1865

Background imageSlave Collection: Painting After The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber

Painting After The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber
A painting after The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber shows Levi Coffin, his wife Catherine, and Hannah Haydock assisting a group of fugitive slaves

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Marriage Ceremony

Slave Marriage Ceremony
A wedding ceremony. Woodcut, 19th century

Background imageSlave Collection: Lithograph of a Battle During Crusades

Lithograph of a Battle During Crusades
(Original Caption) Triumph of the Holy Cross

Background imageSlave Collection: Portrait Of Slave Dred Scott

Portrait Of Slave Dred Scott
(Original Caption) Picture shows a portrait of A. Dred Scott (1795?-1858), AMERICAN SLAVE

Background imageSlave Collection: 'A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum'

"A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum"
Zero Mostel, right, is the lead performer in the Broadway musical "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum", along with (left to right:) John Carradine and Jack Gifford

Background imageSlave Collection: Uncle Tom's Cabin Poster

Uncle Tom's Cabin Poster
A 1859 poster for Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving of Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture Revolting Against the French in St

Engraving of Francois Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture Revolting Against the French in St
Revolt of the Negroes at St. Dominigue. (Haiti) Engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: Black Slave Couple Plants Sugar Cane

Black Slave Couple Plants Sugar Cane
A couple plants sugar cane, threatened by whip wielding by a supervisor. Woodcut. Undated. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)

Background imageSlave Collection: Plantation Owner Freeing Slaves; Woodcut

Plantation Owner Freeing Slaves; Woodcut
(Original Caption) Plantation owner in the West Indies announces the freeing of his slaves. Woodcut, 1850's

Background imageSlave Collection: American Slave Ship Martha

American Slave Ship Martha
(Original Caption) American slave ship Martha. Colored engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: School For Freed Slaves During Civil War

School For Freed Slaves During Civil War
(Original Caption) School for freed black slaves during Civil War period. Undated engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: Miners Panning In River

Miners Panning In River
(Original Caption) Auriferorus placers of the Tipuani Valley in Bolivia. Undated woodcut, after a drawing in watercolor by Deherrvpon. Undated engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: A Ride for Liberty: The Fugitive Slaves by Eastman Johnson

A Ride for Liberty: The Fugitive Slaves by Eastman Johnson
(Original Caption) "A Ride for Liberty: The Fugitive Slaves", ca. 1860 painting by artist: Eastman Johnson

Background imageSlave Collection: Punishment Of Slave On Plantation

Punishment Of Slave On Plantation
Violent Punishment Of Slave On Plantation. Original Caption reads: Negro plantation life. Recalcitrant slave punishment by cold water treatment as lady of the house looks on'. Woodcut

Background imageSlave Collection: African American Slaves Picking Cotton

African American Slaves Picking Cotton
(Original Caption) Negroes picking cotton. Undated engraving. (Original Caption)

Background imageSlave Collection: Slaves Working Cotton Gin

Slaves Working Cotton Gin
(Original Caption) Eli Whitney's first cotton gin, 1793

Background imageSlave Collection: General Grant Entering the McLean House by B. West Clinedinst

General Grant Entering the McLean House by B. West Clinedinst
(Original Caption) General Grant entering the McLean house to receive the surrender of General Lee's army

Background imageSlave Collection: Slaves Working on Sugar Plantation

Slaves Working on Sugar Plantation
A sugar plantation with slaves during the months of November and December

Background imageSlave Collection: Dutch Ship Landing Slaves In Colonial America

Dutch Ship Landing Slaves In Colonial America
(Original Caption) Landing slaves from a Dutch man-of-war ship at Jamestown, VA. Undated painting

Background imageSlave Collection: Title Page of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

Title Page of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
This title page is from the original edition of Uncle Tom's Cabin published in 1852

Background imageSlave Collection: Print of Commerce in New Amsterdam

Print of Commerce in New Amsterdam
This print from an engraving shows a 17th century trade scene in New Amsterdam (New York), Colonial America

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving of a Tobacco Farm in Virginia

Engraving of a Tobacco Farm in Virginia
1714-Virginia-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Tobacco Farm in Virginia, 1714. Engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: Mule Driver At Kelly'S Ford

Mule Driver At Kelly'S Ford
(Original Caption) Mule driver at Kelly's Ford, Virginia. Drawing by Forbes, Nov. 1863

Background imageSlave Collection: Painting After The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber

Painting After The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber
A painting after The Underground Railroad by Charles T. Webber shows Levi Coffin, his wife Catherine, and Hannah Haydock assisting a group of fugitive slaves

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving by J.J. Cade After Fleeing from the Land of Bondage by Felix Octavius Carr Darley

Engraving by J.J. Cade After Fleeing from the Land of Bondage by Felix Octavius Carr Darley
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: "Fleeing form the land of bondage

Background imageSlave Collection: Old Slave Market in Georgia

Old Slave Market in Georgia
Originally built in 1758, this Louisville, Georgia slave market is one of the last remaining in the south

Background imageSlave Collection: Vaslav Nijinsky as the Golden Slave in Scheherazade

Vaslav Nijinsky as the Golden Slave in Scheherazade
(Original Caption) 1911- Paris, France- Russian ballet dancer and choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky (b.1890-d.1950), wearing the costume for his performance of Scheherazade in Paris

Background imageSlave Collection: Men And Women Who Were Formerly Slaves

Men And Women Who Were Formerly Slaves
(Original Caption) 9/2/20: Old Negro folk, who were slaves in the South before the Civil War being cared for by the government at Blue Plaines Home near Washington

Background imageSlave Collection: Movie Still From 'Our Gang'

Movie Still From "Our Gang"
(Original Caption) Movie Still from "Our Gang". MGM Hal Roach Comedy. L-R: Dorothy DeBorba, Kendall McComas, Matthew "Stymie" Beard. circa 1930

Background imageSlave Collection: Explorers Encounter Slaves and Slave Traders

Explorers Encounter Slaves and Slave Traders
French explorer De Prorok and a group of scientists encounter a group of slaves and slave traders in northern Ethiopia during their expedition across the Sahara Desert

Background imageSlave Collection: Errol Flynn With Unkempt Look

Errol Flynn With Unkempt Look
(Original Caption) 5/22/42: Errol Flynn wore the unkempt, or chained-to-my-work-and-can't-get-to-the-barber, type in "The Sea Hawk." This is a particular favorite with galley slaves

Background imageSlave Collection: Harriet Tubman With Slaves She Helped During the Civil War

Harriet Tubman With Slaves She Helped During the Civil War
(Original Caption) Harriet Tubman (C 1820-1913), American abolitionist (extreme left, holding a pan), photographed with a group of slaves she helped escape. SA F 11729?

Background imageSlave Collection: African Americans In The Cotton Field

African Americans In The Cotton Field
(Original Caption) Negroes in the cotton field. Photograph ca. 1890. (Original Caption)

Background imageSlave Collection: American Writer Frederick Douglass

American Writer Frederick Douglass
(Original Caption) Portrait of Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), American abolitionist and writer. Undated photograph

Background imageSlave Collection: Black Woman Is A Merchant Of Curios

Black Woman Is A Merchant Of Curios
Black Woman smoking a pipe. Original Caption reads: New Orleans, Louisiana: This Negro woman, dressed in the costume of older days, is a merchant of curios

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Block Where They Were Auctioned

Slave Block Where They Were Auctioned
(Original Caption) Fredericksburg, Virginia: Slave block where negroes were sold at auction before Civil War days. Original Caption. Undated photograph

Background imageSlave Collection: Dealers Inspecting a Negro at a Slave Auction in Virginia Illustration

Dealers Inspecting a Negro at a Slave Auction in Virginia Illustration
An illustration of a slave auction published in the Illustrated London News, February 16, 1861

Background imageSlave Collection: Slaves Using First Cotton Gin

Slaves Using First Cotton Gin
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Illustration of the first cotton gin in use.--Slaves are shown depositing bales of hay into the gin for separation as an overseer stands by. Circa 1870

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of Cargo of Slaves Arriving in America

Illustration of Cargo of Slaves Arriving in America
Landing of a cargo of Black slaves in the American colonies

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Deck of the Bark 'Wildfire' Illustration

Slave Deck of the Bark "Wildfire" Illustration
(Original Caption) Slavery: Slave deck of the bark "Wildfire" captured by the U.S. Steamer Mohauk. Woodcut, 1860

Background imageSlave Collection: Slaves Entering Union Lines

Slaves Entering Union Lines
(Original Caption) Fugitive slaves entering union lines in an ancient farm wagon called a "Schooner." On the distant hill some laggards appear in sight

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving Of Slave In Chains Praying

Engraving Of Slave In Chains Praying
(Original Caption) Slave in chains on knees, praying. Embellished border. Undated engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: New York Slave Trade; Illustration

New York Slave Trade; Illustration
(Original Caption) New York Slave Trade: Choicest pieces of cargo

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Auction Of African Family

Slave Auction Of African Family
(Original Caption) An American Slave Market Undated. After painting by Taylor, 1852

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of Slaves Seated Around Stove

Illustration of Slaves Seated Around Stove
(Original Caption) View of slaves seated around a stove awaiting auction. Painting circa 1840

Background imageSlave Collection: Emancipation Proclamation Reaches South

Emancipation Proclamation Reaches South
(Original Caption) The proclamation reaches the South where a family of slaves receives news of their emancipation. "Reading the Emancipation Proclamation" engraving by J. W

Background imageSlave Collection: Illust. Of Slaves Fleeing To Army;Protec

Illust. Of Slaves Fleeing To Army;Protec
(Original Caption) "Slaves fleeing to the Union Army for Protection." Undated illustration

Background imageSlave Collection: Slave Woman Being Dragged By Dealer

Slave Woman Being Dragged By Dealer
(Original Caption) Slave woman being dragged away by slave dealer. Abolitionist inspired propaganda picture showing the cruelty and inhumanity of the slave trade. Undated

Background imageSlave Collection: George Shelby Freeing Slaves; Cartoon

George Shelby Freeing Slaves; Cartoon
(Original Caption) George Shelby giving liberty to his slaves. Undated illustration

Background imageSlave Collection: In Ole Virginny Illustration

In Ole Virginny Illustration
A group of black slaves in Virginia listen to a man sing to the accompaniment of his banjo

Background imageSlave Collection: Union Troops Removing Chain From Slave

Union Troops Removing Chain From Slave
(Original Caption) Union troops removing the "hobble" from escaped slaves - a scene on Otter Island, South Carolina. From a sketch by Henry Stulen. Undated

Background imageSlave Collection: Group Admiring Statue Of Freed Slave

Group Admiring Statue Of Freed Slave
(Original Caption) A group of Negroes at the Centennial Exposition of 1876 admiring a statue of the "Freed Slave." Woodcut in Memorial Hall. (Original Caption)

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of Tobacco Harvest and Slave Labor in Cuba

Illustration of Tobacco Harvest and Slave Labor in Cuba
(Original Caption) Tobacco harvest in Cuba. Coloured slaves with a supervisor. Woodcut, ca. 1840. ORIGINAL CAPTION

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration Showing the Emperor Nero Giving the 'Thumbs Down' Signal

Illustration Showing the Emperor Nero Giving the "Thumbs Down" Signal
"Thumbs down": Nero in the arena dooming a gladiator who has to re-enter the fight. BPA2# 4513

Background imageSlave Collection: English Cartoon On US Slave Conditons

English Cartoon On US Slave Conditons
(Original Caption) : Slave sale. English cartoon on American conditions. Undated illustration

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving of Slaves Leaving Cotton Fields

Engraving of Slaves Leaving Cotton Fields
(Original Caption) A Day's Work Ended: Black slaves leaving the fields with baskets of cotton. Engraving from a drawing by Matt Morgan

Background imageSlave Collection: Engraving of Slaves Working In Field by Horace Bradley

Engraving of Slaves Working In Field by Horace Bradley
(Original Caption) In a cotton field: Black slaves at work in the old South. Engraving from a drawing by Horace Bradley

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of Jewish Slaves Building Pyramids in Egypt

Illustration of Jewish Slaves Building Pyramids in Egypt
(Original Caption) Jewish people building the pyramids. BPA 2 #811

Background imageSlave Collection: American Slave Market 1852 Painting

American Slave Market 1852 Painting
(Original Caption) 1852- An American slave market. Painting by taylor depicting slaves being sold and buyers examing them

Background imageSlave Collection: The Brazilian Slave Trade

The Brazilian Slave Trade
(Original Caption) Brazilian slave trade ca. 1850. Engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of a Girl Trying to Prevent a Man from Whipping a Slave

Illustration of a Girl Trying to Prevent a Man from Whipping a Slave

Background imageSlave Collection: Cotton Picking On Plantation (Illus.)

Cotton Picking On Plantation (Illus.)
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a scene on a Southern cotton plantation. Workers are shown gathering cotton. Undated engraving

Background imageSlave Collection: Sacajawea Guiding the Lewis And Clark Expedition by Alfred Russell

Sacajawea Guiding the Lewis And Clark Expedition by Alfred Russell
(Original Caption) Sacajawea guiding the Lewis and Clark expedition

Background imageSlave Collection: The Separation of Mother and Child by George Cruikshank

The Separation of Mother and Child by George Cruikshank
(Original Caption) Illustration by George Cruikshank of the separation of the mother and the child in a scene from Harriet beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Undated illustration

Background imageSlave Collection: A Slave Auction in Virginia Illustration

A Slave Auction in Virginia Illustration
Auction sale for Black slave family in Charleston while perspective buyers look on smoking cigars, engraving, 1861. (Photo by Bettmann/Getty Images)

Background imageSlave Collection: The Lower Deck of a Guinea Man in the Last Century Lithograph

The Lower Deck of a Guinea Man in the Last Century Lithograph
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Lithograph entitled "THE LOWER DECK OF A GUINEA MAN IN THE LAST CENTURY, " depicting a slave ship plying between Africa and America before the Civil War

Background imageSlave Collection: Illustration of a Girl Trying to Prevent a Man from Whipping a Slave

Illustration of a Girl Trying to Prevent a Man from Whipping a Slave
A little white girl tries to stop a slave owner from flogging a young slave wit a cat o nine tails. Hand colored lithographic illustration, circa 1870

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