Double Harness racing horse competition 1857
Harness racing horse engraving 1857
External Muscles of the Horse
Trakehner black stallion
Shoemaker Winning 1955 Kentucky Derby on Swaps(Original Caption) Worm's eye view of Kentucky Derby finish shows jockey Willie Shoemaker urging his steed as they cross the finish line
Willie Shoemaker on Swaps(Original Caption) A famous pair, Swaps with Willie Shoemaker up, poses at the Santa Anita Race Track with the statue of the great Seabiscuit in the background
Audrey Hepburn Riding Horse During Filming of The Unforgiven(Original Caption) Actress Audrey Hepburn is shown on the three-year-old Arabian stallion which threw her January 29th, causing her to suffer a severe back injury
Audrey Hepburn with a Horse in The Unforgiven(Original Caption) Her first day back on the set for The Unforgiven, actress Audrey Hepburn pets the horse here that threw her a month ago
Audrey Hepburn with Horse on Set of The Unforgiven(Original Caption) There are no hard feelings on either side as Audrey Hepburn and Diablo match toothy smiles on movie location in Durango, Mexico
Private CollectionMare and Stallion in a Landscape (oil on canvas) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Horse skeleton engraving 1841
Mustang (Equus caballus) stallionUSA. Wyoming, John Eastcott and Yva Momatiuk Photography, 10183758
sturdy wild horse breed found in small herds in Mexico and western North American plainsau0551-001
Near South Steen Mountain. Mustangs are feral horses of Mexico and the western Americaat3350-001
Three mustang mares in pastoral landscape, old stallion in distanceOther common name: bronco. Latin name: Equus caballus. Red Desert, Wyoming, USA. The three horses in the foreground are female and comprise a singular harem
Spanish mustanges, Equus caballu, mare with long mane, stallion, in autumn, northerna040424
Horse skeleton engraving 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
Horse breeds Chromolithograph 1896Horse breeds Original Antique Chromolithograph
British Thoroughbred horse 1841
Dongola race horse 1841
Peruvian Paso Fino Horse 1841Peruvian Paso Horse 1841
English draft horse 1841
Ukrainian Riding Horse 1841
Dauw zebra and colt engraving
Horse Engraving 1841Crisp Haired Horse engraving
Hungarian horse Engraving 1841
Quagga Zebra extinct engraving 1841
Colt of brood mare engraving 1841Horse Zebra mix engraving 1841
Pieabald spottted horse 1841
Horse Zebra mix engraving 1841
Marengo Bonapartes horse 1841
Brood mare horse and foal 1841
Arabian horse 1841
The Morgan horse 1841
The Clydesdale horse 1841
Quagga male extinct engraving 1841Quagga Zebra extinct engraving 1841
Zebra engraving
African donkey 1841
Wild horse 1841
Chinese donkey 1841
Persian onager illustration 1841
Zebra engraving 1841Zebra engraving
Horse and colt engraving 1857Frank Foresters Horse and Horsemanship of the United States
African white race horse 1841
The wild ass illustration 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms
Black Oldenburg stallionIllustration of a Black Oldenburg stallion
Konik (Equus przewalskii f. caballus), stallion, portrait, wild horse, Tarpan re-breeding project
Konik horses (Equus przewalskii f)Konik horses (Equus przewalskii f. caballus), foal, mare and stallion, tarpan or wild horse, backbreeding
Male konik horse (Equus przewalskii f. caballus), stallion, Tarpan back breeding