Don Quixote Pleasant dialogue between Sancho Panza and his wifeVintage engraving by Gustave Dore from the story The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote - Sancho Panza and his familyVintage engraving by Gustave Dore from the story The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. Sancho Panza and his family
Don Quixote - Farmers WifeVintage engraving by Gustave Dore from the story The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. Farmers Wife and the pig
La Fontaines Fables - Husband Wife and the RobberVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Husband, the Wife and the Robber
Farmer with his wifeVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing a Farmer with his wife, c.1514Vintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Saint Eustace, c.1501
Cook and his wifeVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing a cook and his wife, c.1514
Woman with Shopping Cart
Victorian satirical cartoon, on WedlockVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon, on Wedlock
Cartoon of Native American greeting two men
Young boy and girl sitting on sofa, imitating married couple
Sing a Song of Sixpence - The Maid was in the GardenVintage engraving from Sing a Song of Sixpence a well-known English nursery rhyme, originating in the 18th century. The Maid was in the Garden, Hanging out the Clothes
William Hogarth Marriage A La Mode Scene with the QuackVintage engraving of showing a scene from William Hogarths Marriage A La Mode. It depicts a pointed skewering of upper class 18th century society
William Hogarth Marriage A La Mode The BagnioVintage engraving of showing a scene from William Hogarths Marriage A La Mode. Marriage A La Mode is a series of six pictures depicting a pointed skewering of upper class 18th century society
William Hogarth Four Times of the Day - EveningVintage engraving of showing a scene from William Hogarths Four Times of the Day
Victorian satirical cartoon about man and wifeVintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon about man and wife
Dickenss Hard Times - An adviser for Mr HarthouseVintage engraving of a scene from Charles Dickenss Hard Times. This, Sir, Said Bounderby, Is My Wife, Mrs. Bounderby. Harry French
Bleak House by Charles DickensVintage engraving from the works of Charles Dickens. From Bleak House. I belive you ! says Mrs Bagnet. Hes a Briton. Thats what Woolwich is. A Briton !