Air fight between two Sandwich Terns -Sterna sandvicensis-, Texel, The Netherlands
Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis-, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis-, with fish in beak, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
Common Tern -Sterna hirundo- attacking Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis-, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis-, handing over fish to partner in flight, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
First flight tests of a young Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis-, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
Sandwich Tern -Sterna sandvicensis- with chick, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe
Sandwich Terns -Sterna sandvicensis-, in the breeding colony, Texel, The Netherlands, Europe