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Strategy Collection

Background imageStrategy Collection: Phog Allen Coaching His Team

Phog Allen Coaching His Team
(Original Caption) Stars of tomorrow

Background imageStrategy Collection: Battle of Gettysburg Map, July 3, 1863 Civil War Engraving

Battle of Gettysburg Map, July 3, 1863 Civil War Engraving
Engraving of the Map of the Battle of Gettysburgs, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863 Civil War Engraving from Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War, Published in 1864

Background imageStrategy Collection: Footprints in sand

Footprints in sand
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Footprints across rippled sand. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Background imageStrategy Collection: Antique Steel Engraving of Strasbourg

Antique Steel Engraving of Strasbourg
Strasbourg,France, a fine steel engraving with cartouches of The Astronomical Clock, Kleber's Entrance, The Palace, The Grand Entrance, Statue of Guternberg

Background imageStrategy Collection: Physician Visiting Home of Infant for Vaccination

Physician Visiting Home of Infant for Vaccination
(Original Caption) Vaccinating The Baby

Background imageStrategy Collection: Physician Preparing Patient for Surgical Purposes

Physician Preparing Patient for Surgical Purposes
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Doctor prescribing a tonic to a man suffering from gout. Late 15th century color engraving

Background imageStrategy Collection: Men Hoisting Cable from Aboard Ship

Men Hoisting Cable from Aboard Ship
(Original Caption) The Breaking Of The Atlantic Telegraph Cable On Board The Great Eastern

Background imageStrategy Collection: Caretaker and Unwanted Infant at Foundling Site

Caretaker and Unwanted Infant at Foundling Site
(Original Caption) Italy: The Wicket Of The Founding Hospital At Florence, Italy

Background imageStrategy Collection: Woman Placing Child at Orphanage Door

Woman Placing Child at Orphanage Door
(Original Caption) Receptable For Foundling. A woman puts a foundling, or her own unwanted child, into a revolving doorway in a hospital or orphanage wall, intended for unwanted children

Background imageStrategy Collection: Interior of an Early Beer Making Plant

Interior of an Early Beer Making Plant
(Original Caption) Beer Brewing, 1763

Background imageStrategy Collection: Man Watering Rice Crop

Man Watering Rice Crop
(Original Caption) Watering The Rice Plants

Background imageStrategy Collection: Herders Gathering Cattle for Shipment on Train

Herders Gathering Cattle for Shipment on Train
(Original Caption) USA: Shipping Cattle On Board A Train From A Corral At Halleck

Background imageStrategy Collection: Early Document of Membership for Sons of Temperance

Early Document of Membership for Sons of Temperance
(Original Caption) Sons of Temperance membership certificate

Background imageStrategy Collection: Early African Americans Surviving with Merriment near Workers on Dock

Early African Americans Surviving with Merriment near Workers on Dock
(Original Caption) Mississippi: Scene on Mississippi Wharf

Background imageStrategy Collection: Men Extending Cable Line from Ship

Men Extending Cable Line from Ship
(Original Caption) Laying The Atlantic Cable. - Paying Out The Land End Of The Cable From The Stern Of The Niagara

Background imageStrategy Collection: Drawing of an Early History Leg Amputation

Drawing of an Early History Leg Amputation
(Original Caption) Amputation: Amputation of a leg without Narcotics. From Hans V. Gersdorff. Feldbuch der Wund Arznei. Strasberg 1528

Background imageStrategy Collection: Beer Brewer Pouring His Concoction into Kegs

Beer Brewer Pouring His Concoction into Kegs
(Original Caption) The Brewer. 17th century engraving by Jan Luyken, (1649-1712)

Background imageStrategy Collection: Policeman Delivering an Abandoned Baby to Station

Policeman Delivering an Abandoned Baby to Station
(Original Caption) An Abandoned Infant Picked Up In An Alley: A Winter Night Scene At a Police Station House. More than two hundred foundlings are taken charge of by police every year

Background imageStrategy Collection: Military Ships Readied for Battle near Spain

Military Ships Readied for Battle near Spain
(Original Caption) Commencement of the Battle of Trafalagar, October 21st, 1805. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageStrategy Collection: Early Coal Mine Site Using Dual Methods

Early Coal Mine Site Using Dual Methods
(Original Caption) England: A Pit Head. British coal mine in the beginning of the 19th century. Painting by an artist of the British School, ca. 1820

Background imageStrategy Collection: Abraham Lincoln Sitting with General McClellan

Abraham Lincoln Sitting with General McClellan
(Original Caption) 10/4/1862-Antietam, Maryland: President Abraham Lincoln with General George Brinton McClellan talking in a tent at the Antietam battlefield. Undated photo by Mathew Brady

Background imageStrategy Collection: Portrait of Yankee Soldiers Settled in Trench Site

Portrait of Yankee Soldiers Settled in Trench Site
(Original Caption) Petersburg, Virginia: Soldiers in the trenches of Petersburg, Virginia before battle. Photo 1865

Background imageStrategy Collection: Men Working at Recovery Site

Men Working at Recovery Site
(Original Caption) Telegraph. Searching for fault after recovery of the cable from the bed of the Atlantic, July 31, 1865

Background imageStrategy Collection: Agency Delivering Food to Native Americans

Agency Delivering Food to Native Americans
(Original Caption) Oklahoma: Officers wives and Issuing agent ration sacks of flour to Indians at Camp Supply, Indian Territory, (now Oklahoma)

Background imageStrategy Collection: Dock Workers Loading Horse Drawn Goods to Ship

Dock Workers Loading Horse Drawn Goods to Ship
(Original Caption) New York: Scene on a New York dock-stevedores unloading a ship

Background imageStrategy Collection: Cartoon Depicting Grover Cleveland's Campaign Tactics to Capital

Cartoon Depicting Grover Cleveland's Campaign Tactics to Capital
(Original Caption) Puck. In Sight Of The Promised Land

Background imageStrategy Collection: Village Woman Carrying Products on Their Backs

Village Woman Carrying Products on Their Backs

Background imageStrategy Collection: Young Woman Capturing Corn Oil in Field for Medicine

Young Woman Capturing Corn Oil in Field for Medicine

Background imageStrategy Collection: Early Motor Car Followed by Stagecoaches Carrying Passengers

Early Motor Car Followed by Stagecoaches Carrying Passengers
(Original Caption) England: Omnibus Running From Oxford Circus To Ealing. The Property Of The British Motor Company

Background imageStrategy Collection: Policemen on Bicycles Escorting a Carriage Violator

Policemen on Bicycles Escorting a Carriage Violator
(Original Caption) Policeman stopping a traffic violator

Background imageStrategy Collection: Workers Operating Hidden Stage Mechanisms

Workers Operating Hidden Stage Mechanisms
(Original Caption) Behind The Scenes At The Grand Opera. Working Fly Gallery. The Swan In "Lohengrin." Electric switchboard. Painting Scenery From The Paint Bridge

Background imageStrategy Collection: Merchant Weighing Native's Furs

Merchant Weighing Native's Furs
(Original Caption) Weighing Furs On A Steelyard

Background imageStrategy Collection: Wagon Train Camp Enjoying Banjo Playing

Wagon Train Camp Enjoying Banjo Playing
(Original Caption) Covered wagon train encamped

Background imageStrategy Collection: Political Cartoon of Men Waiting for Milk from Cow by Keppler

Political Cartoon of Men Waiting for Milk from Cow by Keppler
(Original Caption) A Puzzle. How Can McKinley Satisfy Ohio, And Still Have A Little Patronage Milk Left For Other Patriots Of The Country?

Background imageStrategy Collection: Currency Being Exchanged by Hand

Currency Being Exchanged by Hand
(Original Caption) Germany: Germany Want Coins--Not Paper

Background imageStrategy Collection: 1840 Presidential Election Cartoon

1840 Presidential Election Cartoon
"The Trap Sprung! The Kinderhook Fox Caught!" President Martin Van Buren ("The Red Fox of Kinderhook") runs for re-election against William Henry Harrison

Background imageStrategy Collection: Diagrammed Depiction of a Cow to be Slaughtered for Food

Diagrammed Depiction of a Cow to be Slaughtered for Food
(Original Caption) Meat And Butchering. Chart of beef cuts

Background imageStrategy Collection: Suffragette with Large Sign and Selling Pamphlets

Suffragette with Large Sign and Selling Pamphlets
(Original Caption) English Suffragist selling pamphlets - placard in front

Background imageStrategy Collection: Map Of Gettysburg with Troop Positions

Map Of Gettysburg with Troop Positions
(Original Caption) Map of Gettysburg showing Civil War artillery, cavalry and infantry positions. Undated color slide

Background imageStrategy Collection: Drawing of Man Inside an Early Steam Bath

Drawing of Man Inside an Early Steam Bath
(Original Caption) Steam bath for torso, head and arms

Background imageStrategy Collection: Citizens Carrying Beer While Strolling

Citizens Carrying Beer While Strolling
(Original Caption) Cartoon entitled The Effects Of The New Liquor Law. Germanesque couple carrying their own beer in knapsack fashion. Lithograph mid-nineteenth century

Background imageStrategy Collection: Layout of Charles A. Lindbergh's Home

Layout of Charles A. Lindbergh's Home
(Original Caption) Hopewell, New Jersey: Artist's layout of the estate of Col. and Mrs. Charles A

Background imageStrategy Collection: Engraving After The Trojan Horse by Henri Paul Motte

Engraving After The Trojan Horse by Henri Paul Motte

Background imageStrategy Collection: Shell Game

Shell Game
Close-up of hand moving walnut shells in shell game

Background imageStrategy Collection: Early Ship with Poopdeck

Early Ship with Poopdeck
(Original Caption) Poopdeck of 17th century French galley. Undated engraving

Background imageStrategy Collection: British Soldiers by Canon Eyeing Ships Offshore

British Soldiers by Canon Eyeing Ships Offshore
(Original Caption) Egypt: The Crisis In Egypt: A Krupp Field-Gun In The Earthworks, Alexandria. From A Sketch By A Correspondent

Background imageStrategy Collection: West Point Cadets Being Inspected

West Point Cadets Being Inspected
(Original Caption) New York: West Point Inspection By Superintendent. Major General William D

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers Firing Smoking Canon

Soldiers Firing Smoking Canon
(Original Caption) Near Antwerp: British gun firing salvo near Antwerp, 1914

Background imageStrategy Collection: Tenants Goods Dispossessed

Tenants Goods Dispossessed
(Original Caption) New York, New York: Furniture. Sad Spectacle

Background imageStrategy Collection: Troops at Camp During Meal Time

Troops at Camp During Meal Time
(Original Caption) Cuba: Marines receiving their rations

Background imageStrategy Collection: Troops on Guard Duty at Marines Camp

Troops on Guard Duty at Marines Camp
Cuba: Relief guard. Marine guards newly arrived stores. | Location: Guantamano, Cuba

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers on Horseback

Soldiers on Horseback
(Original Caption) Mexico: Mexican Rebel Troops At Torreon. Villa's troops leaving Torreon for Zacataces

Background imageStrategy Collection: Pancho Villa Displays Captured Weapons

Pancho Villa Displays Captured Weapons

Background imageStrategy Collection: Young Men Working Atop Trains

Young Men Working Atop Trains
(Original Caption) Mexico: Villa's troops at Torreon, building shelters on top of troop trains

Background imageStrategy Collection: Mexican Soldiers and Citizens Atop Train at Depot

Mexican Soldiers and Citizens Atop Train at Depot
(Original Caption) Mexico: Mexican Rebel Troops At Durango. General Carranza's troops leaving Durango for the front

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers on Horseback

Soldiers on Horseback
(Original Caption) Mexico: Mexican Rebel Troops At Torreon. Villa's troops leaving Torreon for Zacataces

Background imageStrategy Collection: Workers Moving Gold to Sub Treasury Site

Workers Moving Gold to Sub Treasury Site
(Original Caption) New York City: Gold shipped from Washington on account of the war crisis. Being put into the Subtreasury, Wall Street, New York

Background imageStrategy Collection: Military Officers Pausing for Camera

Military Officers Pausing for Camera
(Original Caption) Crown Prince Frederick William and two of his officers are shown

Background imageStrategy Collection: Workers on Ship Level with Flour Cargo

Workers on Ship Level with Flour Cargo
(Original Caption) Brooklyn: Part of a cargo of flour in the hold of the S. S. Baxatan, photographed at Bush Terminal Docks in Brooklyn before sailing for Europe

Background imageStrategy Collection: Family Members to Sell Their Valuables

Family Members to Sell Their Valuables
(Original Caption) New York, New York: 89th Anniversary of New York Old Guard. Turning in gold and silver

Background imageStrategy Collection: Family Members to Sell Their Valuables

Family Members to Sell Their Valuables
(Original Caption) New York, New York: 89th Anniversary of New York Old Guard. Receiving certificates after turning in gold and silver

Background imageStrategy Collection: William McComb Explaining Chart

William McComb Explaining Chart
(Original Caption) William McComb pointing to chart that testified American artillery to be inferior to that of other countries

Background imageStrategy Collection: Large Ship En Route

Large Ship En Route
(Original Caption) U. S. S. Arizona, being towed to dock after launching

Background imageStrategy Collection: Large House En Route

Large House En Route
(Original Caption) Houses moved from Winthrop, Mass. to Point of Pines, Mass. near Lynn, on lighter towed by two tugs a distance of 15 miles and was made in three hours

Background imageStrategy Collection: Australian Soldiers After Landing at Gallipoli

Australian Soldiers After Landing at Gallipoli
(Original Caption) Gallipoli: Landing Heavy Guns During Dardanelles Operations

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers in Formation in Trench

Soldiers in Formation in Trench
(Original Caption) England: Photograph taken "somewhere along the region of the English Drive" during the late afternoon of July 1st

Background imageStrategy Collection: German Vessels Offshore in North Sea

German Vessels Offshore in North Sea
(Original Caption) Germany: German torpedo flotilla in North Sea

Background imageStrategy Collection: Canadian Military Officer Reviewing His Men

Canadian Military Officer Reviewing His Men
England: Canadian officer (P. M.), Robert L. Borden, inspecting his troops for readiness

Background imageStrategy Collection: Russian Soldiers Traveling Atop Train

Russian Soldiers Traveling Atop Train
Russia: Scene from the Russian Revolution of 1917

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers Preparing Trenches

Soldiers Preparing Trenches
(Original Caption) United States: Engineers Learn Timber Tying At Instruction Camp Somewhere In The United States.---Photo shows them doing their bit in the trenches

Background imageStrategy Collection: Brussels Citizens Stopping at Street Vendor for Coffee

Brussels Citizens Stopping at Street Vendor for Coffee
(Original Caption) Belgium: Selling hot coffee during a cold spell in Brussels, Belgium

Background imageStrategy Collection: Boat Fisherman in Midst of the Waters

Boat Fisherman in Midst of the Waters
(Original Caption) Maine: Fishing boat with lobster traps. Photograph by the Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries, State House, Augusta, Maine

Background imageStrategy Collection: Mature Couple Riding Motorcycle

Mature Couple Riding Motorcycle
Photo shows a well dressed couple riding on a motorcycle

Background imageStrategy Collection: Employee at White Star Pier Inspecting Woman's Suitcase Contents

Employee at White Star Pier Inspecting Woman's Suitcase Contents
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageStrategy Collection: Physician Using Early Technique to Examine Female's Eyes

Physician Using Early Technique to Examine Female's Eyes
(Original Caption) USA: Old-fashioned G. P. examines eye of girl patient

Background imageStrategy Collection: University of Chicago Basketball Players Demonstrating Moves

University of Chicago Basketball Players Demonstrating Moves

Background imageStrategy Collection: Babe Ruth in Baseball Game Action

Babe Ruth in Baseball Game Action
(Original Caption) Polo Grounds, New York: Fifth Game Of World's series. Ruth crossing plate with 2nd run, on Meusel's single--4th inning

Background imageStrategy Collection: Priest Broadcasting Invitation to Police Chiefs

Priest Broadcasting Invitation to Police Chiefs
Father Lynch of Boston College, broadcasting from the station recently installed at Boston College

Background imageStrategy Collection: Officials near Airplane Carrying Petitions

Officials near Airplane Carrying Petitions
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Bonus Plane With 1, 000, 000 Names In Petition

Background imageStrategy Collection: Woman During Weight Reduction Treatment

Woman During Weight Reduction Treatment
(Original Caption) London: Latest In Weight Reducing. Miss Nancy Lovat of the "Golden Moth" Company at the Adelphi

Background imageStrategy Collection: Firemen Traveling in Boats

Firemen Traveling in Boats
(Original Caption) Berlin: Berlin Establishes Unique Fire Fighting Corps

Background imageStrategy Collection: Worker Inside Meat Plant

Worker Inside Meat Plant
(Original Caption) Paris, France: Latest Paris Packing House Invention. The Perco apparatus in use at the Paris Slaughter house

Background imageStrategy Collection: Packing House Worker on Site

Packing House Worker on Site
(Original Caption) Paris, France: Latest Paris Packing House Invention. The invention. [The Abatoir.]

Background imageStrategy Collection: Soldiers at Train Station

Soldiers at Train Station
(Original Caption) China: Scenes In China During Factionary War

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