Venus fly trapIllustration of a venus fly trap
Dionaea muscipula, Venus Fly Trap, Dragon Fly caught in lobes of flowering plant and Housefly hovering near by
Dionaea muscipula, two Venus Fly Traps, one opening to catch fly and the other with fly trapped between closed lobes, front view
SundewPhotographic image of an original antique illustration by Sowerby published in 1860s in The English Botany
Round leaved SundewPhotographic image of an original antique illustration by Sowerby published in 1860s in The English Botany
Portuguese sundew or dewy pine (Drosophyllum lusitanicum)Illustration of a Portuguese sundew or dewy pine (Drosophyllum lusitanicum)
Oblong-leaved sundew or spoonleaf sundew (Drosera intermedia) in its natural bog habitat, Birr, Offaly, Midlands, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Common sundew, Round-leaved sundew -Drosera rotundifolia-, glandular tentacles
Sundew plant botanical engraving 1843A Flora of the State of New York by John Torrey Vol. 1 - Carroll and Cook Printers Albany, NY 1843
Waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa)Illustration of a Waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda vesiculosa)
Rosy sundew (Drosera hamiltonii), Kangaroo Island, Australia
Oblong-leaved sundew or spoonleaf sundew (Drosera intermedia)
Oblong-leaved sundew, spoonleaf sundew -Drosera intermedia- on waterlogged peat soil
Round-leaved Sundew -Drosera rotundifolia- with a trapped fly, flesh-eating plant, Ireland, British Isles, Europe
Bog Clubmoss -Lycopodiella inundata- and Round-leafed Sundew -Drosera rotundifolia-, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany