Wwii Of Ration Books, Gas Ration(Original Caption) Composite page of World War II War Ration Book One. War Ration Book Two and gasoline ration card. Photograph. BPA2# 5655
Japanese Crowd During Rice Riot(Original Caption) 9/5/1923-Tokyo, Japan-All nations are aiding stricken Japan in her hour of need
London Housewife Buying Meat(Original Caption) 3/24/40-London, England: The fact that England may be on the verge of a meat shortage, at least to such an extent that it must take precautions
Woman Draws Hosiery Line on Model's Leg(Original Caption) 7/31/1941-New York
Cars Surround One Gas Pump(Original Caption) 1943-New York, NY-No sooner was this filling station at Rogers Ave. and Empire Blvd. in Brooklyn serviced yesterday by a gasoline truck making a delivery than this happened
General De Gaulle Addressing Auberville(Original Caption) 2/15/1945-Paris, France-General Charles de Gaulle addressing the people of the Aubervillers district of Paris from the balcony of the town hall
Bartenders, Waiter, Empty Bar, Bored(Original Caption) 2/11/1946-New York, NY: Bartenders and waiter at Lors, 42nd St. and Eight Avenue, found themselves alone at 11:59 P.M
Hoover Surrounded By Polish Children(Original Caption) 4/2/1946-Warsaw, Poland: A modern Pied Piper, minus the flute of lore, but carrying the promise of a far greater need- food
Chinese Children Eating Rice Hungrily(Original Caption) 5/5/1946-Hunan Province, China: Hunan Province, once known as the "Rice Bowl of Central China, " no longer has rice, nor any other foodstuff
Men Carry Hungry Woman Off On Door-Stret(Original Caption) 5/5/1946-Hunan Province, China: Hunan Province, once known as the "Rice Bowl of Central China, " no longer has rice, nor any other foodstuff
Women and Children Pushing Bags of Coal(Original Caption) 02/17/1947- London England: After waiting for four hours in the cold grey dawn
Indian Refugees Waiting for Water(Original Caption) Muslim refugees are shown here; some of the 100, 000 victims of Religious rioting who have taken refuge in the congested Purana Qila Fort on the outskirts of New Delhi
Children Huddled Against Wall(Original Caption) 11/1948-Shanghai, China: Pitiful children huddle against a brick wall trying to keep warm as their parents beg
People On Line For Rice(Original Caption) 11/12/1948-Shanghai, China: With police standing guard (white helmets)
Mick Jagger Performing at Live AidMick Jagger and the Rolling Stones performing at the Live Aid concert in Philadelphia
The Audience at a Live Aid ConcertAn audience member at the Live Aid concert in Philadelphia is shown wearing a Live Aid t-shirt. Performers at the event included Tina Turner, the Rolling Stones, and Bob Dylan
World War Ii Ration Stamps(Original Caption) Ration stamps used during World War II. Photograph
Line Of Chinese Waiting To Buy Rice(Original Caption) Shanghai, China: While the United States Navy is sending ships to evacuate Americans from China and Marines to reinforce their naval headquarters at Tsingtao
Woman Kneels In Her Ramshackle Shelter(Original Caption) 10/29/1949-Tokyo, Japan-Publication by the government of a White Paper on Housing has caused considerable comment by the press
Chinese Woman Facing Border Patrol(Original Caption) 10/27/1950-Hong Kong, BCC: Unless passengers have an entry permit or can speak genuine Cantonese and tell quickly where they live in Hong Kong
Class Taking Place In A Bus(Original Caption) 9/22/1952-Topeka, KS: The shortage of classrooms in Topeka has forced the seventh grade class of the Avondale School to take over the school's bus. Mrs
Cubans in Line for Bread(Original Caption) 11/19/1964-Havana, Cuba-Cubans line up for bread in front of a bakery in Old Havana, although bread is one of the few staple foods not rationed
Workers Placing Signs on Gas Pumps(Original Caption) Bob Coviello, foreground, and Dominic DiSciullo, rear, place signs on parked cars blocking gas pumps at their Everett Chevron station
Man Reading Gasoline Signs(Original Caption) A man gapes at the "out-of-gas" signs on the self-service pumps of a Tenneco gas station. The station, which sports twelve pumps, opened less than a month ago
Jimmy Carter Meeting with His Cabinet(Original Caption) 1/31/1977-Washinton, DC- President Carter holds a cabinet meeting to continue discussions of the nation's national gas shortage due to an unusually cold winter
OPEC Conference in Abu DhabiOPEC Ministers meet in Abu Dhabi where they are expected to set a new price for crude oil
First Day of Gasoline RationingMotorists line up for gas on the first day of gas rationing imposed on nine California counties following the revolution in Iran that caused a shortage of crude oil
Line of Cars Waiting to Get Tanks Filled(Original Caption) 6/20/1979-New York, NY: Even though the sign clearly indicates cars with last "even numbers only" will be given gasoline
Motorist Waiting for Gasoline in New York(Original Caption) On a clear day, lines of motorists waiting to purchase gasoline seem to stretch forever. At this station at 11th Ave