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Surgery Collection

Background imageSurgery Collection: Knee replacement

Knee replacement
artificial joint, artificial knee, colour, femur, front view, joint of the knee, knee, knee joint, knee repair, knee replacement, landscape, orthopedic surgery, orthopedics, other background

Background imageSurgery Collection: Knee replacement

Knee replacement
artificial joint, artificial knee, colour, femur, joint of the knee, knee, knee joint, knee repair, knee replacement, landscape, orthopedic surgery, orthopedics, other background, replacement knee

Background imageSurgery Collection: Antique medical scientific illustration high-resolution: heart

Antique medical scientific illustration high-resolution: heart

Background imageSurgery Collection: Antique medical scientific illustration high-resolution: brain

Antique medical scientific illustration high-resolution: brain

Background imageSurgery Collection: Total knee replacement, X-rays

Total knee replacement, X-rays
Total knee replacement. Coloured frontal (left) and profile (right) X-rays of the right knee of a 69 year old patient after total knee replacement surgery

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeon At Work In Field During Civil Wa

Surgeon At Work In Field During Civil Wa
(Original Caption) 1862-The surgeon at work at the rear during an engagement in the Civil War. Engraving, 1862

Background imageSurgery Collection: Civil War Hospital Operating Room

Civil War Hospital Operating Room
(Original Caption) Military Medicine: Operating room in a Civil War Hospital tent. Woodcut, 1865

Background imageSurgery Collection: Operation At Bellevue Hospital

Operation At Bellevue Hospital
(Original Caption) ca. 1870-New York, NY: Operation at Bellevue Hospital in the 1870's. Photo

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeons Operating with Carbolic Acid

Surgeons Operating with Carbolic Acid
A group of surgeons operate with the use of carbolic acid, a disinfectant also known as phenol, in an era when surgical gowns, caps, masks and gloves had not yet dawned

Background imageSurgery Collection: Instruction In Surgery In Ampitheater

Instruction In Surgery In Ampitheater
(Original Caption) Boston, MA: Instruction in surgery. Scene in operating ampitheater of Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Admintering ether to a patient. 1888

Background imageSurgery Collection: Observing Surgery at St. Luke's Hospital

Observing Surgery at St. Luke's Hospital
(Original Caption) Making ready for Surgery at St. Luke's Hospital. Nurses observe from the Amphitheatre photogra ca. 1890. BPA2# 3046

Background imageSurgery Collection: An Early Operative Surgical Procedure

An Early Operative Surgical Procedure
Photograph of an early operative surgical procedure at Bellevue Medical Center intended as a teaching exercise

Background imageSurgery Collection: Men Observing Early Surgery

Men Observing Early Surgery
Bellevue Hospital and Anatomical Theater. An operation in 1898. Photograph

Background imageSurgery Collection: Civil War Surgeon At Work

Civil War Surgeon At Work
(Original Caption) One of the few existing photographs showing a Civil War surgeon at work. (John Joseph Craven: 1822-1893)

Background imageSurgery Collection: Doctors Watching Surgery In Tottenham

Doctors Watching Surgery In Tottenham
(Original Caption) American doctors watching surgical procedure during their visit to Tottenham Hospital. England

Background imageSurgery Collection: Ivan Pavlov Operating on Dog

Ivan Pavlov Operating on Dog
(Original Caption) Physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) conducts an operation on a dog, at the clinic of the Pavlov Institute in Leningrad. Undated photograph

Background imageSurgery Collection: Closeup Of Brain Surgery; Brain Visible

Closeup Of Brain Surgery; Brain Visible
(Original Caption) After opening the dura a tumor is found attached to the dura leading between dura and brain is ligated between clips or bu diathermi. Undated

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeon Checking A Surgical Stapler

Surgeon Checking A Surgical Stapler
(Original Caption) Undated - A doctor checks a surgical stapler before using it in an operation recently

Background imageSurgery Collection: First Operation By Women Surgeons

First Operation By Women Surgeons
(Original Caption) First operation by women doctors in the new clinic of the Hospital of the Women's College. Undated photograph

Background imageSurgery Collection: Dr. John Wyeth Performing Operation

Dr. John Wyeth Performing Operation
(Original Caption) New York- Dr. John Allan Wyeth performing an operation at the New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital. ca. 1901-02

Background imageSurgery Collection: Drawing of Surgeon Preparing his Tools

Drawing of Surgeon Preparing his Tools
(Original Caption) Surgeon prepares his tools. Caspar Strohmeyer, German surgeon, lays out instruments preparatory to operation. This colored drawing was made by Dr. Strohmeyer himself, 1559

Background imageSurgery Collection: Painting of an Early Operation

Painting of an Early Operation
(Original Caption) Earliest Operation for the Stone. Performed in the presence of King Louis XI by Germain Colot in the Cemetery of St. Severin, January 4, 1974

Background imageSurgery Collection: Copper Engraving of Surgical Procedures Performed on a Man's Shoulder and Leg

Copper Engraving of Surgical Procedures Performed on a Man's Shoulder and Leg

Background imageSurgery Collection: A Physician's Pictorial Advertising Sign Used in the 1600s

A Physician's Pictorial Advertising Sign Used in the 1600s
Various medical procedures are depicted to advertise services available to patients in the first pictorial advertising sign used by an English physician in the early 1600s

Background imageSurgery Collection: Print of Early Operation Techniques and Procedures

Print of Early Operation Techniques and Procedures
(Original Caption) Woman holding light during trepanation operation. Copper engraving, 1671

Background imageSurgery Collection: Statue of Sekhmet, Egyptian Lion Goddess

Statue of Sekhmet, Egyptian Lion Goddess
(Original Caption) Sekmet, the lion Goddess. She was considered carrier of plague, and patron of surgery (priest of Sekmet seems to have been synonymous with surgeon). From temple of Karnak

Background imageSurgery Collection: Woodcut of Doctor Cauterizing Wounded Soldier

Woodcut of Doctor Cauterizing Wounded Soldier
(Original Caption) 1573-Arab field surgeon cauterizing wounded soldier, 1573

Background imageSurgery Collection: Pathologist Rudolf Virchow Observing Operation

Pathologist Rudolf Virchow Observing Operation
(Original Caption) Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)--At center with beard and glasses--The famous German pathologist and anthropologist, observing a cerebral operation in the Sorbonne in Paris

Background imageSurgery Collection: Joseph Lister

Joseph Lister
(Original Caption) Joseph Lister (1827-1912), English surgeon who used Carbolic spray to prevent septis. Developed antiseptic surgery which led to modern Asepsis. Undated photograph. BPA2# 6477

Background imageSurgery Collection: Charles McBurney Operating in Surgery Room

Charles McBurney Operating in Surgery Room
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Surgery: Prof

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeon Operating on Young Woman

Surgeon Operating on Young Woman
A photographic tableaux, somewhat unrealistic, of a surgery in the late 19th century

Background imageSurgery Collection: Nurse and Doctor in Operating Room

Nurse and Doctor in Operating Room
(Original Caption) 1918-New York, New York- This modern operating room is one of many installed in New York City with a PWA allotment of $800, 000

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgery on Tiger in Cage

Surgery on Tiger in Cage
(Original Caption) Difficult Operation Performed On A Tiger. A rather difficult operation was performed this morning by the well-known French specialist, M. Marcel, as our picture shows

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeons Working on Patient

Surgeons Working on Patient
(Original Caption) 1930-New York, NY: Photograph taken in a New York City hospital in 1930 depicting an observation in progress

Background imageSurgery Collection: Doctor Performs Abdominal Operation

Doctor Performs Abdominal Operation
(Original Caption) 1/10/32: A doctor performs a major abdominal operation. The remarkable feature of this operation is that Dr. Evan O

Background imageSurgery Collection: Director Frank Capra & Wife On Location

Director Frank Capra & Wife On Location
(Original Caption) Hollywood, CA- Frank Capra, one of Hollywood's ace directors

Background imageSurgery Collection: Welfare Director Overseeing Operation

Welfare Director Overseeing Operation
(Original Caption) 12/31/1936-Pittsburgh, PA- Pittsburgh's new welfere director, appointed December 30th

Background imageSurgery Collection: Student Nurses Observe Operation In Ny

Student Nurses Observe Operation In Ny
(Original Caption) 2/9/1943-New York- : Student nurses of the intermediate group eagerly watch an operation at the Beth Israel Hospital. Dr. Gertrude Marx administers the anasthesia, Mrs

Background imageSurgery Collection: Army Operating Room In New Gunea

Army Operating Room In New Gunea
(Original Caption) 9/24/1943-New Guinea: Wherever you find American Fighting men, you find doctors, nurses, and medical corpsmen. This operation is being performed in a jungle hospital in Nw Guinea

Background imageSurgery Collection: Dr. Blalock Inventor Of Blalock Operation

Dr. Blalock Inventor Of Blalock Operation
(Original Caption) 12/6/1945-Baltimore, MD: Infants suffering froma formerly incurable malformation of the heart

Background imageSurgery Collection: Hospital Scene Woman Surgeon Operating

Hospital Scene Woman Surgeon Operating
(Original Caption) Hospital scene: Woman surgeun operating. Photograph 1946

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeons Performing Operation

Surgeons Performing Operation
4/21/1966- Houston, TX: Dr. Michael De Bakey, heart surgoen with Dr. Domingo Liotta inserting artifical heart in patient

Background imageSurgery Collection: Dr. Denton Cooley Speaking at Press Conference

Dr. Denton Cooley Speaking at Press Conference
Cardiologist Dr. Denton Cooley speaks at a news conference about a successful heart transplant he and a team of doctors performed on an 8-month-old girl late yesterday

Background imageSurgery Collection: Reagan's Surgical Team at Press Conference

Reagan's Surgical Team at Press Conference
(Original Caption) 7/13/1985- Bethesda, MD- : The surgical team that operated on President Reagan holds a press conference afterward at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Pictured (L-R) are: Dr

Background imageSurgery Collection: Michael E. DeBakey Performing Heart Surgery

Michael E. DeBakey Performing Heart Surgery
(Original Caption) 1/19/1987-Houston, TX- Dr. Michael DeBakey, 78, operates on a patient at the Texas Medical Center

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgery In Progress, Circa 1900

Surgery In Progress, Circa 1900
(Original Caption) View of an operating room at the Brooklyn Dispensary Hospital, circa 1900

Background imageSurgery Collection: Hospital Operating Room

Hospital Operating Room
Ca. 1900-Operating room in a Mobile, Alabama, hospital. The doctors and nurses pose before operating on a patient

Background imageSurgery Collection: Operating Room During Open Heart Surgery

Operating Room During Open Heart Surgery
(Original Caption) Cape Town, South Africa- A scene of open heart surgery being performed by Dr. Christian Barnard's team at Groote Schuur Hospital in Capetown. Photo filed 12/14/1967

Background imageSurgery Collection: Apparatus Of Dr. August Ludolph Brauer

Apparatus Of Dr. August Ludolph Brauer
(Original Caption) Apparatus of Dr. Brauer-Draeger in thoracic operation

Background imageSurgery Collection: Military Doctors Operating At Front

Military Doctors Operating At Front
(Original Caption) Behind the front lines in one of the smallest operating rooms in the world, Capt. Edwin B. Thomas, Fitchburg, Mass. (in glasses) and Lt. James M. Loftus, Washington, D.C

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgery

(Original Caption) New Orleans, Louisiana- Photo shows surgeons performing surgery at Charity Hospital. Undated

Background imageSurgery Collection: The Manner of Dissecting the Pestilentiall Body Illustration

The Manner of Dissecting the Pestilentiall Body Illustration
(Original Caption) London, England: London doctors looking for the cause of the plague by dissecting its victims. From George Thompson's "Loimotomia, or the Pest Antatomised", 1666

Background imageSurgery Collection: Cartoon of Surgeons Performing Unnecessary Surgery

Cartoon of Surgeons Performing Unnecessary Surgery
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Cartoon against knife happy surgeon performing unnecessary operations with coffins at the ready. Undated woodcut

Background imageSurgery Collection: Illustration of Joseph Lister Using Carbolic Spray During Surgery

Illustration of Joseph Lister Using Carbolic Spray During Surgery
Joseph Lister directing use of carbolic acid spray in one of his earliest antiseptic surgical operations, circa 1865

Background imageSurgery Collection: Barber-Surgeon In Office Bloodletting;Il

Barber-Surgeon In Office Bloodletting;Il
(Original Caption) The Dutch barber-surgeon in his office. Blood-letting operation. Colored copper engraving by Wolfgang Kilian, 1581-1662. Undated engraving

Background imageSurgery Collection: Illus. of Various Surgical Instruments

Illus. of Various Surgical Instruments
(Original Caption) George Tiemann & Co.'s diagnostic and microscopical surgical instruments including section knives, scalpels, forceps and syringes. Undated illustration

Background imageSurgery Collection: Illustration after First Operation Under Ether by Robert Hinckley

Illustration after First Operation Under Ether by Robert Hinckley
An illustration showing the first administration of ether during surgery in 1846. The scene at Massachusetts General Hospital shows William T.G

Background imageSurgery Collection: Illustration of Joseph Lister Using Carbolic Spray During Surgery

Illustration of Joseph Lister Using Carbolic Spray During Surgery
Joseph Lister directing use of carbolic acid spray in one of his earliest antiseptic surgical operations, circa 1865

Background imageSurgery Collection: Illustration of Dr. William Beaumont Inserting Tube In Alexis St. Martin's Torso

Illustration of Dr. William Beaumont Inserting Tube In Alexis St. Martin's Torso
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting Dr. William Beaumont (1785-1853) experimenting with digestive juice by tapping a fistule into the stomach of Alexis St. Martin. Undated colored drawing

Background imageSurgery Collection: Freeman Performs Lobotomy

Freeman Performs Lobotomy
Dr. Walter Freeman performs a lobotomy using an instrument like an ice pick which he invented for the procedure. Inserting the instrument under the upper eyelid of the patient, Dr

Background imageSurgery Collection: Army Mobile Surgical Hospital

Army Mobile Surgical Hospital
(Original Caption) 10/26/51-Korea: Here is the operating "room" of an Army mobile surgical hospital somewhere in Korea

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgical Hospital During Korean War

Surgical Hospital During Korean War
(Original Caption) 7/14/1953-Korea: Two separate surgical teams work on casualties suffered in the heavy fighting along the west-central front in Korea

Background imageSurgery Collection: Surgeon Grafting Skin Onto Neck Of Patie

Surgeon Grafting Skin Onto Neck Of Patie
(Original Caption) 3/23/1954-Yongdungpo, Korea: Capt

Background imageSurgery Collection: Senator John Kennedy in Ambulance After Operation

Senator John Kennedy in Ambulance After Operation
Accompanied by his wife, Jacqueline, Senator John Kennedy is taken by ambulance to his father's residence in West Palm Beach, Florida, for the holidays following surgery in New York

Background imageSurgery Collection: Nurse Preparing Instruments in Operating Theater

Nurse Preparing Instruments in Operating Theater
(Original Caption) An operating theater with the external appearance of an igloo with portholes has been designed in Great Britain

Background imageSurgery Collection: Girl Watching Surgery on Television

Girl Watching Surgery on Television
Nine-year-old Rosemary Muller of Roslyn Heights, Long Island, recovering from a heart operation

Background imageSurgery Collection: Mabel Chin On Operating Table

Mabel Chin On Operating Table
(Original Caption) 5/7/1958-New York, NY- Here are two phases of the operation performed before television cameras at University Hospital and broadcast over channel 5 (WABD) last night

Background imageSurgery Collection: Early Demonstration of Laser Eye Surgery

Early Demonstration of Laser Eye Surgery
Dr. Jerome Freeman uses a "light coagulator" instead of traditional eye surgery techniques on patient Suzanne Fritsch

Background imageSurgery Collection: Marilyn Monroe Leaves Hospital

Marilyn Monroe Leaves Hospital
(Original Caption) 7/11/1961-New York, NY: Marilyn Monroe leaves the Polyclinic Hospital after gall bladder surgery. Scenes of crowds, cops and attendants assistting Monroe. Photograph

Background imageSurgery Collection: Marilyn Monroe Leaves Hospital

Marilyn Monroe Leaves Hospital
(Original Caption) 7/11/1961-New York, NY: Marilyn Monroe leaves the Polyclinic Hospital after gall bladder surgery. Scenes of crowds, cops and attendants assistting Monroe. Photograph

Background imageSurgery Collection: Girl Tape-Recorded Joking Thru Surgery

Girl Tape-Recorded Joking Thru Surgery
(Original Caption) 10/31/61-Milan, Italy- Making medical history in a Milan Hospital, 19-year-old Pierina Menegazzo manages a smile as she jokes and chats while surgeon Dr

Background imageSurgery Collection: Ted Kennedy And Peter Lawford

Ted Kennedy And Peter Lawford
Peter Lawford and Edward Kennedy leave a hospital in West Palm Beach, after an emergency tracheotomy was performed on Ted's father Joseph. | Location: St

Background imageSurgery Collection: Ringo Starr Opens Mouth Wide For Fans

Ringo Starr Opens Mouth Wide For Fans
(Original Caption) 12/1/1964-London, England- Ringo Starr, the famed drummer with the Beatles

Background imageSurgery Collection: The Duke Of Windsor Smiling

The Duke Of Windsor Smiling
Edward, the Duke of Windsor, smiles after he underwent a successful cardiovascular operation in Houston, Texas

Background imageSurgery Collection: Lyndon Johnson In Hospital Room

Lyndon Johnson In Hospital Room
(Original Caption) 10/10/1965-Bethesda, MD: Scene in President Johnson's room at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, with the Chief Executive posed for pictures

Background imageSurgery Collection: Lyndon Johnson W/Family In Hospital

Lyndon Johnson W/Family In Hospital
(Original Caption) 10/10/1965-Bethesda, MD: Mrs. Johnson hands the President a cup of consomme in his hospital room at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he is recovering from gall bladder surgery

Background imageSurgery Collection: Lyndon Johnson Outside With Lady Bird

Lyndon Johnson Outside With Lady Bird
(Original Caption) 10/18/1965-Bethesda, MD: With Mrs. Johnson at his side, President Johnson relaxes in the sunshine during a stroll around the grounds of Bethesda Naval Hospital

Background imageSurgery Collection: President Johnson Shows Surgical Scar

President Johnson Shows Surgical Scar
(Original Caption) 10/20/1965-Bethesda, MD: President Johnson, in good spirits fter a walk around the hospital grounds and buoyed by thought of leaving hospital

Background imageSurgery Collection: Doctors Operating in Vietnamese Hospital

Doctors Operating in Vietnamese Hospital
Australian doctors Desmond Hurley (r) and Ross Holland perform an operation in Long Xuyen Hospital in Saigon during the Vietnam War. | Location: Long Xuyen Hospital, Saigon, Vietnam

Background imageSurgery Collection: Dr. Michael E. DeBakey Implants an Artificial Heart

Dr. Michael E. DeBakey Implants an Artificial Heart
(Original Caption) 4/21/1966-Houston, Texas- Heart surgeon Dr

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