Lucille Ball Applying Stage MakeupComedian and entertainer Lucille Ball applies makeup for a performance in her dressing room
Le Chahut by Georges Seurat"Le Chahut" painting by Georges Seurat (1859-1891). Painting shows a chorus line kicking on stage with the orchastra visible in the pit. Undated BPA2# 1542
Minstrel Group of Edward Le Roy Rice(Original Caption) 1925: Minstrel group of Edward Le Roy Rice performing "At the White House." Photograph
Baseball Players Forming Human PyramidPlayers on the African Clowns, a black minor league baseball team, form a human pyramid while dressed in costume and face makeup during a barnstorming tour through the South. March 1938
Madonna Shaking Tamborine at Live AidSinger Madonna shakes a tamborine and dances during her set at the Live Aid concert for famine relief in Ethiopia
Rock Stars Jamming on StageRock stars George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, and Mick Jagger jam together on stage at the 1988 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction
Performer In Blackface With Tambourine(Original Caption) Portrait of a performer in wig and blackface. He is shown seated, holding a tambourine. Undated photograph, circa 1900
Ziegfield Girls In Tambourine Number(Original Caption) The Original Ziegfield Follies: The Ziegfield girls in their tambourine and cane number. Undated photograph
Linda McCartney Performing on Tambourine(Original Caption) 10/12/1975-London, England- Linda McCartney bangs a tambourine during performance with her husband, ex-Beatle Paul McCartney and his group, Wings
Illustration Depicting Oberon and Titania from A Midsummer Night's DreamA courtly scene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream