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Tank Collection

Background imageTank Collection: Sharon and Moshe Dayan On West Bank of Suez

Sharon and Moshe Dayan On West Bank of Suez
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan (L) stands with Major General Ariel Sharon on west bank of Suez Canal, October 18th, the second day of Israel's push across the canal into Egypt

Background imageTank Collection: Tank Graveyard

Tank Graveyard
May 1958: British tanks which took part in the defeat of Germany at the end of World War II, lie piled on top of each other at a scrapyard in Hamburg, waiting to be broken up and recycled

Background imageTank Collection: Decommissioned Tanks

Decommissioned Tanks
May 1958: British tanks which took part in the defeat of Germany at the end of World War II, lie piled on top of each other at a scrapyard in Hamburg, waiting to be broken up and recycled

Background imageTank Collection: Standard Oil Horse Drawn Wagon On Old St

Standard Oil Horse Drawn Wagon On Old St
One of Standard Oil Company's (later Amoco Corporation) first tank wagons

Background imageTank Collection: Franco Rebel Tank In Small Town

Franco Rebel Tank In Small Town
(Original Caption) Spanish Civil War: (1936-1939) tank of Franco Rebels in small town near Bilbao

Background imageTank Collection: View of Mass Production of Canadian Military Tanks

View of Mass Production of Canadian Military Tanks

Background imageTank Collection: Military Tanks Passing on Road

Military Tanks Passing on Road
(Original Caption) British tanks pass a windmill on their way forward following the liberation of the Dutch town of Eindhoven on September 18th

Background imageTank Collection: Plane Flying Over Israeli Tanks

Plane Flying Over Israeli Tanks
(Original Caption) With Israeli Troops in the Sinai: An observation plane cruises overhead as Israeli tanks mass somewhere in the Sinai

Background imageTank Collection: Tank Being Unloaded At Port

Tank Being Unloaded At Port
(Original Caption) A Lend lease tank coming over the side of a cargo ship in a U.S. Atlantic Coast port. World War II era photograph

Background imageTank Collection: Standard Oil Delivery Truck, 1922

Standard Oil Delivery Truck, 1922
(Original Caption) View of a 1922 Standard Oil delivery truck. Undated photograph

Background imageTank Collection: Tank Pulling Truck Out Of Mud

Tank Pulling Truck Out Of Mud
(Original Caption) Belfast, Ireland: Belfast Boycott: Truck pulled from the mud by tank after attempt to save tobacco. Undated photograph circa 1920

Background imageTank Collection: Army Approaching Fallen Klattu (Michael Rennie) in The Day the Earth Stood Still

Army Approaching Fallen Klattu (Michael Rennie) in The Day the Earth Stood Still
(Original Caption) Army approaching fallen martian (Michael Rennie). Scene from the 1951 movie, "The Day Earth Stood Still."

Background imageTank Collection: US Sherman Tank Being Unloaded from an LST

US Sherman Tank Being Unloaded from an LST
(Original Caption) Medium tanks being unloaded from a landing ship tank to beach. Photo made somewhere in the U.S

Background imageTank Collection: Drawing of a Storming Wagon and a Tank-Like Vehicle by Leonardo da Vinci

Drawing of a Storming Wagon and a Tank-Like Vehicle by Leonardo da Vinci
(Original Caption) Drawing by da Vinci from his book on submarines and inventions. Undated

Background imageTank Collection: Japanese Tanks

Japanese Tanks
(Original Caption) Review of Japanese Defense Troops

Background imageTank Collection: Japanese Tank Shooting at Buildings

Japanese Tank Shooting at Buildings
(Original Caption

Background imageTank Collection: British Tanks Advancing During World War I

British Tanks Advancing During World War I
(Original Caption) Attended British tanks moving towards the front lines

Background imageTank Collection: Strikers Behind Oil Tanks with Smoke from Guns

Strikers Behind Oil Tanks with Smoke from Guns

Background imageTank Collection: Captured German A7V Tank During WWI

Captured German A7V Tank During WWI
Officers look over a German A7V tank captured at Villers-Bretonneux, France, during World War I

Background imageTank Collection: American Troops In French Tanks

American Troops In French Tanks
(Original Caption) French Renault tanks used by American troops during World War I. Undated photograph

Background imageTank Collection: Procession of American Tanks

Procession of American Tanks
Procession of Yankee tanks, undated photograph

Background imageTank Collection: French Renault FT-17 Light Tank

French Renault FT-17 Light Tank
A French built two man Renault FT-17 Light Tank armed with a Hotchkiss 8mm machine gun in a rotating turret heads to the front in France circa May 1918 during World War I

Background imageTank Collection: British Tank in France During World War I

British Tank in France During World War I
(Original Caption) World War I: British tank making its way through a devastated village in France

Background imageTank Collection: View of Soldiers Standing in Street Near Tank

View of Soldiers Standing in Street Near Tank
Government troops patrol streets in armored car during Berlin Revolution

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks Participating in Parade for Memorial Unveiling

Tanks Participating in Parade for Memorial Unveiling
(Original Caption) Washington Heights dedicates memorial to her dead...Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney being sworn in as an honorary member of the American Legion, in the "Frederick H

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks Atop Mound

Tanks Atop Mound
(Original Caption) With the Tanks at Camp Franklin, Maryland. Headquarters, tank school, Franklin cantonment, stage big war show showing the tanks going into action followed by infantry, etc

Background imageTank Collection: Renault TSF Command Tank With Radio Mast

Renault TSF Command Tank With Radio Mast
(Original Caption) Radio Tank New Instrument Of Warfare. Here is a picture of the new radio-equipped tanks which are being used in maneuvers and sham battles to test their practicality

Background imageTank Collection: Tank Company Returning from Training

Tank Company Returning from Training
(Original Caption) 1st Division Tank Company puts in hard training in camp...The above photo shows members of 1st Division Tank Company returning to Miller Field, Staten Island, N.Y

Background imageTank Collection: View of Tank School

View of Tank School
(Original Caption) Washington...Photos show Tank School, Camp Meade, Maryland. Maneuvers by company "B" 17th Tank Battalion under Captain Austin Triplett

Background imageTank Collection: View of Tanks

View of Tanks
(Original Caption) First Division Tank Company Returns from Camp After Intensive Training

Background imageTank Collection: Sereno Brett in Tank

Sereno Brett in Tank
(Original Caption) Captain Sereno Brett, US Army Tank Corps, with tank he will use to drive over a mine field with T.N.T. at the Army Carnival to be held at the Washington Barrack

Background imageTank Collection: Men Working on Gas Tank Construction

Men Working on Gas Tank Construction
(Original Caption) 1/13/1932-Prague, Czechoslovakia- Comparitively tiny, in contrast to the ones seen in the United States, is this gas tank at Prague

Background imageTank Collection: Man Cleaning Glass-Lined Beer Tank

Man Cleaning Glass-Lined Beer Tank
(Original Caption) 7/30/1932-Where Government agents used to check each gallon of real beer manufactured in the Ruppert Brewery and tax the same

Background imageTank Collection: Mussolini's Massed Armor On Manoeuvres 1936

Mussolini's Massed Armor On Manoeuvres 1936 | Location: Irpinia, Italy

Background imageTank Collection: Troops Inspecting Tank

Troops Inspecting Tank
(Original Caption) Russian and Spanish War tanks in the news...At the right, Moorish troops of the Spanish insurgent army, inspect a government tank which they captured in Madrid's suburbs

Background imageTank Collection: Fleet of Smaller Italian Tanks Parked on Terrain

Fleet of Smaller Italian Tanks Parked on Terrain
(Original Caption) Italy: Young Fascists And "Baby Tanks." Young Fascists undergoing military training at Camp Roma, Italy, demonstrate their prowess with "Baby Tanks."

Background imageTank Collection: Japanese Tanks Patrolling Nanking Building

Japanese Tanks Patrolling Nanking Building
(Original Caption) Made a day after they had captured the former Chinese capital city on December 13

Background imageTank Collection: Oil Equipment in Mexico

Oil Equipment in Mexico
(Original Caption) 4/26/1938-Veracruz, MexicoThe United States amd Great Britain were interested spectators when Mexico's new deal Government recently seized foreign-owned oil companies

Background imageTank Collection: Benito Mussolini Standing on a Tank

Benito Mussolini Standing on a Tank
Il Duce stands on a tank to address troops during World War II

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks in Red Square

Tanks in Red Square
(Original Caption) 5/15/1939-Mosacow, USSR:While all the world is wondering what the course of Soviet Russia will be in the event of a blow-up in Europe

Background imageTank Collection: Military Tanks in Front of Building

Military Tanks in Front of Building
(Original Caption) This photo shows the occupation of Albania with armored cars crossing in the city of Dura

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks Appearing in Parade

Tanks Appearing in Parade
(Original Caption) To the Victor Go the Vivas

Background imageTank Collection: German Tanks Serve with the Condor Legion in Spain

German Tanks Serve with the Condor Legion in Spain

Background imageTank Collection: German Invasion of Poland

German Invasion of Poland
An armored column of Third Reich forces stream into Poland, igniting the war in Europe

Background imageTank Collection: Poles Prepare Tank Traps in Warsaw 1939

Poles Prepare Tank Traps in Warsaw 1939

Background imageTank Collection: Tank in Front of Marching German Troops

Tank in Front of Marching German Troops
(Original Caption) Belgium: Tanks lead the way for the infantry in Belgium

Background imageTank Collection: Italian Carro Armato M.11/39 Medium Tank

Italian Carro Armato M.11/39 Medium Tank
A column of Italian Carro Armato M.11/39 Medium tanks armed with Vickers-Terni 37/40 main gun

Background imageTank Collection: Military Leaders at a Tank Demonstration

Military Leaders at a Tank Demonstration
General Wladyslaw Sikorski of Poland, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Charles de Gaulle of France gather with other officers for a tank demonstration in England

Background imageTank Collection: Factory Producing Tanks for WWII

Factory Producing Tanks for WWII
(Original Caption) 4/17/1941- Berwick, PA- One of the large cogs in the United States Defense machinery is this production plant of the American Car and Foundry Company of Berwick

Background imageTank Collection: Free French Tanks and Armored Cars Beirut 1941

Free French Tanks and Armored Cars Beirut 1941 (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageTank Collection: German Tanks Rumbling Through Streets

German Tanks Rumbling Through Streets
(Original Caption) 5/27/41-Athens, Greece: German tanks rumbling through the historic streets of the Greek capital as the conquering soldiers stage a victory parade in honor of field marshal List

Background imageTank Collection: View of Water Tanks in War Torn Urban Area

View of Water Tanks in War Torn Urban Area
(Original Caption) Nine huge water tanks built on the sites of bomb destroyed buildings in London were used by firefighters, should water mains fail

Background imageTank Collection: Military Tank Used During World War II

Military Tank Used During World War II
(Original Caption) This is a front vies of the new heavy tank, (60 tons), as it lined up preparatory to its testing on the field

Background imageTank Collection: 60 Ton Tank

60 Ton Tank
(Original Caption) The United States Army's newest and most powerful tank, a 60 ton monster of the M-1 type, crushes a truck as if it were an eggshell in a demonstration at the Eddystone, PA

Background imageTank Collection: Children Waving Flags at Parade of Tanks

Children Waving Flags at Parade of Tanks
(Original Caption) When the Japs had something of a show they always provide the "enthusiastic" spectators, most of whom were children

Background imageTank Collection: General Patton in Front of a M3 Tank

General Patton in Front of a M3 Tank
(Original Caption) 5/5/1942- Major General George S. Patton, Jr. commanding officer of First Armored corps, is shown looking at his watch at M3 fight tank manuevers

Background imageTank Collection: Major General George S. Patton Watching Military Exercises

Major General George S. Patton Watching Military Exercises
(Original Caption) 5/5/1942- Major General George S. Patton, Jr. commanding officer of First Armored corps, is shown watching, with binoculars, M3 fight tanks on maneuvers. BPA2 # 5622

Background imageTank Collection: Women Workers Painting Tank

Women Workers Painting Tank
(Original Caption) Uncle Sam is employing women in ever increasing numbers, not only in office jobs, but at lathes and machines in the arsenals

Background imageTank Collection: American Tanks Maneuvering in Northern Ireland

American Tanks Maneuvering in Northern Ireland
(Original Caption) Ireland: Yanks And Tanks In Northern Ireland

Background imageTank Collection: Soldier Cleans Gun On Tank

Soldier Cleans Gun On Tank
(Original Caption) 12/28/1942-U.S. soldier cleaning the guns of a U.S. tank on board a lighter while waiting to land in Algiers

Background imageTank Collection: Soldiers Marching with Tank in Tunisia

Soldiers Marching with Tank in Tunisia
(Original Caption) 1943-Kasserine Pass, Tunisia - Pressing the Germans back from Kasserine Pass after their early success there last month, British Grenadiers, supported by Bren Gun Carriers

Background imageTank Collection: Sherman Tanks

Sherman Tanks
(Original Caption) Sherman tanks parked side by side on the promenade at Catania

Background imageTank Collection: Soldiers Assembling a Tank

Soldiers Assembling a Tank
(Original Caption) 1/9/1943-Detroit, MI: Learning to dismantel, repair, and reassemble tanks on the field of battle

Background imageTank Collection: Soldiers Under Shelter; Hillside

Soldiers Under Shelter; Hillside
(Original Caption) 4/28/1943-Tunisia: Tank destroyer men find cover on side of hill overlooking El Guettar Valley in Central Tunisia

Background imageTank Collection: Replenishing Oxygen for 'Ready Teddy' Airplane

Replenishing Oxygen for "Ready Teddy" Airplane
(Original Caption) 9/22/1943-Britain-: Private A. Steinberg, a former waiter from Manhattan, is replenishing the oxygen supply of the Flying Fortress "Ready Teddy" at a U.S

Background imageTank Collection: Military Tanks on Land and Sea

Military Tanks on Land and Sea
(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Equally at home on land or water, the U. S. Navy's newest amphibious craft, is shown strutting her stuff on terra firma and on the briny

Background imageTank Collection: Italian Children Wave To British Tank

Italian Children Wave To British Tank
(Original Caption) 11/24/1943-Italy: Italian youngsters line up wave a welcome a tank of the British 8th army as the juggernaut rolls into Cuglionese after driving out the Germans

Background imageTank Collection: Military Officer Standing in Tank

Military Officer Standing in Tank
(Original Caption) Major General L. McDonald Sylvester, the Commanding General of the 7th Armored Division is shown here

Background imageTank Collection: Military Tank Coming Ashore

Military Tank Coming Ashore
(Original Caption) A tank comes ashore to the Normandy Beach on one of the piers of British prefabricated harbor

Background imageTank Collection: Demonstration on Tanks

Demonstration on Tanks
(Original Caption) American tank dozer, latest weapon shown during demonstration by Army Engineer Board at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia as it goes through a log tank trap

Background imageTank Collection: Invasion Of The Island Of Emirau

Invasion Of The Island Of Emirau
(Original Caption) Invasion of Emirau after U.S. Marines overran the Island of Emirau in the St. Matthias group on Mar. 22, 1944, supplies and equipment are shipped ashore

Background imageTank Collection: Soldiers With Their Guns Walking

Soldiers With Their Guns Walking
(Original Caption) 5/18/1944-Castleforte, Italy: This photo, one of the first to be received in the US of the current smashing Allied offensive against the Germans in Italy

Background imageTank Collection: Brit Soldier Examines Small Tank In Hole

Brit Soldier Examines Small Tank In Hole
(Original Caption) 6/14/1944-France: A British Tommy is shown examining a German "Doodle Bug" tank found by British troops in a dug-out on a Normandy Beach

Background imageTank Collection: Army Division Marches Through Jungle

Army Division Marches Through Jungle
(Original Caption) 8/31/44: 77th Army Division marches to the front at Yigo along road slashed through jungle vegetation of northern Guam. Men, jeeps and tanks make up the procession

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks Riding Through the Streets

Tanks Riding Through the Streets
Allied army tanks rumble through the streets of Liege, Belgium as the residents cheer after the liberation of Belgium from German occupying forces during World War II

Background imageTank Collection: US Machine-gun Squad Support Tanks on Germany's Border

US Machine-gun Squad Support Tanks on Germany's Border | Location: Roth, Germany

Background imageTank Collection: Men Walking Towards Tank-Plane Accident

Men Walking Towards Tank-Plane Accident
(Original Caption) 9/23/1944-Holland

Background imageTank Collection: Russian Tanks in Berlin

Russian Tanks in Berlin

Background imageTank Collection: Tanks Destroying Opposition

Tanks Destroying Opposition
(Original Caption) Flame throwing tanks wipe out Japanese machine gun nests in field

Background imageTank Collection: American Tanks in Belgium

American Tanks in Belgium
(Original Caption) Gathering on an icy slope six miles from Bastogne, Third Army tanks mass to launch their drive to relieve American forces trapped in the Belgian town

Background imageTank Collection: Overturned Tank

Overturned Tank
(Original Caption) After men of General Patton's army brought relief to besieged Bastogne, under German attack for 8 days

Background imageTank Collection: Camouflaged American Tank

Camouflaged American Tank
(Original Caption) This American tank was camouflaged to make it invisible in the snow with sheets taken from the Germans near newly captured Samree

Background imageTank Collection: US Infantry Ride Sherman M4 Tank into Coblenz

US Infantry Ride Sherman M4 Tank into Coblenz | Location: Coblenz, Germany

Background imageTank Collection: View of Lead-Coated Tanks in Atomic Bomb Area

View of Lead-Coated Tanks in Atomic Bomb Area
(Original Caption) Two Gen

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