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Tehran Collection

Background imageTehran Collection: Ancient map of Persia, lithograph, published in 1877

Ancient map of Persia, lithograph, published in 1877
Ancient map of Persia. Lithograph, published in 1877

Background imageTehran Collection: Pahlevi and Zahedi Conversing

Pahlevi and Zahedi Conversing
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: The Shah of Iran, Reza Pahlevi (left), chats with his Premier, General Fazlollah Zahedi, who greets the leader with a salute in Tehran

Background imageTehran Collection: Jewish Refugees in Prayer Shawls

Jewish Refugees in Prayer Shawls
(Original Caption) Teheran, Persia: A Remnant Of The Lost Tribes Of Israel Safe In Persia

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Officials with Crown at Coronation

Iranian Officials with Crown at Coronation
(Original Caption) 4/25/1926-Teheran, Iran-: A view of the new crown which is surrounded by Persian officials of the court in charge of the crown jewels

Background imageTehran Collection: Congregation of Persians During Religious Ceremony

Congregation of Persians During Religious Ceremony
(Original Caption) Teheran, Persia: Cutting band of religious Persians. These fanatics cut their heads with knives in religious frenzy, letting the blood run from their heads onto their white smocks

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Defendant Mohammed Mossadegh During His Trial

Iranian Defendant Mohammed Mossadegh During His Trial
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: Mossadegh Looks Defiant. Seated next to a guard, former Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh (Right) glances piercingly at the court during his trial in Tehran

Background imageTehran Collection: Cavalry Cadets on Horseback

Cavalry Cadets on Horseback
(Original Caption) 11/20/1946-Tehran, Iran- With its increasingly important responsibilities, Iran is rapidly forming a small but capable army

Background imageTehran Collection: Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis

Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis
(Original Caption) Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis chat with guests at a party hosted by Dr. Reza Fallah. Tehran... May, 1972

Background imageTehran Collection: Air View Of Elizabeth Blvd And Buildings

Air View Of Elizabeth Blvd And Buildings
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: Good air view of Elizabeth Blvd showing traffic and modern buildings. Photograph, 1971

Background imageTehran Collection: Pahlevi in Hospital Bed with Lip Cast

Pahlevi in Hospital Bed with Lip Cast
(Original Caption) 2/15/1949-Teheran, Iran- His injured lip bound with a plaster

Background imageTehran Collection: The Shah and Empress of Iran at their Wedding

The Shah and Empress of Iran at their Wedding
(Original Caption) 2/15/1951-Teheran, Iran-Carrying a bouquet of carnations, newlywed Soraya Isfandiari, 19, poses with her husband, the Shah of Iran

Background imageTehran Collection: Body of Ali Pazmara

Body of Ali Pazmara
(Original Caption) Iran's murdered Premier. Teherin, Iran

Background imageTehran Collection: Communists Demonstrating

Communists Demonstrating
(Original Caption) Reds Hold Anti-American Demonstration in Iran

Background imageTehran Collection: Crowds Demonstrating with Signs

Crowds Demonstrating with Signs
(Original Caption) Teheran Crowds Demonstrate as Political Conflict Rages

Background imageTehran Collection: Anti-American Demonstration

Anti-American Demonstration
(Original Caption) 6/1/1951-Teheran, Iran- Above is one of the Anti-American posters carried in the big parade of 100, 000 workers and peasants

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh at Table with Cabinet

Mohammed Mossadegh at Table with Cabinet
(Original Caption) /16/1951-Tehran, Iran- Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh (5th from R) addresses, at an Iranian Cabinet meeting, the nationalization of the country's oil industry

Background imageTehran Collection: Protesters Marching

Protesters Marching
Angry protesters marching in Tehran, Iran

Background imageTehran Collection: Demonstrator Holding Destroyed Sign

Demonstrator Holding Destroyed Sign
(Original Caption) 7/7/1951-Teheran, Iran- Iranian demonstrators hold aloft a sign torn down from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company's central offices in Teheran

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Empress Soraya of Iran

Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Empress Soraya of Iran
7/16/1951-Teheran, Iran: The Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and his Queen Soraya shown in a new picture

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Protesters in the Street

Iranian Protesters in the Street
(Original Caption) Teheran, Iran: Trouble In Teheran

Background imageTehran Collection: US Ambassador Loy Henderson in Tehran

US Ambassador Loy Henderson in Tehran
(Original Caption) September 27, 1951-Tehran, Iran: Loy Henderson (Right), newly-named ambassador of the United States to Iran, is shown on his arrival at the Tehran Airport

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh Speaking to Crowd

Mohammed Mossadegh Speaking to Crowd
(Original Caption) 9/27/1951-Tehran, Iran- Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh addresses a crowd, during the critical days of the Anglo-Iranian oil dispute

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh Addressing A Mob

Mohammed Mossadegh Addressing A Mob
(Original Caption) 10/2/51-Tehran, Iran: Premier Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran is shown as he addressed a mob of demonstrators outside the Parliament Building last week

Background imageTehran Collection: Ambassador Loy Henderson and Premier Mossadegh

Ambassador Loy Henderson and Premier Mossadegh
(Original Caption) October 4, 1951: United States ambassador Loy Henderson (Left) and Premier Mossadegh (Right)

Background imageTehran Collection: Premier Mohammed Mossadegh Of Iran

Premier Mohammed Mossadegh Of Iran
(Original Caption) 9/17/52-Tehran

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Moszadegh Signs His Clemency

Mohammed Moszadegh Signs His Clemency
(Original Caption) 12/25/1952-Teheran, Iran-: Ex-prime Minister of Iran Dr. Mohammed Moszadegh, who was sentenced to three years solitary confinment for treason, was granted a new trial on appeal

Background imageTehran Collection: Armed Demonstrators Outside Royal Palace

Armed Demonstrators Outside Royal Palace
(Original Caption) 3/1953-Tehran, Iran- This was the scene before the Royal Palace in Tehran last March, when Red demonstrators and pro-Mossabegh supporters gathered to denounce the Shah of Iran

Background imageTehran Collection: Communist Iranians Hold Signs at Demonstration

Communist Iranians Hold Signs at Demonstration
(Original Caption) 7/26/1953-Teheran

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Pahlavi and Empress Soraya Chatting with Mohammed Mossadegh

Mohammed Pahlavi and Empress Soraya Chatting with Mohammed Mossadegh
(Original Caption) Shah of Iran Overthrown

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Army Tank with Shah of Iran Portrait Atop

Iranian Army Tank with Shah of Iran Portrait Atop
(Original Caption) A portrait of the Shah is carried triumphantly atop an Iranian Army tank patrolling the streets of Teheran after the coup that overthrew the regime of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Saluted by Soldiers

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Saluted by Soldiers
(Original Caption) 8/23/1953-Tehran, Iran- Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, of Iran, is being saluted by an honor guard upon his arrival at Teheran Airport

Background imageTehran Collection: Scene of Riotous Streets in Teheran

Scene of Riotous Streets in Teheran
(Original Caption) Following the overthrow of Premier Mossadegh, crowds favoring the return of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Guards Greet Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Iranian Guards Greet Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: Iranian army officers and honor guards greet Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (not visible) at Tehran airport, upon his triumphant return after a week in exile

Background imageTehran Collection: Crowd in Street with Portrait of Shah

Crowd in Street with Portrait of Shah
(Original Caption) 8/25/1953-Tehran, Iran- A huge portrait of the Shah of Iran is carried through the streets of Tehran by followers of the 33-year-old monarch

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
(Original Caption) Triumphant Return

Background imageTehran Collection: Officers, Mayor Greet Iranian Queen

Officers, Mayor Greet Iranian Queen
(Original Caption) 9/9/1953-Tehran, Iran: Bending low, the Mayor of Tehran kisses the hand of Iran's Queen Soraya as she returns from Rome to rejoin her husband Shah Mohammed Razi Pahlevi (l)

Background imageTehran Collection: Premier Mohammed Mossadegh and His Guards

Premier Mohammed Mossadegh and His Guards
(Original Caption) 11/10/1953-Teheran, Iran- Flanked by two guards

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh Lying Down

Mohammed Mossadegh Lying Down
(Original Caption) During his trial for treason before the Iran military court

Background imageTehran Collection: Richard Nixon Shakes Hands with Shah of Iran

Richard Nixon Shakes Hands with Shah of Iran
U.S. Vice President Richard M. Nixon (left) shakes hands with Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran, as Nixon is received at the Shah's Tehran Palace on December 13, 1953

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Mossadegh in Court

Mohammed Mossadegh in Court
(Original Caption) Former Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh is shown (left) standing in court as he heard the reading of the verdict for treason

Background imageTehran Collection: Soldiers Guarding a Building

Soldiers Guarding a Building
(Original Caption) Seized by Royalists

Background imageTehran Collection: Anti-Communist Mob in Iran with Knives

Anti-Communist Mob in Iran with Knives
(Original Caption) 3/13/1954-Teheran, Iran- Anti-Red mob on prowl in Iran elections

Background imageTehran Collection: Iran Oil Dispute Conference in Session

Iran Oil Dispute Conference in Session
(Original Caption

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Crowd with Huge Signs

Iranian Crowd with Huge Signs
(Original Caption) 8/23/1954-Teheran, Iran-Carrying huge, garlanded portraits of former Shah Reza, the present Shah, and Premier Zahedi (left to right)

Background imageTehran Collection: New Landowner Kissing Hand of Shah of Iran

New Landowner Kissing Hand of Shah of Iran
(Original Caption) In a program designed to pull the rug from under Communist agitators, the Shah of Iran is breaking up vast tracts of land and distributing parcels to peasants each week

Background imageTehran Collection: Colonel Seiamak Being Escorted Outside of Court

Colonel Seiamak Being Escorted Outside of Court
(Original Caption) Colonel Seiamak (right) of the Iranian army, shown with his escort outside the military court in Teheran

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Officers Wearing Prison Garb

Iranian Officers Wearing Prison Garb
(Original Caption) Ten officers of the Iranian army, among a large group rounded up in Iran recently are shown in prison garb at the place of confinement

Background imageTehran Collection: Mohammed Riza Phalevi Smoking Pensively

Mohammed Riza Phalevi Smoking Pensively
(Original Caption) 12/2/1954-Tehran, Iran- Mohammed Riza Pahlevi, the Shah of Iran, is shown in pensive mood in his most recent portrait

Background imageTehran Collection: Soldier Guarding Morteza Yazdi

Soldier Guarding Morteza Yazdi
(Original Caption) Jail Breaking Iran Red Leader Recaptured. Tehran, Iran: Dr

Background imageTehran Collection: Reza Pahlevi Opening the Persian Parliament

Reza Pahlevi Opening the Persian Parliament
(Original Caption) Shah Opens Persian Parliament. Teheran, Iran: The shah, Reza Pahlevi, of Iran opens the Persian Parliament in Teheran. Behind the shah, to his right is his brother

Background imageTehran Collection: Soldiers Guarding Morteza Yazdi

Soldiers Guarding Morteza Yazdi
(Original Caption) Dr

Background imageTehran Collection: Hussein Ala Talking to Officials

Hussein Ala Talking to Officials
(Original Caption) Patched up Premier. Teheran, Iran. Iran's Premier Hussein Ala (left) talks to officials at a railway station shortly before leaving for Bagdad

Background imageTehran Collection: Officers Removing a Prisoner from a Truck

Officers Removing a Prisoner from a Truck
(Original Caption) Navab Satavi Captured

Background imageTehran Collection: Navab Safavi and Khalil Tamassebi Being Sentenced

Navab Safavi and Khalil Tamassebi Being Sentenced
(Original Caption) Navab Safavi (back row, center, with shaven head and beard), leader of the fanatical "Fedayan Islam" sect, and Khalil Tamassebi, (sitting front row, left)

Background imageTehran Collection: Political Leaders Meeting in Iran

Political Leaders Meeting in Iran
(Original Caption) Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlevi of Iran, (at far end of table), attends the meeting of the four Baghdad Pact Nations at his palace here

Background imageTehran Collection: King Faisal with Shah of Iran in Jeep

King Faisal with Shah of Iran in Jeep
(Original Caption) 10/27/1957-Teheran, Iran- The Shah of Iran sits behind the wheel of an army jeep as he shows King Faisal of Iraq, seated next to him, maneuvers of the Fourth Army Corps

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Of Iran Recieving Foreign Represent

Shah Of Iran Recieving Foreign Represent
(Original Caption) 3/12/1958-Tehran, Iran: Iran celebrated on March 10th, the 50th anniversaru of its oil industry

Background imageTehran Collection: Generals, Stalin, Officials Outside Bldg

Generals, Stalin, Officials Outside Bldg
(Original Caption) 2/18/1959-Tehran, Iran: General George C

Background imageTehran Collection: The Shah of Iran and His New Wife

The Shah of Iran and His New Wife
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, has just married his third wife Farah Diba

Background imageTehran Collection: The Shah of Iran and His New Wife

The Shah of Iran and His New Wife
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, has just married his third wife Farah Diba. The Shah's mother is seated left of him, with his brother Golem standing behind her

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Officer Displaying Documents

Iranian Officer Displaying Documents
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: a Sergeant of the Iranian Army holding wedding announcements at the Shah's Marble Palace on the day of his wedding to Farah Diba

Background imageTehran Collection: Street Decoration in Teheran

Street Decoration in Teheran
(Original Caption) Street Decoration

Background imageTehran Collection: Crowd Surrounding Car of Shah

Crowd Surrounding Car of Shah
(Original Caption) 10/31/1960-Tehran, Iran- Swarming around the auto of the Shah, jubilant crowds, some members of which perch on a nearby telephone pole for a better view

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah of Iran

Shah of Iran
(Original Caption) 11/15/1960-Tehran, Iran- File picture shows the Shah of Iran. He is seated at a desk

Background imageTehran Collection: The Shah of Iran in Uniform

The Shah of Iran in Uniform

Background imageTehran Collection: Men Dig For Victims In Earthquake Rubble

Men Dig For Victims In Earthquake Rubble
(Original Caption) 9/2/62-Teheran, Iran- Survivors of Iran's devastating earthquake dig in the rubble of destroyed house in a nearby village Sept

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah of Iran in Elaborate Royal Dress

Shah of Iran in Elaborate Royal Dress
(Original Caption) A crowned and fully resplendent Shah of Iran carries the Royal Scepter as he leaves the Golestan Palace here, after his Coronation

Background imageTehran Collection: View of Peacock Throne

View of Peacock Throne
(Original Caption) The Peacock throne in Golestan Palace, which will seat Shah of Iran during coronation ceremonies on 10/26

Background imageTehran Collection: View of Coronation of Empress Farah

View of Coronation of Empress Farah
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Mohammed Reza Palevi Coronation

Shah Mohammed Reza Palevi Coronation
(Original Caption) 10/26/1967-Teheran, Iran- With Crown Prince Reza, 6, watching at right, the Shah of Iran places a crown on his wife, Queen Farah, after crowning himself in a lavish ceremony

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah of Iran and Others at Royal Ceremony

Shah of Iran and Others at Royal Ceremony
(Original Caption) The Shah of Iran places crown on his own head in this lavish coronation ceremonies in Tehran. At right is six year old Crown Prince Reza, and Princess Farah is at left

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah Of Iran Seated On Peacock Throne

Shah Of Iran Seated On Peacock Throne
(Original Caption) TEHRAN, IRAN-11/1/67-: The Shah of Iran, seated on the peacock throne, is flanked by Queen Empress Farah and their son, Crown Prince Reza. After the coronation ceremony in Tehran

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah of Iran Blowing Out Birthday Cake Candles

Shah of Iran Blowing Out Birthday Cake Candles
(Original Caption) Big Day. Tehran, Iran: The shah of Iran blows out the 48 candles on his birthday cake in Tehran. His queen, Empress Farah, watches. The shah crowned himself and Farah earlier

Background imageTehran Collection: Shah of Iran and Empress Farah Waving from Their Carriage

Shah of Iran and Empress Farah Waving from Their Carriage
(Original Caption) Big Day. Tehran, Iran: The shah of Iran and Empress Farah wave from their carriage as they ride through the streets of Tehran after their coronation ceremony

Background imageTehran Collection: Replica of Palace Staircase Display

Replica of Palace Staircase Display
(Original Caption) Teheran, Iran: An ornate display in Vanak Square, an intersection of Pahlavi Street, the main street in Teheran erected to commemorate the 2, 500th anniversary of Persia

Background imageTehran Collection: Aristotle Onassis and Friends at Party

Aristotle Onassis and Friends at Party
(Original Caption) Aristotle Onassis and guests are shown at a party hosted by Dr. Reza Fallah, as a dancer does a typical Persian cabaret dance

Background imageTehran Collection: Dancer Entertaining Aristotle Onassis and Company

Dancer Entertaining Aristotle Onassis and Company
(Original Caption) In Tehran for a four day visit that ended May 24th, shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis obviously enjoys the charms of a belly dancer at a party given in his honor, (L)

Background imageTehran Collection: Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis Together at Party

Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis Together at Party
In Tehran for a four day visit, shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis chats with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, at a party given in his honor

Background imageTehran Collection: Pahlevi Family with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

Pahlevi Family with Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
(Original Caption) 12/31/1977-Tehran, Iran- (L to r) Princess Farahmas, Crown Prince Reza, Empress Farah, Princess Laila, President Jimmy Carter

Background imageTehran Collection: Iranian Women Gather at Grave

Iranian Women Gather at Grave
(Original Caption) 12/8/1978-Tehran, Iran- Iranian women in their traditional chador, gather before the tomb of one of those killed in the recent anti-Shah demonstrations

Background imageTehran Collection: The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978

The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978
A man raises his ticket as he and hundreds of other people attempt to be on the few flights out of the fogged-bound Tehran Airport

Background imageTehran Collection: The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978

The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978
A man raises his ticket as he and hundreds of other people attempt to be on the few flights out of the fogged-bound Tehran Airport

Background imageTehran Collection: The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978

The Iranian Revolution: Westerners Depart Tehran 1978

Background imageTehran Collection: Demonstrators Carrying Photo of Ayatollah Khomeini

Demonstrators Carrying Photo of Ayatollah Khomeini
(Original Caption) Tehran, Iran: Demonstrators carry photo of Ayatollah Khomeini during anti-shah demonstration

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