Murderer Smiles Reading Testimony Transc(Original Caption) 2/18/1928-William Ed Hickman, murderer of little Marion Parker of Los Angeles, who faces sentence for murder
Sam Cohen Gives Senate Testimony(Original Caption) 9/24/1936-Washington, DC- Every inch a "noble" is Sam (Chowderhead) Cohen, of New York, pictured here testifying before the Senate Civil Liberties Committee
US Attorney William F. Palmer Questioning Abe RelesReputed underworld figure Abe Reles (left) is questioned by U.S. Attorney William F. Palmer after being brought to Los Angeles to testify in the removal hearing of Bugsy Siegel
Company Executives Confer with Howard Hughes(Original Caption) 8/6/47-Washington, D.C.- Howard Hughes, center, charged under oath today that Sen. Owen Brewster, (R) of ME
Actor Robert Taylor Testifying at HearingActor Robert Taylor on the witness stand as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee
Actor Ronald Reagan Testifying Before House CommitteeMovie actor Ronald Reagan testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee
Producer Leo McCarey Testifying at HearingProducer Leo McCarey on the witness stand as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee
Film Stars Protest Communism Allegations(Original Caption) 10/27/1947-Washington, D.C.: STARS ATTENDING HOLLYWOOD PROBE
Isaac Don Levine Giving House Testimony(Original Caption) 12/8/1948-Washington, D.C.- Isaac Don Levine, editor and Communist antagonist
Elizabeth Bentley Taking Oath(Original Caption) 7/30/1948-Washington
Alger Hiss Testifying Before Committee(Original Caption) 8/5/48-Washington, DC: Alger Hiss on the stand holding photograph of Chambers, which he was asked to identify, by Robert Stripling (rear right)
Isaac Don Levine House Testimony(Original Caption) 12/8/1948-Washington, D.C.- Isaac Don Levine testifies before the night session of the House Un-American Activities Committee
Marvin Pancoast in CourtMarvin Pancoast, accused of killing Alfred Bloomingdale's mistress Vicki Morgan
Randy Kraft Listens To TestimonyAccused serial killer Randy Kraft listens to testimony in a preliminary hearing. Kraft is believed to have killed as many as 35 people
Cavanaugh Testifies Defense Corruption4/23/1985- Washington, DC: FBI agent James Cavanaugh testifies before a House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee
Klaus Von Bulow TrialDr. Ronald Gambardella testifies at the Klaus Von Bulow attempted murder trial as to how his laboratory tested the incriminating contents of a bag found at the Von Bulow mansion
Oliver North Being Sworn In(Original Caption) 7/7/1987 - Washington DC: Oliver North is sworn in on his first day of testimony at the Iran Contra hearings. UPI color slide of PH: L. Mark
Professor Laurence TribeHarvard law Professor Laurence Tribe testifies at the confirmation hearing of Judge Robert Bork before the Senate Judiciary Committee
William Fogarty Testifies At Senate Armed Services Committee(Original Caption) 9/8/1988-Washington
Closeup Of James Watkins At Microphone(Original Caption) 2/22/1989-Washington, D.C.- Testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Douglas MacArthur Testifying in Senate(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: General Douglas MacArthur testifying on US foreign policy in Asia before joint session of Senate Armed Services & Foreign Relations Committee. Undated photograph
Budd Schulberg Testifying(Original Caption) 1951-Washington, D.C.: Novelist Budd Schulberg shown before the House Un-American Activities Committee
Restaurant Patrons Watch O'Dwyer On Tv(Original Caption) 3/19/51-New York, New York- Ambassador William O'Dwyer, shown on TV screen testifying before the crime probers
Budd Schulberg Testifying(Original Caption) 5/23/51-Washington
Writer Dashiell Hammett Testifying Before Senate(Original Caption) 3/26/53-Washington, DC: Detective writer Dashiell Hammett, creator of the "Thin Man" shown as he appeared before the Senate Investigating Committee here today
Artie Shaw Wiping his Eyes During Testimony(Original Caption) Photo shows Artie Shaw as he wipes the tears from his eyes during testimony. He shed a few tears while recounting his rise to fame from a poor beginning
Hole In Roy Cohn'S Shoe(Original Caption) 5/5/1954- Washington, DC: The "hole" truth. Roy M
Marilyn Monroe Appears in Superior Court(Original Caption) 10/28/54-Santa Monica, California: Marilyn Monroe is shown in this closeup photo as she appeared in Superior Court
Bela Lugosi Testifies On Narcotic(Original Caption) 11/16/1955- Los Angeles, CA: "Dracula" testifies
Actress Lana Turner Testifies at Daughter's Trial(Original Caption) 4/11/58-Los Angeles, California: Showing the strain, actress Lana Turner appears on the verge of collapse as she testifies at the inquest into the death of Johnny Stompanato
Rafik Aref Testifying in Court(Original Caption) 8/20/1958-Baghdad, Iraq- Former General Rafik Aref (center R), former Chief of Staff of the Iraqi Army
Defense Chiefs At Witness Table In Senat(Original Caption) 1/29/59-Washington, D.C.: The combined state preparedness and space committees called the nation's top defense chiefs today for an accounting of what has happened to U.S
Paul Newman TestifiesPaul Newman testifies before the Committee to Study the Publication and Dissemination of Offensive and Obscene Materials in New York
Defense Secretary McNamara Before SenateU.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara backs the $1.4 billion budgeted for military assistance to countries in opposition of Communism before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Robert Kennedy Testifying to a CommitteeAttorney General Robert Kennedy testifies before a Senate subcommittee on the "Cosa Nostra."
Johnny Cash Testifying On Prison Reform(Original Caption) Country/western singer Johnny Cash, closeup, as he testified on prison reform before the Senate Subcommittee on National Penitentiaries. At left in some frames is Sen
Watergate Conspirator McCord With Bugging Device(Original Caption) Watergate bugging conspirator James W
Former Attorney General Mitchell Wiping His Eyes(Original Caption) Washington: Former attorney general wipes his eyes during his second day of testimony before the Senate Watergate Committee 7/11. Mitchell said he did not go to Pres
James Earl Ray At Microphone - Close-Up(Original Caption) 8/16/1978-Washington, D.C.- James Earl Ray appears before the House Assassination Committee to tell his story in public for the first time
James Earl Ray W/Hand Raised Taking Oath(Original Caption) 8/16/1978-Washington, D.C.: James Earl Ray, convicted of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr
James Earl Ray W/Attorney Mark Lane(Original Caption) 8/17/1978-Washington, D.C.- Attorney Mark Lane wrangles with the House Assassination Committee over a transcript as James Earl Ray continues his testimony before the committee
Dr. Michael Baden Testifying(Original Caption) WASHINGTON: Dr
James Clark Points To Map Before Mic(Original Caption) 3/28/79-Washington D.C.- James Clark, of Niagara Falls, NY, with the Love Canal Homeowners Association
John Mitchell Arrives Federal Court(Original Caption) 10/28/80-Washington: John Mitchell, Attorney General under Richard Nixon
Hillside Strangler Kenneth BianchiKenneth Bianchi, the Hillside Strangler, testifies in a courtroom against his cousins and accomplice Angelo Buono
Ralph NaderConsumer advocate Ralph Nader testifies against the Reagan administration's nuclear energy policy before a House Investigation Subcommittee