First ThanksgivingA depiction of early settlers of the Plymouth Colony sharing a harvest Thanksgiving meal with members of the local Wampanoag tribe at the Plymouth Plantation, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1621
Peace RallyJuly 1919: Open-air thanksgiving service at St. Pauls Cathedral, London. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Cheering TurkeyCartoon illustration of a Turkey cheering
Puritan in Doorway During Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 1882-A Puritan Thanksgiving. At the Church door. Woodcut, 1882
First Auto Race From Chicago To EvanstonJ. Frank Duryea wins one of the first American automobiles races from Chicago to Evanston Illinois in the car he co-created
Turkey On Postcard/"Thanksgiving Greetin(Original Caption) Postcard has a turkey on a shield with the American flag on it and reads "Thanksgiving Greetings." Undated
President Truman with White Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 11/21/1950-Washington, DC- President Truman is shown as he received the first of a number of turkeys which are presented to him annually for Thanksgiving
Children of Salvation Army Nursery Thanksgiving DinnerClotheslines with wash hanging provides backdrop as Nicky, 5, enjoys drumstick while sitting on windowsill. The children had their turkey a day ahead of Thanksgiving at the Army's Nursery
Man with a Cleaver Surrounded by Turkeys(Original Caption) BARNYARD GOSSIP--Remarked mama Turkey to Papa Turkey: "We've ever known, father dear, that Redwood Empire grows world's oldest & tallest trees
Turkeys Revolt Against Thanksgiving(Original Caption) The Turkeys revolt against Thanksgiving: "We are bitterly opposed to the enforcement of President Grant's Thanksgiving Proclamation
Family Saying Grace Before Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) Photo shows a family saying grace before Thanksgiving dinner. Ca. 1930s. Filed 1937
Butler Serving Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 1870- African-American butler serving Thanksgiving turkey. Woodcut by E.A. Abbey
Thanksgiving Hunter With A Turkey(Original Caption) Picture shows a Thanksgiving hunter bringing home a turkey. Undated engraving
Lithuanian Girls Dressed/Traditional Gar(Original Caption) 11/23/1918-Girls of Lithuanian descent dressed in native costumes attending the Thanksgiving Services of the Liberated Nationalities at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Children Watch Woman Prepare Turkey(Original Caption) 8/6/1925: Thanksgiving stuffing. Children watch elderly woman preparing the thanksgiving turkey
Push Cart Market In New York(Original Caption) 11/22/1927-New York, NY: Push Cart Market 1st Avenue and 10th street. Thanksgiving Day
Boy with Axe Offering Feed to Turkey(Original Caption) Thanksgiving: Photo shows a boy offering a turkey (amongst chickens) some seeds that he holds in one hand, and holding an axe in the other hand. Ca. 1930s
Little Boy Looking for Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) Thanksgiving Preparations. Boy holds an axe in a group of chickens and a turkey. Ca. 1930s
Astaire And Ogden Stewart Throw Party(Original Caption) 11/28/1931- Fred Astaire amnd David Ogden Stewart at the Thanksgiving eve party for the benefit of the unemployed, arranged by Donald Ogden Stewart
Giant Men Strolling in Thanksgiving Parade, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA(Original Caption) 11/25/1932 - Philadelphia, PA: The "Giant Men" parading in the Thanksgiving Day Parade held annually by the Gimbel Brothers Store. INP photo
FDR Slicing Turkey at Thanksgiving (Photo by © Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
Society Thanksgiving Cocktail Cruise(Original Caption) 11/30/33-New York: Knickerbocker society luminaries turned nautical this afternoon for Major and Mrs. S
Thanksgiving Dinner for Poor(Original Caption) Thanksgiving at the Municipal Lodging House
Opera Singer Ruby Mercer Eating Turkey(Original Caption) 12/13/1937- Well-known radio and Metropolitan Opera star Ruby Mercer demonstrates the wrong way to eat turkey
Boy Stuffed from Eating Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 10/21/1938- Picture shows a boy eating a turkey with a drumstick in his hand
German Refugees Listening to Sermons(Original Caption) 11/24/1938-New York, NY: At a special Thanksgiving day service for refugees from Germany
President Roosevelt Carving Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 11/25/1938-Warm Springs
Families Eating Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 1940-PA: Thanksgiving Dinner on a prosperous Pennsylvania farm. Photograph, 1940
Family Having Thanksgiving Dinner1942-PA-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Thanksgiving dinner at a Pennsylvania Country House. BPA2# 1248
Admiral Halsey And His Staff Eating(Original Caption) 10/14/44-At Sea: After carrying out the first U.S. carrier sweep at Manila, capital city of the Philippines, Adm. Halsey and his staff sit down for a Thanksgiving dinner
Yard of Turkeys Raised for Thanksgiving(Original Caption) 11/2/1945- Here's a small section of the pre-Thanksgiving population of 30, 000 turkeys raised at Shag-Roy Farm, Millerton, NY
Special Service Platoon Band PlayingA swing band from the 39th Special Service Platoon plays during a Thanksgiving Day dance at the Kaihin Hotel
Jeanne Crain Sharpening Axe for Turkey(Original Caption) 11/11/1946: Jeanne Crain is sharpening her ax and looking at the turkey
Soldier Eating a Turkey Leg(Original Caption) UMTEE Thanksgiving
Rise Stevens Cooking Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 11/15/1947-New York: Nick Surovy, 4-year-old son of opera star Rise Stevens, seems to be in some doubt as to the outcome of his eagerly awaited Thanksgiving dinner
Immigrant Family Eating Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 11/17/1947-Oakland, CA- Thousands of DPs (delayed pilgrims) who came to the US will be celebrating their first Thanksgiving on Nov. 27. Typical of the new families are Mr. and Mrs
Woman with Thanksgiving Turkey on Lawn2/17/1948- Thanksgiving turkeys. UPI color slide
Chef Serves Girl a Slice of Turkey(Original Caption) 11/23/1948-New York, NY- Chef Gus Bonici serves a generous slice of turkey to 15-year-old Stephanie Rogacsewicz, Polish war orphan
Thanksgiving with Large Family(Original Caption) 11/24/1948- Joliet, ILL: Early Thanksgiving dinner for large family. The Raymond Baker Family of 18 members decided to celebrate Thanksgiving early so that Mrs
Captain Detroit Balloon in Thanksgiving Day Parade(Original Caption) Detroit: Captain Detroit flies through the Michigan Thanksgiving Day Parade, 11/27, with the aid of some helpers
Frank Perdue and Ed Koch Carving Turkeys(Original Caption) New York: Look-alikes, Mayor Ed Koch (L0 of New York, and poultry producer Frank Perdue carve turkeys for the homeless staying at Prince George Hotel)
Homeless Man Eating Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) Washington: A man samples Thanksgiving dinner provided for the needy and homeless by the Community for Creative Nonviolence on the east side of the U.S. Capitol
Herbert Hoover Signs Paper At Desk(Original Caption) : President Herbert Hoover (from 1929-1933), will for the fourth time this year proclaims a day of Thanksgiving
U. S. Soldier Holding Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) This is a picture of Thanksgiving with soldiers from Camp Lee out in force for their Thanksgiving feast
A Typical Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 11/46-A typical Thanksgiving Dinner
Children Parade for Striking Waiters(Original Caption) Children of striking waiters parade on Thanksgiving Day in New York City, ca. 1912. Photograph
Archie Moore Cutting Turkey(Original Caption) Archie Moore Prepares for his Cut
U. S. Soldiers Inside Jeeps(Original Caption) This is a picture of Thanksgiving with soldiers from Camp Lee out in force for their Thanksgiving feast
Illustration of Women Selecting a Thanksgiving TurkeyIllustration from 1880 depicting a group of women outdoors selecting the Thanksgiving turkey
Illustration of the First Thanksgiving(Original Caption) The First Thanksgiving. The Indians joining in the feast of New England pilgrims
Postcard For Thanksgiving W/Turkey(Original Caption) Postcard reads "Best Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving." Undated, illustration
Turkey On Thanksgiving Postcard(Original Caption) Postcard reads "May Thanksgiving Bring You Peace" and shows a turkey in a circle, with a hunter in a boat on a lake shooting flying fowl to the turkey's right
Postcard W/Turkeys/"Thanksgiving Greetin(Original Caption) Postcard reads "Thanksgiving Greetings" and shows grouse and turkey standing on and by a wall and a brook. Undated illustration
Antique Thanksgiving Invitation(Original Caption) Picture shows an antique Thanksgiving invitation with a cook preparing the turkey for dinner. Undated illustration
Illustration of Cornucopia Overflowing with Fruits(Original Caption) Cornucopia overflowing. Engraving. BPA 2 #2027
Thanksgiving Mass At Yellow Fever Camp(Original Caption) The Thanksgiving Mass at "The Ark": Father Mathew yellow-fever camp, near Memphis during the epidemic. Engraving, 1879
Thanksgiving Day; Ways And Means(Original Caption) Thanksgiving Day, Ways and Means, showing a cart delivering food-stuffs for the Thanksgiving dinner. Undated woodcut by Winslow Homer
Drawing Of Thanksgiving @ Farm House(Original Caption) Thanksgiving at a New England farm house. From a drawing by F. A. Chapman. Undated
The First Thanksgiving by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris(Original Caption) Painting by J.L.M. Ferris of the first Thanksgiving ceremony with Native Americans and the Pilgrims in 1621. Undated illustration
The First Thanksgiving by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris(Original Caption) An oil painting by Jean L.G. Ferris of the first Thanksgiving. A pilgrim woman serves a Native American food. Undated illustration
Women Selecting The Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) Illustration from 1880 depicting a group of women outdoors selecting the Thanksgiving turkey
Illustration Of Thanksgiving In N.E(Original Caption) Illustration depicting Thanksgiving day in 1880 New England in which a "Rural High Lord Executioner" awaits his next victim, a turkey
Thanksgiving Dinner Scene In Michigan(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a Thanksgiving scene in Michigan, drawn by Thomas Hogan in 1871. Drawing shows interior of family praying at dinner table
Man Eating Turkey on Airplane(Original Caption) 11/21/1949-New York, NY: The remains of what once was a succulent pre-Thanksgiving turkey rests against the well-stuffed frame of Charlie Black of New York
Buccaneer Holding Knife over Turkey(Original Caption) The pretty buccaneer is Flo Bondi, who was Miss Ohio of 1949, but it makes little difference to the despondent turkey whether the ax is applied by a Venus or a Virago
Clown Balloon in Macy's Thanksgiving ParadeA giant clown balloon flies high over the crowd watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Central Park West in New York City
Soldiers Attending Thanksgiving ServiceAmerican soldiers attend a Thanksgiving service while serving in the Korean War. Chaplain Burgess P. Riddle presides over the ceremony
Marilyn Monroe Posing with a Turkey(Original Caption) 11/10/1950-Hollywood, California- Wearing a costume that is half-Puritan, half-chorine, pretty Marilyn Monroe seems to have little desire to hunt turkey after finding this gobbler
Jimmy Durante Face to Face with Turkey(Original Caption) 11/22/1950- New York, NY- Looking a gift turkey in the eye
Little Girl Carrying A Loaf Of Bread(Original Caption) 10/9/51-London, England: Carrying a loaf of bread almost as big as herself, seven-year-old Mavis Hughes, pearly princess of Acton
Jack Lemmon Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 11/3/1952- Comedian Jack Lemmon startles his wife, Cynthia Stone, who co-stars with him on "Heaven for Betsy
President Eisenhower Cutting Turkey for Family Dinner(Original Caption) President Dwight D. Eisenhower is shown with his family here, at Thanksgiving dinner
Eisenhower Family at Thanksgiving Dinner(Original Caption) 11/28/1953-Augusta, GA- The Eisenhower family gathers around the President, as he prepares to carve the Thanksgiving Day turkey at "Mamie's cabin
President Eisenhower Celebrating Thanksgiving with Family(Original Caption) 11/29/53-Augusta, Georgia: President Eisenhower and his family enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the president's vacation retreat at the Augusta
Balloon Being Led Down Street In Parade(Original Caption) 1956-New York, NY: Photo taken at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City shows a large balloon of a Thanksgiving turkey being led down the street
Adelle August Standing by Turkey(Original Caption) Film starlet Adelle August reminds one and all that Thanksgiving Day is Approaching rapidly
Eisenhower with Turkey(Original Caption) President Eisenhower (left) seems highly pleased with the 43-pound Kentucky Colonel turkey from the blue-grass state
President and Mrs. Eisenhower with Viscount Montgomery(Original Caption) President Eisenhower does the honors as he, Mrs
U.S. Diplomat Winthrop Aldrich with Lord Reading(Original Caption) Stylish Turkey eaters. London, England: A most elegant diplomat, Winthrop Aldrich (right), U.S
Carving a Turkey(Original Caption) 1955- After the horizontal cut is made, slice downward with straight, even strokes, beginning halfway up the breast
Carving a Thanksgiving Turkey(Original Caption) 1955- Continue slicing the white meat, transferring the slices to a side plate or platter until the crest of the bone is reached
Richard Nixon with Turkey as Gift(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Howdy, Mr