Sweet Mock-orange or English Dogwood -Philadelphus coronary-, flowers, ornamental shrub, Thuringia, Germany
Cowslip -Primula veris-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Cathedral Square with Erfurt Cathedral and Severikirche Church on Domberg hill, Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Greylag Goose -Anser anser- standing in a meadow, Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany
Monument to Franz Liszt, 1902, by sculptor Hermann Hahn, Carrara marble, Weimar, Thuringia, Germany
Wood Sorrel -Oxalis acetosella-, growing on dead wood, UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, Nationalpark Hainich, Thuringia, Germany
Jeffreys Shooting Star or Sierra Shooting Star -Dodecatheon jeffreyi-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
RAOEgenAntique map of RAOEgen
City map of Erfurt, Germany, lithograph, published in 1897City map of Erfurt with street directory, Thuringia, Germany. Lithograph, published in 1897
Illustration of Germans Marching(Original Caption) Die Sangerfahrt auf die Wartburg
Mountain Knapweed, Perennial Cornflower or Bachelors Button -Centaurea montana-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Geological map of Thuringia, Germany, lithograph, published in 1897Geological map of Thuringia, Germany. Lithograph, published in 1897
Germania in 2 century after Christ
Common Stinkhorn -Phallus impudicus-, Thuringia, Germany
Yellow Wood Anemone or Buttercup Anemone -Anemone ranunculoides-, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Blue sky with sun and clouds, Thuringia, Germany
Calceolaria, Ladys Purse or Slipper Flower -Calceolaria spec. Hybrid calynopsis orange-, in flower, garden plant, Thuringia, Germany
Brown False Morel -Gyromitra fastigiata-, rare, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Solomons Seal or Eurasian Solomons Seal -Polygonatum multiflorum-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Burnet Rose -Rosa spinosissima-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Angular Solomons Seal or Scented Solomons Seal -Polygonatum odoratum-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Fly Honeysuckle or Fly Woodbine -Lonicera xylosteum-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Greater Butterfly Orchid -Platanthera chlorantha-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Globe Flower -Trollius europaeus-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Common Whitebeam -Sorbus aria-, Thuringia, Germany
Guelder Rose, Snowball Tree or Viburnum -Viburnum opulus-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Lizard Orchid -Himantoglossum hircinum-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
St. Johns Wort, Tiptons Weed or Chase-devil -Hypericum perforatum-, a medicinal plant, flowering, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, flower, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
Blue Potato Bush -Lycianthes rantonnetii-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Red-ink Plant or Indian Pokeweed -Phytolacca acinosa-, infructescence, Thuringia, Germany
Fruits of European Spindle Tree -Euonymus europaeus-
Sunflower field at dusk, near Erfurt, Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Bittersweet nightshade, blue bindweed, fellenwort -Solanum dulcamara-, fruits, Burgkwald forest near Karolinenfield, eastern Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Spring Pea or Spring Vetchling -Lathyrus vernus-, Thuringia, Germany
Stinging nettles -Urtica dioica-, Thuringia, Germany
Ladys Slipper Orchid -Cypripedium calceolus-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Firethorn or Pyracantha -Pyracantha sp. -, berries growing on the shrub, ornamental plant, Thuringia, GermanyFirethorn or Pyracantha -Pyracantha sp.-, berries growing on the shrub, ornamental plant, Thuringia, Germany
Eurasian Lynx -Lynx lynx- perched in the snow, captive, Thuringia, Germany
Common Mormon butterfly -Papilio polytes-, captive, Thuringia, Germany
Common Toads -Bufo bufo-, mating, male clasping a female, amplexus, Thuringia, Germany
Goat Willow -Salix caprea-, catkins and leaves, Thuringia, Germany
Saucer Magnolia -Magnolia x soulangeana-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Crown Imperial Fritillary -Fritillaria imperialis Rubra-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Aubrieta -Aubrieta gracilis-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Yellow Azalea or Honeysuckle Azalea -Azalea pontica syn Rhododendron luteum-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Mountain Witch Alder -Fothergilla major-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
European Beech or Common Beech forest -Fagus sylvatica-, in spring, Hainich National Park, near Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany
Spring field with Cowslip flowers -Primula veris-, Thuringia, Germany
Azalea -Rhododendron-, Saturnus Mollis hybrid, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Path in a spring forest, flowering Wild Garlic or Ramsons -Allium ursinum-, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Gentian Speedwell -Veronica gentianoides-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Japanese Yew -Taxus cuspidata-, Thuringia, Germany
Wheat field and a grove, Thuringia, Germany
Globe Flower -Trollius europaeus-, flowering on a meadow, Thuringia, Germany
Field Maple -Acer campestre-, Thuringia, Germany
Marsh Orchid -Dactylorhiza majalis-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
European or Common Hornbeam -Carpinus betulus-, inflorescence and leaves, Hainich National Park, Thuringia, Germany
Downy Elecampane -Inula hirta- flower, Thuringia, Germany
Corn Poppy or Common Poppy -Papaver rhoeas-, flowers, Thuringia, Germany
Grain field with flowering Poppies -Papaver rhoeas- and Cornflowers -Centaurea cyanus-, Rennsteig, Blankenstein, Thuringia, Germany
Red helleborine -Cephalanthera rubra-, flower, Thuringia, Germany
Martagon Lily or Turks Cap Lily -Lilium martagon-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Turks cap lily -Lilium martagon-, flowering, Thuringia, Germany
Dahlia -Dahlia- Worthersee Rose cultivar, flower, Thuringia, Germany
Bladdersenna or Bladder Senna -Colutea arborescens-, fruits, Thuringia, Germany
Battle of Jena and Auerstedt, 1806, wood engraving, published 1897Map of the Battle of Jena and Auerstedt on 14 October 1806 on the plateau west of the River Saale, Germany, between the forces of Napoleon I of France and Frederick William III of Prussia
Westphalia, Hesse-nassau and Grand Duchy of Hesse Rhine ProvinceIllustration of a Westphalia, Hesse-nassau and Grand Duchy of Hesse Rhine Province
Wolfram Von EschenbachIllustration of a German poet Wolfram Von Eschenbach (c.1170 - c.1220), minnesinger at the court of Herman of Thuringia, wrote eight epic poems including Parzifal
Thuringia Germany map 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897
The Rheingau ( Rhine District )
LeipzigAntique illustration of a Leipzig from 1898
Rhenish-Westphalia coals and industrial map
Kingdom of Saxony, province of Saxony (southern part) and Thuringian states
Province of Brandenburg, province of Saxony, northern partAntique illustration of a Province of Brandenburg, province of Saxony, northern part
UNESCO World Heritage Site classic Weimar, Herder monument Weimar Thuringia Germany
Primeval forest in the Vessertal valley, Biosphaerenreservat Vessertal-Thueringer Wald, biosphere reserve Vesser valley-Thuringian Forest, Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Burschenschaftsdenkmal fraternity monument on the Goepelskuppe peak, war memorial for fallen members of the student fraternities
Hepatica, kidneywort, kidneywort -Hepatica nobilis-, Saalehang near Burgk, eastern Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Lynx -Lynx lynx- standing on a tree trunk, captive, Thuringia, Germany
Norway spruce -Picea abies-, female inflorescences, Burgkwald forest near Karolinenfield, eastern Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Military Orchid -Orchis militaris-, Leutratal, Jena, Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Lady Orchid -Orchis purpurea-, Leutratal, Jena, Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Bloody cranesbill, bloody geranium -Geranium sanguineum-, Bleiberge, eastern Thuringia, Germany, Europe