Architecture columns engraving 1878Encyclopedia Britannica 9th Edition Vol II New York, Samuel Hall 1878
Villa Adriana. TAivoli. Italy
ReflectedHadrians villa. Tivoli. Italy
StatueHadrians villa. Tivoli. Italy
StatuesHadrians villa. Tivoli. Rome
NeptuneHadrians villa. The villa was constructed as a retreat from Rome for roman emperor Hadrian. 2nd century. Tivoli. Rome
ColumnsHadrian se villa. Tivoli. Rome
Mosaic floorHadrians villa. Tivoli. Rome
StatueThis is a copy of the Kresilas amazon. Black and white. Hadrians villa is a large Roman archaeological complex at Tivoli
Nile statue, with a sfinge. Hadrians villa. Tivoli. Italy
SignVilla d Este. Tivoli. Italy
Villa d EsteThe Villa d Este is a villa in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy. Its an example of Renaissance architecture and the Italian Renaissance garden. 16th century
FountainVilla d Este gardens. Tivoli. Italy
StairsVilla d Este. Tivoli. Rome. Italy
StatuesRome symbolized by a statue with armour, helmet and lance, and the she-wolf with the twins. Rometta fountain. Villa d Este. Tivoli. Italy
StatueHadrians villa is a large Roman archaeological complex at Tivoli. The villa was constructed as a retreat from Rome for Roman Emperor Hadrian during the second and third decades of the 2nd century AD
Villa d Este is a villa in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy. Its an example of Renaissance architecture and the Italian Renaissance garden. 16th century
FountainVilla d Este is a villa in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy. Its an example of Renaissance architecture and the Italian Renaissance garden. 16th century
Rometta fountainRome symbolized by a statue with armour, helmet and lance, and the she-wolf with the twins. Rometta fountain. Villa d Este. Tivoli. Italy