St. Michaels Mount Causeway, CornwallA view of the causeway leading to the island of St. Michaels Mount at low tide
The lightship at Tollesbury, EssexThe bright red coloured lightship moored on the river Blackwater at Tollesbury in Essex, England. The tide is part out and the colour of the lightship can be seen reflected in the mudflats
The blue doorA dilapidated blue door, with peeling paint, is set into a wood covered wall with peeling paint in a cream colour. There is an air of ruin and neglect about the scene
St. Peter on the wall chapel, Bradwell on seaThe ancient chapel of St. Peter at Bradwell in Essex
Old Pier Ruins - SwanageA long exposure photograph of the remains of an old pier off the coast at Swanage in Dorset. The ruins give the appearance of an abstract sculpture
Tower Bridge and Dolphin StatueA monochrome view of Tower Bridge, London with the dolphin statue seen to the left. Night-time shot
Lincoln Street SceneSteep hill view in Lincoln, England leading to Lincoln Cathedral in the distance
Sunset at Lulworth Cove in DorsetThe sun is setting over the sea and is positioned between the two headlands at Lulworth Cove. A long cloud reflects the red of the sun and a yacht is moored in the bay
Three Old Wrecks, Pin Mill, SuffolkThree abandoned wrecks of boats lying in the river at Pin Mill. It is high tide and the three boats are all at an angle
Felixstowe Sea DefencesThe curving repetitive sea defence structures built in Felixstowe, suffolk
Southwold PierAn early morning view of Southwold Pier with surf and foam on the beach
Sunrise at Kimmeridge BayA red sky appears behind Clavell Tower at Kimmeridge Bay. Numerous wet stones appear in the foreground
The Langdale Pikes, seen from Blea Tarn, CumbriaA view across Blea Tarn with Langdale Pikes in the background. The left hand side of the image is bordered by a striking tree
Palladian Bridge and Water LiliesA view of the Palladian Bridge at Stowe School grounds. Trees are reflected in the still waters of the river
The Palace of Westminster and Westminster BridgeA long exposure of Westminster Bridge taken at dusk and showing bus light trails. Elizabeth Tower is well illuminated and dominates the scene
Rhossili Bay and FungiA view of the extensive beach at Rhossili Bay on the Gower peninsula in Wales. A group of fungi are seen growing on the cliff edge as storm clouds approach
Southwold Pier, Suffolk - MonoA black and white image of Southwold pier taken early in the morning. The surf is seen receding
Blea Tarn, CumbriaAn early morning view of Blea Tarn as the sun starts to light up the distant Langdale Pikes. The fells are seen reflected in the calm waters of the tarn
Ship wreck on Thames shoreA view of the wreck of the Hans Egede on the mudbank of the Thames river at Cliffe in Kent. The remains of an old jetty provide a contrast to the ship remains
Sunrise at Great Langdale Valley, CumbriaTaken shortly after sunrise. The sun is starting to illuminate the mountains (fells) on the far side of the valley. A few white clouds hang over the tp of the fells. All is calm and tranquil
River Brathay, ElterwaterA copse of trees is reflected in the still water of river Brathay near Elterwater in Cumbria. Reeds in the foreground point towards the reflected trees. A peaceful scene
The old harbour, Sorrento, ItalyA blue fishing boat, yellow beach huts and a further fishing boat are seen creating a zigzag composition in this view of the old harbour in Sorrento
Liner DepartsA sunset view from a cliff in Sorrento as an ocean going liner sails towards the setting sun. Trees are seen on the cliff to the left and the sun is reflected in the sea
Canoeists at lands end, CornwallA trio of canoes are passing through the arch at Lands End. It is known as Enys Dodnan. The sea state is calm and blue. This is a granite arch
Mousehole PanoramaA wide angled panoramic shot of the harbour at Mousehole in Cornwall.The tide is in and a number of small pleasure and fishing boats are seen. Many houses and buildings surround the harbour
West pier Brighton and surfA view of the deteriorating west pier at Brighton. Surf is seen lapping onto the beach and the remains of three old pier supports seem to be standing guard over the abandoned pier remains
First Sign of Autumn in Lake DistrictA fern plant is turning yellow and is set against a dry-stone wall with Grasmere beyond. It is a sunny day with white clouds hanging above the fells
Isolated Cumbrian cottagesA view of cottages, trees and dry stone walls set in the side of the fells in Little Langdale valley, in the lake district
Felixstowe Container PortA view of the modern container port from Landguard Point viewing area. A large ship is having containers loaded aboard