Tobacco plants -Nicotiana tabacum-, Montreal, Quebec Province, Canada
Machine for cutting Tobacco - 19th centuryIllustration of a Machine for cutting Tobacco - 19th century
Crushing the snuff tobaccoillustration of a man Crushing the snuff tobacco
Manual production of cigarsillustration of a manual production of cigars
Tobacco plant engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Tobacco curing house engraving 1873Facts for Farmers - Materials fror Land-owners about Domestic Animals, Gardens and Vineyards, Edited by Solon Robinson in Two Volumens New York, A.J.Johnson 1873
Indian tobacco botanical engraving 1843A Flora of the State of New York by John Torrey Vol. 1 - Carroll and Cook Printers Albany, NY 1843
Tobacco plant engraving 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897
Indian Tobacco or Lobelia inflata or Asthma weed
Indian smoking pipeAntique illustration engraving of a traditional Indian smoking pipe of peace
TobaccoIllustration engrsaving of a tobacco leaves drying
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)Illustration of a Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
Rope TobaccoIllustration of a young boy in a workshop helping a worker to make Rope Tobacco
Nicotiana rustica (Syrian tobacco)Antique illustration of Nicotiana rustica (Syrian tobacco)
Apparatus for grinding the snuffAntique illusration of apparatus for grinding the snuff
Vinalesgreen valley
Ripe Tobacco field -Nicotiana- against blue sky, Ringsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Ripe Tobacco field -Nicotiana-, Ringsheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Cigarette Factory1st July 1909: Women rolling tobacco by hand in a factory in Manchester (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
ViAnales ValleyThe view from the Hotel Los Jazmines looking out over the ViAnales Valley as the early morning fog clears.The ViAnales Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Pinar del Rio province of western
ViAnales Valley Fog IThe view from the Hotel Los Jazmines looking out over the ViAnales Valley as the early morning fog clears..The ViAnales Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Pinar del Rio province of western
ViAnales Valley, tobacco plantationViAnales Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is famous for its karst landscape and traditional agriculture
Tobacco farms in valley of Vinales CubaNorth America, Caribbean, Cuba, Vinales, valley with tobacco farms and karst hills ( magotes ). Vinales Valley has is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tobacco in field in Vinales CubaNorth America, Caribbean, Cuba, Vinales, tobacco drying on rack in field. Vinales Valley has is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Tobacco farm in valley of Vinales CubaNorth America, Caribbean, Cuba, Vinales, valley with tobacco farms and karst hills ( magotes ). Vinales Valley has is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Valle De Vinales Landscape, CubaPinar del Rio, Vinales Valley
Tobacco growing field in Vinales valley, CubaOn its early stage tobacco crops are hidden below bundles of reeds. ViAnales is an agricultural area, where crops of fruit, vegetables, coffee and especially tobacco are grown by traditional methods
Valle De Vinales, Cuba
Valle De Vinales view, Cuba