Royal Engineerscirca 1850: An officer of the Royal Engineers gives orders to two privates. Rischgitz Collection (Photo by Rischgitz/Getty Images)
Shozo Otsuka In Front Of His Rice Field(Original Caption) Seventy-three year old Shozo Otsuka of Kanagawa prefecture, adjoining Tokyo prefecture, the first tenant farmer in all Japan to buy land under the Japanese Land Reform Law
Rebecca RiotsWelsh men dressed as women destroying a fence, which lists their grievances brought about by the economic recession, during the Rebecca Riots in Wales. Punch - Rebecca And Her Daughters - pub
Colossus SolisThe Colossus Of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, straddles the harbour on the Greek island of Rhodes, circa 250 BC
Using a wallpaper steam stripper and scraper to remove
Hand holding tile in tile cutter
Retro Large Multi Tool Folding Pocket Knife Fork SUNITED STATES - Circa 1960s: Retro Large Multi Tool Folding Pocket Knife Fork Spoon Scissors Saw Can Opener Corkscrew Screwdriver Awl. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)
The Right Tool For The JobA dentist holding a paper cup and a pair of dental pliers, circa 1950. (Photo by George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)
George Northrop Posing as Gold Miner(Original Caption) George W. Northrup from Minnesota posing with the tools of a gold miner, even down to the bag of gold. Daguerrotype photo, ca. 1860. BPA2# 2208
Farm Family Poses With Farming Implement(Original Caption) Farm family poses with scythe, pitchfork, and other farming implements. Photograph, 1881
French Woman Hiker Wearing Full Regalia(Original Caption) Alpinistic: French woman Alpinist in full regalia. Photograph ca. 1900. BPA2 #4782
Men Beside Stream Ready To Pan For Gold(Original Caption) Little Dominion: Men are shown beside a stream with tools for panning for gold. Undated photograph
Surgeon Checking A Surgical Stapler(Original Caption) Undated - A doctor checks a surgical stapler before using it in an operation recently
Men Use Reapers In Field To Cut Grain(Original Caption) The cradle was the most efficient means of cutting grain before Cyrus Hall McCorkick's invention of the reaper in 1831
Drawing of Surgeon Preparing his Tools(Original Caption) Surgeon prepares his tools. Caspar Strohmeyer, German surgeon, lays out instruments preparatory to operation. This colored drawing was made by Dr. Strohmeyer himself, 1559
Locomotive Oiler(Original Caption) Locomotive oiler. Undated engraving. BPA2# 3988
Doctors Instruments In 19Th Century(Original Caption) Instruments for Resection. Lithograph from mid-nineteenth century textbook
Engr.; Scholars @ Work; 18Th Century(Original Caption) Academy of the 18th Century. Groups of scholars during scientific pursuit, typical of the times. Copper engraving
Illus. Of Iron Clock Shop W/Workers(Original Caption) Copper engraving by Stradanus of iron clocks. The iron wheel turns evenly, and evenly discloses those times and these
Advertisement for InscriptionsAn advertisement announces inscriptions for engravers on metal
Allegorical Representation Of Tailor(Original Caption) Habit de Tailleur: Allegorical representation of the tailor fitted out with tools of his trade. French 18TH century engraving. BPA2# 4974
Band-Aid Over Gaping Wound(Original Caption) 1557- Woodcut from Dryander- German Text- Band-Aid over Gaping Wound. Diagram of medical contraption
Various Tuning Forks(Original Caption) A group of various tuning forks. Undated woodcut. BPA2# 4631
Trades, Button Maker(Original Caption) Trades, button maker. Engraving, 1818
Long Tom; Tool For Gold Sifting(Original Caption) 1908-Nome, Alaska:Klondike Gold rush. Long Tom in operation, Nome, 1908. Photo, 1908
Bell CastingWorker casting a bell
Surveyors Stand with Tools(Original Caption) 10/22/1925-Maine: Surveyors
Winston Churchill Using The Trowel(Original Caption) 2/26/30-Westerham, England: Winston Churchill, former Minister of the Exchequer, using the trowel with dexterity as he finishes the outside wall of his summer house
Boys Cutting Down Trees for New Highway(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Young Men Of America Carry On. A striking view of four young C. C. C. workers clearing path for the Lee Highway in Virginia, near here
Girls Holding Up Farm Tools(Original Caption) 9/13/1936-Hynes, CA- Known as the world's largest hay market, where 2, 750, 000 tons were marketed last year
Foreign-Trade Zone on Staten IslandTrench diggers awaiting shipment
Five Chinese Men In Welder Gear, Tools(Original Caption) 5/13/1943-Port Newark, NJ: Born in conquered Canton, but now good Americans all
Woman Working at Shipyard(Original Caption) 5/23/1944-Los Angeles, CA: One of every five workers among those who have set records at Calship, are women. This is Betty Smith, 22, a pipe-burner, on the job. BPA 2 #4236
Full Length Statue Of Pythagoras(Original Caption) Full length statue of Pythagoras. Undated photograph
Full ServiceA mechanic servicing a car, circa 1950. (Photo by George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Construction WorkerA builder using EBSARY breeze blocks on a construction site, USA, circa 1940. (Photo by George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Jewish Settlers In Palestine W/Tools(Original Caption) Typical Jewish settlers in Palestine holding tools with a building in the background. Undated photo
Riveters in Aircraft FactoryMembers of a riveting team at a Vultee Aircraft Corporation aircraft factory use rivet guns and bucking bars to work on a basis trainer plane wing center section during World War II
Employees Work On Basic Trainer Wing(Original Caption) Rivet gun and bucking bar are the tools of the riveting team. Here, two Convair employees work on a basic trainer wing center section. Ca. WWII
Lumberjacks Posing with Tools(Original Caption) Webster Springs, WV: Group of lumberjacks posing with their tools near Webster Springs, West Virginia. Photograph, ca. 1890's
Drug Paraphernalia Seized(Original Caption) ca. 1960-New York, NY: Drugs and paraphernalia seized in narcotics raid, New York City
Skeleton Planing At A Carpenter'S Bench(Original Caption) Berlin, Germany: Exhibition in Berlin, showing the human skeleton at work: Shown is a skeleton planing at the carpenter's bench, which causes round shoulders and curved spine
Low Angle Woman Scrapes Bearing In Class(Original Caption) New York, New York: A woman scraping a bearing in a vocational school class. She is preparing to work in wartime industry. Ca. 1940-1945
Interior Of Small Garage(Original Caption) Interior of garage auto-repair shop. Small upper-New York town. Photo, 1922
Cherry StonerCherry stoner (pitter) suggested in the 1860's
Engraving Of Kitchen Spoons(Original Caption) Kitchen spoons. Undated engraving. BPA2# 2019
Nineteenth Century Surgeons Armentarium(Original Caption) Mid-Nineteenth century surgeon's Armentarium. Steel engraving ca. 1840
Advertisement For Files And Rasps(Original Caption) Nicholson File Company's files and rasps. Undated engraving. BPA2 #2320
Illus. Entitled "Native Blacksmiths"(Original Caption) Undated illustration entitled "NATIVE BLACKSMITHS, " depicting men outside a hut forging metal over an open furnace
Men Digging for Gold(Original Caption) 1878- "We find gold on our lot. Gold in Canada- Emigrant life in the backwoods." Men are shown with tools, digging in the ground for gold. Illustration
Miner Walks W/Tools Over Shoulder;Illus(Original Caption) "Miner Prospectant." Miner is shown walking with his tools over his shoulder. Undated illustration
Victor Shingle-Sawing Machine--Illus(Original Caption) Illustration depicting "THE VICTOR SHINGLE-SAWING MACHINE." Undated engraving
Advertisement For Mining Transmit;Survey(Original Caption) "5 inch and 6 Inch Mining Transmits Nos. 6 and 7. These instruments are in most respects similar to Nos
Portrait of Ptolomy by Andre ThevetAn illustration of Ptolomy holding a cross-staff, published in Les vrais portraits et vies des hommes illustres (1584)
Ventura Colonists(Original Caption) Dated 1868. Illustration in "Harpers New Monthly Magazine" p. 745
Turret-Clock Shop(Original Caption) 1851-An illustration of a turret-clock shop. Men working over table constructing the turrets for clocks
Surveying Apparatus--Commercial Illus(Original Caption) Commercial illustration depicting the "12-INCH COAST SURVEY THEODOLITE, NO. 13, for primary triangulation." Price and detailed description appear beneath
Book Illustration of Prehistoric ToolsEngraving of the various tools and stone lamps used by prehistoric man. Undated illustration. BPA2#2325
Drill Bit(Original Caption) Drill bit. Undated woodcut. BPA2 #2322
Smith And Carpenter Patent Plane(Original Caption) Smith & Carpenter's patent plane. Undated woodcut. BPA2 #2326
Illustration of Eli Whitney in His Workshop(Original Caption) Painting depicting Eli Whitney in his workshop developing the cotton gin. Undated illustration
Illustration of a Prehistoric Man Making a Tool(Original Caption) Prehistoric man in his cave chipping a stone tool. An undated wash drawing
Illustration of an American Blacksmith at Anvil(Original Caption) Illustration depicting an American blacksmith at the anvil. Early 19th century woodcut
Astronomer Using Cross-Staff; Woodcut(Original Caption) Astronomy. The cross staff used by astronomers of the 17th century to ascertain the position of the sun, undated woodcut. BPA2# 260
Men with Farm Tools Walk on Road(Original Caption) 6/16/1949-Tel Aviv, Israel-: The journey to Israel and the goal of religious freedom came for 100 families of Orthodox Jews about 3 months ago
Chinese Communists Hang Up Signs(Original Caption) 6/21/49-Shanghai, China: While armed comrades stand by
A Very Large Screw Bieng Threaded(Original Caption) 1/22/1951- Dearborn, MI - Just A Big Thread
Women Play House Accessories/Instruments(Original Caption) 9/21/1952-JAM SESSIONS are possible with the most unorthodox instruments. Mrs. Ruth Dugan shows how pie plates can double for cymbals while Mrs
Women Machinists In Chinese Tool Plant(Original Caption) 3/16/56-Peiping, Red China: Women machinists in a Chinese Communist tool plant at Peiping experiment with ways to better their machines and up production
Louis and Mary Leakey Digging For Bones(Original Caption) Tanganyika: Louis S. B. Leakey and his wife, Mary, are shown digging for bits of bones and tools of prehistoric humans. Filed 7/22/1961
Fireman in Asbestos Suit with Tool(Original Caption) 8/26/1961- When the need arises, the water-borne fireman can don this asbestos suit and board the boat to fight the blaze at close range
Man Works on Oil Gauge on Motorcycle(Original Caption) 1/17/1966-Sacramento
Shipyard Workercirca 1930: A British shipyard worker busy riveting. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Dem BonesJanuary 1927: An expert in the Natural History department of the British Museum carefully taps away with a chisel on a dinosaur bone. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Sheep ShearingMay 1928: Sheep shearers at work in Hyde Park, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Thatcher At WorkApril 1929: A man thatching a roof at Oxshot, Surrey. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Demolition CrewApril 1929: Workmen demolish an old London County Council building near Temple, London. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Silver WorkerDecember 1929: Filing a silver product to achieve a fine finish at the workshop of Messrs Higgins Francis of Newman street. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Silver WorkersDecember 1929: Workers turning the arm of a large piece of machinery like a press at the workshop of Messrs Higgins Francis of Newman street. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Silver WorkersDecember 1929: A man inspecting a fork pressed in the tool he is holding while an apprentice works on a different stage of production at the workshop of Messrs Higgins Francis of Newman street
Hungarian Harvestcirca 1935: Men and women at work reaping the grain harvest in Hungary. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Chinese Strike Gold1849: Illustration of Chinese workers gold mining by a mountain stream with trays and pickaxes, California. One man pours water through a sifting tray. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)