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Union Collection

Background imageUnion Collection: Match Girls

Match Girls
Members of the Matchmakers Union who went on strike at the Bryant and Mays factory in London. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Soldiers Fill Downtime During Civil War

Union Soldiers Fill Downtime During Civil War
A group of Northern soldiers from the Army of the Potomac takes advantage of a respite from battle to write letters and mend clothing during the American Civil War, early 1860s

Background imageUnion Collection: Cigar Sellers of the World with Their Product

Cigar Sellers of the World with Their Product
(Original Caption) Flor De Union

Background imageUnion Collection: Ulysses S. Grant in Uniform

Ulysses S. Grant in Uniform
(Original Caption) Ca.1860s-Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885), as an officer. Photographed standing in the studio, in military uniform, by Matthew Brady

Background imageUnion Collection: John C. Fremont

John C. Fremont
(Original Caption) John C. Fremont (1813-1880), Union General, famous as western explorer and Californian politician. Undated photograph by Mathew Brady

Background imageUnion Collection: Sgt. Oscar Ryder of the Union Army

Sgt. Oscar Ryder of the Union Army
Sgt. Oscar Ryder of the 7th New York State Militia of the Union Army

Background imageUnion Collection: Ambrose Everett Burnside

Ambrose Everett Burnside
(Original Caption) Portrait of Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), American Army Officer for whom sideburns are named. Undated photograph by William Brady

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Officers in Camp

Union Officers in Camp
(Original Caption) 3/21/1942-Union officers and Camp servants during the Civil War

Background imageUnion Collection: First Photo Of Union Army In Combat

First Photo Of Union Army In Combat
(Original Caption) First photo of Union Army in combat. Photograph by Mathew Brady, circa 1861

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Soldiers Drilling

Union Soldiers Drilling
(Original Caption) 1861- PA- The camp and regimental drill of the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry at Camp Northumberland

Background imageUnion Collection: Youthful Union Infantry Private

Youthful Union Infantry Private
(Original Caption) Civil War: Youthful Union Infantry Private with musket, bayonet, 1862, single shot martial pistol (in belt) cartridge box, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard. Photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Church and Street Guarded by Union Soldiers

Church and Street Guarded by Union Soldiers
(Original Caption) 5/1862-Centreville, VA: Main street and church of Centreville, Virginia, guarded by Union soldiers. Photo by George Bernard and James Gibson, May, 1862

Background imageUnion Collection: Staff of Union General Andrew Porter

Staff of Union General Andrew Porter
5/20/1862: The staff of Union General Andrew Porter lounge in front of a tent during the Civil War

Background imageUnion Collection: Lincoln Visits Civil War Headquarters

Lincoln Visits Civil War Headquarters
President Lincoln visits General George B. McClellan and his staff at his camp near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on October 3, 1862, a few weeks after the Battle of Antietam

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Officers Outside Tent

Union Officers Outside Tent
Officers of the Union Army sit outside a tent reading letters

Background imageUnion Collection: Dr. C.K. Irwin Seated in Tent Opening

Dr. C.K. Irwin Seated in Tent Opening
(Original Caption) 9/1683- Gettysburg, PA: Dr. C.K. Irwin acting medical director of the Excalibur Brigade seated at the entrance of a tent with another unidentified officer

Background imageUnion Collection: Mathew B. Brady W/Civil War Battery

Mathew B. Brady W/Civil War Battery
(Original Caption) 6/21/1864-Petersburg, Virginia: Mathew B. Brady (in straw hat) under fire with a battery near Petersburg

Background imageUnion Collection: William T. Sherman in Uniform

William T. Sherman in Uniform
General William Tecumseh Sherman wears his uniform and a black arm band in honor of the late President Abraham Lincoln

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Pacific Construction Train;Workers

Union Pacific Construction Train;Workers
(Original Caption) Union Pacific Construction Train, 1868. Photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Homestead Strike

Homestead Strike
(Original Caption) 1892-The homestead strike, 1892. Pinkertons leaving the barges after surrendering, escorted by armed Union men. Engraving by W.P. Snyder, after photograph by Dabbs, 7/16/1892

Background imageUnion Collection: Pedestrians and Wagon Travelers near Grant's Tomb

Pedestrians and Wagon Travelers near Grant's Tomb
(Original Caption) New York City: Riverside Drive in 1897 with Grant's Tomb in the background

Background imageUnion Collection: Leader Of Longshoreman'S Union Seated

Leader Of Longshoreman'S Union Seated
(Original Caption) Harry Bridges, leader of the longshoremen's union sitting in a chair. Undateed photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Cavalry Private Holding Gun

Union Cavalry Private Holding Gun
(Original Caption) Civil War: Union Cavalry Private. Well equipped with a pair of Colt Model 1861 Navy revolvers and saber, holster, cap pouch and saber scabbard. Photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Pair Of Union Infantry Privates

Pair Of Union Infantry Privates
(Original Caption) Civil War: Pair of Union Infantry Privates with muskets, bayonets, cartridge boxes, etc...Photograph, tintype

Background imageUnion Collection: Civil War Union Infantry Private

Civil War Union Infantry Private
(Original Caption) Civil War Union Infantry private (American Indian?) with musket and bayonet, cartridge box, cap pouch and bayonet scabbard. Undated photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Civil War Officers In Front Of Tent

Civil War Officers In Front Of Tent
(Original Caption) Civil War Union officers General Krutz and Weitzel sit together at the entrance to a tent during the war. Undated photograph circa 1860

Background imageUnion Collection: Engraving/Union Initiation Rites

Engraving/Union Initiation Rites
(Original Caption) English Labor Movement: Unionists being initiated. Unions were funded "to maintain the prices of labour." These secret confederacies were found to be illegal

Background imageUnion Collection: Emma Goldman Speaks At Union Square

Emma Goldman Speaks At Union Square
(Original Caption) 5/21/1916 - New York: Emma Goldman standing in car speaks about birth control at Union Square Park. INP photo

Background imageUnion Collection: Russian Congress Of Factory And Shop

Russian Congress Of Factory And Shop
(Original Caption) 1919- Petrograd, Russia: First all Russian congress of factory and shop workers

Background imageUnion Collection: National Womens Trade Union Meeting

National Womens Trade Union Meeting
(Original Caption) 6/7/1922-Waukegan, IL- WOMEN SEEK INDUSTRIAL RIGHTS- Leaders of the National Women's Trade Unions, in session at the Bowden Country Club, Waukegan, IL

Background imageUnion Collection: Samuel Gompers With Afl Council

Samuel Gompers With Afl Council
(Original Caption) Samuel Gompers (1850-1924), President of the American Federation of Labor, at a Meeting with its executive council, 1924. Photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Labor Leaders

Union Labor Leaders
(Original Caption) 11/24/1924- Union leaders of Germany and England visit the White House on their way to attend the American Federation of Labor Conference to be held at El Paso, Texas

Background imageUnion Collection: Unionists and Demonstrators at Marble Arch

Unionists and Demonstrators at Marble Arch
(Original Caption) 5/11/1926-London, England- A scene at the marble arch as the trade unionists and other demonstrators marched in procession into Hyde Park

Background imageUnion Collection: South African Trade Union Leaders/London

South African Trade Union Leaders/London
(Original Caption) 7/15/1927-London, England: South African Trade Union leaders visit London. L to r H. Snell, M.P.P. Mr. George Lansbury, M.P. Clements Kadalie and Mr. Arthur Henders

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Pacific's Forty-Niner Train

Union Pacific's Forty-Niner Train
(Original Caption) Picture shows the Union Pacific train that runs from Chicago to San Francisco called the "Forty-Niner". Undated photo circa 1930s

Background imageUnion Collection: Smith Lays Empire State Cornerstone

Smith Lays Empire State Cornerstone
(Original Caption) 9/9/1930-New York: As possessor of a gold membership card in the bricklayers union, former Governor Alfred E

Background imageUnion Collection: Father Coughlin Of Detroit Speaking

Father Coughlin Of Detroit Speaking
(Original Caption) 5/22/35-New York: Scene at Madison Square Garden tonight May 22nd as thousands of New Yorkers crowded into the big amphitheatre to listen to an address by the Rev. Charles E

Background imageUnion Collection: Garment Workers Demonstrating NRA Case

Garment Workers Demonstrating NRA Case
(Original Caption) 6/8/1935-New York, NY- Scene at meeting of 15, 000 membersof the dressmakers union, in W 40th st, as speakers voiced protests of the recent Supreme Court decision in the NRA case

Background imageUnion Collection: Placards for Works Progress Administration

Placards for Works Progress Administration
These placards for the Works Progress Administration caused a bit of controversy in New York

Background imageUnion Collection: Man Stands Atop Ladder To Hang Sign

Man Stands Atop Ladder To Hang Sign
(Original Caption) 5/26/37-Detroit, Michigan: Richard Frankensteen, C.I.O

Background imageUnion Collection: Scarlett, Soldier On Stairs;'Gone W/Wind'

Scarlett, Soldier On Stairs;"Gone W/Wind"
(Original Caption) Exhausted from field work, Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) deals with Union soldiers on the stairs at Tara. Movie still from Gone with the Wind'. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageUnion Collection: Officers Of Union Taking Oaths

Officers Of Union Taking Oaths
(Original Caption) 5/9/1940-Atlantic City

Background imageUnion Collection: Harry Truman Discussing Telegrams

Harry Truman Discussing Telegrams
(Original Caption) 4/23/1941-Washington, DC-Senator Harry S. Truman, chairman of the Special Committee Investigating Defense, checks over telegrams with Senators Joseph H. Ball and Ralph O

Background imageUnion Collection: May Day Workers Parade In New York

May Day Workers Parade In New York
(Original Caption) New York, NY: May Day parade in New York City in which wokers carry labor signs. Photograph, ca. 1946

Background imageUnion Collection: Black Auto-Worker Smiles, Waist Up

Black Auto-Worker Smiles, Waist Up
(Original Caption) 2/7/1946-Dearborn, MI: Robert Williams, a maintenance man at the Rouge Plant of Ford Motor Co

Background imageUnion Collection: Julius Caesar Pulling Chariot and Picketing

Julius Caesar Pulling Chariot and Picketing
Goggle-eyed Prof.Roy Heckler is amazed to find that his very favorite flea, "Julius Caesar", is a union organizer way down deep in his little heart

Background imageUnion Collection: Bertold Brecht With Hans Eisler

Bertold Brecht With Hans Eisler
(Original Caption) 1948- Berlin, Germany: Playwright Bert Brecht (left) and Hans Eisler (right) musician who was ejected from the US for Communist leanings, chat

Background imageUnion Collection: British Fascist Mosley Addresses Union Meeting

British Fascist Mosley Addresses Union Meeting
(Original Caption) 5/4/1948-London, England: Sir Oswald Mosley, British radical, addresses the Union Movement Meeting in East London, May Day

Background imageUnion Collection: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
(Original Caption) 10/9/1984-Brighton, England- Britain's Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, is pictured speaking to the opening day speeches at the Conservative Party Conference at Brighton

Background imageUnion Collection: Margaret Thatcher at Party Conference

Margaret Thatcher at Party Conference
(Original Caption) 10/9/1984-Brighton, England- Britain's Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, is pictured listening to the opening day speeches at the Conservative Party Conference at Brighton

Background imageUnion Collection: Douglas Fraser Addresses News Conference

Douglas Fraser Addresses News Conference
United Auto Workers Union President Douglas Fraser, in a press conference on February 25, says that U.S

Background imageUnion Collection: Jackie Presser Goes To Court

Jackie Presser Goes To Court
(Original Caption) 5/17/1986- Cleveland, OH: Teamsters Union Pres. Jackie Presser makes his way through reporters and cameramen as he arrived at the Fed. Court Building

Background imageUnion Collection: Jackie Presser Giving Thumbs Up

Jackie Presser Giving Thumbs Up
(Original Caption) 10/29/1987-Miami Beach

Background imageUnion Collection: Soldier &Family In Front Of Tent In Camp

Soldier &Family In Front Of Tent In Camp
(Original Caption) Soldier of the 31st Pennsylvania Infantry with his family near Fort Slocum, Washington, DC The soldier wears a uniform and holds a saw

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Corporal W/Saper And Rifle

Union Corporal W/Saper And Rifle
(Original Caption) Union corporal of cavalry with saber and spencer carbine. Undated photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Army Private W.C. Arnold

Union Army Private W.C. Arnold
(Original Caption) Private W. C. Arnold of the Union Army. Undated photograph by Mathew Brady

Background imageUnion Collection: 3/4 Length Photo Of Eugene Debs

3/4 Length Photo Of Eugene Debs
(Original Caption) Eugene V. Debs (1855-1926), American Socialist. Organized Social Democratic Party of America. Undated photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: C.G. Dyer Standing Full Length W/Sword

C.G. Dyer Standing Full Length W/Sword
(Original Caption) Full length portrait of Civil War Union officer, Captain C.G. Dyer of the Second Rhode Island Infantry. Undated photograph

Background imageUnion Collection: Detergent Stand At Grand Union

Detergent Stand At Grand Union
(Original Caption) Detergent stand at Grand Union Supermarket, interior view. Undated Photograph.Color slide. Undated image. BPA2# 5915 (GENDREAU) PLEASE CREDIT: CORBIS-BETTMANN

Background imageUnion Collection: Union United States Infantry Soldier of Fatigue Marching Order

Union United States Infantry Soldier of Fatigue Marching Order

Background imageUnion Collection: Civil War Patriotic Cover with Picture

Civil War Patriotic Cover with Picture
(Original Caption) Civil War patriotic cover with a picture of a standard bearer. Undated facsimile. Postmarked on September 9, in Burnt Cabins, PA, and addressed to W.W.Harding, Esq

Background imageUnion Collection: Slaves Entering Union Lines

Slaves Entering Union Lines
(Original Caption) Fugitive slaves entering union lines in an ancient farm wagon called a "Schooner." On the distant hill some laggards appear in sight

Background imageUnion Collection: Illust. Of Slaves Fleeing To Army;Protec

Illust. Of Slaves Fleeing To Army;Protec
(Original Caption) "Slaves fleeing to the Union Army for Protection." Undated illustration

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Troops Removing Chain From Slave

Union Troops Removing Chain From Slave
(Original Caption) Union troops removing the "hobble" from escaped slaves - a scene on Otter Island, South Carolina. From a sketch by Henry Stulen. Undated

Background imageUnion Collection: Clasped Hands Symbol Of American Revolut

Clasped Hands Symbol Of American Revolut
(Original Caption) Clasped Hands: American Revolution appeal to join the Union. 18th Century. BPA2# 2327

Background imageUnion Collection: Illustration Of Civil War Uniforms

Illustration Of Civil War Uniforms
(Original Caption) Undated illustration depicting various U.S. volunteer, naval and marine uniforms of the Civil War, 1861-1865

Background imageUnion Collection: Capture Of John Brown In Engine House

Capture Of John Brown In Engine House
(Original Caption) Illustration entitled "CAPTURE OF JOHN BROWN IN THE ENGINE HOUSE, " depicting federal troops entering the arsenal at Harpers Ferry

Background imageUnion Collection: Lithograph Of Civil War Federal Uniforms

Lithograph Of Civil War Federal Uniforms
(Original Caption) Lithograph of Union soldiers with the purpose of showing what the Federal uniforms of the United States Civil War looked like

Background imageUnion Collection: Union Officer In Great Coat

Union Officer In Great Coat
(Original Caption) Civil War Union Officers: Uniforms, Great Coat for all mounted men. Undated illustration

Background imageUnion Collection: Color Illustration Of Ulysses S. Grant Seated

Color Illustration Of Ulysses S. Grant Seated
(Original Caption) Hand colored illustration of President Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) when he was a General in the Union Army in the Civil War

Background imageUnion Collection: Death Of General Isaac Stevens (Illus.)

Death Of General Isaac Stevens (Illus.)
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the death of U.S. General Isaac Stevens of the 79th New York Highlanders, during the 1862 Civil War Battle of Chantilly, Virginia

Background imageUnion Collection: H.L. Mitchell Testifying Before Senate Labor Committee

H.L. Mitchell Testifying Before Senate Labor Committee
(Original Caption) 4/19/1949-Washington, DC- H.L

Background imageUnion Collection: Adlai Stevenson and Labor Leaders at Speech

Adlai Stevenson and Labor Leaders at Speech
(Original Caption) 9/4/1952-Detroit, Michigan- Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois waves to a Labor Day crowd during his speech in Detroit

Background imageUnion Collection: Military Parade; Troops In Fatigues Marc

Military Parade; Troops In Fatigues Marc
(Original Caption) 6/12/1954-Hanoi, Vietnam: On June 2, in Hanoi, despite the gravity of the military situation

Background imageUnion Collection: John L. Lewis Head Of United Mine Worker

John L. Lewis Head Of United Mine Worker
(Original Caption) 1957-London, England: John L. Lewis, President of the United Mine Workers of America, at press coference in Grosvenor House, London. Head and shoulders photograph, 1957

Background imageUnion Collection: Jimmy Hoffa Shown With His Family

Jimmy Hoffa Shown With His Family
(Original Caption) 7/19/1957-Detroit, MI- James R. Hoffa, Detroit Teamsters leader, shown with his family after arriving back in Detroit 7/19

Background imageUnion Collection: Hoffa Being Carried On Teamsters Shoulders

Hoffa Being Carried On Teamsters Shoulders
(Original Caption) 10/4/1957-Miami Beach, FL: Newly-elected President of the International teamsters Union James R

Background imageUnion Collection: Jimmy Hoffa Smiling, Pose For Photograph

Jimmy Hoffa Smiling, Pose For Photograph
(Original Caption) 10/4/1957-Miami Beach, FL: Wearing a confident grin, James R. Hoffa poses for photographers Oct. 3rd on the eve of the Teamsters elections here

Background imageUnion Collection: Politicians with United Steel Workers Union Members

Politicians with United Steel Workers Union Members
(Original Caption) 1/7/1958-Washington, D.C.: Twenty-six bus loads of delegates to the meeting of the United Steel Workers visited the U.S. Capitol today

Background imageUnion Collection: Walter Reuther W/Chart in Hearing

Walter Reuther W/Chart in Hearing
(Original Caption) 1/29/1958-Washington, DC- Auto workers Union President Walter Reuther points to a chart during his testimony before a Senate anti-monopoly hearing

Background imageUnion Collection: Herman Kierdorf Testifies at Senate Hearing

Herman Kierdorf Testifies at Senate Hearing
(Original Caption) 8/1/1958- Washington, DC: The Teamster's Union's Business agent Herman Kierdorf testifies before a congressional hearing on the ties between the Teamsters and the Mafia

Background imageUnion Collection: Jimmy Hoffa Meeting With Robert Kennedy

Jimmy Hoffa Meeting With Robert Kennedy
Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa faces chief counsel Robert Kennedy at a meeting of the Senate Labor Rackets Committee

Background imageUnion Collection: Jimmy Hoffa Meeting with Robert Kennedy

Jimmy Hoffa Meeting with Robert Kennedy
(Original Caption) 9/17/1958-Washington, DC- Teamster President, James R. Hoffa(right) confers with Counsel, Robert Kennedy, of the Senate Labor Racket Committee

Background imageUnion Collection: Jimmy Hoffa Meeting with Robert Kennedy

Jimmy Hoffa Meeting with Robert Kennedy
(Original Caption) 9/17/1958-Washington, DC- Teamster President, James R. Hoffa(right) confers with Counsel, Robert Kennedy, of the Senate Labor Racket Committee

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