Federal Agents Pour Whiskey Into Sewer(Original Caption) Prohibition. Federal agents pouring whiskey into sewer. Photograph
Dog Waiting at Empty Railroad Platform
Long Island Railroad Communication Lines(Original Caption) View of Long Island Railroad communication lines. Undated photograph
Engraving of Workers Erecting Telephone Poles in 1889Erecting telegraph poles in unidentified city in 1889. Undated engraving
Japanese Girls Wear Masks for ProtectionJapanese school girls wear protective masks to guard against the influenza outbreak
Hole In Tree Allows Telephone Wires Thru(Original Caption) 10/12/1922-Bloomington, Illinois-: What is probably the only thing of its kind is this tree, on a country road a few miles from Bloomington, IL
Highway Going Thru Rows Of Oil DrillsDerricks line the highway that runs through the Spindletop Oil Field in Jefferson County, Texas
River Flood Waters Wash Around Rr Trestl(Original Caption) 4/27/1927-Shaw, MS-Photo shows the wild flood waters rushing about a railraod trestle on the Yazoo, a Mississippi Valley Railroad
Jimmy Foxx In Batting Pose W/Phone Pole(Original Caption) 8/2/1935-Philadelphia, PA: "Come on Hercules old kid, put it across the plate and I'll sock it to China" shouts Jimmy Foxx, of the Philadelphia Athletics
Water Flowing Over Washed-Out Bridge(Original Caption) 9/23/1938-Waterville, MA-Floods due to a hurricane make transportation impossible as they carry away sections of highway along the New England coast
Power Lineman Repairing Electric Line(Original Caption) 6/27/1945-Springfield, MA: Power lineman (Richard E Curtiss, employed by Simsbury (CT) Electric company for 25 years) is shown atop pole, repairing electric power line
Hurricane; People Try To Escape Bridge(Original Caption) 9/27/1985-Falmouth, MA- Scared townspeople run from Hurricane Gloria as high winds push telephone poles and ship masts sideways on bridge near Falmouth, MA
Truck Moving House On Road(Original Caption) House moving truck near Freehold, NJ. Route 537
Children Boarding School Bus(Original Caption) Children boarding school bus. They are H. Marion Tomkins, Lois Hinnes, Norman W. Green, and John Krantz. Undated photograph
Disorderly Wires on BroadwayLate 19th Century illustration of a New York City street scene; "Disorderly Wires on Lower Broadway About to be Cut Down."
The Attack on the Procession, on Eighth AvenueNewspaper illustration shows rioters attacking procession in Harper's Weekly
An Unrestrained Demon IllustrationORIGINAL CAPTION READS: "An unrestrained demon." A lightbulb "demon" is displayed as a menace to people on the street. Undated illustration
Disorderly Power Lines on Lower Broadway(Original Caption) Illustration showing a tangle of disorderly power lines about to be cut down on lower Broadway, 1889
Engraving Depicting an Eviction in the Tenement District by Charles Mente(Original Caption) Illustration depicting an eviction in the tenement district of New York City. Engraving dated 1890, drawn by Charles Mente
Man with Bicycle at Border(Original Caption) 3/25/1949-Berlin
Protesters in Civil Rights March2/5/1965-Marion, AL: Alabama State troopers "frisk" Negro youths arrested during demonstrations here 2/4 prior to boarding them on buses. More than 130 were arrested
Soldiers Stopping in a StreetSoldiers of the Fifth Regiment stop in a small street
Man Repairing Utility Line in Snowfall(Original Caption) One of the winter's heaviest snowfalls, which yesterday blanketed the central section of the nation, measured up to 14 inches in parts of Kansas
Telephone Pole in Primitive City(Original Caption) 4/30/1960-Kabul, Afghanistan- A city in the midst of change, the Afghanistan capital of Kabul still consists mainly of rambling streets and mud-built, fortress-like buildings
Crowd Surrounding Car of Shah(Original Caption) 10/31/1960-Tehran, Iran- Swarming around the auto of the Shah, jubilant crowds, some members of which perch on a nearby telephone pole for a better view
Telephone Poles Leaning From Hurricane(Original Caption) 9/11/1961-Victoria, TX- After winds from Hurricane Carla battered these telephone line poles all night, they began to give way to its force
Republican Candidate Ronald Reagan CampaigningIn 1964, Reagan gave a televised speech on the eve of an election. He campaigned unofficially throughout 1965 for the California Governership, announcing his candidacy at the end of the year
Poverty in America: Shacks in Belzoni, Mississippi 1967A car sits on the road in front of wooden shacks on Lady Bird Avenue. The houses have outhouses and share a communal water pump. Belzoni, Mississippi, July 22, 1967
Trucks Towing the Shuttle Columbia(Original Caption) Palmdale, California: As dawn broke the space shuttle orbiter Columbia was already moving down the road toward Edwards Air Force Base
Bear Cub on Telephone Pole(Original Caption) 11/1/1982-Elkins, WV- This bear cub atop a utility pole attracted crowds of spectators during the weekend
Shuttered and AbandonedThis is a cotton or textile mill in North Carolina that has long been shuttered and abandoned