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Vest Collection

Background imageVest Collection: Couple lying on grass, (B&W), elevated view

Couple lying on grass, (B&W), elevated view
Easy Retouch, elevated view, full length, arms raised, lying down, young adult, 20s, 25-30 years, women, young women, men, young men, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, adults only, two people

Background imageVest Collection: Couple with magazine, lying on grass, (B&W)

Couple with magazine, lying on grass, (B&W)
Easy Retouch, head and shoulders, lying down, young adult, 20s, 25-30 years, women, young women, men, young men, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, adults only, background people, two people

Background imageVest Collection: Portraits of Convicted Abraham Lincoln Assassination Conspirators

Portraits of Convicted Abraham Lincoln Assassination Conspirators
(Original Caption) The Principal Conspirators. Reproduction photos of eight of Lincoln's conspirators

Background imageVest Collection: Gustave Mahler

Gustave Mahler
(Original Caption) Portrait of young Gustave Mahler (standing) 1860-1911; Austrian composer. Undated photo

Background imageVest Collection: John Wilkes Booth

John Wilkes Booth
(Original Caption) Photograph of John Wilkes Booth (1839-1865), American actor, the man who shot Lincoln. Undated

Background imageVest Collection: Cesare Lombroso

Cesare Lombroso
(Original Caption) Head and shoulder portrait of Cesare Lombroso (1836-1909)

Background imageVest Collection: Samuel Morse

Samuel Morse
(Original Caption) Samuel Morse, (1791-1872), American artist and inventor. Photographed standing in a studio by Matthew Brady. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2609

Background imageVest Collection: Thomas Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln seated with his favorite son Thomas "Tad" Lincoln

Background imageVest Collection: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
(Original Caption) Ca. 1855-Portrait of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), the great naturalist

Background imageVest Collection: Painter Eugene Delacroix

Painter Eugene Delacroix
(Original Caption) Portrait of Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delcroix (1798-1863) French painter. Photogrpah ca. 1859 by Nadar

Background imageVest Collection: Arthur Rimbaud

Arthur Rimbaud
(Original Caption) Head and shoulder portrait of Arthur Rimbaud. (1854-1891). French Poet. BPA2# 288

Background imageVest Collection: English Author Lewis Carroll

English Author Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll, whose real name is Charles L. Dodgson (1832-1989), is most noted for his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Background imageVest Collection: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Portrait of US president Abraham Lincoln taken by photographer Matthew Brady. This likeness of President Lincoln appears in engraved form on the US five dollar bill

Background imageVest Collection: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Photograph of Lincoln four days before his assassination

Background imageVest Collection: Gentleman of the 1870s

Gentleman of the 1870s
(Original Caption) Gentleman of the 1870s in fashionable outfit: white vest, frock coat, a prosperous and slightly foppish type. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo
(Original Caption) Photo shows Victor Hugo (1902-1885), French poet and author of the book "Les Miserables." Photo circa 1870s

Background imageVest Collection: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson
(Original Caption) Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American essayist and poet. Head and shoulders photograph, ca. 1870s

Background imageVest Collection: Thomas Edison with his Phonograph

Thomas Edison with his Phonograph
(Original Caption) Thomas Edison is shown here after five days and five nights of work perfecting his favorite invention, the phonograph

Background imageVest Collection: Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp
Photograph of Wyatt Earp while he was a marshal in Dodge City

Background imageVest Collection: Francis Galton

Francis Galton
(Original Caption) 1886-Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911), English scientist. Best known for his work in anthropology and heredity, founder of eugenics. Profile photo

Background imageVest Collection: John D. Rockefeller on his 83rd Birthday

John D. Rockefeller on his 83rd Birthday
(Original Caption) John D. Rockefeller, Sr. on his 83rd birthday. Photograph, 3/4 length

Background imageVest Collection: Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor

Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor
(Original Caption) Louis-Jacques Daguerre (1787-1851); perfected photography invented by Niepce. Photo by Nadar

Background imageVest Collection: Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad
Novelist and short story writer Joseph Conrad

Background imageVest Collection: Anton von Webern

Anton von Webern, Austrian composer and pupil of Arnold Schoenberg

Background imageVest Collection: First Blow for Liberty by Felix Octavius Carr Darley

First Blow for Liberty by Felix Octavius Carr Darley
American colonials defend their homesteads against the British Army

Background imageVest Collection: Color Portrait of James Watt

Color Portrait of James Watt
A color portrait of the Scottish inventor of the steam engine, James Watt (1736-1819.)

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of John Ross

Portrait of John Ross
(Original Caption) Sir John Ross, Scottish Explorer that sought the Northwest Passage

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of James Monroe by James Herring after John Vanderlyn

Portrait of James Monroe by James Herring after John Vanderlyn
A portrait of James Monroe (1758-1831), the fifth president of the United States, made during his presidency. He served as President from 1817-1825

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of President James Monroe after Alonzo Chappel

Portrait of President James Monroe after Alonzo Chappel
(Original Caption) James Monroe, fifth U.S. president (1758-1831), full length seated portrait. Colored engraving from a painting by Chappel

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of Paul Revere

Portrait of Paul Revere

Background imageVest Collection: Chief Joseph

Chief Joseph
(Original Caption) Head and shoulders portrait of Chief Joseph (IN-MUT-TOO-YAH-LAT-LAT: Thunder coming from the water up over the land). Nez Perce photograph, 1900

Background imageVest Collection: Henry Fonda

Henry Fonda in a suit

Background imageVest Collection: Boy in Dejected Pose

Boy in Dejected Pose
(Original Caption) Portrait of a young boy with a dejected posture and facial expression. He is shown seated, resting his hand on his cheek. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Man Looking at Pocket Watch

Man Looking at Pocket Watch
(Original Caption) Man looking at his pocket watch. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: George Washington in Militia by Charles Willson Peale

George Washington in Militia by Charles Willson Peale
George Washington as a Virginia militia member in 1772. Painting by Charles W. Peale

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of Sam Houston

Portrait of Sam Houston
(Original Caption) Portrait of Sam Houston (1793-1863), American soldier and political leader. Undated engraving

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of James Monroe by Asher Brown Durand after John Vanderlyn

Portrait of James Monroe by Asher Brown Durand after John Vanderlyn
James Monroe (1758-1831), fifth President of the United States (1817-25). | Version of: Portrait of James Monroe by John Vanderlyn

Background imageVest Collection: Portrait of James Dwight Dana by Hezekiah Wright Smith

Portrait of James Dwight Dana by Hezekiah Wright Smith
James D. Dana: (1813-1895) Geologist. Engraving by H.W. Smith

Background imageVest Collection: Ts Eliot at Desk Inspecting Manuscripts

Ts Eliot at Desk Inspecting Manuscripts
(Original Caption) T. S. Eliot: British poet, inspecting manuscripts. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Engraving of Man Riding Early Lawnmower by E. Poyet

Engraving of Man Riding Early Lawnmower by E. Poyet
(Original Caption) Lawn Mower invented by McCormick. 1890's engraving

Background imageVest Collection: O. Henry

O. Henry
(Original Caption) 1904: Portrait of O. Henry (William Sydney Porter, 1862-1910), American short story writer

Background imageVest Collection: Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini
(Original Caption) 1904-Formal waist up portrait of Italian opera composer, Giacomo Puccini, (1858-1924)

Background imageVest Collection: Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy
(Original Caption) Head and shoulder portrait of French composer Claude Debussy (1862-1918). Photograph by Nadar, 1908

Background imageVest Collection: Robert Frost

Robert Frost
(Original Caption) Portrait of Robert L. Frost (1874-1964), American poet who wrote "North of Boston" and "A Boy's Will." Ca. 1910s

Background imageVest Collection: African Americans Making Furniture in Workshop

African Americans Making Furniture in Workshop
(Original Caption) Tuskegee Institute: Workshop for apprentice cabinet makers. Ca. 1910, at the African American university. Photograph. BPA2# 1294 ORIGINAL CAPTION

Background imageVest Collection: Benjamin Cardozo

Benjamin Cardozo
(Original Caption) Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938), American jurist. Associate Justice of U.S. Supreme Court. Photograph, half-length, seated. Ca. 1920s-1930s

Background imageVest Collection: Large Havana Cigar

Large Havana Cigar
One of the employees with a large Havana Cigar

Background imageVest Collection: Middle-aged man adjusting collar. August 11, 1925

Middle-aged man adjusting collar. August 11, 1925

Background imageVest Collection: Boy (10-12 years) playing with marbles on pavement

Boy (10-12 years) playing with marbles on pavement. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. May 06, 1926

Background imageVest Collection: Philo T. Farnsworth Points to his Television

Philo T. Farnsworth Points to his Television
Inventor Philo T. Farnsworth with his invention, the first electronic television

Background imageVest Collection: Philo T. Farnsworth With Early Television Components

Philo T. Farnsworth With Early Television Components
(Original Caption) 9/10/1928- This photo shows Philo T

Background imageVest Collection: William Faulkner

William Faulkner
(Original Caption) William Faulkner (1897-1962)

Background imageVest Collection: Astronomer Percival Lowell

Astronomer Percival Lowell
(Original Caption) 3/15/30-Cambridge, Massachusetts: Photo of the late Percival Lowell, brother of President Lowell of Harvard College

Background imageVest Collection: Philo T. Farnsworth

Philo T. Farnsworth
Television inventor Philo T. Farnsworth in New York with plans to build a television transmitting station

Background imageVest Collection: Franz Boas

Franz Boas
Anthropologist and professor Franz Boas was the author of numerous scholarly works on aspects of anthropology

Background imageVest Collection: Elmer Rice and Daughter Margaret

Elmer Rice and Daughter Margaret
American playwright Elmer Rice and his daughter Margaret aboard the SS Champlain as they arrive in New York from Europe

Background imageVest Collection: Tristan Tzara

Tristan Tzara
Poet, essayist, and founder of Dada Tristan Tzara

Background imageVest Collection: Clark Gable as Rhett Butler

Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in a publicity photograph for Gone with the Wind

Background imageVest Collection: Gary Cooper Hunting with Ernest Hemingway

Gary Cooper Hunting with Ernest Hemingway
(Original Caption) 10/28/1940-Sun Valley, Idaho-Actor Gary Cooper and Ernest Hemingway, author, on a hunting expedition at Sun Valley

Background imageVest Collection: Aldous Huxley

Aldous Huxley
(Original Caption) 1946: Portrait of Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), novelist and essayist smoking a cigarette. BPA2 #302

Background imageVest Collection: William Bendix in Cowboy Outfit

William Bendix in Cowboy Outfit
(Original Caption) Here is Paramount star William Bendix, posing in costume from the film Streets of Laredo, a western in which he portrays the character Reuben "Wahoo" Jones

Background imageVest Collection: Dale Evans and Roy Rogers on Horseback

Dale Evans and Roy Rogers on Horseback
(Original Caption) 11/26/1948- Hollywood, CA: Dale Evans and her favorite cowboy, husband Roy Rogers, enjoyed their reception when they appeared at a Los Angeles Rodeo

Background imageVest Collection: Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin
Ca. 1855-Portrait of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), the great naturalist

Background imageVest Collection: Unveiling of Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue

Unveiling of Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue
The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Statue is unveiled by artist Frederick Hart (L) who made the sculpture removes the covering with the help of Senator John Warner, R-Va

Background imageVest Collection: E.L. Doctorow

E.L. Doctorow
(Original Caption) 11/14/1985- Author E.L. Doctorow during an interview. Photo shows a headshot of the American writer

Background imageVest Collection: Edgard Varese

Edgard Varese
(Original Caption) Portrait of French-American composer Edgar Varese (1883-1965) as a young man. A pioneer of electronic music, he composed works in an atonal, arhythmic, nonthematic style

Background imageVest Collection: G. Stanley Hall

G. Stanley Hall
(Original Caption) Portrait of G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924), American psychologist and educator. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Joseph Alois Schumpeter

Joseph Alois Schumpeter
(Original Caption) Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950), Czech-born economist and professor at Harvard University. His theories on the development of capitalism made him famous Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: George Westinghouse

George Westinghouse
(Original Caption) George Westinghouse (1846-1914), founder of the industries that bear his name, American inventor and manufacturer. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Charles Ives

Charles Ives
(Original Caption) Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954), American composer. Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Steve Allen Hosting Tonight!

Steve Allen Hosting Tonight!
Actor Steve Allen sits at a microphone during an interview. Undated Photograph circa 1955

Background imageVest Collection: Sigmund Freud in his Middle Years

Sigmund Freud in his Middle Years
(Original Caption) Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Photograph taken in Freud's middle years

Background imageVest Collection: Robert Koch

Robert Koch
German physician and pioneer bacteriologist, Robert Koch, was best known for his contributions in the prevention of anthrax and cholera

Background imageVest Collection: French Novelist Gustav Flaubert

French Novelist Gustav Flaubert
(Original Caption) Gustav Flaubert, French novelist. Undated Photograph

Background imageVest Collection: English Author Lewis Carroll

English Author Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll, whose real name is Charles L. Dodgson (1832-1989), is most noted for his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Background imageVest Collection: Elderly Bearded Man Wearing Straw Hat and Vest

Elderly Bearded Man Wearing Straw Hat and Vest
(Original Caption) Portrait of an elderly bearded man standing in a doorway, wearing a straw hat and wool vest. "Old Farmer Type." Undated photograph

Background imageVest Collection: Boy Carrying Groceries In Basket

Boy Carrying Groceries In Basket
(Original Caption) A young boy carries a basket of groceries. Undated photograph, circa 1950's

Background imageVest Collection: John Lennon And Yoko Ono At Press Conf

John Lennon And Yoko Ono At Press Conf
(Original Caption) 4/2/1973- New York, NY: John Lennon, a former "Beatle" with wife, Yoko Ono, during a press conference. Slide shows a waist up of the couple looking to the right

Background imageVest Collection: Competition with the 'Easy' Lawn Mower Advertisement

Competition with the "Easy" Lawn Mower Advertisement
Lawn "Easy" mower competition: Five men mowing the lawn on this lithographed advertisement from 1880

Background imageVest Collection: Illustration Depicting Prostitutes Cavorting with Swells

Illustration Depicting Prostitutes Cavorting with Swells
Prositutes cavorting with swells. 1879 woodcut

Background imageVest Collection: The Close of the Battle or the Champion Triumphant

The Close of the Battle or the Champion Triumphant
(Original Caption) Boxing battle between Thomas Cribb and Molineaux (aka Thomas Molyneaux or Molyneux)

Background imageVest Collection: Dick Swiveller Book Illustration by Kyd

Dick Swiveller Book Illustration by Kyd
A color illustration to Dicken's The Old Curiosity Shop depicting the dandy, Dick Swiveller

Background imageVest Collection: It's Up to You Recruitment Poster by Schneck

It's Up to You Recruitment Poster by Schneck
(Original Caption) World War I enlistment poster, "Protect the Nation's Honor". Undated illustration

Background imageVest Collection: Illustration Of Early Bullet Proof Vest

Illustration Of Early Bullet Proof Vest
(Original Caption) Firing a revolver upon the vest at two paces distance. Undated Woodcut. BPA2# 224

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