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Wading Collection

Background imageWading Collection: Curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea), two birds wading through water, pecking, side view

Curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea), two birds wading through water, pecking, side view

Background imageWading Collection: Flamingo flock, Ras al Khor Sanctuary, Dubai

Flamingo flock, Ras al Khor Sanctuary, Dubai
Ras Al Khor wildlife Sanctuary

Background imageWading Collection: Caesar crossing the Rubicon

Caesar crossing the Rubicon
Illustration of a Caesar crossing the Rubicon. This event of crossing a small stream in Northern Italy became one of ancient historys most pivotal events, for from it sprang the Roman Empire

Background imageWading Collection: Common curlew, Numenius arquata

Common curlew, Numenius arquata, Oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus, Ringed Plover, Charadrius hiaticula, Red Knot, Calidris canutus, Turnstone, Arenaria interpres, beach scene

Background imageWading Collection: Tadpoles of the Common Toad -Bufo bufo- in a muddy puddle, Allgau, Bavaria, Germany

Tadpoles of the Common Toad -Bufo bufo- in a muddy puddle, Allgau, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: King penguins marching to sea to wash feathers

King penguins marching to sea to wash feathers
King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) adult birds marching to sea together for morning wash of feathers to maintain their insulating qualities

Background imageWading Collection: Heart of stones in water, view over Lake Konigssee

Heart of stones in water, view over Lake Konigssee, Berchtesgaden National Park, Berchtesgadener Land district, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: Actresses on Way to Klondike Gold Mine

Actresses on Way to Klondike Gold Mine
A man carries an actress across an Alaskan river while others must ford it to get to a gold mine. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageWading Collection: Swimmers Wading at Coney Island

Swimmers Wading at Coney Island
(Original Caption) 1928- Brooklyn, NY: Beach scene at Coney Island. SEE NOTE

Background imageWading Collection: People on carousel in sea

People on carousel in sea
1931-Revelers at the beach using a buoy for the North Shore Electric Co. with a sign saying "Danger Stay Off, " as a swing ride

Background imageWading Collection: Oil Field Worker

Oil Field Worker
(Original Caption) 1933-Baku, Russia: Soviet worker drenched with oil at a well in Lock-Batan, in the suburbs of Baku

Background imageWading Collection: Ava Gardner at Beach

Ava Gardner at Beach
Actress Ava Gardner on the beach. She wears a two-piece bathing suit and stands with one foot up in ankle-deep water. Undated photograph

Background imageWading Collection: Woman with Man Dressed as Santa Wading in Pool

Woman with Man Dressed as Santa Wading in Pool
(Original Caption) 12/6/1940-Palm Springs, CA-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: To spread word of that 93 degree temperature in Southern California

Background imageWading Collection: American Troops Land at Omaha Beach

American Troops Land at Omaha Beach
Americans from the 1st US Infantry land at Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6 1944. Omaha proved to be the toughest of the Normandy beaches to land at; 2, 400 died in the first wave of the invasion

Background imageWading Collection: American Soldiers Crossing a River

American Soldiers Crossing a River
American soldiers cross a river on the island of Bougainville carrying artillery shells on their way back to the front

Background imageWading Collection: Toddlers Kissing in Lake Michigan

Toddlers Kissing in Lake Michigan
James Gould and Leslie Dutka, both two years old, share a friendly kiss on the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago, Illinois

Background imageWading Collection: Mother and Son Playing Beside Wading Pool

Mother and Son Playing Beside Wading Pool
(Original Caption) A woman and her young son sit at the edge of the wading pool at Buck Hill Falls, Pennsylvania. Undated photograph

Background imageWading Collection: Man Salvaging During Flood in Basements

Man Salvaging During Flood in Basements
(Original Caption) 11/7/1950- Boston

Background imageWading Collection: Koreans Fleeing P'yongyang

Koreans Fleeing P'yongyang
(Original Caption) 12/10/1950-Pyongyang, Korea: Thousands of North Koreans flee the oncoming Red Chinese hordes, as they brave the icy waters of the Teadong River in their flight south

Background imageWading Collection: Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen

Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen
(Original Caption) Humphrey Bogart towing the African Queen through the jungle swamp in "The African Queen." Movie still

Background imageWading Collection: U.S. Troops Arrive on Beach

U.S. Troops Arrive on Beach
(Original Caption) 7/15/1958-Beirut, Lebanon-: The first U.S. Marines to arrive hit the beach at Khalde outside Beirut. Note ships of the Sixth Fleet in the background

Background imageWading Collection: Soldiers Wading Through Water In Vietnam

Soldiers Wading Through Water In Vietnam
(Original Caption) Vietnam: Picture shows a troop of US soldiers wading through the water. Undated photo circa 1960s

Background imageWading Collection: Paul McCartney Wading with Florida Girls

Paul McCartney Wading with Florida Girls
Paul McCartney, taking advantage of some relaxation time on the Beatles 1964 concert tour, splashes in the Atlantic at Miami Beach with two girls

Background imageWading Collection: The Beatles Playing in Surf in Miami Beach

The Beatles Playing in Surf in Miami Beach
Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon (L-R) splash onlookers while wading along the surf in Miami Beach, Florida

Background imageWading Collection: Golfer Billy Patton Chipping from Water

Golfer Billy Patton Chipping from Water
(Original Caption) 6/19/1964-Bethesda, MD- Billy Joe Patton of Morganton, North Carolina stands with one foot in the water as he chips to the 18th green during play in the National Open

Background imageWading Collection: American Marines Wading Ashore

American Marines Wading Ashore
(Original Caption) 7/7/1965-Da Nang, South Vietnam: United States Marines of the First Battalion, Ninth Regiment, storm ashore from landing craft during reinforcement of the key Da Nang airbase

Background imageWading Collection: American Troops Wading Across River During Vietnam War

American Troops Wading Across River During Vietnam War
(Original Caption) 9/21/1965-Ben Khe, South Vietnam: Some manouvers get wet for the soldiers in South Viet Nam

Background imageWading Collection: Soldiers Wade Across Swollen Stream

Soldiers Wade Across Swollen Stream
(Original Caption) 10/22/1965-Phouc Vinh, South Vietnam- Lifeline aids U. S. First Infantrymen as they wade swollen stream during recent operation north of here October 16

Background imageWading Collection: Robert Kennedy Walking on Beach with Dog

Robert Kennedy Walking on Beach with Dog
Senator Robert Kennedy leaves the cares of campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination behind for a little while, as he and his dog, Freckles, take a stroll in the surf

Background imageWading Collection: Troops Patrolling on River

Troops Patrolling on River
(Original Caption) 7/13/1968- Moc Hoa, South Vietnam: Sgt Joseph L. Dennison of Pittsburgh, PA

Background imageWading Collection: US Marines on Patrol in The Mekong Delta 1968

US Marines on Patrol in The Mekong Delta 1968 | Location: Near Dong Tam, South Vietnam

Background imageWading Collection: Man and Woman Wading Nude Through Stream

Man and Woman Wading Nude Through Stream
(Original Caption) 9/10/1975-Minneapolis, MN- Two skinny dippers wade through a stream here covering their rears with leaves, as they engage in the latest rage since the publicized recent ruling

Background imageWading Collection: MacArthur Returning to Philippines

MacArthur Returning to Philippines
(Original Caption) Leyte, P.I.: Gen. Douglas MacArthur (left) and his chief of staff, Lt. Gen

Background imageWading Collection: Jesus and the dove

Jesus and the dove

Background imageWading Collection: Two flamingos

Two flamingos

Background imageWading Collection: Three penguins sliding down snowy slope into water, one penguin wading in water

Three penguins sliding down snowy slope into water, one penguin wading in water

Background imageWading Collection: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias), with long legs and silver-blue feathers, side view

Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias), with long legs and silver-blue feathers, side view

Background imageWading Collection: Tree in water, Andreas Damm, Khomas, Namibia

Tree in water, Andreas Damm, Khomas, Namibia

Background imageWading Collection: Woman in swimsuit running on shoreline, (B&W)

Woman in swimsuit running on shoreline, (B&W)

Background imageWading Collection: Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) feeding on freshwater snails in shallow water. These birds feed mainly on aquatic invertebrates insects such as freshwater snails, mussels, crabs and crayfish

Background imageWading Collection: Dipper -Cinclus cinclus- on a rock in the water, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Dipper -Cinclus cinclus- on a rock in the water, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta- foraging for food

Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta- foraging for food, Oosterend, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands

Background imageWading Collection: Muskrat -Ondatra zibethicus-, swimming, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Muskrat -Ondatra zibethicus-, swimming, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: African elephant -Loxodonta africana- elephants bathing in the water

African elephant -Loxodonta africana- elephants bathing in the water, social behavior, group, Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Background imageWading Collection: Dice Snake -Natrix tessellata

Dice Snake -Natrix tessellata-, darting its tongue, in the water, with reflection, Bulgaria

Background imageWading Collection: Wild Horse at Orkhon Valley in centreal Mongolia

Wild Horse at Orkhon Valley in centreal Mongolia
Orkhon Valley is kind of cultural landscape, sometimes its called: Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape, its located about 320km from west of capital

Background imageWading Collection: Operation Prairie

Operation Prairie
October 1966: Five team members of F Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Regiment, US Army, wade through a waist-deep stream, roofed over by dense jungle, about 400 metres south of the de-militarized zone

Background imageWading Collection: Muscles of man, lithograph, published in 1877

Muscles of man, lithograph, published in 1877
Muscles of man, front and rear views. Lithograph, published in 1877

Background imageWading Collection: David Livingstone last journey

David Livingstone last journey
Vinatge engraving from1875 of the last journey of David Livingstone (1813 to 1873) a Scottish Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in Africa

Background imageWading Collection: ford

Japanese scenery: ford

Background imageWading Collection: animals, beach, bird, borth y gest, calm, color image, day, high angle view, horizontal

animals, beach, bird, borth y gest, calm, color image, day, high angle view, horizontal, large group of animals, nature, no people, north wales, ocean, outdoors, oystercatcher, pattern, photography

Background imageWading Collection: Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) in lake

Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) in lake
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya, the flamingos are moving away in unison after spotting an eagle in flight

Background imageWading Collection: Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) feeding in shallow lake

Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) feeding in shallow lake
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

Background imageWading Collection: Lesser flamingos building mud nests on edge of shallow, alkaline lake

Lesser flamingos building mud nests on edge of shallow, alkaline lake
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya, lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor)

Background imageWading Collection: Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) in shallow, alkaline lake

Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) in shallow, alkaline lake
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya, elevated view

Background imageWading Collection: Lesser flamingos walking and feeding on algae at edge of alkaline lake

Lesser flamingos walking and feeding on algae at edge of alkaline lake
Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya, lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor)

Background imageWading Collection: Great blue heron illustration 1897

Great blue heron illustration 1897
Annual Report of the Forest, Fish and Game Commission New York 1897

Background imageWading Collection: Three African Elephants, Loxodonta african

Three African Elephants, Loxodonta african, playing in water, one squirting water out of trunk, front view

Background imageWading Collection: Recurvirostra avosetta, Pied Avocet wading and bending to dip its beak in water, side view

Recurvirostra avosetta, Pied Avocet wading and bending to dip its beak in water, side view

Background imageWading Collection: Head of smiling seal emerging from water in circular hole in icy surface

Head of smiling seal emerging from water in circular hole in icy surface

Background imageWading Collection: Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), wading in water, side view

Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), wading in water, side view

Background imageWading Collection: Two Ringed plovers (Charadrius hiaticula), one wading in water, the other standing nearby

Two Ringed plovers (Charadrius hiaticula), one wading in water, the other standing nearby

Background imageWading Collection: Common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), wading in water, side view

Common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), wading in water, side view

Background imageWading Collection: Illustration of a white stork holding fish in its beak, nearby a frog sitting on lily pad

Illustration of a white stork holding fish in its beak, nearby a frog sitting on lily pad

Background imageWading Collection: Tricolored heron, Egretta tricolor

Tricolored heron, Egretta tricolor, stalking prey. You can see its feet through the water. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. UNESCO World Heritage Site (Biosphere Reserve)

Background imageWading Collection: Great blue heron, Ardea herodias

Great blue heron, Ardea herodias, stalks a fish as an alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, stalks the stalker. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. UNESCO World Heritage Site (Biosphere Reserve)

Background imageWading Collection: Black-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus

Black-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus, searching for food in shallow water. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. UNESCO World Heritage Site (Biosphere Reserve)

Background imageWading Collection: Green heron, Butorides virescens

Green heron, Butorides virescens, stalking prey. Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. UNESCO World Heritage Site (Biosphere Reserve)

Background imageWading Collection: Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), Iceland, Europe

Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago), Iceland, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- standing in shallow water

Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- standing in shallow water, with a captured fish in its beak, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia

Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia-, adult bird standing in shallow water, yawning, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Slender-billed Gull -Larus genei-, wading in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Slender-billed Gull -Larus genei-, wading in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia- foraging, Texel, The Netherlands

Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia- foraging, Texel, The Netherlands

Background imageWading Collection: Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water

Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Great Egret -Casmerodius albus

Great Egret -Casmerodius albus-, flushing out small fish, Rottenschwil, Switzerland, Europe

Background imageWading Collection: Grey Wagtail -Motacilla cinerea- perched on dead wood reflected in the water

Grey Wagtail -Motacilla cinerea- perched on dead wood reflected in the water, Hesse, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: Great Egret -Ardea alba- with outstretched wings, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Great Egret -Ardea alba- with outstretched wings, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: Cape buffalo -Syncerus caffer-, Buffalo National Park, Caprivi Strip, Namibia, Africa

Cape buffalo -Syncerus caffer-, Buffalo National Park, Caprivi Strip, Namibia, Africa

Background imageWading Collection: Common Bottlenose Dolphin -Tursiops truncatus-, Floreana, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Common Bottlenose Dolphin -Tursiops truncatus-, Floreana, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Background imageWading Collection: Brydes Whale -Balaenoptera brydei-, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Brydes Whale -Balaenoptera brydei-, San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Background imageWading Collection: Great Egret -casmerodius albus

Great Egret -casmerodius albus, Egretta alba- walking during snowfall, North Hesse, Hesse, Germany

Background imageWading Collection: Golden Retriever, Tagliamento braided river, Forgaria nel Friuli, Udine province, Italy

Golden Retriever, Tagliamento braided river, Forgaria nel Friuli, Udine province, Italy

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