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Washing Collection

Background imageWashing Collection: Wringer, wet clothes dryer

Wringer, wet clothes dryer
Antique illustration of a wringer, wet clothes dryer

Background imageWashing Collection: Bathers in front of big hotels on Playa Levante, Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Spain beach

Bathers in front of big hotels on Playa Levante, Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Spain beach

Background imageWashing Collection: Naked woman showering, rear view

Naked woman showering, rear view

Background imageWashing Collection: Early Washing Machine

Early Washing Machine
circa 1860: An early labour-saving machine for clothes washing, comprising a water barrel, water boiler, agitator and mangle. (Photo by Chaloner Woods/Getty Images)

Background imageWashing Collection: Parisian Luxury

Parisian Luxury
circa 1824: A Parisian gentleman takes a bath attended by his barber and manicurist. George Cruikshank (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageWashing Collection: Cupecoy Beach, Saint Martin, French Antilles

Cupecoy Beach, Saint Martin, French Antilles
A long exposure of Cupecoy Beach coastal surf taken after sunset at twilight. Saint-Martin is one of five island dependencies of Guadeloupe. Situated in the French Antilles (French West Indies)

Background imageWashing Collection: Lago di Ledro and Lake Ledro, Ledro, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Lago di Ledro and Lake Ledro, Ledro, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Background imageWashing Collection: Mothercraft

circa 1910: Mothercraft lessons for girls at a day nursery in Acton, showing how to bath a baby. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageWashing Collection: Slum Wash House

Slum Wash House
29th October 1955: Two newly built wash houses replace two slum houses at a Birmingham street. Original Publication: Picture Post - 8127 - The Housing Jungle - pub

Background imageWashing Collection: Chinese Tent Scene, At Night

Chinese Tent Scene, At Night
(Original Caption) The Coming Man. Chinese tent scene, at night, on the California Pacific Railroad, Sacramento Valley, Ca. Woodcut, 1870

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Using Home Washing Machine

Woman Using Home Washing Machine
Woman using home washing machine and wringer. Lithograph, 1870

Background imageWashing Collection: Family Washing Corpse for Burial

Family Washing Corpse for Burial
(Original Caption) Japan- Manners and customs: Washing a corpse for burial. Undated photograph

Background imageWashing Collection: Miners Panning for Gold

Miners Panning for Gold
(Original Caption) Rockerville, SD: "We have it rich!" Washing and panning gold at Rockerville, Dakota. Old timers Spriggs Lamb, and Dillon at work. Photograph and copyright by Crabill, 1899

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Washing; Boy On Floor; Kitchen

Woman Washing; Boy On Floor; Kitchen
(Original Caption) 1891-The washerwoman and her son. Taking in laundry. Photographed, 1891

Background imageWashing Collection: Klondike Miners Washing Out Gold 1897

Klondike Miners Washing Out Gold 1897
(Original Caption) Klondike miners washing out gold. Photo 1897

Background imageWashing Collection: Advertisement For Gold Dust Powder

Advertisement For Gold Dust Powder
(Original Caption) 1897-Kitchenmaid washing dishes. Ad for Gold Dust Washing Powder. "It cleans everything." Lithograph, 1897

Background imageWashing Collection: Elderly Woman Washing Clothes On Board

Elderly Woman Washing Clothes On Board
(Original Caption) Elderly woman washing clothes on scrubboard. Photograph, 1930's

Background imageWashing Collection: French Peasant Woman Doing Her Laundry

French Peasant Woman Doing Her Laundry
(Original Caption) French peasant woman doing her laundry in the village pond. Undated photograph

Background imageWashing Collection: Girls (6-7) washing hands in wash bowl

Girls (6-7) washing hands in wash bowl
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Hanging Wash To Dry

Woman Hanging Wash To Dry
(Original Caption) Silhouttes of a woman doing the laundry. Undated photograph.BPA2# 722

Background imageWashing Collection: Washboard; Engraving

Washboard; Engraving
(Original Caption) Washboard. Undated engraving. BPA2# 729

Background imageWashing Collection: Gold Washing In California

Gold Washing In California
(Original Caption) Original Caption - Gold washing in California. Drawing by Darley. Undated

Background imageWashing Collection: Miners Panning In River

Miners Panning In River
(Original Caption) Auriferorus placers of the Tipuani Valley in Bolivia. Undated woodcut, after a drawing in watercolor by Deherrvpon. Undated engraving

Background imageWashing Collection: Lithographic For Laundry Soap/Ca. 1880

Lithographic For Laundry Soap/Ca. 1880
(Original Caption) Laundry scene: Children acclaiming Buchan's Carbolic Laundry Soap. Lithographic trade card, ca. 1880

Background imageWashing Collection: Colored Advertising Poster For Washer

Colored Advertising Poster For Washer
(Original Caption) Laundry: Colored advertising poster for home washer and wringer, 1870s

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Washing with Youngsters Nearby

Woman Washing with Youngsters Nearby
(Original Caption) Poverty: Woman doing laundry in a tenement with a baby in a cradle and a child crying. Photograph ca. 1910

Background imageWashing Collection: Workers at First Car Wash Spraying Car

Workers at First Car Wash Spraying Car
(Original Caption) 1/2/1925-Chicago, IL-: Workers at the world's first car wash in Chicago spray the body and the running gear of the cars as they proceed through the laundry

Background imageWashing Collection: Smiling Housewife Scrubbing Floor

Smiling Housewife Scrubbing Floor
Down on her hands and knees. Housewife cleaning floor. Photograph, 1926

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Washing Dishes By Hand, 1926

Woman Washing Dishes By Hand, 1926
(Original Caption) A woman washes dishes in a kitchen sink. Photograph, 1926

Background imageWashing Collection: Hanging Puppy to Dry with Clothes

Hanging Puppy to Dry with Clothes
(Original Caption) 1926: Little Virginia Wooden of Baltimore, MD. knows of no good reason why her pet pup should be treated differently from anything else she's washed

Background imageWashing Collection: Women Use Modern Machinery to Clean Grain

Women Use Modern Machinery to Clean Grain
Soviet women on a collective farm in the USSR use machinery to clean grain

Background imageWashing Collection: Mother Washing Dishes

Mother Washing Dishes
(Original Caption) 10/1/1937-Berwynd, MDThe lady of one of the first families to move into Greenbelt, model town built by the government near Berwynd, MD

Background imageWashing Collection: Tenant Farmer And Wife On Front Porch

Tenant Farmer And Wife On Front Porch
(Original Caption) Tenant farmer and his wife on the front porch of their home. Warner (vicinity), Oklahoma. Photograph, June 1939

Background imageWashing Collection: Migrant Camp Laundry

Migrant Camp Laundry
(Original Caption) 10/1/1939- Visalia, CA: In this Federal Farm Security camp laundry, a young "mig" washes the children while his wife washes the clothes

Background imageWashing Collection: Young Actress Elizabeth Taylor Bathing Her Dog

Young Actress Elizabeth Taylor Bathing Her Dog
(Original Caption) Elizabeth Taylor, the 17-year-old star of MGM studio who skyrocketed to film fame as a child star in such animal epics as National Velvet and Lassie series

Background imageWashing Collection: Sharecropper Family

Sharecropper Family
(Original Caption) "Poor white" sharecropper family, Ozark Mountains, Bella Vista, Arkansas

Background imageWashing Collection: Marine Cadets Wash Clothing

Marine Cadets Wash Clothing
(Original Caption) 11/31/1941-Parris Island, S.C.: During the seven weeks training course for recruits of the U.S

Background imageWashing Collection: Two Soldiers Washing Clothes

Two Soldiers Washing Clothes
The photographer surprised these two Fifth Avenue GIs, James L. Stintson of New York and Raymond C. Jones, cooperating on a laundry project on the Anzio-Nettuno beachhead

Background imageWashing Collection: Seamen Take Time Out To Do Their Laundry

Seamen Take Time Out To Do Their Laundry
(Original Caption) 12/02/1944-Bougainville, N. Solomons...Left to right Henry Mellow Jr. Seaman 2/C of Somerville, Mass. and Herman S. Green Seaman 2/C of Fredericksburg, VA

Background imageWashing Collection: Mother with Child on Back Bathes Other Child

Mother with Child on Back Bathes Other Child
(Original Caption) 9/21/1945-Tokyo, Japan-Tokyo today is a far cry from the pre-war "Imperial City." All over there is hunger

Background imageWashing Collection: Invention Of The Laundromat, Laundry

Invention Of The Laundromat, Laundry
(Original Caption) 10/12/1945. The Mansfield, O."Laundromat" is a new developement of a new type of laundry service. Photo shows Mrs. Hout removing her wash from one of the new machines

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Ironing Her Clothes In Laundromat

Woman Ironing Her Clothes In Laundromat
(Original Caption) 10/12/1945-Mansfield, OR: At present, the Mansfield, OR, "Laundromat" has but one automatic drier and one ironing machine, on which Mrs. Hout is shown finishing her wash

Background imageWashing Collection: Mother Washing The Windows In Her Home

Mother Washing The Windows In Her Home
(Original Caption) Washing windows until they glisten- one of mother's many chores

Background imageWashing Collection: Man Using Trough To Wash Gold From Earth

Man Using Trough To Wash Gold From Earth
(Original Caption) Photo shows a man using a trough (a Long Tom) to wash the gold from gold-bearing earth. Undated

Background imageWashing Collection: Dressed- up cat washing clothes in wash tub

Dressed- up cat washing clothes in wash tub

Background imageWashing Collection: Black Woman Laundering On Fl Plantation

Black Woman Laundering On Fl Plantation
A Black laundress on a plantation in Florida, washing outdoors in a wooden tub

Background imageWashing Collection: Indians Working At Stream

Indians Working At Stream
(Original Caption) Tank Petta Road, Bangalore. Indians working by stream

Background imageWashing Collection: Russian Prisoners Washing Clothes

Russian Prisoners Washing Clothes
(Original Caption) Russian prisoners are shown washing their clothes at Autuug (?). Undated photograph

Background imageWashing Collection: Housewife Is Shown Pumping Water In Kitc

Housewife Is Shown Pumping Water In Kitc
(Original Caption) Wash Day- Before the age of electricity, much time was lost every Monday by having to draw water by hand for the laundry work

Background imageWashing Collection: Women Washing Laundry In River

Women Washing Laundry In River
(Original Caption) Mexico: Women, surrounded by heaps of laundry and laundry baskets, washing their clothes in the Tenayuca River. Undated photograph

Background imageWashing Collection: Two Young Women Washing Dishes

Two Young Women Washing Dishes
(Original Caption) Vermont: Two young women wash dishes in a home kitchen. They are shown full-length, wearing aprons. Undated photograph

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman Cleaning Victorian Home

Woman Cleaning Victorian Home

Background imageWashing Collection: Bettman Archive Brochure

Bettman Archive Brochure

Background imageWashing Collection: Catalog Page Showing Early Washing Machines

Catalog Page Showing Early Washing Machines
(Original Caption) Catalog page, ca. 1915, from the Charles Williams Stores Company, New York, featuring various early washing machine models. Engravings

Background imageWashing Collection: Manner Of Washing Gold In The Mountains

Manner Of Washing Gold In The Mountains
(Original Caption) Manner of washing gold in the Brazilian mountains. Undated illustration. Published May 1, 1820

Background imageWashing Collection: Copper Ore Washing - Japanese Woodcut

Copper Ore Washing - Japanese Woodcut
(Original Caption) Woodcut depicting the washing of copper ore at a mine in Beschi, Japan. Undated illustration

Background imageWashing Collection: Sonorians Dry Washing Gold; Illustration

Sonorians Dry Washing Gold; Illustration
(Original Caption) Sonorians dry-washing gold. Undated illustration

Background imageWashing Collection: Illus/Muslims Preparing for Prayer

Illus/Muslims Preparing for Prayer
(Original Caption) Illustration showing devout Muslims engaged in religious activity "Ablution Before Prayer Outside a Mosque, Stamboul." Date written on print1886

Background imageWashing Collection: Mary Anoints The Feet Of Jesus

Mary Anoints The Feet Of Jesus
(Original Caption) Mary anoints the feet of Jesus. Undated steel engraving after a painting by P.P. Rubens

Background imageWashing Collection: 19Th Century Ad For Laundry Soap

19Th Century Ad For Laundry Soap
(Original Caption) Lithograph advertisement for L.I. Fisk & Co.'s Soaps. Illustration shows three women at various stages of doing the laundry. Ca. late 19th century

Background imageWashing Collection: Egyptian Woman'S Toillette

Egyptian Woman'S Toillette
(Original Caption) Cosmetics: Illustration of the toillette of an Egyptian woman. Undated. BPA2 #3630

Background imageWashing Collection: Laborers Washing The Phosphate Rock

Laborers Washing The Phosphate Rock
(Original Caption) Laborers washing the phosphate rock. South Carolina - The Charleston phosphate industry. Scenes and incidents of the preparation of the material for market

Background imageWashing Collection: Automatic Bottle Washing Machine Illus

Automatic Bottle Washing Machine Illus
(Original Caption) Engraving depicting the automatic bottle washing machine at Marguery Restaurant in Paris. Undated illustration

Background imageWashing Collection: Women In Dutch Costume Washing Streets

Women In Dutch Costume Washing Streets
(Original Caption) 5/19/1949-Holland, MI- Polishing the streets, these Dutch girls put Holland in sparkling shape for the annual Tulip Festival

Background imageWashing Collection: 3 Women Washing Clothes In Central Park

3 Women Washing Clothes In Central Park
(Original Caption) 12/16/1949-New York, NY: Dry Day, on which New Yorkers were supposed to go shaveless, bathless and laundryless

Background imageWashing Collection: Mary Ellen Lanks Washing Dog

Mary Ellen Lanks Washing Dog
(Original Caption) Even a dog must have clean ears

Background imageWashing Collection: Boy Watching Television

Boy Watching Television
A young boy wearing headphones watches a girl on television wash her pet dog

Background imageWashing Collection: Window Washer Cleaning Skyscraper Windows

Window Washer Cleaning Skyscraper Windows
(Original Caption) 7/7/1950-New York

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman taking bubble bath, (B&W), elevated view

Woman taking bubble bath, (B&W), elevated view
Easy Retouch, looking at camera, elevated view, waist up, sitting, young adult, 20s, 20-25 years, women, young women, adults only, only women, one person, brown hair, hairstyle, smiling, human back

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman taking bubble bath, holding soap bar, (B&W), portrait

Woman taking bubble bath, holding soap bar, (B&W), portrait
Easy Retouch, portrait, posing, looking at camera, waist up, arms outstretched, sitting, young adult, 20s, 20-25 years, women, young women, adults only, only women, one person, brown hair, hairstyle

Background imageWashing Collection: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz washing dishes at home on their five acre ranch

Background imageWashing Collection: Stars of the Musical South Pacific

Stars of the Musical South Pacific
(Original Caption) 1/17/1954-New York, New York- Mary Martin(left), who, as Ensign Nellie Forbush, washed "that man" out of her hair 900 times

Background imageWashing Collection: Hank Aaron Having His Leg Cast Removed

Hank Aaron Having His Leg Cast Removed
Dr. Bruce Brewer washes the ankle of Milwaukee Braves outfielder Hank Aaron after removing the slugger's cast

Background imageWashing Collection: Vice President Richard Nixon Working at Gas Station

Vice President Richard Nixon Working at Gas Station
(Original Caption) Vice President Richard M

Background imageWashing Collection: Women Surrounding Pool, Washing Clothes

Women Surrounding Pool, Washing Clothes
(Original Caption) 6/7/1957-Portugal: For a fee of three escudos (eleven cents), the women can use the local government wash-house. The cold water is diverted from the river into huge sinks

Background imageWashing Collection: Children Washing Street W/Push Brooms

Children Washing Street W/Push Brooms
(Original Caption) 8/17/1963-New York, NY- Negro youths form broom and bucket brigade, as they scrub streets, sidewalks, curbs and stoops in Harlem

Background imageWashing Collection: Freedom Marcher Washing His Feet

Freedom Marcher Washing His Feet
(Original Caption) Montgomery, Alabama: Johnnie Manuel, 16, of Selma, washes the mud off his feet as he and other freedom marchers halted, March 23

Background imageWashing Collection: Soldiers Washing Themselves in Stream

Soldiers Washing Themselves in Stream
(Original Caption) 12/16/1966-South Vietnam- GI's take time off from their duties to wash up in a cool stream near the Fourth Division's base camp on the Cambodian border

Background imageWashing Collection: Soldiers Relaxing Around Tank

Soldiers Relaxing Around Tank
(Original Caption) 10/17/1969-Saigon, Vietnam- Members of the 11th Armored Cavalry in the rubber plantation area at Loc Ninh and Quan Loi Oct. 17 are shown after their arrival here

Background imageWashing Collection: Moslems Washing Hands Outside Mosque

Moslems Washing Hands Outside Mosque
(Original Caption) 1983-Cairo, Egypt-: Moslems wash their hands outside of a mosque before entering

Background imageWashing Collection: WWII Soldiers Washing Clothes in Field

WWII Soldiers Washing Clothes in Field
(Original Caption) 11/22/1943-Australia- One man's shaving water can be another soldier's laundry water in Australia, where an open-air water tank supplies members of a B24 bombing group

Background imageWashing Collection: Woman taking bubble bath, holding soap bar, (B&W)

Woman taking bubble bath, holding soap bar, (B&W)
Easy Retouch, profile, waist up, sitting, young adult, 20s, 20-25 years, women, young women, adults only, only women, one person, brown hair, hairstyle, smiling, human back, cheerful, enjoyment

Background imageWashing Collection: Standard washcare symbols found on clothing

Standard washcare symbols found on clothing

Background imageWashing Collection: Illustration of ancient Greek girl taking a shower, female slave passing her a towel

Illustration of ancient Greek girl taking a shower, female slave passing her a towel

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