The Buddha TreeFamous tree that has grown around a Buddha head in Ayutthaya Thailand
Wat Phra Si Samphet temple Ayutthaya Thailand, Ayutthaya province in Thailand
Wat Phra Si SanphetAyutthaya, Thailand
Chedi Stupas of Ayutthaya Historical ParkThree giant chedi stupas of Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple, with pillars and ruins in foreground.Part of the Ayutthaya Historical Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Chedi Stupas of Ayutthaya Historical ParkThree giant chedi stupas of Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple.Part of the Ayutthaya Historical Park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Goats Grazing in the Ruins of Ayutthaya, ThailandLocation: Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Buddhist Temple, located within the old Royal Palace grounds of Ayutthaya
Wat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand.Historic City of Ayuthaya is UNESCO Wold Heritage site
Wat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand
Tourist of Wat Phra Si SanphetWat Phra Si Sanphet.Buddhas Temple in Ayuthaya, Thailand
Pagoda at Wat Phra Sri Sanphet Temple is world heritage, Ayutthaya, Thailand