Texel sheep, mouflons -Ovis orientalis aries-, silhouette of ewe and lamb at dusk, Oudeschild, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Willow Warbler -Phylloscopus trochilus- perched on a catkins bush, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Black-tailed Godwits -Limosa limosa-, displaying, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta- foraging for food, Oosterend, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia- foraging, Texel, The Netherlands
Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia- standing in water, Texel, The Netherlands
Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia- in flight, Texel, The Netherlands
Air fight between two Sandwich Terns -Sterna sandvicensis-, Texel, The Netherlands
Lamb -Ovis orientalis aries- standing in dandelion meadow, Texel, The Netherlands
Sheep -Ovis orientalis aries- with lamb feeding in dandelion meadow, Texel, The Netherlands
Pairing of two Pied Avocets -Recurvirostra avosetta-, Texel, The Netherlands
Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta- standing in water, Texel, The Netherlands
Oystercatcher -Haematopus ostralegus- in flight, Texel, The Netherlands
Black-tailed Godwit -Limosa limosa- standing on a wooden pole, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Bluethroat -Luscinia svecica- perched on a branch, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Bluethroat -Luscinia svecica- with nesting material, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Bluethroat -Luscinia svecica- with a worm, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Bluethroat -Luscinia svecica cyanecula-, singing on perch, De Geul, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Bluethroat -Luscinia svecica cyanecula-, on perch, De Geul, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Wild Rabbit or Common Rabbit -Oryctolagus cuniculus-, feeding on flowering pussy willow -Salix sp-, De Geul, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia-, foraging for food, Wagejot nature reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, Netherlands
Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta-, Oosterend, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, Netherlands
Shelduck -Tadorna Tadorna-, alert male, drake, Wagejot nature reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, Province of North Holland, Netherlands
Common Terns -Sterna hirundo-, displaying, in preparation for mating, Ouedeschild, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Terns -Sterna hirundo-, mating, Ouedeschild, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Shelduck -Tadorna tadorna-, swimming, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Shelduck -Tadorna tadorna-, standing, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Two Pied Avocets -Recurvirostra avosetta-, Oosterend, Oosterend, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Tern -Sterna hirundo-, in flight, calling, Ouedeschild, Texel, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Black-tailed Godwit -Limosa limosa-, male in breeding plumage foraging for food, Waal en Burg nature reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, Netherlands
European Hare -Lepus europaeus-, running in the tall marram grass, Dunes of Texel National Park, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, Netherlands
Pied Avocet -Recurvirostra avosetta-, foraging for food, Wagejot Nature Reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, Netherlands
Little Ringed Plover -Charadrius dubius- reflected in water, Texel, The Netherlands
Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia-, Waal en Burg nature reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, courting display in dune grass, Duinen van Texel National Park, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Common Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus- in the evening light, Duinen van Texel National Park, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Pied Avocets -Recurvirostra avosetta-, mating, Wagejot nature reserve, Texel, West Frisian Islands, province of North Holland, The Netherlands
Redshank -Tringa totanus- wading on a meadow, Texel, West Frisian Islands, North Holland, Holland, The Netherlands
Redshank -Tringa totanus- on a meadow, Texel, West Frisian Islands, North Holland, Holland, The Netherlands
Common Pheasant -Phasianus colchicus-, flutter jump, Texel, West Frisian Islands, North Holland, Holland, The Netherlands
View of the Waddensea from the dyke in VlielandVlieland, one of the Frisian islands of the Netherlands. The view towards the Waddensea
Rescue hut on Vlieland (Friesland, Netherlands)The western half of the island of Vlieland consists of the deserted sands of the Vliehors. It is nicknamed The Sahara of the north. For the most part military training area
The pier looks like a piece of art on VlielandThis pier looks like a piece of art on Vlieland, Netherlands. It is the jetty for the small ferry to the other wadden island Texel