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Whale Collection

Background imageWhale Collection: Breaching Humpback Whale, Alaska

Breaching Humpback Whale, Alaska
USA, Alaska, Tongass National Forest, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) breaching in Frederick Sound

Background imageWhale Collection: Beluga whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Kareliya, Russia, White Sea, Arctic

Beluga whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Kareliya, Russia, White Sea, Arctic

Background imageWhale Collection: Beluga, White whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Odessa, Ukraine, Eastern Europe

Beluga, White whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Odessa, Ukraine, Eastern Europe

Background imageWhale Collection: Megaptera novaeangliae, Humpback Whale breaching

Megaptera novaeangliae, Humpback Whale breaching

Background imageWhale Collection: Old Map Elements

Old Map Elements
Old map icons, eps 9

Background imageWhale Collection: Megaptera novaeangliae, Humpback Whale, side view

Megaptera novaeangliae, Humpback Whale, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Whaling

An engraving of men in small row boats surrounding a whale a spearing it with harpoons, circa 1820. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Cape of Good Hope

Cape of Good Hope
Watercrafts sailing through the Cape of Good Hope while man tries to spear a whale

Background imageWhale Collection: Whalers on Beach with Slain Whale

Whalers on Beach with Slain Whale
(Original Caption) Long Island, New York: Whalers cutting "blanket pieces" from small whale

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale Breeching

Whale Breeching
(Original Caption) Whale "breeching" (coming out of water)

Background imageWhale Collection: Environmentalists Demonstrate at White House

Environmentalists Demonstrate at White House
(Original Caption

Background imageWhale Collection: South Sea Whaling

South Sea Whaling

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale Being Harpooned

Whale Being Harpooned
(Original Caption) Whaling adventure: "Captain Hunting's Fight."

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale Fishing

Whale Fishing
(Original Caption) Whale fishing in New England. "Cutting in."

Background imageWhale Collection: Whalers Cutting Chunk Out Of Whale

Whalers Cutting Chunk Out Of Whale
(Original Caption) Long Island, NY: Whalers cutting "blanket pieces" from small whale. Long Island, New York. Undated stereoscope

Background imageWhale Collection: 'South Sea Whaling' -- Engraving

"South Sea Whaling" -- Engraving
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a whaling party. Men are shown approaching a giant whale in two small rowboats. Engraving 1868 by W

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration of Men Attacking Whale with Hand Harpoon

Illustration of Men Attacking Whale with Hand Harpoon
(Original Caption) Attacking a whale with the hand harpoon. Engraving. BPA2 #5460

Background imageWhale Collection: 19th-Century Woodcut of Whaling

19th-Century Woodcut of Whaling
Fierce fight with and capture of two large whales off Amagansett, L.I. on December 12, 1885. The monsters diving after being harpooned. Undated engraving

Background imageWhale Collection: Book Illustration from Moby Dick by Isaac Walton Taber

Book Illustration from Moby Dick by Isaac Walton Taber
Illustration of Moby Dick orginally written by Herman Melville

Background imageWhale Collection: Portrait of Jacques Cartier

Portrait of Jacques Cartier
(Original Caption) Jacques Cartier, (1491-1557), French sailor and explorer who laid claim to the St. Lawrence River area for France

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration Of Various Aquatic Mammals

Illustration Of Various Aquatic Mammals
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting various aquatic mammals, including the walrus, the sea lion, and the spermageti whale. Undated color lithograph

Background imageWhale Collection: Der Fang des Walfisches. Illustration

Der Fang des Walfisches. Illustration
Illustration after a woodcut, "Der Fang des Walfisches (The Whalefishers), " from the book "Cosmographie Universelle de Thevet, " published in Paris in 1575

Background imageWhale Collection: The Perils Of Whaling Boat Overturned

The Perils Of Whaling Boat Overturned
(Original Caption) The perils of whaling, boat overturned. Woodcut, 1850'S. BPA2 #5459

Background imageWhale Collection: Man Helping Displaced Whale on Shoreline

Man Helping Displaced Whale on Shoreline
(Original Caption) Picture shows a 14 foot long

Background imageWhale Collection: Whaler Aiming Harpoon Gun on Ship

Whaler Aiming Harpoon Gun on Ship
The low sun silhouettes a whaler as he takes aim with his harpoon gun on the commercial whaling ship, Sioux City

Background imageWhale Collection: Byrd Baker Standing by Bus

Byrd Baker Standing by Bus
(Original Caption) Byrd Baker, of Mendocino, California, and the leader of the "Save The Whale Road Show, " is shown here en route to one of the exhibits in his traveling caravan

Background imageWhale Collection: Byrd Baker Holding Whale Skeleton

Byrd Baker Holding Whale Skeleton
(Original Caption) Byrd Baker, of Mendocino, California, and the leader of the "Save The Whale Road Show

Background imageWhale Collection: Byrd Baker Inside of Protest Bus

Byrd Baker Inside of Protest Bus
(Original Caption) Byrd Baker, of Mendocino, California, and the leader of the "Save The Whale Road Show, " is shown during one of the exhibits in his traveling caravan

Background imageWhale Collection: Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, side view

Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Diagram showing how baleen whale eats plankton and krill

Diagram showing how baleen whale eats plankton and krill

Background imageWhale Collection: Dutch Trade Map of the Baltic Sea

Dutch Trade Map of the Baltic Sea
Dutch Trade map of the Baltic Sea (hand-coloured engraving)

Background imageWhale Collection: Daniel interprets the dream

Daniel interprets the dream

Background imageWhale Collection: Jonah saved from the whale

Jonah saved from the whale

Background imageWhale Collection: Whaling Industry

Whaling Industry
An engraving of a school of sperm whales. Men in small row boats surround one whale and spear it with harpoons, circa 1820 (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Humpback Whale, Killer Whale, Beluga

Humpback Whale, Killer Whale, Beluga, Pacific White-Sided Dolphin, Ganges River Dolphin and Narwhal

Background imageWhale Collection: Balaenoptera musculus, Blue Whale, side view

Balaenoptera musculus, Blue Whale, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Orcinus orca, Killer Whale, side view

Orcinus orca, Killer Whale, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) with characteristically long tusk, side view

Narwhal (Monodon monoceros) with characteristically long tusk, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Cartoon, smiling whale spouting water from its blowhole, side view

Cartoon, smiling whale spouting water from its blowhole, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Whalers

circa 1850: Whalers harpoon a whale from their rowing boat. (Photo by Edward Gooch/Edward Gooch/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Dutch Navigators Encountering Flying Fish Illustration

Dutch Navigators Encountering Flying Fish Illustration
Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Illustration of Dutch Navigators Encountering Flying Fish. Copyright has expired on this artwork. Digitally restored

Background imageWhale Collection: Race For A Whale

Race For A Whale
Men in rowboats race out to sea on the hunt for a whale, circa 1820. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Greenland Whale Fishery

Greenland Whale Fishery
An engraving of a whale fishing boat off the coast of Greenland, circa 1800. Men in smaller boats surround and harpoon a large whale and are helped by men from the larger ship

Background imageWhale Collection: Cross-section underwater view of dolphins swimming and leaping over water surface

Cross-section underwater view of dolphins swimming and leaping over water surface, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Cartoon of a killer whale under a boat

Cartoon of a killer whale under a boat

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration of a Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) diving, multiple image

Illustration of a Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) diving, multiple image

Background imageWhale Collection: Breaching Humpback Whale and Rainbow, Alaska

Breaching Humpback Whale and Rainbow, Alaska
USA, Alaska, Angoon, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) breaching in Chatham Strait in front of rainbow on summer evening

Background imageWhale Collection: Diving Humpback Whale, Alaska

Diving Humpback Whale, Alaska
USA, Alaska, Tongass National Forest, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) raises its tail while diving in Frederick Sound on summer morning

Background imageWhale Collection: Humpback Whale Beaching, Hawaii

Humpback Whale Beaching, Hawaii
USA, Hawaii, Big Island, Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) breaching in Pacific Ocean along Kona Coast

Background imageWhale Collection: Artic fauna chromolithograph 1895

Artic fauna chromolithograph 1895
Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897

Background imageWhale Collection: Arctic fauna, lithograph, published in 1897

Arctic fauna, lithograph, published in 1897
Arctic fauna: 1) Polar bear (Ursus maritimus); 2) Wolverine (Gulo gulo); 3) Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus); 4) Mountain hare (Lepus timidus); 5) True lemming (Lemmus); 6) Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus); 7

Background imageWhale Collection: Adventure, Adult, Animal Behaviour, Animal Themes, Blonde Hair, Casual, Coastline

Adventure, Adult, Animal Behaviour, Animal Themes, Blonde Hair, Casual, Coastline, Cold, Day, Enjoyment, Female Likeness, Four Animals, Full Length, High Angle View, Illustration and Painting

Background imageWhale Collection: Antarctica, Port Lockroy, fin whale bones on shore, penguins nearby

Antarctica, Port Lockroy, fin whale bones on shore, penguins nearby
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

Background imageWhale Collection: Humpback whales feeding, Antarctic Peninsula

Humpback whales feeding, Antarctic Peninsula
Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) bubble net feeding in sea by blowing bubbles to concentrate prey of krill and small fish

Background imageWhale Collection: St. Brandans Celebration of the Holy Mass Engraving, Circa 1550

St. Brandans Celebration of the Holy Mass Engraving, Circa 1550
Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Illustration of St. Brandans Celebration of the Holy Mass on the Back of a Whale Engraving, Circa 1550

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale chromolitograph 1888

Whale chromolitograph 1888
Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms

Background imageWhale Collection: Narwhal illustration 1896

Narwhal illustration 1896
Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms

Background imageWhale Collection: Sperm whale engraving 1803

Sperm whale engraving 1803
The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale skeleton engraving 1803

Whale skeleton engraving 1803
The Museum of Natural History - the Animal Kingdom (Mammalia) Published by William Mackenzie, 1803 - London

Background imageWhale Collection: Sperm whale engraving 1851

Sperm whale engraving 1851
The Natural History of the Sacred Scriptures, By W. Bicknell, Tallis 1851 - London

Background imageWhale Collection: Common whale

Common whale
Antique illustration of a common whale

Background imageWhale Collection: Common Fin-whale (Physalus antiquorum)

Common Fin-whale (Physalus antiquorum)
Illustration engraving of a common Fin-whale (Physalus antiquorum, Balaenoptera physalus)

Background imageWhale Collection: Sperm Whale (Physeter Macrocephalus)

Sperm Whale (Physeter Macrocephalus)
Illustration of a Sperm Whale (Physeter Macrocephalus)

Background imageWhale Collection: Whaling Ship

Whaling Ship
Whaling boats attack a whale with gun harpoons. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Harpooning A Whale

Harpooning A Whale
An engraving of whalers at sea in a small boat attacking a whale with a had harpoon, circa 1820. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis, side view

Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Rissos Dolphin, Grampus griseus, side view

Rissos Dolphin, Grampus griseus, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Several Porpoise (Phoecoenidae) species simultaneously jumping out from water

Several Porpoise (Phoecoenidae) species simultaneously jumping out from water, Vaquita or Gulf Porpoise (phocoena sinus), Dalls Porpoise (phocoenoides dalli)

Background imageWhale Collection: Metal harpoon

Metal harpoon

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration, smiling Whale spouting water from its blow hole, side view

Illustration, smiling Whale spouting water from its blow hole, side view

Background imageWhale Collection: Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), or white whale, head

Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), or white whale, head

Background imageWhale Collection: Baleen Whale, showing ventral pleats

Baleen Whale, showing ventral pleats

Background imageWhale Collection: Longmans bearded whale, skull

Longmans bearded whale, skull

Background imageWhale Collection: Sequence of digital illustrations showing Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) wave hunting for seals resting on ice floes

Sequence of digital illustrations showing Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) wave hunting for seals resting on ice floes

Background imageWhale Collection: Digital illustration showing ring of foam technique used by Whales in hunting shaols of fish

Digital illustration showing ring of foam technique used by Whales in hunting shaols of fish

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration of whales and flying fish breaching

Illustration of whales and flying fish breaching

Background imageWhale Collection: Illustration of swimming patterns of a whale, fish and an otter

Illustration of swimming patterns of a whale, fish and an otter

Background imageWhale Collection: Humpback Whale, Alaska

Humpback Whale, Alaska
USA, Alaska, Close-up view of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaengliae) raising tail while sounding in Chatham Strait at sunset on summer evening

Background imageWhale Collection: Whale Cloud

Whale Cloud
A cloud that looks like a whale in the sky

Background imageWhale Collection: Whaling Vessel

Whaling Vessel
circa 1930: A whaling ship plunges through the waves during an Antarctic trip, dragging the carcasses of several whales behind it. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageWhale Collection: Beluga Whale, White Whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Sea of Japan, Primorsky Krai, Russia

Beluga Whale, White Whale -Delphinapterus leucas-, Sea of Japan, Primorsky Krai, Russia

Background imageWhale Collection: Common bottlenose dolphin -Tursiops truncatus- in Walvis Bay, Namibia

Common bottlenose dolphin -Tursiops truncatus- in Walvis Bay, Namibia

Background imageWhale Collection: Dusky Dolphin -Lagenorhynchus obscurus- in Walvis Bay, Namibia

Dusky Dolphin -Lagenorhynchus obscurus- in Walvis Bay, Namibia

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