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Insect Lithographs Collection

Colourful, anique insect print art reproductions from the 1800s

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146 Items

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Black veined white butterfly, Brimstone, Large white

Butterflies, Black veined white butterfly, Brimstone, Large white
Vintage engraving of Butterflies. 2. Black veined white, 3. Large white, 4. Small white, 5. Green veined white, 6. Bath white, 7. Irange Tip, 8. Wood white, 9. Clouded yellow, 10

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Mosses, lithograph, published in 1897

Mosses, lithograph, published in 1897
Mosses: 1) Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha); 2) Blasia pusilla and capsule (a); 3) Phaeoceros laevis (or Anthoceros leavis) and capsule (a); 4) Andreaea rupestris

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Darwinism, Natural Selection of Living Organisms, lithograph, published in 1897

Darwinism, Natural Selection of Living Organisms, lithograph, published in 1897
Darwinism - Principle of Natural Selection of Living Organisms by Charles Darwin (English naturalist)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Bark Beetle Hylesinus minor insect illustration 1897

Bark Beetle Hylesinus minor insect illustration 1897
Hylesinus minor piniperda Hylesinus, a genus of crenulate bark beetles in the family Curculionidae. Original edition from my own archives Source : " Meyers Konversations-Lexikon" 1897

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Arctiinae (tiger moths), lithograph, published around 1895

Arctiinae (tiger moths), lithograph, published around 1895
Arctiinae (tiger moths): 1) Purple Tiger (Diacrisia purpurata), male caterpillar (1a), female caterpillar (1b), pupa (1c), male moth (1d)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Nocturnal animals engraving 1897

Nocturnal animals engraving 1897
Nocturnal animals engraving

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moths, Sphingidae, Death s-head hawkmot, convolvulus, privet, pine

Moths, Sphingidae, Death s-head hawkmot, convolvulus, privet, pine
Vintage engraving of Death s-head hawkmoth (72. Acherontia atropos), convolvulus hawk-moth (73. Agrius convolvuli), privet hawk moth (74. Sphinx ligustri), pine hawk-moth (75)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Skippers butterflies of Europe

Skippers butterflies of Europe
Photo of an original antique lithograph from the " British and European butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera). By A. W. Kappel and W. Kirby published in 1895

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Stages and anatomy of a house fly

Stages and anatomy of a house fly
Vintage engraving of Stages and anatomy of a house fly, Victorian, 19th Century

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetle insect illustration 1881

Beetle insect illustration 1881
Steel engraving different beetles

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Anatomy of a beetle

Anatomy of a beetle
Illustration of a Anatomy of a beetle

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Lepidoptera, Butterflies, tortoiseshell butterfly, Red admiral, Painted lady

Lepidoptera, Butterflies, tortoiseshell butterfly, Red admiral, Painted lady
Vintage engraving of Butterflies. 23. Comma, 24. Small tortoiseshell, 25. large tortoiseshell, 26. Camberwell beauty, 27. Peacock, 28. Red admiral, 29. Painted lady, 30. White admiral, 31

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Vanessa cardui, the Painted Lady butteryfly, Wildlife art

Vanessa cardui, the Painted Lady butteryfly, Wildlife art
Vintage illustration of Vanessa cardui, the Painted Lady butteryfly, Wildlife art

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, Wildlife art

Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, Wildlife art
Vintage illustration of Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, Wildlife art

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Polygonia c-album, the comma butterfly, Wildlife art

Polygonia c-album, the comma butterfly, Wildlife art
Vintage illustration of Polygonia c-album, the comma butterfly, Wildlife art

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Nymphalis antiopa, the Mourning cloak or Camberwell beauty, Wildlife art

Nymphalis antiopa, the Mourning cloak or Camberwell beauty, Wildlife art
Vintage illustration of Nymphalis antiopa, the Mourning cloak or Camberwell beauty, Wildlife art

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Limenitis camilla, Eurasian white admiral butterfly, Wildlife art

Limenitis camilla, Eurasian white admiral butterfly, Wildlife art
Vintage illustration of Limenitis camilla, Eurasian white admiral butterfly, Wildlife art

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moths, Insects, Wainscot, Rufous, Lyme grass, Slender Clouded Brindle

Moths, Insects, Wainscot, Rufous, Lyme grass, Slender Clouded Brindle
261. CALAMIA PHRAGMITIDIS-Fen Wainscot. 262. MELIANA FLAMMEA-Flame Wainscot. 263. SENTA MARITIMA-Silky Wainscot. 264. CCENOBIA RUFA-Small Rufous. 265. TAPINOSTOLA FULVA-Small Wainscot. 266

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moths, Insects, Lichen Beauty, Marbled Green, Cambridge Beauty, Tussock

Moths, Insects, Lichen Beauty, Marbled Green, Cambridge Beauty, Tussock
ACRONYCTIDae. 226. BRYOPHILA ALGae-Tree Lichen Beauty. 227. BRYOPHILA MURALIS-Marbled Green. 228. BRYOPHILA IMPAR-Cambridge Beauty. 229. BRYOPHILA PERLA-Marbled Beauty. 230

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moths, Insects, Lappet, Kentish glory, Emperor, Hook tip, Kitten, Plumed Prominent

Moths, Insects, Lappet, Kentish glory, Emperor, Hook tip, Kitten, Plumed Prominent

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Natural History - Butterflies

Natural History - Butterflies
Vintage engraving of Butterflies. Podalirins (swallowtail), Arion (Large Blue), Van Urticae, Artaxerxes (Northern Brown Argus), Papilio machaon (Old World swallowtail), Chryseis, Machaon caterpillar

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Silkmoth, chromolithograph, published in 1897

Silkmoth, chromolithograph, published in 1897
Silkmoth: 1) Domestic silkmoth (Bombyx mori) with caterpillar, cocoons, and eggs; 2) Cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia, or Saturnia Cecropia); 3) Chinese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea pernyi)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Bark Beetle Eccopogaster scolytus insect illustration 1897

Bark Beetle Eccopogaster scolytus insect illustration 1897
Eccopogaster scolytus - bark beetle Original edition from my own archives Source : " Meyers Konversations-Lexikon" 1897

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetle Pine weevil insect illustration 1897

Beetle Pine weevil insect illustration 1897
Hylobius abietis or the large pine weevil is a beetle belonging to family Curculionidae. Original edition from my own archives Source : " Meyers Konversations-Lexikon" 1897

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Weevil Pissodes notatus insect illustration 1897

Weevil Pissodes notatus insect illustration 1897
Pissodes notatus A few Pissodes species are considered to be pests. Pissodes is a genus of weevils described by Ernst Friedrich Germar in 1817

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Bark Beetle Bostrichus typographus insect illustration 1897

Bark Beetle Bostrichus typographus insect illustration 1897
Bostrichus typographus ( Eight-toothed spruce bark beetle ) Its scientific name is Ips typographus (I. typographus)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: A sheet of very rare watercolor Victorian lithography depicting butterflies

A sheet of very rare watercolor Victorian lithography depicting butterflies
A sheet of antique watercolor Victorian lithography depicting butterflies, the work of the late 19th century

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Forest pest: beetles and moth, chromolithograph, published in 1897

Forest pest: beetles and moth, chromolithograph, published in 1897
Forest pest: beetles and moth. Chromolithograph, published in 1897

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration

caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration
A caterpillar, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Owlet, magpie and other moths

Owlet, magpie and other moths
Photo of an original antique lithograph from the " British and European butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera). By A. W. Kappel and W. Kirby published in 1895

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Owlet moths, Red Sword-grass moth

Owlet moths, Red Sword-grass moth
Photo of an original antique lithograph from the " British and European butterflies and moths (Macrolepidoptera). By A. W. Kappel and W. Kirby published in 1895

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration

Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration
Moth, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Fauna KdN t066 Epeira - Arachnida

Fauna KdN t066 Epeira - Arachnida
Epeira - Arachnida

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Swallow tail butterfly and Black veined brown, Skippers

Butterflies, Swallow tail butterfly and Black veined brown, Skippers
Vintage engraving of Butterflies. 1. Swallow tail, 12. Black veined Brown, 63. Duke of Burgundy, 64. Grizzled skipper, 65. Dingy skipper, 66. Small Skipper, 67. Essex skipper, 68

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Brown hairstreak butterfly, Large copper, Blue, Argus

Butterflies, Brown hairstreak butterfly, Large copper, Blue, Argus
Vintage engraving of Butterflies. 44. Brown hairstreak, 45. Black hairstreak, 46. White letter hairstreak, 47. Purple hairstreak, 48. Green hairstreak, 49. Long tailed blue, 50

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moths, Sphingidae, Bedstraw hawk-moth, Spurge, Striped, Elephant, Oleander

Moths, Sphingidae, Bedstraw hawk-moth, Spurge, Striped, Elephant, Oleander
Vintage engraving of Bedstraw hawk-moth (76. Hyles gallii), Spurge hawk-moth (77. Hyles euphorbiae), Striped hawk moth (78. Hyles livornica), silver-striped hawk-moth (79)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Insects cicada bug beetle 1881

Insects cicada bug beetle 1881
Steel engraving of different insects

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Insects, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Insects, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), 2) European mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa), 3) European mantis (Mantis religiosa), 4) Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. Orange Tip Butterfly, 1a. Female, 2. Wood White, 3. Marbled White, 4. Wood Angus, 5. Wall Butterfly, 6. Grayling

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration

caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration
A caterpillar, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration

Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration
Moth, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration

Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration
Moth, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration

Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration
Moth, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration

caterpillar, a 18th century scientific illustration
A caterpillar, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration

Moth, a 18th century scientific illustration
Moth, a photograpth of a rare original scientific hand-colored illustration from Der Insecten Belustigung by August Roesel von Rosenhof in 1740

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetles, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Beetles, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) Museum beetle (Anthrenus museorum), 2) common pine shoot beetle (Tomicus piniperda), 3) Nicrophorus vespilloides, 4) Devils coach horse beetle (Ocypus olens)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Bees old litho print from 1852

Bees old litho print from 1852
Beautiful coloured antique lithograph of various bee species from Plate 70, Volume 2: A History Of The Earth And Animated Nature by Oliver Goldsmith, 1852. Honey Bee 1. Worker 2. Male 3. Queen 4, 5

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: butterflys, scientific illustration, lithograph, 1842

butterflys, scientific illustration, lithograph, 1842
Charles d Orbignys Dictionanaire Universal d Histoire Naturelle 1839-1849. Steel engraving. Original hand coloring

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Insects, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Insects, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) Giant Woodwasp (Urocerus gigas), 2) Ophion ventricosus, 3) Hornet (Vespa crabro), 4) Honeybee (Apis), 5) Large earth bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), 6) Pale giant horse-fly (Tabanus bovinus)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Butterflies, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) Lobster Moth (Stauropus fagi), 2) Lappet (Gastropacha quercifolia), 3) Oak Processionary (Thaumetopoea processionea), 4) Apollo (Parnassius apollo), 5) Pine-tree Lappet (Dendrolimus pini)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880

Butterflies, hand-colored lithograph, published in 1880
1) New Pine Knot-horn (Dioryctria sylvestrella), 2) Six-spot Burnet (Zygaena filipendulae), 3) Scarce Silver-lines (Bena bicolorana), 4) White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1.Large Tortoiseshell, 2. Small Tortoiseshell, 3. Comma, 4. Silver washed Fritillary, 4a. Female

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Woodland Skipper, Lepidoptera, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement

Woodland Skipper, Lepidoptera, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement
Woodland Skipper, Lepidoptera, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal, Insect Lithographs, 154955294

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. Brown Hair Streak, 1a. Female, 2. Black Hair Streak, 3. White Letter Hair Streak, 4. Purple Hair Streak, 4a. Female, 5. Green Hair Streak

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement, Arthropod, Beauty In Nature

Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement, Arthropod, Beauty In Nature
Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement, Arthropod, Insect Lithographs, 154955285

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb

Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Arrangement, Arthropod, Insect Lithographs, 154955284

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Collection, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Apollo Butterfly, Arrangement

Collection, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Apollo Butterfly, Arrangement
Collection, Butterfly, Animal, Animal Limb, Animal Themes, Apollo But, Insect Lithographs, 154955265

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterfly, Animal Limb, Beauty In Nature, Beauty, Living Organism, Natural Pattern

Butterfly, Animal Limb, Beauty In Nature, Beauty, Living Organism, Natural Pattern
Butterfly, Animal Limb, Beauty In Nature, Beauty, Living Organism, Na, Insect Lithographs, 154955264

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetle

Victorian vintage engraving of a beetle, France, 1875

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Dragonfly

Victorian vintage engraving of a dragonfly, France, 1875

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Flies on a leaf

Flies on a leaf
Victorian vintage engraving of a Flies on a leaf, France, 1875

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: engraving 1878

engraving 1878
Encyclopedia Britannica 9th Edition Vol II New York, Samuel Hall 1878

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. White Admiral, 2. Purple Emperor, 3. Painted Lady

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. Red Admiral, 2. Peacock Butterfly, 3. Camberwell Beauty

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Bird in Brush with Nest

Bird in Brush with Nest
Insect Lithographs, WL000986

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetles old litho print from 1852

Beetles old litho print from 1852
Coloured antique Beetle lithographic print from Plate 71, volume 2: A History Of The Earth And Animated Nature by Oliver Goldsmith, 1852. 1. Hercules Beetle or Rhino Stag Beetle 2

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Fauna KdN t058 Alucita - Tineida

Fauna KdN t058 Alucita - Tineida
Alucita - Tineida

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Aquatic insects, lithograph, published in 1868

Aquatic insects, lithograph, published in 1868
Aquatic insects: Top row: Ruddy darter (Sympetrum sanguineum), Azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella, mating), Center row: Water scavenger beetle (Hydrophilidae), Azure damselfly (Coenagrion puella)

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Beetles chromolithography 1888

Beetles chromolithography 1888
Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Antenna, Antique, Butterfly, Camberwell Beauty, Illustration and Painting, Insect

Antenna, Antique, Butterfly, Camberwell Beauty, Illustration and Painting, Insect
Antenna, Antique, Butterfly, Camberwell Beauty, Illustration and Pai, Insect Lithographs, 155420666

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. Small Copper Butterfly, 2. Large Copper, 2a. Female, 3. Holly or Azure Blue, 3a. Female, 4. Bedford Blue, 4a. Female, 5. Mazarine Blue, 5a. Female

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies

Vintage lithograph from 1860 of Butterflies. 1. Black veined White, 2. Large Garden White Butterfly, 3. Small Garden White, 4. Green veined White, 5. Bath White Butterfly

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Fairies playing with butterflies

Fairies playing with butterflies
Vintage engraving from the story Princess Nobody A Tale of Fairyland. Fairies playing with butterflies, Richard Doyle

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Background imageInsect Lithographs Collection: Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

Butterflies, Moths, Insects and Plants - Illustration 1889

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