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Coal Collection

Background imageCoal Collection: Mine Striker with Family in Front of Tent

Mine Striker with Family in Front of Tent
(Original Caption) 12/8/1920-Red Jacket, WV-A miner poses with his wife and four children in front of their tent at the striker's camp

Background imageCoal Collection: Fossils and plants from the Carboniferous period, woodcuts, published 1897

Fossils and plants from the Carboniferous period, woodcuts, published 1897
Fossils and plants from the Carboniferous period. Wood engravings, published in 1897

Background imageCoal Collection: Dereliction

8th January 1955: The derelict buildings and discarded machinery of a worked-out coal mine near Wigan, Lancashire. Original Publication: Picture Post - 7467 - Problem Of A Dying Coalfield - pub

Background imageCoal Collection: City of Truro green steam engine

City of Truro green steam engine

Background imageCoal Collection: BBQ grilled chicken, chicken on rotating skewers

BBQ grilled chicken, chicken on rotating skewers

Background imageCoal Collection: Workers, Intercolonial Railway # 136

Workers, Intercolonial Railway # 136
(Original Caption) Canada: No. 136 of the Intercolonial Railway with the "way freight" at the foot of Amos Grade, west of Doaktown, Canada about 1906. Photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Carts Drawn In Strip Mines 1898

Coal Carts Drawn In Strip Mines 1898
(Original Caption) 1898-Wilburton, OK- Coal carts being drawn in the strip pits of Wilburton Indian territory

Background imageCoal Collection: Man Holding Mules at Coal Mine Entrance

Man Holding Mules at Coal Mine Entrance
Entrance to coal mine in Pennsylvania. Photo shows four horses hitched to a coal car with a man leading them out of the entrance to the mine. Undated Photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Brass Bucket Of Coal; Engraving

Brass Bucket Of Coal; Engraving
(Original Caption) Brass bucket for coal. BPA #1632

Background imageCoal Collection: Man Shoveling Coal Into Furnace

Man Shoveling Coal Into Furnace
(Original Caption) Photo show a man about to shovel what appears to be coal into a furnace at a nitrate refining plant. Undated. (Photo by �� Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageCoal Collection: Children in U.S. Coal Mine

Children in U.S. Coal Mine
(Original Caption) Child labor in U.S. coal mine. Photo, ca. 1903

Background imageCoal Collection: Labor Leader John Mitchell

Labor Leader John Mitchell
(Original Caption) 1903-John Mitchell (1870-1919), labor leader who organized coal miner's strike in 1902. Photograph, 1903. Copyright 1903 by J. E. Purdy, Boston

Background imageCoal Collection: Boy Working at a Mine

Boy Working at a Mine
(Original Caption) Mine "Tipple Boy", West Virginia coal mine. Photograph by Lewis Hine, 1908. BPA 2 #3116

Background imageCoal Collection: Armed Miners Grouped by White Tents

Armed Miners Grouped by White Tents
(Original Caption) 4/1914-Trinidad, CO- United Mine Workers military headquarters. Photo shows some of the armed miners involved in the coal strike war of the Ludlow mines. Filed 5/5/1914

Background imageCoal Collection: Coffins Pass in Front of Catholic Church

Coffins Pass in Front of Catholic Church
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO: Mourners watch as coffins of victims of the Ludlow coal miner's strike war pass by in front of the Catholic Church at Ludlow. Filed 5/5/1914

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners Standing on Platform

Coal Miners Standing on Platform
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO- A large group of coal miners on strike watching soldiers (not pictured) at the Ludlow Tent Colony

Background imageCoal Collection: Chavez's Hole at Ludlow Tent Colony

Chavez's Hole at Ludlow Tent Colony
This hole was dug under one of the tents as a shelter from the Colorado State Militia machine guns

Background imageCoal Collection: Strikers in United Miners of America Office

Strikers in United Miners of America Office
(Original Caption) 4/1914-Trinidad, CO- During the coal miner's strike, a large group of strikers pose for a photo inside the United Miner's of America office in Trinidad. Photo filed 5/4/1914

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners Children at U.M.A. School

Coal Miners Children at U.M.A. School
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO: Children of coal miners in a United Miners of America school

Background imageCoal Collection: Italian Family in Tent Colony Before War

Italian Family in Tent Colony Before War
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO: The Ludlow mines coal strike war of 1914. Armando Pilizzari, leader of the Italians

Background imageCoal Collection: Men Amongst Ruins of Forbes Tent Colony

Men Amongst Ruins of Forbes Tent Colony
(Original Caption) 4/1914-Trinidad, Colorado: Men and boys, some eating, stand around the snow-covered ruins of the Forbes Tent Colony which was destroyed by U.S. Militia in the Coal Strikers War

Background imageCoal Collection: Volunteers Help Feed Striking Miners

Volunteers Help Feed Striking Miners
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO: Volunteer cooks and waiter from sister states help feed the strikers during the coal miner's strike at Ludlow tent camp

Background imageCoal Collection: Alex Berkman Speaking at Rally

Alex Berkman Speaking at Rally
(Original Caption) 5/1/1914-I.W.W. meeting in sympathy with the Laidlaw, Colorado strikers. Alex Berkman is shown speaking

Background imageCoal Collection: Crowd of IWW Members Demonstrate in Union Square

Crowd of IWW Members Demonstrate in Union Square
(Original Caption) 5/1/1914-New York, NY: I. W. W. are shown in Union Square protesting the Colorado Coal strike violence

Background imageCoal Collection: Burning Camp During Mine Striker's War

Burning Camp During Mine Striker's War
(Original Caption) 4/1914- Trinidad, CO- The Coal Strikers War of April 1914

Background imageCoal Collection: Crowd Waiting To Get Coal For Heat

Crowd Waiting To Get Coal For Heat
(Original Caption) 12/31/1917-New York, NY: A scene in New York's ghetto showing hundreds struggling to get a few pounds of coal. Coal famine, 1917-1918 winter

Background imageCoal Collection: The American Coal Famine 1918

The American Coal Famine 1918

Background imageCoal Collection: Women with Signs Urge 'No Coal For England'

Women with Signs Urge "No Coal For England"
(Original Caption) 9/22/1920- Boston, MA- Boston women pickets are centering their drive to prevent the export of coal to that England

Background imageCoal Collection: People and Tents in Striking Miners Camp

People and Tents in Striking Miners Camp
(Original Caption) 12/6/1920- Red Jacket, WV- Scene in the tent city at Red Jacket, West Virginia. Photo shows adults and children

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Reserves on Monongahela River

Coal Reserves on Monongahela River
(Original Caption) Tons of coal in reserve held on the river at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Background imageCoal Collection: Abandoned Coal Mine Camp

Abandoned Coal Mine Camp
(Original Caption) 6/7/1937-Dartmont, Kentucky-A mine camp at Dartmont, near Evarts, KY, in Harlan County. In this mine the coal vein has run out, causing the abandonment of both camp and mine

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Strike at Coal Mine

Miners Strike at Coal Mine
(Original Caption) 10/10/1937-Coaldale

Background imageCoal Collection: Governor Visits Coal Miners in Mine

Governor Visits Coal Miners in Mine
(Original Caption) 10/11/1937-Coaldale, Pennsylvania-Governor George H

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miner Breaking Coal Off Rock Face

Coal Miner Breaking Coal Off Rock Face
(Original Caption) Coal miner breaking coal off the face, Illinois. Photograph, 1939

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal-Fired Power Plant

Coal-Fired Power Plant
(Original Caption) Factory exteriors: Electricity; Coal burning power plant. Photograph ca. 1940. BPA2# 1501

Background imageCoal Collection: Girl Holding Dog

Girl Holding Dog
(Original Caption) Photo of a young girl and her dog playing in front of the fireplace. Model: Elaine May Boomhower. Ca. 1940s-1950s

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Come Off Last Shift Before Strike

Miners Come Off Last Shift Before Strike
(Original Caption) 4/1/1941-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-As John L

Background imageCoal Collection: Executive Order Controlling Coal Mines

Executive Order Controlling Coal Mines
(Original Caption) 5/2/1943-Washington, DC- Sent to mine owners all over the nation was this letter, "Order for Taking Possession" to be posted in a prominent place in the mines

Background imageCoal Collection: Striking Miners Relax by Coal Stove

Striking Miners Relax by Coal Stove
(Original Caption) 5/2/1943-Dickson City, Pennsylvania-Relaxing under the comfortable heat of a stove, these four miners discuss their number one topic: the strike

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners File Out Of Mine

Coal Miners File Out Of Mine
(Original Caption) 8/31/44-Bishop, WV- Bituminous coal miners inspired by overseas victories of their sons & brothers

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Camp At Elkhorn Coal Co, Ky

Miners Camp At Elkhorn Coal Co, Ky
(Original Caption) 1946-Kona, KY: General view of miners'camp of the Elkhorn Coal Co. Kona, KY

Background imageCoal Collection: Women and Children Pushing Bags of Coal

Women and Children Pushing Bags of Coal
(Original Caption) 02/17/1947- London England: After waiting for four hours in the cold grey dawn

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Show V-Sign and Occupy Building

Miners Show V-Sign and Occupy Building
(Original Caption) 5/30/1984-London

Background imageCoal Collection: Miner In Mineshaft With Mule Cart

Miner In Mineshaft With Mule Cart
(Original Caption) Miner in shaft with mule-drawn cart. Undated photograph. See note

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Train Leaving Coal Mine; Donkeys

Coal Train Leaving Coal Mine; Donkeys
(Original Caption) Scranton, PA- Photo of a coal train leaving the mine. Photo shows miner leading a donkey that is hitched up to mining cars full of coal

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners with Lamp Helmets in Mine

Coal Miners with Lamp Helmets in Mine
(Original Caption) Coal Mining: Miners with lamps on their caps. Undated photograph. BPA2 #3109

Background imageCoal Collection: Prohibition Agents Capture Liquor Stash

Prohibition Agents Capture Liquor Stash
(Original Caption) Captured cache. Prohibition agents examine some of the 3, 000 bags of liquor hidden in a coal steamer in New York Harbor. Undated Photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Woman Loading Stove With Coal

Woman Loading Stove With Coal
(Original Caption) Silhouette of woman filling stove with coal. Undated photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Coming Out Of Mine Shaft On Cage

Miners Coming Out Of Mine Shaft On Cage
(Original Caption) Scranton, PA: Coal miners coming out of a shaft in a "cage." Undated stereoscopic image

Background imageCoal Collection: Horse-Drawn Carriage Being Loaded W/Coal

Horse-Drawn Carriage Being Loaded W/Coal
(Original Caption) A horse-drawn carriage of the Kingston Coal Co. being loaded. Undated photo

Background imageCoal Collection: Men And Women Digging For Own Coal

Men And Women Digging For Own Coal
(Original Caption) Due to the high cost of living during World War I, the poorer men and women in New York had to dig for their coal as shown in our picture. Photograph, ca. 1917

Background imageCoal Collection: Locomotives Taking on Coal in Coal Docks in Philadelphia

Locomotives Taking on Coal in Coal Docks in Philadelphia
(Original Caption) Philadelphia and Reading Railroad: Locomotives taking on coal in coal docks. Undated photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Loosening Rocks W/Picks

Miners Loosening Rocks W/Picks
(Original Caption) Anthracite coal mining near Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Photo shows miners at the Maple Hill Colliery loosening the top of a vein after a blast. Undated photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Smokestacks at Power Plant

Smokestacks at Power Plant
(Original Caption) View of smokestacks at a New York Edison Company power plant. Undated photograph

Background imageCoal Collection: Men Drilling in a Coal Mine

Men Drilling in a Coal Mine
(Original Caption) PA-Anthracite coal mining at Maple Hill Colliary, near Pottsvile, PA. Photo shows men drilling into a coal vein before blasting. Ca. 1940s

Background imageCoal Collection: Allowing a Car to Pass in the Shaft

Allowing a Car to Pass in the Shaft
Allowing a car to pass in a coal mine shaft

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Guarded as They Return to Work

Miners Guarded as They Return to Work
(Original Caption) 1888-Pennsylvania: Woodcut of miners returning to work under protective guard in the Schliylkill Coal Region of Pennsylvania

Background imageCoal Collection: Miners Threaten Immigrant Strikebreakers

Miners Threaten Immigrant Strikebreakers
(Original Caption) Maryland: A woodcut of a coal miners strike in the Cumberland region of Pennsylvania

Background imageCoal Collection: Illustration of Man Being Shot by Gang

Illustration of Man Being Shot by Gang
(Original Caption) Illustration shows Molly Maguire victim murdered by gang. Woodcut, 1877

Background imageCoal Collection: Man Shovels Coal Into Siren Mechanism

Man Shovels Coal Into Siren Mechanism
(Original Caption) Illustration of a man shoveling coal into a furnace to run the siren mechanism in the interior of a building. Undated illustration

Background imageCoal Collection: Illustration of Children Working in an English Coal Mine

Illustration of Children Working in an English Coal Mine
(Original Caption) Child labor in an English coal mine. Boys and girls conveying coal to the surface. Undated illustration. BPA2 #3113

Background imageCoal Collection: Group Of Miners Standing

Group Of Miners Standing
(Original Caption) 3/16/49-Wheeling, WV: Miners of the Valley Camp Coal Company's No.5 mine prepare to wash up and go home for two weeks, in accordance with John L

Background imageCoal Collection: Father Uses Toy High Chair for Fuel During Coal Strike

Father Uses Toy High Chair for Fuel During Coal Strike
(Original Caption) 3/6/1950 Chicago, IL

Background imageCoal Collection: Frankfurt Mothers Collecting Free Coal

Frankfurt Mothers Collecting Free Coal
(Original Caption) Bucket Brigade Lines Up for Coal "Drippings" -- Frankfurt, Germany.....Not because they anticipate a coal shortage in the Ruhr area this winter

Background imageCoal Collection: John Lewis Covered with Coal Dust

John Lewis Covered with Coal Dust
(Original Caption) 12/29/1951-West Frankfurt, IL- Weary and covered with coal dust after spending eight hours in the New Orient mine at West Frankfort, IL, John L

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners Practicing Safety Drill

Coal Miners Practicing Safety Drill
(Original Caption) 1/30/1955-Saar, Germany -ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Coal is the basis of Saar's economy

Background imageCoal Collection: Moslem Tradition of Walking on Hot Coals

Moslem Tradition of Walking on Hot Coals
(Original Caption) 7/21/1960-Karachi, Pakistan- Heroic feet carry this Moslem worshiper through a bed of glowing coals fanned by sttendants at Karachi, Pakistan

Background imageCoal Collection: Victorian coal miner pushing a minecart

Victorian coal miner pushing a minecart
Victorian vintage engraving of a 19th century coal miner pushing coal in a minecart

Background imageCoal Collection: Berlin Coal Distribution

Berlin Coal Distribution
(Original Caption) 12/4/1968- Berlin, Germany: Berlin coal distribution. Coal distribution for house heating began in the Western Sectors Nov 27

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners Protesting Black Lung Funding Cuts

Coal Miners Protesting Black Lung Funding Cuts
(Original Caption) 3/9/1981- DC: Thousands of coal miners rally at their headquarters near the White House 3/9

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Miners Strike in Front of White House

Coal Miners Strike in Front of White House
(Original Caption) 3/9/1981-Washington

Background imageCoal Collection: Linda Sabo in Saginaw Mine

Linda Sabo in Saginaw Mine
(Original Caption) 8/25/1981-St. Clairsville OH- Linda (Sabo) shovels coal back on to a section of belt

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Workers

Coal Workers
circa 1930: A group of coal workers in the West Indies, using baskets to carry the coal. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageCoal Collection: Persberg Mines, Sweden

Persberg Mines, Sweden
Engraved illustrations of Mining from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851. Copyright has expired on this artwork. Digitally restored

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal Mine

Coal Mine
Vintage engraving showing a cross section of a coal mine, 1864

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal miners, wood engraving, published in 1877

Coal miners, wood engraving, published in 1877
Workers in the coal mine. Wood engraving, published in 1877

Background imageCoal Collection: Kefir bacteria, SEM

Kefir bacteria, SEM
Kefir bacteria. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Lactococcus bacteria from kefir, a fermented milk beverage containing beneficial yeast as well as probiotic bacteria

Background imageCoal Collection: Cross section illustration of pit mine showing elevators moving up and down in mine shaft

Cross section illustration of pit mine showing elevators moving up and down in mine shaft, and train of coal below

Background imageCoal Collection: Illustration of cross-section through a coal mine

Illustration of cross-section through a coal mine

Background imageCoal Collection: Coal fields of great britain map 1884

Coal fields of great britain map 1884
Encyclopedia Britannica 9th Edition New York Charles Scribners and Sons 1884 Vol VI

Background imageCoal Collection: Aquifer, Arrow Sign, Carbon Dioxide, Close-Up, Coal, Connection, Cross Section, Day

Aquifer, Arrow Sign, Carbon Dioxide, Close-Up, Coal, Connection, Cross Section, Day, Digitally Generated, Direction, Environment, Fossil Fuel, Fuel and Power Generation, Geology, Global Warming

Background imageCoal Collection: Molly Maguire Men

Molly Maguire Men
Illustration of a meeting of Molly Maguire men during a strike at a coal mine circa 1870. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageCoal Collection: Green Stirling Single locomotive with a coal bunker, front view

Green Stirling Single locomotive with a coal bunker, front view

Background imageCoal Collection: Ornately decorated steam train with black locomotive and a long red carriage, side view

Ornately decorated steam train with black locomotive and a long red carriage, side view

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