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Cold War Collection

Background imageCold War Collection: Lionel Stander On Trial;Communist Invest

Lionel Stander On Trial;Communist Invest
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Veteran stage and screen star Lionel Stander (center-facing camera) testifies before the House Un-American Activities Committee, May 6

Background imageCold War Collection: Liebenstrasse View of Berlin Wall

Liebenstrasse View of Berlin Wall
(Original Caption) 3/1971-West Berlin, Germany-View along the Berlin Wall at Liebenstrasse

Background imageCold War Collection: Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin
(Original Caption) Close-up head shot of Joseph Stalin, (1879-1953). He ruled the U.S.S.R. as General Secretary of the Communist Party, and then Premier, from 1922-1953. Undated photograph

Background imageCold War Collection: Haile Selassie Chatting with Franklin Roosevelt

Haile Selassie Chatting with Franklin Roosevelt
(Original Caption) 1945- Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, chatting with President F.D. Roosevelt during the Yalta Conference

Background imageCold War Collection: William Foster Testifing Before HUAC

William Foster Testifing Before HUAC
(Original Caption) 11/8/1945- Photo shows William Z

Background imageCold War Collection: Truman Introduces Churchill

Truman Introduces Churchill
President Harry Truman introduces Winston Churchill, who a year before was Prime Minister of Great Britain, before his speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri

Background imageCold War Collection: President Truman Addressing Congress

President Truman Addressing Congress
President Harry Truman addresses a joint session of Congress

Background imageCold War Collection: J. Edgar Hoover Testifying for Un-American Activities Committee

J. Edgar Hoover Testifying for Un-American Activities Committee
(Original Caption) FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, today gave the House Un-American Activities Committee a blunt story regarding the working of the Communist party in this country

Background imageCold War Collection: J. Edgar Hoover Speaking at Microphones

J. Edgar Hoover Speaking at Microphones
(Original Caption) FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today gave the House Un-American Activities Committee a blunt story regarding the working of the Communist Party in this country

Background imageCold War Collection: Elizabeth Bentley Testifying at Senate Hearing

Elizabeth Bentley Testifying at Senate Hearing
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C...Elizabeth Bentley (above) self-confessed head of Soviet spy ring is shown as she referred to a list of names (concealed under witness table)

Background imageCold War Collection: Alger Hiss Being Sworn In

Alger Hiss Being Sworn In
(Original Caption) 8/25/1948-Washington, D.C.- Alger Hiss

Background imageCold War Collection: Whittaker Chambers at Hearing

Whittaker Chambers at Hearing
(Original Caption) House Committee on Un-American Activities. Close up of Whittaker Chambers at hearing in which Peters was questioned by House Committee

Background imageCold War Collection: Leslie Groves and J. Parnell Thomas

Leslie Groves and J. Parnell Thomas
Lieutenant General Leslie R. Groves (l), wartime Army Chief of the Atomic Bomb Project, confers with Representative J

Background imageCold War Collection: Steve Nelson Talking to his Attorney

Steve Nelson Talking to his Attorney
Steve Nelson (left), of Pittsburgh, the reputed head of the Communist Party of Western Pennsylvania, confers with his attorney Emanuel H

Background imageCold War Collection: Pumpkin with Microfilms at Farm

Pumpkin with Microfilms at Farm
(Original Caption) 12/4/48-Westminster, MD- A bunch of microfilms, found in the hollowed-out pumpkin (right) on a Maryland farm

Background imageCold War Collection: Army Santa Gives Gifts Out of Plane

Army Santa Gives Gifts Out of Plane
(Original Caption) 12/16/1948-Berlin, Germany- Eager hands reach out toward one of St. Nick's major assistants, standing in the "Operation Santa Claus" plane at Tempelhof Airport

Background imageCold War Collection: Election Sign

Election Sign
(Original Caption) 10/1949-Vienna, Austria: This huge election poster, put up by the Catholic People's Party in the last-hour flurry of the Austrian campaign

Background imageCold War Collection: Gorbachev And Reagan Signing Pact

Gorbachev And Reagan Signing Pact
US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signing the arms control agreement banning the use of intermediate-range nuclear missiles

Background imageCold War Collection: Civil Defense Logo--Encircled Triangle

Civil Defense Logo--Encircled Triangle
(Original Caption) Planning for protection of civilians against atomic weapons has been under way, with varied intensity, for more than 30 years

Background imageCold War Collection: Gen. Lauris Norstad W/Wife and Dog

Gen. Lauris Norstad W/Wife and Dog
(Original Caption) Fontainbleau, France- General Lauris Norstad, pictured above with his wife, Isabelle and their dog Mugsy in their Fontainbleau home, has been named, April 13th

Background imageCold War Collection: View Of East German Guard Tower & Rr

View Of East German Guard Tower & Rr
(Original Caption) Steinstucken, Germany: This East German guard tower overlooks the railroad track which runs through the isolated community of Steinstucken. Undated photograph

Background imageCold War Collection: People Picketing Peace Parley

People Picketing Peace Parley
(Original Caption) Carrying various anti-communist signs

Background imageCold War Collection: Jackie Robinson Testifying

Jackie Robinson Testifying
(Original Caption) 7/18/1949-Washington, DC: Brooklyn second baseman Jackie Robinson testifying before the House Un-American Activities Committee on the loyalty of American Blacks

Background imageCold War Collection: Milk Bottles at Door of Espionage Suspect

Milk Bottles at Door of Espionage Suspect
(Original Caption) September 29, 1949 - New York: Four milk bottles appear outside the apartment of John Hitchcock Chapin at 350 West 12th street, September 29, 1949

Background imageCold War Collection: Espionage Suspect Judith Coplon in Court House

Espionage Suspect Judith Coplon in Court House
Former Department of Justice employee Judith Coplon appears with her attorney Archibald Palmer at the federal court in New York to stand trial for espionage and conspiracy

Background imageCold War Collection: Russian Gas Mask Procedure

Russian Gas Mask Procedure
(Original Caption) Picture shows the Russian mask proceedure through the facilities of the United Nations material exchange. Undated photo circa 1950s

Background imageCold War Collection: British Soldiers Wave Goodbye

British Soldiers Wave Goodbye
(Original Caption) 1/11/50-London, England: With a big smile, a "Cheerio!" and a farewell wave, a strongly equipped force of British soldiers left London for Korea this week

Background imageCold War Collection: Row Of Accused Standing In Courtroom

Row Of Accused Standing In Courtroom
(Original Caption) 2/21/1950-Budapest, Hungary: Five of the men recently on trial in Budapest, charged with sabotage and spying for the West, are shown, each with a guard in between

Background imageCold War Collection: Men Seated Leaning Toward Loudspeaker

Men Seated Leaning Toward Loudspeaker
(Original Caption) 2/25/1950-Budapest, Hungary: Robert Vogeler (L), American executive of the International Telegraph and Telephone Corp

Background imageCold War Collection: President Truman Holding Press Conference

President Truman Holding Press Conference
(Original Caption) 3/30/1950 - Key West, FL: President Truman holds an open-air press conference at his Florida vacation retreat

Background imageCold War Collection: Composite Of Harry Gold After Arrest

Composite Of Harry Gold After Arrest
(Original Caption) 5/24/1950-Philadelphia, PA: Harry Gold, 39-year-old Philadelphia man arrested last night on espionage charges

Background imageCold War Collection: Trygve Lie Seated At Panel Speaking

Trygve Lie Seated At Panel Speaking
(Original Caption) 5/26/1950-Lake Success, NY: U.N. Secretary General Trygve Lie (foreground) is shown at the U.N. Headquarters announcing that the China crisis in the U.N

Background imageCold War Collection: Map of Communist Advances in East Asia

Map of Communist Advances in East Asia
A map made in 1950 depicts the "Domino Theory" - the idea that one nation "going Communist" would start a chain reaction of governmental change in the region

Background imageCold War Collection: Vannevar Bush Calls For Larger Army

Vannevar Bush Calls For Larger Army
(Original Caption) 12/12/1950-Washington, DC: Dr

Background imageCold War Collection: Budd Schulberg Testifying

Budd Schulberg Testifying
(Original Caption) 1951-Washington, D.C.: Novelist Budd Schulberg shown before the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageCold War Collection: Trial Witness Elizabeth Bentley

Trial Witness Elizabeth Bentley
Trial witness Elizabeth Bentley after supporting her testimony in the William Remington Perjury Trial were she claimed commerce department employee William Remington had passed her classified

Background imageCold War Collection: Air Raid Warden Directing Firefighters

Air Raid Warden Directing Firefighters
Air raid warden Norma Solberg directs firefighters John McClosky (left) and John McGrath (right) during an air raid drill

Background imageCold War Collection: Missing Person Files

Missing Person Files
(Original Caption) 1/12/1951-Berlin, Germany- RIAS - Berlin's Voice of Freedom

Background imageCold War Collection: Civil Defense Volunteers at the Civil Defense Headquarters

Civil Defense Volunteers at the Civil Defense Headquarters
(Original Caption) 1/13/1951-New York

Background imageCold War Collection: Duck and Cover Drill in School Classroom

Duck and Cover Drill in School Classroom
School children learn to protect themselves in case of nuclear attack by practicing a duck and cover drill in the classroom of their school

Background imageCold War Collection: Ruth Greenglass Testifies at Trial

Ruth Greenglass Testifies at Trial
(Original Caption) 3/14/1951-New York: Ruth Greenglass, accused of being a co-conspirator in the espionage plot but who is not a defendant in the A-bomb spy trial

Background imageCold War Collection: Gale Sondergaard Testifying Before Committee

Gale Sondergaard Testifying Before Committee
(Original Caption) Gale Sondergaard, right, Hollywood film star, shown with one of her attorneys, Ben Margolies, Los Angeles, California

Background imageCold War Collection: Howard Da Silva and Lawyer at Court Hearing

Howard Da Silva and Lawyer at Court Hearing
(Original Caption) Howard Da Silva, the stage and screen actor, today challenged the House Un-American Activities Committee's right to question him

Background imageCold War Collection: Sterling Hayden Testifying Before HUAC

Sterling Hayden Testifying Before HUAC
(Original Caption) Film actor Sterling Hayden, above

Background imageCold War Collection: Sterling Hayden Testifying

Sterling Hayden Testifying
(Original Caption) Film actor Sterling Hayden, a Marine hero during World War II, testifies before the House Un-American activities committee, April 10, 1951, in Washington, D.C

Background imageCold War Collection: Screenwriter Robert Lees Testifying During McCarthy Hearings

Screenwriter Robert Lees Testifying During McCarthy Hearings
Screen writer Robert Lees (L), with his attorney Robert W

Background imageCold War Collection: Will Geer Testifying at the US Capitol

Will Geer Testifying at the US Capitol
(Original Caption) April 11, 1951 - Washington, D.C.: Film actor Will Geer sits tight lipped as he testifies before the house Un-American activities committee in Washington

Background imageCold War Collection: Morris Carnovsky Testifying Before Committee

Morris Carnovsky Testifying Before Committee
(Original Caption) Pleading possible self-incrimination, actor Morris Carnovsky, above, refused to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether he is or ever has been a Communist

Background imageCold War Collection: Abe Polonsky Testifying Before House

Abe Polonsky Testifying Before House
(Original Caption) 4/25/51-Washington, DC: Screenwriter and novelist Abe Polonsky shown as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee today

Background imageCold War Collection: Budd Schulberg Testifying

Budd Schulberg Testifying
(Original Caption) 5/23/51-Washington

Background imageCold War Collection: Japanese Agent Testifying at Hearing

Japanese Agent Testifying at Hearing
Mitusada Yoshikawa, head of the Japanese equivalent of the F.B.I. testifies before the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee in the matter of the spy Richard Sorge in 1951

Background imageCold War Collection: Henry Blankfort Testifying Before HUAC

Henry Blankfort Testifying Before HUAC
(Original Caption) The Un-American Activities Committee interviewing writer Henry Blankfort, 45, concerning communism in Hollywood in its second open session

Background imageCold War Collection: Jeff Corey Sitting in on HUAC Session

Jeff Corey Sitting in on HUAC Session
(Original Caption) Screen actor Jeff Corey (left) with his attorney A.L. Wirin (right), witness at today's session of the House Un-American Activities Committee

Background imageCold War Collection: Bing Crosby and Sons Start Anti-Communism Crusade

Bing Crosby and Sons Start Anti-Communism Crusade
(Original Caption) 9/26/51-San Francisco, California: The Crosby Clan (L to R) Gary, Dennis, Phillip and Bing

Background imageCold War Collection: People Looking Up From Subway Entrance

People Looking Up From Subway Entrance
(Original Caption) 11/28/51-New York: Air Raid Drill. Financial District. People looking up from subway entrance at Wall St. and Broadway, while sirens blow

Background imageCold War Collection: Clifford Odets Discussing Un-American Activities

Clifford Odets Discussing Un-American Activities
(Original Caption) 1952-Washington, DC- Clifford Odets, 46-year-old author of many plays and Hollywood films, is shown as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee yesterday

Background imageCold War Collection: Burdick and S. H. Grinnell and Civil Defense Display

Burdick and S. H. Grinnell and Civil Defense Display
(Original Caption) 1/2/1952-New York, NY- Dramatic Civil Defense exhibits, featuring the role of Civil Defenxe in this day of atomic

Background imageCold War Collection: Atom Bomb Dance

Atom Bomb Dance
Dancer Gene Nelson throws himself in all directions as he performs what he calls the Atom Antic on a mountain top not far from Las Vegas

Background imageCold War Collection: Teacher And Children Crouching Under Table

Teacher And Children Crouching Under Table
(Original Caption) 5/2/1952-Newark

Background imageCold War Collection: Clifford Odets Sitting and Smoking

Clifford Odets Sitting and Smoking
(Original Caption) Clifford Odets, the 46-year-old author of many Broadway plays and Hollywood films, is shown as he testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee yesterday

Background imageCold War Collection: Family Escaping in a Tunnel

Family Escaping in a Tunnel
John C. Leger, a New York advertising executive who lives in Bronxville, New York, has made elaborate preparations for the preservation of himself and his family in the event of an atomic war

Background imageCold War Collection: Youth Check Supplies in Fallout Shelter

Youth Check Supplies in Fallout Shelter
(Original Caption) 5/29/1952-Bronxville, NY: John C. Legler is a man who likes to be prepared

Background imageCold War Collection: Sentries at West German Checkpoint

Sentries at West German Checkpoint
West German sentries patrol a new barricade in front of the common barrier on a highway running from the West Zone to the east. The new barricade is the result of the kidnapping of Dr

Background imageCold War Collection: Children Testing Bomb Shelter Escape Hatch

Children Testing Bomb Shelter Escape Hatch
Ten-year-old Mitchell Legler (left), his sister Sandra (right), and her friend, Nancy Walker (in white blouse), test the escape hatch of the Legler family's bomb shelter in Bronxville, New York

Background imageCold War Collection: Scene from the Austrian Film April 2000

Scene from the Austrian Film April 2000
(Original Caption) 11/7/1952- In the as-yet unnamed Austrian satirical movie dealing with political life in the year 2, 000

Background imageCold War Collection: Preparation for A-Bomb Test

Preparation for A-Bomb Test
A.E.C. security guard Ed Addington tucks in a store dummy, March 15, in the second floor bedroom of one of the two houses which will be exposed to the 21st atomic blast at Yucca Flats on March 17th

Background imageCold War Collection: Artie Shaw Raising Right Hand to Testify

Artie Shaw Raising Right Hand to Testify
(Original Caption) Bandleader Artie Shaw, the leadoff witness in the House Un-American Activities Committee probe of Communists in the entertainment and education fields

Background imageCold War Collection: Band Director Artie Shaw While Testifying at Senate Hearing

Band Director Artie Shaw While Testifying at Senate Hearing
(Original Caption) New York: Bandleader Shaw Testifies. Bandleader Artie Shaw (leaning on table, center), testifies at the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing of May 4th, in New York

Background imageCold War Collection: An A-Bomb Pause for Play

An A-Bomb Pause for Play
Early morning bathers at a hotel pool in Las Vegas stop in the midst of their frolicking to watch the mushroom cloud form from the May 8th atomic detonation a Frenchman's Flat

Background imageCold War Collection: Rosenberg Pickets at White House 1953

Rosenberg Pickets at White House 1953
(Original Caption) 06/19/1953-Washington, DC: Pickets pro and against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in front of the White House

Background imageCold War Collection: Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz Holding Press Conference

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz Holding Press Conference
(Original Caption) Husband and wife television comedy stars Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball are surrounded by reporters and photographers as they hold a press conference September 12th at the Arnaz home

Background imageCold War Collection: Gasthalter Family Arrives at Airport

Gasthalter Family Arrives at Airport
(Original Caption) 10/30/1953-New York

Background imageCold War Collection: Seated Women Watch Tv In Room W/Table

Seated Women Watch Tv In Room W/Table
(Original Caption) 1/31/54-East Berlin, Germany- Western journalists were permitted by Russians recently to visit and photograph sections of East Berlin

Background imageCold War Collection: Display of Assassin Weapons

Display of Assassin Weapons
(Original Caption) Bonn, Germany: Soviet Cigarettes Contain Harsh Irritants. This small but effective arsenal contains some of the latest Soviet devices for the well-equipped assassin

Background imageCold War Collection: Jerome Robbins At HUAC

Jerome Robbins At HUAC
(Original Caption) 5/5/1954- New York, NY: Says he was a red

Background imageCold War Collection: Charge Against Oppenheimer Revealed

Charge Against Oppenheimer Revealed
William L. Borden, former Staff Director of the House-Senate Atomic Energy Committee, charged in a letter to the FBI last November that Dr. J

Background imageCold War Collection: Navy Officer Checking Sailor with Geiger Counter

Navy Officer Checking Sailor with Geiger Counter
(Original Caption) Chief F.R. Statzula (L) checks out Torpedoman E.J

Background imageCold War Collection: Illustration of a Man in a Foxhole Fallout Shelter

Illustration of a Man in a Foxhole Fallout Shelter
(Original Caption) 2/16/1955-Chicago, IL- The safest place for persons caught in H-bomb blast is below the earth's surface, advises atomic scientist Ralph E. Lapp

Background imageCold War Collection: Pedestrians Watching Nuclear Test in Las Vegas

Pedestrians Watching Nuclear Test in Las Vegas
A group of gamblers stand across the Las Vegas Club and Pioneer Club along Fremont Street, watching the early morning sky illuminate from an atomic blast

Background imageCold War Collection: Khrushchev and Tito Making a Toast

Khrushchev and Tito Making a Toast
(Original Caption) Nikita Khrushchev

Background imageCold War Collection: Soviet Defense Minister Georgi Zhukov Gesturing Genially

Soviet Defense Minister Georgi Zhukov Gesturing Genially
(Original Caption) Geneva, Switzerland: Soviet Defense Minister Georgi K. Zhukov gestures genially during the garden party given by the Russians for the U.S. Delegation to the Big Four Conference

Background imageCold War Collection: Philip Koritz Speaking into Microphone

Philip Koritz Speaking into Microphone
(Original Caption) Washington: Refuses To Answer Questions

Background imageCold War Collection: Sobell Women of the Rosenberg Trial

Sobell Women of the Rosenberg Trial
(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Seek New Trial For Sobell

Background imageCold War Collection: Musician Pete Seeger Playing Banjo

Musician Pete Seeger Playing Banjo
(Original Caption) 8/18/1955- New York, NY: Folk singer questioned

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